:;. / STATE: 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 6-72 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Rhode Island COUNTY, NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Kent INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR N PS USE ONLY ENTRY DATE Type all entries - complete applicable sections . jJNAME . :*.FH.Y. COMMON: Greene.-Bowen House AND’OR HISTORIC: - Fones Greene House .. LQCATION .., ... ... ..... .* .. STREET AND NUMBER: 69S Suttonwoods Avenue CITY OR TOWN: CONGRESSIONAL DI3TRICT Wanick . 2: Robert 0. Tierrnn STATC CODE COUNTY, CODE Rhode Island 44 I Kent 003 CLASSIFICATjON . H: H I CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP STATUS Clink On.- . TO THE PUBLIC a District 6,ldr,9 Public Public Acquisition: C Occupied Yes: Restricted 0 Site fl Structure Private C In Process Unoccupied C Both Being Considered Unrestricted C Object C 1 C Preservation work o . In progress No PRESENT US Check One or More as ApproprIaIo Li Agricultural C Government C Pork 0 Transportation C Comment. Commercial Industrial O C C Private Residence J Other $peci& o Educational C Military C Religious Unoccupied residence EJ Ente,ta1n-nt C Museum fl Scientific ITThWNEROFP OPERTY OWN EHS N AM C: Edward . Eawen see continuation sheet #1 STRCtT ACDNUMtlR; I 698 :AeY HflWOd Avehue DR 1.eTNt cITY 5TATEI LCODF Rhode Island . [4/1 . L_L.0TIt3NGrLEGAL. DESCRIPTION : ;. .- ::.:EHHH: .. ... COURTHOUSE. RECIST NY OF DEEDS, ETCi Warwick City :-:all 0! a STREET ANO NUMUCA; 3275 Post Ro.d CITY OR TOWN; . STATE Rhode Island " : 1 I ..E!SENTATkQN fl EXISTING SURVEYS :.t:*:.. .. :. TITLE 0 F.SURVEV: fl.A.35$ & i-LA.3.S.I. RI-270 see continuation sheet #1] OATE OF sUR;iv Federal Stat. 0 937 _95s -. - J 0 0 County 0 Local DEPOSITORY FOR 3UVEY RECORDS: z -o Library of Congress U, C STMCET AND NUMIJRt U, m Independence Avenue & First Street, S.E. 0 z CITY OR TOWN; STATCI r Washington D. C. r ____________________________________________ I jlGUIFlCANCE PERIOD Check One or More.. ApprOPrtate o Pr.-Columbian 0 16th Century C 16th Century 0 20th Century o 15th C.ntury 0 17th Century ] 19th C.n’ucy SPECIFIC OATEIS II Applicable and Known c. 1715 - AREAs OF SIGNIFICANCE Check On. or More cc Approprl.S. Aboriginal 0 EducatIon 0 Polit,cal 0 Urban Planning o Prehistoric 0 Engineering j Other Specify o Historic 0 Industry Settlement Agriculture Invention - 0 0 Science 9 Architecture Landscape Sculpture o Art Architecture 0 Social/Human- Commerce 1_Itereture 0 0 Itarian - 0 CommunicatIons o Military 0 Theater E Canservatian D M.c Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The progenitor of the Greenes of Warwick- was John Greene, ‘tsurgeon." In 1637 he left Salem to join Roger Williams and became one of the original settlers of Providence. Five years later, Greene was among the twelve men who, under the aegis of their disputatious leader, Samuel 7 Gorton, bought a tract of land known as the Shawomet Purchase from the Narragansett sachem, Miantonomi. Gorton and his followers removed to their new-bought lands and styled their settlement Warwick. The Greenes prospered in Warwick, They became prominent in local, state and national affairs. The family produced three Rhode Island * 1/ governors, and a United States Senator. General Nathanael Greene is renowned for his exploits during the Revolution, Of the early Greene houses in Warwick, only the Fones Greene house stands essentially as built. In 1687 John Greene’s grandson, CaptainJames Greene, erected a house ir Warwick at Nassauket, now familiar as Buttonwoods Point. - 7 Captain Greene died in 1711, leaving his "housing and farm" to his son, For.es. It is doubtful that the existing house on Buttonwoods Avenue is the one built by James Green in 1687, however, for judging by its architecture,it could not date before 1700. Fones Greene’s will of 1758 refers to his "Mansion house," and distinguishes between it and the Itold house" on the property. For some time a depression 30’ northeast - of the existing building has been pointed outS as the site of this earlier dwelling. Thus, the early eighteenth century house still standing at Nassauket is a dwelling built by Fones Greene soon after he inherited the Buttonwoods farm. Six generations of the Greene family lived in Fones Greene’s "Mansion house." It was sold in 1900 and has belonged to members of the Sowen family since then. The Bowens have V not occupied the old house -- as a residence, preferring to live in the cottage nearby. It has never had central heating, running water or Modern plumbing e The last "improvement" made to the house was the installation of stoves on the first floor in the mid-nineteenth centruy, and they have been gone since 1900. : -.