WABERTHWAITE SCHOOL Travel Plan 2008/09 CONTENTS PAGE CON HEADING TITLE PAGE 1 School details 3 2 Location and current transport 4-6 links 3 Aims and objectives 7 4 Working party and consultation 8 5 Survey and route plotting 9-10 6 Summ ary of road and transport 11 -12 problems 7 Working party 13 recommendations for action 8 Targets – specific % targets for 14 modal shift 9 Action plans 15-19 10 Review of targets 20 11 Monitoring training 21 12 Signed agreement 22 APPENDICES Photos of children crossing 1 Accident statistics 2 Proposed highways measures 3 Quotations for playground markings 4 Online survey results 5 Catchment map 6 Parent questionnaire sample 7 Questionnaire & summary re speed limits 8 Route plotting and comments 9 Minutes of meetings 10 Letter from children & responses 11 Transport map 12 Photos of children cycling/traffic study 13 Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 2 Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 3 1 School details DCSF school 9093516 reference number Type of school CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Number on roll 34 Number of staff 9 Age range of pupils 4-11 School contact details Head teacher Mrs Wilma Sharples Waberthwaite Address Millom Cumbria Postcode LA19 5YJ Telephone number 01229 717664 Fax 01229 717664 Email address head@waberthw aite.cumbria.sch.uk Website www.waberthwaite.cumbria.sch.uk Working group contact Name Mrs Wilma Sharples Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 4 2 Village location Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland. We are a small school situated about 10 miles outside the village of Millom on the busy A595 which is the main route along the west coast of Cumbria to Whitehaven and Workington. The speed limit on this road is 60mph. The village itself is served by narrow rural roads in and around the nearby estuary. Our school is situated in its own grounds with a large parking area at the front and a large hard standing playground. Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 5 Current situation and transport links • All but four children travel to school by school bus, 3 travel by school taxi and only one infant travels by car. • The taxis/mini buses drive in and out of the car park unless it is a larger bus and it parks outside the car park on the road. • The children have to cross the local village road to access the village hall where they have their PE lessons and various activities. Traffic has been leaving the main road (national speed limit) and entering the road past the school at a similar speed. A feasibility study is taking part on speed reduction and safety measures on the A595 and investigating a pedestrian crossing point to the village hall. • They are currently building a bus shelter opposite school for the schools buses which take the secondary children to and from Millom. • School hours are 8:50am – 3:15pm but children are dropped off from 8:30am. After school clubs usually take place 4 days a week and these finish between 4:15pm and 4:30pm. Children are picked up by their parents. • The school car park is also used by the local village hall on Tuesday afternoons and their finish time coincides with schools so makes for a very busy time. • Some of the employees of the local sausage and ham business also use the car park during the day. • School only has one entrance, there is a small kissing gate and a larger gate for when delivery vehicles need to be in the playground. This leads out of the car park. • The car park is not marked into parking bays. • Cycling proficiency for year 6 • Road Safety role play with Foundation • There are no children with special additional travel needs Current transport links • The X6 stagecoach bus service runs from Whitehaven to Muncaster Castle and stops twice a day at Waberthwaite. The times do not coincide with the school start and finish times (see appendix 12) • Microbus has a twice weekly shopping trip • There are no cycle routes or safe walking paths which serve school and access is from the main busy A595 • The nearest railway station is Bootle 3 miles away • One child travels by car from Broughton and the school bus routes are from Bootle and Ravenglass – (see appendix 9) Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 6 3 Aims and Objectives Aims Our School Travel Plan aims to: • Maintain current school bus usage • Prevent casualties on the journeys both to and from the school • Encourage car sharing • Improve road and personal safety awareness Objectives (linked to Action Plan – Section 9) • Administration: Set up and sustain a school travel plan working group. Review and update annually.