PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HEatALD. Manchester. Conn.. Tues.. April 15. 1975 OBITUARIES Line-By-Line Review (Continued from Page One) POLICE REPORT Mrs. Anna M. McCann tions become disproportionate — Lannan. for Ed BeUeville (assessor) because of Mrs. Waiter McClatchey •Reflected in the police department meritorious service. Under his direction ELLINGTON - Mrs. Anna Act funds), no new employes and no new SOUTH WINDSOR - Mrs. budget are LE^-funded programs (Law and involvement, the town is saving $75,- M. McCann, 91, of 6 Laurel Rd. programs are being requested. Margaret Niederwerfer Enforcement Assistance Administartion) 000 to $100,000 in revaluation expenses. He was transferred at 7:30 died Sunday at her home. She Appearing before the board to explain MANCHESTER McClatchey, 65, of 73 Barber where grants have ran out and toe town Other assessors in other towns wouldn’t p.m. to Hartford Hospital. A MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 6 ,1 9 7 5 - VOL. XCIV, No. 167 Manchester—A City of Village Charm THIRTY-TWO PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRlCEi FIFTEEN CENTS was the wido of Charles E. the police department budget were; Stanley Shamonis, 45, of 175 Hill Rd., East Windsor, former­ now is picking up toe costs — Weiss. touch revaluation with a ten«foot pole — 'Spokesman at toe hospital ^ d McCann. Polira Chief-designate Robert Lannan, Woodland St. was arrested ly of South Windsor, died Mon­ •It would be untypical for toe police to Weiss. his condition was stable and Bom in Honesdale, Pa., Mrs. Capt. George McCaughey, Lt. Richard Monday at 7:38 p.ita. outside day at Hartford Hospital after a provide services for private shopping •If I had to do it over again, I wouldn’t — that he was awake and alert McCann had lived in Ellington Sartor, and John Baldyga, chief of police Poiice Headquarters and long Uness. She was the wife of areas, such as toe Parkade. Can one say Belleville; late tlds morning. for the past four years. She was equipment. Fire Chief John Rivosa charged with intoxication and Walter S. McClatchey. one shopping area is more important than •Mel Siebold will spend more of his time East Hartford Police told a member of St. John’s appeared for the Town Fire Department. resisting arrest, poiice said. Mrs. McClatchey was bom another? It was on that basis Reardon at night rec programs (two or three Manchester Police they, had Lutheran Church, Honesdale. Aiso appearing were James Turek, tax He \yas releas^ on $100 non­ Aug. 5, 1909 in South Windsor (former Police Chief James Reardon) op- nights) and less time during toe day, found a highly intoxicated Survivors are a son, Robert collector; Ed Belleville, assessor; Paul surety bond for appearance in ' Communists JContinue and had lived in the area all her posed toe request of the Parkade for except as needed — Weiss. young girl on toe ski slope side G. McCann of Point Pleasant, Juttner, director of data processing; Mel Common Pleas Court 12 in East life. She was a graduate of police patrols — Weiss. ■ •I found my teaching job at Post Junior of Wickham Park after 3 p.m. N. J.; a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Siebold, rec director; Maurice Pass, Hartford April 2$. Rockville High School. She was •The new Buckland firehouse should be Coliege was interfering with my town job Monday. They took her to their L. Hoff of Ellington, with whom purchasing agent; Thomas Moore, con- a member of Wapping Com­ ready for use in the 1975-76 fiscal year — and I had decided to give it up even before headquarters until her head she made her home; 16 trolier; Jerome Baskin, town auditor; I ^ munity Church and Vernon Rivosa and Weiss. the dispute over it developed — Siebold. cleared. "?4 grandchildren and a great­ Kwash, representing the data processing Someone broke into a Foster Grange and had been active in •Except for basketball and swimming, Police are now investigating Drive Toward Saigon grandchild. advisory committee; and Weiss. •The $18,000 to $20,000 needed for an St. home within toe past few 4-H Club work for many years. the kids have been pushed out of toe East the two cases. The funeral is Thursday at Basicaliy, what the directors heard emergency vehicle for toe fire department days. From appearances, toe Other survivors are a son, Side Rec because so much of it has been SAIGON (UPI) — Tank-led Communist the 2,000-man regiment of the 18th Divi­ It was the 18th provincial capital lost to 10:30 a.m. at the Bryant from ali was what they already had heard isn’t in the 1975-76 budget; however, toe thief may only have stolen a Robert McClatchey of Bedford, taken over by Bennet Junior High. i forces captured another provincial capital sion at Gia