Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–22 (2009) Printed 18 July 2021 (MN LATEX style file v2.2) The black hole mass–bulge mass correlation: bulges versus pseudo-bulges Jian Hu? Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 1, D-85741 Garching bei Munchen,¨ Germany Accepted 2009 ... Received 2009 ...; in original form 2009 ... ABSTRACT We investigate the scaling relations between the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) mass (Mbh) and the host bulge mass in elliptical galaxies, classical bulges, and pseudo-bulges. We use two-dimensional image analysis software BUDDA to obtain the structural parameters of 57 galaxies with dynamical Mbh measurement, and determine the bulge K-band luminosi- ties (Lbul,K), stellar masses (Ms), and dynamical masses (Md). The updated Mbh-Lbul,K, Mbh- Ms, and Mbh-Md correlations for elliptical galaxies and classical bulges give Mbh'0.006Ms 11 or 0.003Md. The most tight relationship is log(Mbh/M ) = α + β log(Md=10 M ), with α = 8:46 ± 0:05, β = 0:90 ± 0:06, and intrinsic scatter 0 = 0:27 dex. The pseudo-bulges follow their own relations, they harbor an order of magnitude smaller black holes than those in the same massive classical bulges, i.e. Mbh'0.0003Ms or 0.0002Md. Besides the Mbh-σ∗ (bulge stellar velocity dispersion) relation, these bulge type dependent Mbh-Mbul scaling rela- tions provide information for the growth and coevolution histories of SMBHs and their host bulges. We also find the core elliptical galaxies obey the same Mbh-Md relation with other normal elliptical galaxies, that is expected in the dissipationless merger scenario. Key words: black hole physics – galaxies: bulges – galaxies: formation – galaxies: funda- mental parameters – galaxies: nuclei. 1 INTRODUCTION measure the bulge properties. They obtain the structural parameters of 37 galaxies by a two-dimensional bulge/disk decomposition pro- Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are now believed to be a key gram GALFIT (Peng et al. 2002), determined L and estimated M . element in galaxy formation. They grow and coevolve with their bul d They found tight M -L and M -M relations (M ∼0.002M , host galaxies, regulate star formation and heat intracluster medium. bh bul bh d bh d ' 0:3 dex). In order to measure the bulge masses more accu- The most indicative evidences of this symbiosis are the tight corre- 0 rately, HR04 derived M through solving Jeans equation of dynam- lations between the SMBH masses (M ) and bulge properties. In d bh ical model for a sample of 30 galaxies (including 12 from the litera- their early review, Kormendy and Richstone (1995) found the M - bh ture), and determined a similar tight M -M relation (M ∼0.0014 L (bulge luminosities) and the equivalent M -M (bulge stellar bh d bh bul bh s M , ' 0:3 dex). masses) correlation for a sample of eight SMBHs in the local qui- d 0 Although the M -M correlations have been well defined as escent galaxies. For an enlarged sample of 32 galaxies, Magorrian bh bul arXiv:0908.2028v1 [astro-ph.GA] 14 Aug 2009 ones of the most tight SMBH-bulge scaling relations (Novak et al. et al. (1998) confirmed the M -L and found M -M (bulge dy- bh bul bh d 2006), several important problems are still unclear. namical masses) correlation with Mbh∼0.006Md and an intrinsic < In a previous study, we have demonstrated the Mbh-σ∗(central rms scatter 0 ∼ 0.5 dex. The Mbh-Mbul relations are often called “Magorrian relations” in the subsequent literature. Similar correla- stellar velocity dispersion) relations are different for classical tions are found in active galaxies (e.g., Wandel 1999, 2002; McLure bulges and pseudo-bulges (Hu 2008, hereafter H08). The pseudo- & Dunlop 2001; Bentz et al. 2009; Gaskell & Kormendy 2009). bulges are a kind of disk-like bulges in the center of disk galaxies, The two most widely used versions of the Magorrian rela- they have distinct properties and origins from the classical bulges tions in local quiescent galaxies are determined by Marconi & Hunt (e.g., Kormendy & Kennicutt 2004). On average, the SMBHs in (2003, hereafter MH03), and by Haring¨ & Rix (2004, hereafter pseudo-bulges are ∼6 times smaller than in their classical counter- HR04). To avoid the effect of large variations of mass-to-light ra- parts. Obviously, it is worth exploring whether the similar differ- tio and intrinsic dust extinction of bulges in optical (i.e. B or R) ences exist in the Mbh-Mbul relations. bands in the previous studies, MH03 used near-infrared image to Kormendy & Gebhardt (2001) once checked the B-band Mbh- Lbul relation for five pseudo-bulges, and found on significant in- consistency with that of the classical bulges. However, their