TOM THUMB COMES TO TOWN By Marianne G. Morrow The Performance Tom Thumb had already performed twice in Hali- ver the years, the city of Char- fax, in 1847 and 1850, O lottetown has had many exotic but he had never come visitors, from British royalty t o gangsters. to Prince Edward Perhaps the most unusual, though, was Island. His visit in 1868 the celebrated "General" Tom Thumb probably followed a set and his troupe of performers. On 30 July pattern. The group's 1868, Tom Thumb, his wife Lavinia "Director of Amuse- Warren, her sister Minnie, and "Commo- ments" was one Sylvester dore" Nutt arrived fresh from a European Bleecker, but advance pub- tour to perform in the Island capital's licity was handled by a local Market Hall. agent, Ned Davies. There Tom Thumb was a midget, as would be five performances were the other members of his com- spread over a two-day period. pany. Midgets differ from dwarfs in "Ladies and children are con- that they are perfectly proportioned siderately advised to attend the beings, "beautiful and symmetri- Day exhibition, and thus avoid cally formed ladies and gentlemen the crowd and confusion of the in miniature," as the ads for evening performances." Thumb's performance promised. S The pitch was irresistible. What society considered a disability, \ "The Smallest Human Beings of Tom Thumb had managed to turn 1 Mature Age Ever Known on the into a career. By the time he arrived S Face of the Globe!" boasted one on Prince Edward Island, he had been 4 ad. 'They are undoubtedly the before the public eye for 26 years. I most astonishing and delightful wonders of the Age!" exclaimed another. "After an absence of The Cast three years in Europe, where they have delighted nearly all Tom Thumb was born Charles the Kings, Queens, Emperors, Sherwood Stratton of normal-sized Nobility, and 5,000,000 citizens parents in Bridgeport, Connecticut on 4 ren on 10 February of the 'Old World/ these wonderful January 1838. He weighed 9 lb. 2 oz. at 1863 in Grace LILLIPUTIANS have returned to their birth, but stopped growing when he was Church, New York, the wedding pushed Native land, and are giving a few FARE- a year old. When he was five, Phineas T. news of the American Civil War from the WELL ENTERTAINMENTS prior to Barnum, the circus impresario, took hint front pages of the newspapers. By the their final retirement to private life." to New York, where he trained him as a time of his marriage, Tom was a wealthy The advertisements outlined what to sideshow performer. In her autobio- man. He owned a yacht, a stable of fancy expect. The company would be driven to graphy, Mrs. Tom Thumb says her horses, and a mansion in Connecticut, and from the Market Hall in a miniature husband, "always enjoyed watching which was furnished with appropriately carriage ("costing$2,000") drawn byShet- children at play as he never had any lilliputian furniture. land ponies and "attended by Elfin Coach- childhood." He took his stage name from Tom was the acknowledged star of men and Footmen in Livery." In 1865, the a famous fairy tale character. His military the troupe that came to Charlottetown in quartet had appeared before Queen Vic- rank? Tom's wife quotes her husband as 1868. His companion, Commodore Nutt, toria at Windsor Castle. In Charlottetown, saying, "Queen Victoria gave me the title whose naval rank neatly complemented they would wear the same costumes, of General Tom Thumb and I am as Tom's military title, had reputedly been "which absolutely cost over $50,000" (al- proud of that as I am of my American in love with Lavinia as well. One story though another ad put the value at citizenship." tells that the two suitors engaged in fisti- "$20,000 in Gold"). Also on display, were Tom Thumb's life came to resemble cuffs over the lady before settling their "theSPLENDIDJEWELS,etc."presented one huge sideshow. Under Barnum's differences to become lifelong friends. to Tom by the "Crowned Heads of Eu- management, he became a celebrity, In any event, the ad for the Charlotte- rope and other celebrated personages." touring extensively on both sides of the town performance describes the Com- At their "levees," the troupe would Atlantic. When he married Lavinia War- modore as Minnie Warren's fiance. sing, dance, do comic imitations, and per- 20 form amusing tricks, pantomimes, bur- t^- Positively two DAYS OM.T "count" named Primo Magri. She died in lesque comedies, and "fantastic orations." 