(9.5) • Links: consultation with working group, parish council and local community • Health: increase travel and health awareness (9.1/9.4/9.5) • Curriculum: integrate BWTS initiatives into the curriculum via PSHE, Citizenship • Communication: involve and engage the community and school in BWTS (9.4/9.5) • Training: provide pedestrian training and cycle training (9.1) • Promotion: include in School Development Plan (9.4). Increase travel and health awareness (9.5)Promote the travel plan within the community and in school (9.4/5) • Facilities: develop play area on a road safety theme (9.2 • Safety: improve safety on routes to and from school and improve route to village hall (9.3). Improve safety on approaches to school (9.3) Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 7 4 Working party – to develop and implement the plan Name Position Responsibility within working party Mrs Wilma Sharples Headteacher Chair Judith Aris School Travel Adviser Adviser James Multree CCC engineer County Council link Kevin Cosgrove Capita Engineer Highways Adviser Parish Council link Jacqui Merry Parent/Governor Parent/Governor Link Paul Armstrong Chair of Governors Governor link Jane Armstrong Parent Parent link Neil Armstrong Year 6 Grace Robinson Year 6 How were people consulted? (e.g. working party meetings, surveys of pupils and staff, newsletters) Appen Name/position Subject/how the consultation took place Date dix no. Children All children took p art in an on line survey June 5,9,11 and Yrs 3,4, 5 & 6 took part in a discussion Sept about sustainable travel and plotted their 2008 routes to and from Waberthwaite school. Staff All s taff completed an on line survey in Sept 2008 5 September 2008 Parents A parent survey was sent out to all families Oct 2008 7,8 and local families in October 2008, of which 27 were returned, representing over 30 pupils. 21 out of 28 families completed the travel to school questionnaires Working group Initial mee ting took place at Waberthwaite 14 -10 -08 10 WG meetings 12-01-09 Site visit Councillor and children discussion Oct 20 08 Govs, staff & parent ,BWTS co-ordinator Other Letters were sent to the Parish Counc il - Mr Summer 8,11 Kitchen, e-mail to parents, placed on school 2008 website, placed in school newsletter Children’s letter sent to Councillor Brown Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 8 5 Survey and route plotting carried out Baseline Data Survey How do you tra vel to school? Date Car No. Bus/Taxi Car/Van Cycling Rail Walk Other of Share of Year survey pupil No No No No No (dd/m % % % % % No % No % s . m) July 2008 32 31 97 1 3 2008 How would you like to travel to school? Date Car No. Bus Car/Van Cycling Rail Walk Other of Share of Year Survey pupil No No No No No No No (dd/m % % % % % % % s . m) July 4. 2008 22 1 4 4 18 14 64 1 4.5 1 4.5 1 2008 5 WABERTHWAITE SCHOOL BWTS SURVEY REPORT Pupil survey 32 Children took part in an on line survey about travelling to and from school. 28 out of 32 children travel to school bus (with one infant travelling home by car), 1 by car and 3 by taxi. 22 junior children completed the survey in more detail. Bus: Of the 18 junior children travelling by school bus 14 thought that there was usually good behaviour on the bus. All the children thought that the bus driver was friendly and helpful. 10 (56%) out of 18 juniors thought that their bus did not usually arrive on time – none believed it to be overcrowded Car/taxi : 3 of the 4 children travelling by car/taxi travel under 2 miles Bike : All children own a bike with 20 out of 22 children saying they wear a helmet. The 2 children who do not wear a helmet consider them to be uncomfortable. 14 out of 22 children said that they would like more cycle training Accidents :1 out of 22 children has been involved in an accident - on the bus whereas 6 children have been involved in a near miss – on the bus Choice : if given the choice of mode of travel 1 junior would like to travel by bus, 1 by rail, 1 by taxi, 1 on foot, 4 by car and 14 (64%) by bike Staff survey Of the 6 staff who answered the survey 4 drive a car to school and 2 walk. Car : The 4 car drivers consider it too unrealistic to cycle or walk to school, although 2 of the staff would cycle to school if there was a cycle path. Of the 4 member of Waberthwaite School Travel Plan 9 staff who drive to school 3 live between 5-10 miles away and 1 over 10 miles away. All would be willing to car share if it was possible.
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