re- ? E-mail: [email protected] sult was not conclusive due to the small sample, the wrong bulge c 2009 RAS 2 J. Hu type identification of a galaxy (NGC 4258), and the large intrin- 2 DATA sic scatter of the B-band M -L relation. Recently, Greene et al. bh bul 2.1 Sample (2008) found the Mbh/Mbul ratio of a sample of active black holes in pseudo-bulges and spheroidal galaxies is about an order of mag- We select a sample of galaxies with secure Mbh measurements (by nitude lower than that in local quiescent classical bulges. However, stellar or gas dynamics, masers or stellar orbit motions). The sam- it is not clear whether the difference come from the activities of ple is based on that used in H08, with the following updates. SMBHs or redshift evolution (most of their sample galaxies are of Cygnus A (Tadhunter et al. 2003), Fornax A (=NGC 1316) redshift z = 0:1 ∼ 0:2). Assuming two kinds of bulges follow the (Nowak et al. 2008), Abell 1836-BCG (=PGC 49940), Abell 3565- same Mbh-Ms relation, Gadotti & Kauffmann (2009) found pseudo- BCG (=IC 4296) (Dalla Bonta` et al. 2009), NGC 3585, NGC 3607, bulges have different Mbh-σ∗ relation, confirming the result of H08, NGC 4026, NGC 5576 (Gultekin¨ et al. 2009a), NGC 524, NGC but their assumption should be checked. 2549 (Krajnovic´ et al. 2009) are added to the sample. The Mbh and σ∗ of these objects are taken from the literature. The 1σ error of Some elliptical galaxies have central core shape surface Mbh for NGC 524 and NGC 2549 are estimated by the author from brightness profiles (e.g., Lauer et al. 1995). The cores are believed the Figure 8 of Krajnovic´ et al. (2009). to be formed due to the interaction of binary SMBHs with sur- Mbh of NGC 821, NGC 3377, NGC 3379, NGC 3384, NGC rounding stars in the dissipationless (dry stellar) mergers events. 3608, NGC 4291, NGC 4473, NGC 4564, NGC 4649, NGC 4697, The brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and brightest group galaxies NGC 5845, NGC 7457 taken from Gebhardt et al. (2003) are in- (BGGs) are the largest ones of core ellipticals. In H08, we have creased by 9% due to an numerical error in the original published found the Mbh-σ∗ relation of the core elliptical galaxies are slightly version (G09b). steeper than that of the normal elliptical galaxies. On the other side, As in H08, the distance to galaxies are taken from the mea- Lauer et al. (2007a, hereafter L07a) suggest the Mbh-Lbul relations surement of surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) method, e.g., are the same for all ellipticals galaxies, which deserve further ex- NGC 1316, IC 4296 (Jensen et al. 2003), NGC 3585, NGC 3607, amination. NGC 4026, NGC 5576, NGC 524, NGC 2549 (Tonry et al. 2001); or Hubble recession velocities corrected for Virgo centric infall, The M -L (M ) relations have been updated since the work bh bul d e.g., Cygnus A, and PGC 49940. Their M given by the literature of MH03 and HR04. Graham (2007, hereafter G07) corrected sev- bh are modified accordingly. eral issues in the previous work, adjusted the B, R and K-band According to the SINFONI observation on the central stellar M -L relations. Gultekin¨ et al. (2009b, hereafter G09b) im- bh bul kinematics of NGC 3227 (Davies et al. 2006), its bulge locates be- proved the V -band M -L relation based on a sample of 49 galax- bh bul low the oblate rotator line in the (V /σ )- diagram (e.g., Binney ies. Although the results of different authors derived by different m ∗ 1978), where V is the maximum line-of-sight rotational velocity samples are roughly consistent with each other, pseudo-bulges and m of the bulge, is the ellipticity of the bulge. Our fit of the Sersic´ classical bulges are mixed to fit the relations in all the previous index n = 2:0 (see below) is also much larger than n = 1:1 given work. As we have shown in H08, the slopes (β) and intercepts (α) by Gadotti (2008). Therefore, we treat it as a classical bulge in this of black hole-bulge correlations are very sensitive to the low mass paper. The σ of NGC 3227 is modified to 131 km s−1 (Onken et (e.g., pseudo-bulges) and high mass (e.g., core elliptical galaxies) ∗ al. 2004). objects in the sample. If the M -M relations for pseudo-bulges bh bul As mentioned in H08, NGC 2787 and NGC 3384 contain both are below that for classical bulges (just like the M -σ relation), bh ∗ pseudo-bulges and classical bulges (Erwin 2008). In the following then α will be underestimated and β be overestimated. analysis, we treat these two objects neither as classical bulges nor The local SMBH mass function (BHMF) can be derived by as pseudo-bulges, but compare them with other objects.
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