°...°....., iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..%.°°..°o.°_.,oo%.., × _,;-"_..... "i._ ,:'_' '_._"- MSC-06804 11 NATIONAL AER'....ONAU. .TICS,...,,:_,AND__p._: {'ADMINISTRATION '-:%..... ·...._%%_ ·:::::::::::..... _,.,.. ????!?????!???????!???? ili!iiiiiiiiiililililil A P0 LL0 16 - i_ }}iiiii!i!i!iiii?iiiiiiCO MMA N D MO g ULE "' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O NBO A RD VO ICE _ iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii' TRANSCRIPTION ...... ,_... ':':':':':':':':':'.': IF ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,_.,.?___?:_ __,j-_' -._._._ _. :::::::::::::::::::::::*,,,,.%-,,....o*_-,%%...-o., ... RECO RDED O N THE D A TA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i?ii!iiiiiiiii.%%%°.%%%%%%%i _,'_k , STORAGE EQUIPMENT (DSE) :::::::::::::::::::::::._,.__%_-_.,_%- JUNE 1972 :::::::::::::::::::::::_ _ ._ :::::::::::::::::::::::_' _ _ ::::::::::::::::::::::_ ,.e-_ ._ ::::::::::::::::'_ qy_- i:i:i:!:!:i"__ _ _, _ouP ·::::":"::::1"....,a._',__ Cu_-_.'x° __ _' Downgraded at _-year :.:. c_¢._. _4,_ ._e _,__0. b '_' inteafterrvals;12 yearsdeclassified ,, ,..._ _ ___ _ ,.."f/ ,z_ ."':.- ,rd _-._ ,J '_; _' q"_ _: ,-_ .b o _ This material cont_iss inlorma_ion affecting the tmtimud delenae _ the United 8tares _' ff_" ,,_ _.,_, within the meaning e_ the espionage laws, Title 18, U.S.C., Seca. 793 and ?94, the '_ ._ _ .' transmisaica or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is -' !i:i::..?e_'':': p_,_ed b, _,.. _t, _' HOUSTON,TEXAS _.TOR_ L?___ -:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:.:.:-:._DATE_ OP...__,._.--,., ,,'r-':++'""_:., '_""-"_',*':%(0a,_o:+L) wm. o_o ,_/ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_ _,._ __ ,,L _ ::::::::::::::::::::::: ' . - __.... ? UNCLASSIFIED iii SECURITY CLASSIFICATION The material contained herein has been transcribed into a working paper in order to facilitate review by interested NSC elements. This doclment, or por- tions thereof, may be declassified subject to the following guidelines: Portions of this document will be classified CONFIDENTIAL, Group 4, to the extent that they: (1) define quantitative performance characteristics of the Apollo Spacecraft, (2) detail critical per- formance characteristics of Apollo crew systems and equipment, (3) provide technical details of signifi- cant launch vehicle malfunctions in actual flight orreveal actual launch trajectory data, (4) reveal medical data on flight crew members which can be considered privileged data, or (5) reveal other data which can be individumlly determined to require classification under the authority of the Apollo Pro- gram Security Classification Guide, SCC--11, Rev. l, 1/1/66. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED v INTRODUCTION This document is the transcription of the Apollo 16 flight crew communications as recorded on the c_mmand module (CM) data storage equip- ment (DSE) and subsequently transmitted (dumped) to M_nned Space Flight Network stations. Magnetic tapes containing dumped voice and onboard- recorded Apollo elapsed time (AET) were forwarded to the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas. Transcription of these tapes was managed by James L. Gibbons, Test Division, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, to whom inquiries regarding this document should be referred. The transcript is divided into three columns --time, speaker, and text. The time column consists of four two-digit pairs representing days, hours, minutes, and seconds (e.g., 0_ 22 3_ l_). The speaker column indicates the source of a transmission; the text column contains the verbatim transcript of the co--mmications. The time used by Mission Control Center (NCC) and indicated as ground elapsed time (GET) in the Flight Plan may be updated to the space- craft and MCC computers and to the telemetry down-link pulse-code- modulated bitstream or other time-recording devices. This GET updating will be performed only to correct significant changes in Flight Plan time occurring as the result of delayed lift-off, midcourse corrections, or spacecraft burn-time differences (trajectory dispersions). Should these updates occur, the AET (the true mission-elapsed time) m,y not agree with Flight Plan and MCC times. Users of this transcript are cautioned to apply the appropriate time-update deltas