1919 and is buried next to Tom Thumb. The shows would, the ads promised, "en- MARKET HALL, - CHARLETTITOIH. THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JULY 30, & 31 1868. But first, there was one last curtain chant the children, delightthe ladies, and Thursday 2 Levees at 3 anc£ 8 P. M. call in Charlottetown. In 1896, 28 years Friday 3 Levees, at 11 A. M., 3 & 8 P. M. astonish and please the gentlemen." Admission, - . - . _ ~Lt. fid. after her first visit, Mrs. Tom Thumb Childi-'en, u i u | f r l < ) - - - - 1 O After so much build-up, it is disappoint- J* e» .served. S e a l s , - 3 O returned, accompanied by Count Magri, ing — though not unusual — to find that Children, u n d e r lO to R e s e r v e d S e a t s , 1 O Baron Magri, and a friend, Mrs. Liable. Tom Thumb's visit seems to have gone SYLV^TEflT BLEECKER . T ' T T PirecTor of Amusement.. During their stay, they gave a private unreviewed in the local press. The ad- RETURN FROM EUROPE performance at Notre Dame Conventfor Vh„,*?**." *l *»', » c e otjnireo %>ar«wheretheyappearedbefore nearlyah vance publicity, after all, was paid. Surely, the Klutt*. <Jueeti», E m p e r o r * and N o b i l i ty of t h e OH W o r l d I r»»r *™***r*land «)fmmetricaUy formed LADIES a»<t the sisters and boarders, His Lordship though, such an unusual group would Mm. GENTLEMEN JX MINIATURE, being the SMALLEST HUMAN BEINGS OF MATURE AGE Bishop J. C. MacDonald, and Father cause a great deal of interest in a small EVER KNOWN O N THE FACE O ? THE GLOBE! Ignatius MacDonald. There was also a community starved for entertainment. tour of the Charlottetown Hospital and One can imagine the delight of children public performances in both the provin- as they watched the tiny people parade cial capital and Summerside. As the through the city in their splendid coach. Charlottetown Patriot recorded, "The After Charlottetown, it was another little people made many friends, by the town and another, performance for Tom excellence of their entertainments." Mrs. Thumb and his Family. On T August GENERAL TOM THUMB; Tom Thumb had not lost her power to they were in Pictou; on the 4th they ANJ> His CELEBRATED W captivate, and Islanders had notlosttheir late !U1S8 LA VI M A \VA < I R 1 \ , whose beauty, ', and accomplish began a series of performances in Halifax. mcvi-, captivate all hearts. capacity for wonder. Commodore MUTT,. The talons $-W.W> MTT, ».i<l thr> fiiMi.ltw.lmaI ' MINNIE WARREN, OF FAIRY PROPORTIONS. I MARRIED COUPLE, a RU'HKLOR and BELLE, all FOUR mlgMng a trill* «ner 100 pounds. .*T?l*£!?Ttectlndr^'''lcyi:' Waited, and fitted intellectually for associ- ation with the mostreflnednnd literary; being thus s u p e r i o r to a l l o t h e r «warfk. Robust health, beauty, snace, manly dignity, and feminine sweetness are amply combined in them. Affable, polite, and possessing excellent convert- tlonal powers, they Interest, amuse and delight all who visit them. On Saturday (June U24thd M, , X18(55 M K, thiViudnoXeKK (iKMERAL r Castlev e r. ehi. Thes W1FKy gav, theie their Infanr entertainment Daacatert, H-TCV Y I ? « MAi J!----...---' f - . JJO¥ V ih u FAMILY , c««»mandeand elicited manby hey rtoken MAA*Ts oi Yan . 01EE\* HTOK^At,theUoxlocI A, toappearak Levot Wiudnoe theyr will^ratifj'thCastle. Theye trav visitore theis ri entertainmeny wearing thet PLpNDip.AMOCOSfLYCbSfu'W cl upon that interestin~ ~g ocoa - » . M _ « in whfch they were »n that interesting occas!7>n At the 3 o'cl -:vee they will appear "WTU W ES w o r n at tli __ !MI»RKKS HI "GEME. and th„ ,lllOT.,. .„ -*iir-^rB»*LT »HE!"*SKS and D I A M O N D S worn by Mr*. General •ter FIBLfB I F T Y ^T HMlnUl O U S AXX NI D^WARKE D O L L* A jitthei^exhibition R S . They wiYappTaTinTrai, aLolutel^^oTM VARIETY OF FASCINATING PERFORMANCES! at their several Entertainments, among which THE $30,000 COMMODORE NUTT" O'FOtfERTY»«r a, swit a hDRUMMER a : a S/.ILOR. with a hornpipe: as PATRICK DANCE. Ac Also, will In the Character a Crow! representing this wel'-kno tm ^"->y bird to perfection in appearance MRS. L A V I N I A WARREN-STRATTOI T wl« t,*?K.l?J5S£M « D U E T S . »n^ DANCES, and having an extensive and £chrLeve\ ' " hc' w,n m'"*T,n T H R E ^ DIFFERENTCOSTUMES* GENERAL T O M T H U M B Sources w 1 n N AP0I E0N POLITICAi JjSI!l^r?L ORATOR^« . , 'DANCES BONAPARTE, DUETS, , Aca .SCOTTIS H vaaaawtaiRCHIKFTAIN, a LITTLE MINNIE WARREN tfea«v^ The idea for this article came from a •THCEI O H . X > F O L K S ! poster in my collection.
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