AGENDA EDUCATION, SKILLS AND CULTURE CABINET BOARD Immediately Following Scrutiny Committee on THURSDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2017 COUNCIL CHAMBER - PORT TALBOT CIVIC CENTRE 1. To agree the Chairperson for this Meeting 2. To receive any declarations of interests from Members 3. To receive the Minutes of the Education, Skills and Culture Cabinet Board held on the 12 October 2017 (Pages 5 - 8) 4. Forward Work Programme 17 - 18 (Pages 9 - 12) To receive the Reports of the Head of Transformation 5. Review of the Strategic School Improvement Programme (Pages 13 - 38) 6. Primary Inclusion and Assessment Centre (PIAC) at Coedffranc Primary School (Pages 39 - 108) 7. Strategic School Improvement Programme - Future of Secondary Education in the Upper AFan Valley (Pages 109 - 148) 8. Governance Arrangements for the New 3 - 11 Primary School Replacing Brynhyfryd, Llansawel and Ynysmaerdy Primary Schools (Pages 149 - 154) 9. Local Authority Partnership Agreement Sports Wales (Pages 155 - 160) 10. Margam Business Plan (Pages 161 - 178) To receive the Report of the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning 11. Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (Pages 179 - 238) 12. Any urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Statutory Instrument 2001 No 2290 (as amended). 13. Access to Meetings To resolve to exclude the public fro the following items pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No.2290 and the relevant exempt paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. To receive the Private Reports of the Head of Transformation 14. Celtic Leisure Annual Report (Exempt Under Paragraph 14) (Pages 239 - 242) 15. Celtic Leisure Quarter 1 Performance Report (Exempt Under Paragraph 14) (Pages 243 - 246) S.Phillips Chief Executive Civic Centre Port Talbot Friday, 3 November 2017 Cabinet Board Members: Councillors: A.R.Lockyer and P.A.Rees Notes: (1) If any Cabinet Board Member is unable to attend, any other Cabinet Member may substitute as a voting Member on the Committee. Members are asked to make these arrangements direct and then to advise the committee Section. (2) The views of the earlier Scrutiny Committee are to be taken into account in arriving at decisions (pre decision scrutiny process). This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 - 16 - EXECUTIVE DECISION RECORD CABINET BOARD - 12 OCTOBER 2017 EDUCATION, SKILLS AND CULTURE Cabinet Board Members: Councillors: A.R.Lockyer and P.A.Rees (Chairperson) Officers in Attendance: C.Millis, A.Thomas and Mrs.J.Woodman-Ralph 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRPERSON Agreed that Councillor P.A.Rees be appointed Chairperson for the meeting. 2. MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION, SKILLS AND CULTURE CABINET BOARD 14 SEPTEMBER 2017 Noted by the Committee. 3. FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME 17 - 18 Noted by the Committee. 4. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR OPENING TIMES, LIBRARIES, THEATRES, COMMUNITY CENTRES, MARGAM COUNTRY PARK, LEISURE CENTRES AND SWIMMING POOLS 2017 - 2018 Decision: That approval be granted for the Christmas and New Year opening and closure times for 17 – 18 as detailed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the circulated report. 121017 Page 5 - 17 - Reason for Decision: To ensure the Councils facilities are available to the public when there is a demand for them to be open and to enable managers to make appropriate arrangements with front line staff over their annual leave. Implementation of Decision: The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period. 5. FINANCING SCHOOLS - REVIEWING THE FUNDING FORMULA TO RAISE STANDARDS Decision: That having given due regard to the impact assessments, in particular equality and risk approval be granted in line with the requirements of the School Funding (Wales) Regulations 2010, to undertake consultation on: 1. the three options for funding primary school budgets as contained within the circulated report; 2. the proposal to withhold financial benefits to schools with reserves above the £75k threshold; and 3. the suggested methodology for the redistribution of withheld funds as contained within the circulated report. Reason for Decision: To enable the Council to comply with the formal consultation requirements of the School Funding (Wales) Regulations 2010 and to promote high educational standards and to fulfil every child’s potential. In addition, to meet its duty to secure efficient education in its area. Implementation of Decision: The decision is urgent for immediate implementation. The Chairman had agreed to this course of action and therefore there would be no call-in of these decisions. 