Kiem, eight miles northwest of the Communists in the current offensive Funeral Home, Honesdale, Pa. from Weiss — that cutting the budgets current budget may' have a surplud suf­ nap on toe living room couch, Mass.; a daughter, Mrs. Sometimes, as many as 200 kids are today, shut down Bien Hoa air base for Xuan Loc, which is 38 miles northeast of and left the North Vietnamese and Viet Burial will be in Honesdale. would be at the expense of cutting ser­ ficient to provide toe needed funds — police said. A MODERN Lorraine Wethereil of Somers; hanging around there with nothing to do. neariy six hours with an artillery barrage Saigon. By nightfali, field reporters said, Cong in full control of Ninh Thuan There are no calling hours. Rivosa. three brothers, Herbert vices. The faciiities can take care of about 40 per PHi and routed a South Vietnamese regimentai toe battered outfit had retreated to Trang Province. The Communists now control 18 The White-Gibson-Small They learned other things also, such as: Niederwerfer of Tolland, Frank •The estimate for 99.2 per cent coilec- cent. TTiey roam the building and, as long base outside the province capital of Xuan Bom, only 23 miles from the capital. of South Vietnam’s 44 provinces and two- Funeral Home, 65 Elm St., •The projections of the police workload The regiment, which some field reports Niederwerfer of South Windsor tion of 1974-75 taxes may be met and the as they don’t bother us, we don’t bother Alcohol and drugs may be the Loc. thirds of the nation’s territory. Rockville, is in charge of local indicated serious crimes in Manchester said appeared to be 80 per cent destroyed, and Richard Niederwerfer of estimate for 1975-76 will be at 99,per cent them. cause of a youth’s unconscious The series of military setbacks shook Windsor; two sisters, Mrs. arrangements. wiil continue to rise at a high rate — ’Turek. toe morale of war-weary government biew up eight American-supplied 105mm In spite of reports to the contrary, we state Monday which lasted Jam os Rose Hincksand Mrs. Hazel throughout the 1975-76 fiscal yehr — Sar­ troops fighting to keep the remnants of a and 155mm howitzer artillery pieces •We’re asking toe board to approve pay­ are having less problems with the kids this many hours, police said. Bernier, both of Ellington; and tor. F. dwindling South Vietnam from falling into before fleeing, military sources said. ment of all motor vehicle taxes in one in­ year than in former years. The problems five grandchildren. •Cuts in the police budget would D’Amato Oonununist* hands. They coincided with Sources said other government troops stallment —’Turek. (At present, if the tax we’re having in the basketball leagues at A girl in Wickham Park Cambodian The funeral is Thursday at 11 "stack” calls for service and would cause BS/R.PH. { reports toe Conununistsad established an today abandoned the province capitai of on motor vehicles is $100 or less, it must the East Side Rec are more the fault of toe flagged down a police cruiser a.m. at Wapping Community Mrs. John O. Works considerable citizen concern —Lannan. air base at Pleiku in the Central Phan Rang, on the south China S ^ coast be paid in one installment. If over $100, it parents than the players and the officials there at 4; 15 p.m. to tell of a 15- Church. The Rev. Harold W. Mrs. Nina J . Works, 91, of 88 •Plea-bargaining in the courts appears Highlands. 165 miles northeast of Saigon, when it was may be paid in two installmento.) Siebold. year-old East Hartford youth Cease-Fire Richardson, pastor, will of­ HoU St. died Monday night at a to be the mode of the times. As arrests in­ The Communists, moving under a attacked by a 5,000-man (^mmunist force •I’m recommending a double increment lying unconscious in bushes by ficiate. Burial will be in Wlnd- Manchester convalescent home crease, case-loads increase and convic- the Oriental Garden, police Scientific medicine began barrage of more than 1,000 shells, overran moving with tank support. sorville Cemetery. after a long illness. She was the said. with toe Greeks...There were, Requested Friends may call at Ladd wife of John 0. Works. however men who practiced Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Mrs. Works was bora Nov. 3, The youth had a strong odor the art of healing long before Ave., Rockville, Wednesday 1883 in New York City, Cycle Crash Kills of liquor on his breath and the time of the Greek GENEVA (UPI) - The Cambodian from 7 to 9 p.m. daughter of the late Henry and showed signs of going into physicians...The skeletons of Shelepin Ousted government has asked Prince Norodom The family suggests that any Margaret Reichardt Roth, and shock, police, said.
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