Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 11-17-1975 Arbiter, November 17 Associated Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. University Co urts co u pie center of controversy by Bub BrldweU tions stating only full time students were no longer students. They After a long series of may live in university housing. have also been given notice." contradictions and complaints, a Cozzens originally took the Several persons close to the non-student couple has been asked complaint to John Vestal, housing Crabbs denied that legal aid had to leave their University Courts director and Susan Mitchell. been sought. however when asked apartment. Ken Crabb and his director of resident life. According to comment on the situation, Ken common law wife Rose and their 10 Mitchell, the family was allowed Crabb stated "My lawyer has three-year old daughter Maggie to move in because the housing advised me not to talk." have been living in the school department believed Crabb would Blackwelder said Boise State's managed apartments since last be a full time student second own legal counsel has not been summer. although neither is a full semester. "We had a verbal contacted as to implications of -,!:ny time student. committment and il should be legal action on the Crabb's part. Crabb tried to enroll last (all in an honored," she said. He also said that currently the auto mechanics class, bUI found he Vestal stated that "You can't go Crabbs are not eligible to attend could not read well enough to pass strictly by the lease. In working the university. "They made the course. He has since enrolled with students you have to be application but had not dernonstra- •in 20 hours of reading classes. flexible. " ted the ability to pay fees." Gene Blackwelder. Dean of Auail- A Statesman article appearing iuy Services, stated it would be The complaint was later taken to last Monday stated that in "less "questionable whether either Boise Slate University President than two months. Rose -will be Crabb or his wife will be a full time Dr. John Barnes. when Mitchell enrolled as a full time student student in January." This. and Vestal took no action. After studying home economics. ." reviewing the complaint and according to Rose Crabb. is not the Leda Scrimsher, Dean of the case: "I have a piece of paper university rules, Barnes asked that Department of Home Economic'S saying I'll be going to school." the Crabbs be evicted. stated Mrs. Crabb is in the process Barnes said that he got involved Thl.t paper, according to Black· of taking a GED and if she passes because other officials were not welder is a certificate of admission. she will be eligible to attend BSU. acting. "I could see that this was a "A S yet she hasn't qualified as a The eviction move came after II violation of university policy and complaint filed by a group of full time student." Scrimsher since no ODe would act. I did." University Courts residents. Steve Slated. Don Miller, head of the Cozzens. 404 University Courts. Cozzens said his only concern COIIMlII- l)aYld Ste!ahet'a ~ Co _ cn-er flow erowd lut weN at Vocational-Technical School, stared said the Crabbs were in violation of was in exposing the situation. "If die n---. I«tlue. A1Io _CDlICed at the lecture were se-ction 10 of the housing regula- you let things go on and on, it could that Crabb has made application to H_~ "",aJly ud Ktaa Beard. the school but had not been have developed into public MLU' admitted. "He was not enrolled at ing." he added. A resident of the courts who refused to be identified the beginning of the year," Miller said. Steinberg, Homecoming royalty, said "there is a lot of mud slinging Other students liv-ing in the going on. It has really divided the Courts- those who want the Crabbs apartment complex charged that the Crabbs arc being used as "a King Beard highlight lecture to stay and those who want them to lcave ." ball ona ping pong table. One o( the most successful and production on a new Ielev ISion Troupe of Chicago. Steinberg said Somebody just got jealous. Rules well attended lectures In recent show, which he describes as a he wasn't "dis;.'Uvered" un!il a Barnes did stress thaI the Crabbs are bent Ior others." Boise State history oecured lavt "comblnaticn talk/v'arietv show." newspaper columnist reviewed were not the only family asked to According to available Wl'ek u comedian David Sreinberg He uid the new TV fa~lllv lIour Troupe. "Before that. there woul lene becsirse of student status. information. the Crabbs have until appeared (or the Hornecorning may hinder him but "once I'liet the be seven people in the audienc-e. 