121017 Page 6 - 18 - 6. TRANSITION ARRANGEMENTS FROM THE COMMUNITIES FIRST TO THE EMPLOYABILITY PROGRAMME Decision: That the report be noted. CHAIRPERSON 121017 Page 7 This page is intentionally left blank Education, Skills and Culture – Forward Work Programme (DRAFT) 2017/2018 FORWARD WORK PLAN (DRAFT) EDUCATION, SKILLS AND CULTURE CABINET BOARD Rotation Leisure and Contact Officer/ Head Culture Type (Topical, Scrutiny Sub of Service (Decision, ,Annual, Committee DATE Agenda Items Monitoring or Biannual, Information) Quarterly, Monthly) Performance Report (Quarter 2) Monitoring Quarterly 23 Jan 18 Carl Glover/ Chris Millis/ Shaun Davies Inclusion Update Report Information Topical - Haylay Lervy/ Anderw Thomas Page 9 Schools Admission Policy 19/20 Decision Annual Helen Lewis/ (Permission to Consult) - Andrew Thomas 7 Dec Annual Report on Young People who are Monitoring Annual C. Millis not in Education, Employment or Training - (NEET) C.Millis/ Employability Update, Skills and Training Information Topical - Angeline Spooner/ Agenda Item 4 and NPT Works Report Cleverly Communities First Update Information Topical - C.Millis/ Angeline Spooner/ Cleverly Youth Service Update Information Topical - C.Millis/ Angeline Spooner/ Cleverly Version 11 – 27 October 2017 Officer Responsible: Jayne Woodman-Ralph Education, Skills and Culture – Forward Work Programme (DRAFT) Rotation Leisure Contact Officer/ Type (Topical, and Head of Service (Decision, ,Annual, Culture DATE Agenda Items Monitoring Biannual, Scrutiny or Quarterly, Sub Information) Monthly) Committee Decision Annual A.Evans C.Millis Directorate Development Plan A.Thomas Education Development Service Delivery Monitoring Annual C.Millis/Mike Daley Plan – Update 12 Jan 2018 Page 10 (Special) Financing Schools – Reviewing the Decision Topical Richard Gordon Funding Formula to Raise Standards Andrew Thomas Strategic School Improvement Programme Decision Topical Richard Gordon – Proposal to Establish Specialist Provision Andrew Thomas for Primary Age Pupils with Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Version 11 – 27 October 2017 Officer Responsible: Jayne Woodman-Ralph Education, Skills and Culture – Forward Work Programme (DRAFT) Rotation Leisure Contact Type (Topical, and Officer/ (Decision, ,Annual, Culture Head of DATE Agenda Items Monitoring or Biannual, Scrutiny Service Information) Quarterly, Sub Monthly) Committee School Improvement Performance, Information Annual - H.Morgan- Priorities and Capacity Rees Inclusion Strategy Decision Annual Hayley Lervy/ Andrew Thomas Celtic Leisure Half Year Performance Monitor 6 Monthly 23 Jan 18 C.Millis/ 25 Jan 18 Review 17/18 Paul Walker Page 11 Welsh Public Libraries Standards Information Annual 23 Jan 18 Wayne John Annual Report Annual Pupil Performance including Key Monitoring Annual - Carl Glover/ Stage 4 Data C.Millis School Attendance Report for Academic Information Annual - John Burge/ Year to include Penalty Notice Numbers. Andrew Thomas Welsh in Education Strategic Plan Decision Annual (Results of Consultation) (for Commending - Aled Evans to Council) Version 11 – 27 October 2017 Officer Responsible: Jayne Woodman-Ralph This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 NEATH PORT TALBOT COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Education, Skills and Culture Cabinet Board 9th November 2017 REPORT OF HEAD OF TRANSFORMATION ANDREW THOMAS MATTER FOR INFORMATION WARDS AFFECTED: All STRATEGIC SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME – GATEWAY REVIEW ASSURANCE – PROJECT ASSESSMENT REVIEW Purpose of report 1. To inform Members of the outcome of an independent assessment of the Council’s Strategic School Improvement Programme. Executive summary 2. The Council’s Strategic School Improvement Programme (SSIP) has recently been independently assessed for assurance by an external review team. 3. The key finding from the review is that successful delivery of Band A projects to: time, cost and quality, is highly likely and that there are no major outstanding issues that appear to threaten delivery. Delivery confidence is assessed as GREEN - the highest level of confidence. 4. The review team commented that delivery of the new builds is well managed and that there is an excellent team spirit and a common purpose which is very evident both within the SSIP team and across the wider stakeholder delivery interest. Page 13 5. In terms of the operational structure of the Council’s SSIP, the review team noted that there is a ‘core’ team supported by a much wider ‘virtual’ team of subject matter experts from across the Council’s services. 6. Relationships between partners are positive, including those with the trade unions and with the local communities. 7. As a Tier 1 priority for the Council, funding has been ring-fenced to ensure affordability. 8. The review team commended the Council and SSIP team for demonstrating a willingness to learn and adapt to changing circumstances and to adopt suggestions from others where these are felt to
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