for the updated periods. Speakers in the transcript are identified as follows: Spacecraft: CDR Commander John W. Yo,mg CMP Command module pilot Thomas K. (Ken) Mattingly II _' LMP Lunar module pilot 'Charles (Charlie) M. Duke, Jr. SC Unidentifiable crewmember MS Multiple speakers UNCLASSIFIED vi UN.CLASSIFIED Mission Control Centers: CC Capsule communicator (CAP COMM) LCC Launch control center In the text, a series of three dots (...) is used to designate those portions of the comm,mications that could not be transcribed because of garbling. One dash (-) is used to indicate a speaker's pause or a self- interruption. Two dashes (- -) are used to indicate an interruption by another speaker or a point at which a recording was abruptly terminated. Words given unusual emphasis by the speaker are underlined. The Apollo 16 mission was flown April 16 to 28, 1972; lift-off oc- curred at 17:54:00.57 G.m.t. (12:54:00.57 p.m.e.s.t.) on April 16. The CM was designated Casper and the lunar module was called Orion. 'SStFIED Day i _ Page 1 DAY 1 -00 O0 00 15 LCC 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - -00 O0 00 05 LCC IGNITION, 4, 3, 2, 1 - O0 O0 00 O0 LCC LIFT-OFF. 00 00 00 01 LMP Man, we're on our way! 00 O0 O0 06 CDR Yaw program .... clear. O0 O0 00 12 LCC Clear the tower. 00 O0 00 13 CDR Roger; clear the tower. 00 O0 00 14 LMP You go. 00 00 00 15 CDR ... program. O0 00 00 16 LMP Go! You - - O0 O0 00 17 CC ... roll. You have good thrust in all five. 00 00 00 19 CDR Roger. 00 O0 00 21 CDR Pitch program. O0 O0 00 22 CMP It sure ain't what I expected. O0 O0 00 24 LMP Me, either. It's like a freight train. 00 O0 00 26 CMP That's what everyone said. Quiet as ... O0 O0 00 B2 CDR Man, we're right on. O0 O0 00 42 LMP Man, look at this thing go[ What are the g's, John? O0 O0 00 46 CDR One and a half. 00 O0 00 47 LMP Okay. O0 00 00 48 CMP Through lOK. Must be ccmLing up on a little q here. O0 O0 00 57 LMP Tower £sic] system's relieving - Tower's rel - Cabin's relieving - - I 00 00 01 00 CC Stand by for _ode I Bravo - 00 O0 O1 02 CC MARK, I Bravo. 00 00 01 04 CMP I Bravo. 00 00 O1 05 LMP Cabin's relieving. 00 00 01 06 CC ... feet wet now, 16. O0 O0 O1 08 CDR Roger. 00 00 01 13 LMP Man, that was beauteous! ... - - 00 00 01 15 CDR ... g. 00 00 01 17 LMP MASTER ALARM. 00 00 01 18 CMP Okay, that one's ... - - 00 00 01 19 LMP Okay, that's Just ... module. 00 00 01 20 CDR No sweat. 00 00 01 21 LMP Okay. Okay. 00 00 01 29 CDR Coming up on max q, Charlie. 00 00 01 31 LMP Okay. 00 00 01 3_ CMP Okay. Trajectory is good. O0 00 01 37 CDR Two and a half g's. 00 00 01 46 CC Okay; you're through max q, and everything looks good. 00 00 01 49 CMP It does indeed. I believe this baby's gonna go up. 00 00 01 57 CC Stand by for Mode I Charlie. 00 00 01 59 CDR Roger. 00 00 02 00 CC MARK, I Charlie. 00 00 02 01 CMP Okay. Manual. 00 00 02 02 CDR Right _ Dayl 00 O0 02 OB CMP Ready? 00 00 02 04 CDR Yeah. 00 00 02 05 CMP Those are done. EDS is manual. And that - that baby is gonna unload. 00 00 02 10 CDR It sure is. 00 00 02 12 LMP _-hw_. 00 00 02 13 SC (Laughter) 00 00 02 18 CMP Stand by. 00 00 02 19 CDR ... inboard shutdown. 00 00 02 22 CC ... inboard. You're GO for staging. 00 O0 02 24 CDR Right now, that ... only ... for staging. Watch it. O0 00 02 27 LMP Okay. 00 00 02 28 CMP Ail set. 00 O0 02 29 LMP I'm all set. 00 00 02 30 CDR Okay, I'll count you down to it. S0, S1 ... S2. Those are good numbers, Ken? 00 00 02 41 CMP That should be. O0 O0 02 42 CDR ... 00 00 02 43 LMP Hey, yeah, there's (laughter) ... - - 00 00 02 44 CMP Man! O0 O0 02 45 IMP Whool O0 O0 02 46 CMP Look at that. O0 00 02 47 CDR Staging. 00 00 02 48 CMP Oh, man. O0 00 02 49 CDR Okay, ignition on the S-II. 00 00 02 51 CC ,/ ... 09 0O 02 5& i_ Boy, it's bea'_tiful. _. O0 O0 02 56 CMP Is that ...? 00 O0 03 O0 CC ... GO on all five on the S-II. O0 O0 03 02 CMP Wasn't even showing that (laughter). O0 00 03 04 LMP We got - 00 O0 03 05 CMP Okay, it's - 00 O0 03 07 LMP Corn's good. 00 O0 03 08 CMP Coming back - 3 minutes. O0 O0 03 09 LMP Nam. 00 O0 03 11 CDR Nine, 10, ll, 12 - O0 O0 03 14 CMP Want me to go on time, John? O0 00 03 15 CDR Second ... SEP light's out. Yeah, go on time. O0 O0 03 17 CMP All right. I got the register - - O0 O0 03 18 CC ... O0 O0 03 19 CMP - - set. Here we go. 00 00 03 21 CDR Tower Jettison.
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