Richard Jordan Lutheran-Hymnal.Com 1307 Tanager Ave Ocheyedan, Iowa 51354 USA Brass Quartet Scores for Sale At Lutheran-Hymnal.Com Scores are $3.00 each and are sent via email in adobe acrobat format. Please enclose check with order, payable in US dollars, and made out to Richard Jordan. Please double check your email address, so that we can deliver your score. Name Street City/State/Zip Email Scores @ $3.00ea bq280 Abends - Herbet Oakeley 1871 bq087 Antioch - George Handel 1742 TLH280 Return, O Wanderer, Return TLH087 Joy to the World, the Lord is Come bq292 Ach bleib bei uns - Leipzig 1580 bq192 Auf, auf, mein Herz - Johann Cruger 1648 TLH292 Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide TLH192 Awake, My Heart, with Gladness bq102 Adeste fidelus - English? c.1700 bq473 Aurelia - Samuel Wesley 1864 TLH102 Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful TLH473 The Church's One Foundation bq476 Alford - John Dykes 1875 bq248lw Aus Tiefer Not II - Strassburg 1525 TLH476 Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand LW 248 Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread bq236 All Ehr un Lob - Strassburg 1541 bq548 Aus meines Herzens Grunde - Hamburg 1598 TLH236 Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid TLH548 My Inmost Heart Now Raises bq452 All Saints New - Henry Cutter 1872 bq281 Azmon - Carl Glaser 1829 TLH452 The Son of God Goes Forth to War TLH281 The Savior Calls; Let Every Ear bq282 Alles ist an Gottes Segen - Johann Konig 1732 bq481 Baltimore - Bernard Schumacher 1910 TLH282 Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures TLH481 Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow bq352 Angel's Story - Arthur Mann 1881 bq360 Beatitudo - John Dykes 1875 TLH352 O Savior, Precious Savior TLH360 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing bq242 Angelus - Breslau 1657 bq363 Bedford - William Wheall 1729 TLH242 Father of Heaven, Whose Love Profound TLH363 To Our Redeemer's Glorious Name bq276 Anthes - Friedrich Anthes 1847 bq464 Boylston - Lwell Mason 1832 TLH276 Come Unto Me, Ye Weary TLH464 Blessed Be the Tie tha Binds Brass Quartet Score Catalog March 2001 from Lutheran-Hymnal.Com 1 bq417lw Brother James Air - JL Bain 1925 bq063lw Dies Est Laetitiae - German c.1400 LW 417 The Lord's My Shepherd Leading Me LW 063 Who Are These That Earnest Knock bq403lw Bunessan - Gaelic folk tune bq021 Dir, dir, Jehova - Hamburg 1690 LW 403 Praise and Thanksgiving TLH021 Jehova, Let me Now Adore Thee bq454 Burford - John Chetham 1718 bq098 Divinum mysterium - Plainsong c.1100 TLH454 Almighty Lord, Before Thy Throne TLH098 Of the Father's Love Begotten bq062lw Carol - Richard Witts 1900 bq162lw Down Ampney - Ralph Vaugh Williams 1906 LW 062 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear LW 162 Come Down, O Love Divine bq223lw Christ Unser Herr - Johann Walther 1524 bq200 Duke Street - John Hatton 1793 LW 223 To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord TLH200 I Know that My Redeemer Lives bq482lw Christe Sanctorum - Paris 1681 bq463lw Durrow - Irish LW 482 Father, We Praise You LW 463 The Clouds of Judgment Gather bq190 Christus ist erstanden - Latin c.1100 bq199 Easter Hymn - English 1708 TLH190 Christ the Lord is Risen Again TLH199 Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia! bq350 Clairvaux - Herman Polack 1910 bq262 Ein Feste Burg - Martin Luther 1520 TLH350 