* -* See continuation sheet 3 -: - P. I - REFERENCES Downing, Antoinette F.; Early 1-lomes of Rhode Island Garrett & Massie; Richmond, Virginia; 1937; -pp. 18, 33, 35, 45-53. - :IzMm, Norman M. & flrown, Albert F.; Early Rhode Island Houses Preston .S Rounds; Providence; 1895; passim. Warwick Town & City Records City flail, Warwick. 11o. GEOGRAPHICAL DATA LATITUDE AND LONCiITUOE COORDINATES LTITUPE AND LOWGI’IDE COORDINATES I, OEFINING TN.. DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PRODFPTY I Ot Ltn TaN POIN I OF A POPERTY -I OF LESS THAN TFN ACRES CORNER LATITU or DL: LATITUDE - LONGITUDE D,prees Minut., Seconds Degrees Minutes S. Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds NW ‘i-la 1.4. 31. 71. 25. 25- a . r NE 41 41. 27. 71 25. 11. 410 SE 41. 21. 71o 25. 14. 41 41, 25. 71 25. 28. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: 1_ 263 hi LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY BOUNDARIES rn STATE: CODE COUNTY - STATE: CODE COUNTY: - STATS: CODE COUNTYI x In STATE: CODE COUNTY: -1 1. F0RN4 PREP.8REO :n/_.::.: B’Y C NAME AND TITLE: David W. Chase, Sutey Director - - n ORGANIZATION DATE -I Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission March, 1974 STREET AND NUMOER: 0 Power 52- Street z CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE In Providence Rhode Island 44 -: .:STATE LIAISON OFFICER CtRTlFICA1lONH::*77 -* - .-Y NATIONAL REGISTER VERIPICATION - - As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na- - tional Historic Preservation Act 01966 Public I..aw I hereby certify that this property is Included In the 89-665, 1 hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Register. - in the National Register and certify that it has been - Avaluated according to the c’4teria and proce&res set forth by the National Park Service. The recommended - -. - --. Director. 0111cc of Arch.alafl end Historic P,e.e,vetion level of ssgnifscance of this nomination is: - - National State Local 0 0 - - : fl-ire - - Name - - AnEST: - -- State Histor I.e Preservation - - Title Officer - - -- tnr j *q7/. Keeper ol The National Rogitticr - - $"t I I Date - Ejate * u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : ¶9737Z9.t47f 1442 3.1 ____________________ *‘CRlPTION 1 Check On. D E.,c.II.nI 0 Good rn Fair 0 D.t.rIorat.J 0 RuIns 0 Un.xpond CONDITION On. Check One Cheek C // 0 Altered J Unaltered 0 Mend gj OrigInal S.t. If known PHYSICAL APPEARANC DESCRIDE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL -o H The core of the Fones Greene House in tiarwick is a two story block, - 27x27’, built c.l715. Appended to this are one story mid-eighteenth brush -- century additions. The house faces south. Behind it and down a - covered bank is a brook feeding into Buttonwoods Cove. The brick chimney k. stack nearly fills the west side of the original section of -the house. The brickwork, laid up in flemish bond, is painted the same bone white as the rest of the clapboard exterior. - - Abutting the west end of the house iS a one story lean-to, unfinished within, 10x27’. This addition has preserved a section of early, but not 0 original, ship-lapped clapboards on the exterior wall of the original U part of the house. They show evidence of oxblood red paint under white wash, and are affixed with rose head nails to horizontal planking which flow sheatl the old house. / ‘a A second lean-to addition, 6t wide and fully finished, was built m across the back of the building. When the additions were constructed in the mid-eighteenth century, the pitch of the gable roof was lowered. These alterations created the dwelling’s classic "salt box" profilea z The existing fencsrration and window sa’r. is not origin3l. The Is. windows with 6/6 double hung sash on the south elevation re i c- much -t smaller windows the casing of one, l7x37-1, remains in the iirs floor z southeast closet. A fire which damaged portions of the northwet corner of the building some twenty years ago obliterated the remains of C a twc-saction cement window at the second story level in the rear of n the- :ose. Thiz - s been recorded in a photograph published in 1937. -1 Other changes resulted from the fire, -including boardinç LU’. clapboarding over a northwest entrance and window. - 0 z The oldest part of the house is of heavy post an-:- Team ccstructton. -the 2nme is oak, its elements measuring as much a’- ::l2" :n sect: &0 2c:.5er-. are framed into each other with mortise tenon ;‘--: .n’ ieiht J:m v&tth -:cau peg The exterior walls of the house are studded one, at least on tr.e first floor level, the interstices between the studs are - filled with Drick flogging. Horizontal sheathing boards are nailed to tne -ds r. the oi.dest part of the house and the clapboards are nailed - tc tiz boarding. The interior face of these exterior walls have beer. coveaa with latr, and plastered. The exterior walls in th north lean-to addition -are made of vertical planks fastened to sill and pl.1ce.
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