'here have been two other cases November 20 to be moved from ! 1<"cture. ralings I can do jUM about what I Aft('r the r('v jew, p('ople "ere hned £in, :1Mf'lli1'ftid..~~~re the proplc their apartment. There were rome pmblems at the want. " up around the bk.ck. This "ent on ""'-~ door when Student Union I't'-'· At one point in his I«ture for months." F I 5 b I- h gram' Board members were alm"'t Steinberg gave put o( the mutine Slei~berg b the rt'l'ipi('nt of the a cu ty en tea 0 IS e s forced to turll people away h('('itU,(' on the Bible partly rnponsibl(' for Communicah'r of the Year award of Cf\lw,kd l'I:mdil Ion s in the th(' Smothen Brothers onginal and said hiv goal h to I...ahle to m -.d _t e r m 9 r a des llallr(klm. Sllf'D l.ectllf{'" ,hAir· shuw being ('am~lIed. "be myself on stage, I think I've renon Rand)' Birkinbine stated Formttly with the ~d City rndled that pi," and that 30 per ("('nt or BSU's "We d" the,e lectures (or the faculty 83v'c blanket grades (or In II unanimous move, the facult), studenls "f Boise SUle." and SC'nate lut week vote-d to abolish mid·terms. it S).(' <I for ,upport from IlSU "This is a pretty weak midterm grades. No alternatives ,Ullknf •. we-rc suggested and the stude-nt justification that doesn't prove II AI ..., announ,:ed Al the I"TtUrt' SC'nAte had prn-ioll~l)' vot('d to damn thing. l11ey did nol even werc tlte IIt,rnN:ominR Queen and consider thi.. (rt)m an AClldemi,- oppose the dimination or mid· Mr. IIrollco winners M w('11 a .. Kin, point o( view. their only ronsidn- terms. U{'ur,1. The p1\'I'0ul originally came ations were the monty and tht I>nn'lI llrrrnan wu 11;11111'(11975 from the Faculty Senate's AnI' !>Ianlet grade... Student, are llllmen'minR Quer-n AOlI Todd demi<.' Standard~ ClnllOliUee. which already paying SI) out of their MOll/Oil WI'" named Mr_ BroM'O. Is. joint (aeulty· stllll('nt committee "tudent fl'CS thaI ("lwcr eipenses lIornenm'lng Qu("en runner·up. deddt'd on the prtll'Qul. AL"t:ordlng such as thi, ami JO per cent blanket indullnl Toni rl,rtmlUln first to Royanne Klein, Arh and S...il'nce Nrades Isn't much to base a TlIl111er·llp Iud Ed "lnruB,t ,('comS SenAtor and student rep",sentative dedsion (In. Students need to lnow runner·lIp. Mr. Bmnro 5e("()ud to the Fal'Ulty S('nllte. where they stand In a dU1. And runner·up wu Ray lIooft and first many limcs mid-ternts are the only way they can tell sinCC' many fac- nllln('f·up WAI Kelly BkUe. "This should not have been EV('ft SlIwm!t'r WAi named KI~ ck-c1ded In luch • big TUsh." st.ted ulty do not h.ve an open·door Beard, Winners In other cltagerIe. Klein. "l'herc's a 1(lt of time to p.)lIcy for students." she said, Included Darwin Laker. Boat consider all side. and gc:1 more "I think It waa a mlstatoe," stated Groomt'tkTC'rry Woodward. MOlt ItUdent Input on the elimination of ereallve; and Jim Stopp, Curl\«t mld·tC!f1n'. The Fatuity Senate', DOovotlng Faculty Senate Oak· mala fe.lOft, for thl. acttoa were ltWl MMte Wll.lOl1. "We .hould &ard. Milo Bettor .at named C........ ~ ......... ~ ....... llnl. Baby FI(Cl. the fact that It cost. ".SJI.IO to not do aw.y with mld-tU1l1' .(0.'& _ ... " Stela,*, it lCbeduk!d to be,l .. ..... pI'tl«'U and 'end out the arade. 41 �'~<;:t{i"' , /l~, Page 2 EdltorW I'ioV.. btr.17 .la.;)~ Activities >~7: ~ ..~)J~ Students come first AlFREO SC"\M~ Congratulations are in order for the SUPB Lectures Committee. They presented one of the best lectures Boise State has seen with a minimum of trouble, when there could have fie en many problems. The only incident to mar an otherwise good evening occurred when a NAN.AM I O£.~ESS[D.
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