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee TLH262 Ein Feste Burg - A Mighty Fortress bq089 Cordis Donum - German 1653 bq366 Eins ist not - Friedrich Layritz 1849 TLH089 To Thee My Heart I Offer TLH366 One Thing's Needful; Lord, This Treasure bq339 Coronation - Oliver Holden 1793 bq453 Eirene - Francis Havergal 1871 TLH339 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name TLH453 We Are the Lord's, His All-Sufficient bq308 Das walt' Gott Vater - Daniel Vetter 1713 bq009 Ellacombe - Wurttenberg 1724 TLH308 Invited, Lord, by Boundless Grace TLH009 O Day of Rest and Gladness bq163 Den Signede Dag - Christoph Weyse 1826 bq232 Erfurht - Herman Ilse 1912 TLH163 O Day of Grace TLH232 Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky bq078 Der Tag, der ist - German c.1400 bq005 Erhalt uns, Herr - Wittenberg 1542 TLH078 Hail the Day So Rich in Cheer TLH005 Lord, Open Thou My Heart to Hear bq341 Diademata - George Elvey 1868 bq076 Es ist ein Ros' - Cologne 1599 TLH341 Crown Him with many Crowns TLH076 A Great and Mighty Wonder bq419lw Die Guldne Sonne - Johann Ebeling - 1676 bq293 Es ist gewisslich - Wittenberg 1535 LW 419 Evening and Morning TLH293 O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace bq547 Die helle Sonn leuchtet - Melchoir Vulpius 1609 bq479 Fahre fort - Halle 1704 TLH547 The Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies TLH479 Zion, Rise, Zion, Rise Brass Quartet Score Catalog March 2001 from Lutheran-Hymnal.Com 2 bq540 Fang dein Werk - Peter Frank 1657 bq002 Gott sei Dank - Halle 1704 TLH540 With the Lord Begin Thy Task TLH002 To Thy Temple I Repair bq243lw Farley Castle - Henry Lewis 1662 bq501 Gott sei dank - Halle 1704 LW 243 Here, O My Lord, I See you Face to Face TLH501 Soldiers of Christ, Arise bq346 Federal Street - Henry Oliver 1832 bq313 Gott sei gelobet - German c.1400 TLH346 Jesus! and Shall It Ever Be TLH313 O Lord, We Praise Thee bq008 Fred til Bod - Ludvig Lindeman 1871 bq250 Grosser Gott - Vienna 1725 TLH008 Father, Who the Light This Day TLH250 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name bq096 Freuet euch, ihr Christen - Andreas Hammerschmidt bq390lb Hankey - William Fischer 1912 1646 LBW390 I Love to Tell the Story TLH096 Oh, Rejoice, Ye Christians Loudly bq017 Hanover - William Croft 1708 bq457 Friend - Charles Converse 1863 TLH017 Oh, Worship the King TLH457 What a Friend We have in Jesus bq207sbh Haydn - Franz Jospeh Haydn 1809 bq077 Frohlich soll mein Herz - Johann Cruger 1653 SBH207 Come My Soul, Thou Must Waken TLH077 All My Heart This Night Rejoices bq501lb He Leadeth Me - William Bradbury 1868 bq469 Galilean - Joseph Barnby 1883 LBW501 He Leadeth Me TLH469 Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken bq573sbh Heavenly Love - Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1847 bq141lw Gaudeamus Pariter - Johann Horn 1547 SBH573 O Blessed Sun Whose Splendor LW 141 Come You Faithful Raise the Strain bq003 Herr Jesu Christ, dich - Dresden 1623 bq544 Geduld, die sollen wir haben - Frankfurt 1607 TLH003 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now TLH544 While Yet the Morn is Breaking bq007 Herr Jesu Christ, mein's - Leipzig 1625 bq208 Gelobt sei Gott - Melchoir Vulpius 1609 TLH007 As We Begin Another Week TLH208 Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 353 Herre Jesu Krist - Ludwig Lindeman 1871 bq082 Gladness - Bohemian c.1100 TLH353 Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest TLH082 Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing bq172 Herzlich tut mich - Hans Hassler 1801 bq055lw Gloria - French TLH172 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded LW 055 Angels We Have heard on High bq241 Herzlieber Jesu - Johann Cruger 1640 bq165oxford Golden Mornings - English carol TLH241 Father Most Holy, Merciful and Tender OXF165 They Saw the Light Shine Out Afar bq136lw Heut Triumphieret Gottes Sohn - Frankfurt 1601 bq247 Gott der Vater wohn - 14th Century LW 136 Today in Triumph Christ Arose TLH247 God the Father, Be Our Stay bq808hs Humility - John Goss 1880 bq549 Gott des Himmels - Heinrich Albert 1644 HS 808 See in Yonder Manger Low TLH549 God, Who Madest Earth and Heaven Brass Quartet Score Catalog March 2001 from Lutheran-Hymnal.Com 3 bq551 Hursley - Vienna 1775 bq211 Judah's Lion - Bohemian c.1600 TLH551 Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear TLH211 Lo! Judah's Lion Wins the Strife bq551lb Hymn to Joy - Ludwig van Beethoven 1827 bq467 Kirken den er et - Ludwig Lindeman 1871 LBW551 Joyful Joyful, We Adore Thee TLH467 Built on a Rock the Church doth Stand bq431 Ich danke dir schon - Michael Praetorious - 1610 bq233 Komm, Gott Schopfer - Latin c.600 TLH431 The King of Love My Shepherd Is TLH233 Come Holy Ghost, Creaor Blest bq315 Ich sterbe taglich - Leipzig 1756 bq224 Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott - 15th Century German TLH315 I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table TLH224 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord! bq164lw In Babilone - Dutch c.1700 bq226 Komm, o komm, du Geist - JC Bach 1693 LW 164 Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling TLH226 Come, Oh Come, Thou Quickening Spirit bq442lw In Dir Ist Freude - Giovani Gastoldi 1622 bq-come_now Kommet Ihr Hirten - German c.1800 LW 442 In You is Gladness Come_now Come Now Ye Shepherds bq092 In dulci iubilo - German c.1300 bq006 Kyrie, Gott Vater - Latin c.800 TLH092 Now Sing We, Now Rejoice TLH006 Kyrie, God Father in Heaven Above bq203 Innocents - French c.1200 bq205 Lancashire - Henry Smary 1886 TLH203 Morning Breaks upon the Tomb TLH205 The Day of Resurection bq058lw Irby - Henry Gauntlett 1876 bq211sbh Lancaster - Samuel Howard 1782 LW 058 Once in Royal David's City SBH211 Now That The Daystar Glimmers Bright bq227 Italian Hymn - Felice de Giardini 1769 bq015 Lasst uns erfreuen - Cologne 1623 TLH227 Come, Holy Ghost, in Love TLH015 From All that Dwell below the Skies bq249 Jesaia dem Propheten - Martin Luther 1526 bq460lw Laudes Domini - Joseph Barnby - 1896 TLH249 Isaiah, Mighty Seer, in Days of Old LW 460 When Morning Gilds the Skies bq347 Jesu, meine Freude - Johann Cruger 1656 bq902hs Le Ping - Chinese folk tune TLH347 Jesus Priceless Treasure HS 902 Greet the Rising Sun bq151 Jesu, meines Lebens Leben - Darmstadt 1687 bq016 Liebster Jesu - Johann Ahle 1664 TLH151 Christ the Life of All the Living TLH016 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word bq311 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland - Wittenberg 1535 bq191 Llanfair - Robert Williams 1817 TLH311 Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior TLH191 Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Alleluia bq348 Jesus, Jesus nicht als Jesus - Hamburg 1715 bq447eg Lobet den Herren alle, die ihn ehren - Johann Cruger - TLH348 Jesus, Jesus,
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