Monthly publication for the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls September 2019 It's a beautiful time to be a priest: Discerning a vocation in a time of crisis Bishop Paul Affi rm your priests, deacons and seminarians Swain he theme for this month’s Our diocese has from its beginnings T received clergy from outside the state, be- Bulletin is “Discerning a Vo- ginning with our fi rst bishop Martin Marty, cation in a Time of Crisis.” a Benedictine missionary. Some of our beloved priests have been religious order Surely these are challenging priests and diocesan priests from other times for us all, but especially dioceses. They have enriched us all. for our priests and seminarians. We always seek attestation that they are That a few would betray their in good standing and have completed promise of chastity and cast a appropriate training consistent with the requirements of the Charter for the Protec- shadow over the vast majority tion of Children and Young Adults. They of our brothers is discouraging are expected to complete, as are all clergy and volunteers working with children, an- to say the least, dispiriting and nual training and openness to background profoundly sad. checks. When we evaluate candidates for seminary I encourage those reading these words to sponsorship and the permanent diaconate affi rm and encourage your priests, deacons and journey with them in their formation, and our seminarians. these are some of the virtues I keep in The truth is that a vocation, whichever it is, mind, always remembering that we are all is a call from God through Christ always works in progress: in the midst of the culture of the day. One reason I recommend studying the history 1. Do they pray? Formation will of the Church is to put in perspective the deepen this virtue, but there needs unique cultural challenges of our day. to be openness from the beginning or it can become simply a checklist Simply contemplating the Passion of our expectation. Lord underscores that cultural opposition has always been with Christ’s Church. The 2. Do they love the Church? Christ prophets sent by God were rejected in their established the Church and the days, and the prophets sent by God in our priesthood. We are His. day are often rejected as well. 3. Are they faithful and courageous? That is why we need seminarians who Saints and martyrs are raised up as become priests to be men of integrity, hu- models and as teachers to remind mility and courage. us that sacrifi ce and resilience are integral to ministerial service. I have been privileged to have ordained 31 priests in my time as your bishop. It is 4. Do they trust in God’s will and always a great privilege. God’s way? We cannot anticipate all that might be asked of us, and that I remember standing outside the Cathedral unknown can be a bit unsettling. anticipating the procession before my fi rst Christ declared that He is the way, ordination when the startling thought struck the truth and the life. We must trust me: this is serious business. As a result I in Him or be overwhelmed with have over the years sought to get to know uncertainty. our seminarians as well as I am able. 5. Do they love and care about the I try to meet with them individually twice a people? Priesthood is not about us year when they are home. I also meet with privileged to serve. Priesthood is those being ordained to the diaconate and about service to others, especially priesthood a day or two ahead to review the those suff ering. This is important at promises they are about to make and to un- all times but especially when incon- derscore that they are making them before venient. Jesus said, “As I have done, God. It is serious business for them as well. so you must do.” 2 September 2019 - The Bishop’s Bulletin 6. Do they have a sense of what is 10. Do they accept the call of Christ realistic? We are all weak instru- with humility and awe? Lord we Schedule ments. Identifying our strengths and are not worthy but only say the weaknesses allows us to be present word. September in ways we are able and know when others should be consulted. As one One of my favorite scripture passages 1 9:00 State Fair Mass, Women’s wise bishop said: we are not the is Jesus walking on the water during a Building, State Fairgrounds, Messiah. storm. The disciples are frightened. Jesus Huron laments their lack of faith. Peter suggests 7. Do they anticipate the cross? Jesus that he will believe if he too can walk on 7 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of said we must pick up our crosses ev- the water. Jesus calls him. With his eyes Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls eryday if we are to follow him. Jesus fi xed on Jesus, Peter is able to do so. But did his Father’s will out of obedi- then he takes his eyes off of Jesus, looks 8 1:30 Wedding Anniversary Mass ence and so must we. That can result down and stumbles. and reception, Sacred Heart, in some heavy times but we are not Aberdeen alone; He is with us. We are bearing If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will be such a cross these days. able to survive even the storms of our 10 12:00 Pray at Planned Parenthood 8. Do they yearn for salvation, certain- lives whatever our vocation, work or station in life. When our gaze goes else- 14 5:30 Confi rmation, Assumption ly for others but also for themselves? of the Blessed Virgin Mary, We are in this world only for a time. where, especially in on ourselves, we too will falter. Fortunately the love and mercy Dante and St. John the How we use that time is important. Baptist, Wagner in Wagner Oneness with Christ for all eternity of Christ will remain even when we do is our mission. so. But it would be better to keep our eyes fi xed on Jesus. 19 11:00 Presbyteral Council, Catholic 9. Do they love and rest in the Blessed Pastoral Center Mother? Jesus said, “There is your Saint Mother Teresa said that Jesus gazes mother.” Her love is ours if we open on us. May we gaze on Him our Lord and 20–23 EOHSJ Northern Lieutenancy our hearts to her. Savior at all times. Annual Meeting, Des Moines 23–24 Bishop’s Charity Hunt, Kimball 28 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls 29 2:00 Confi rmation, St. James, Chamberlain and St. Margaret, Kimball in Kimball 30–Oct. 3 Clergy Days, Arrowhead Cedar Shore, Oacoma Offi cials October Eff ective June 24, 2019: 5 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of The Most Reverend Paul J. Swain, after consultation with the Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls College of Consultors and with consideration of the proposed plans for future use of the building, decreed the deconsecration of 8 12:00 Pray at Planned Parenthood Holy Trinity Church in Hosmer and relegated the worship space to profane yet nonsordid use. Eff ective August 7, 2019: The Most Reverend Paul J. Swain, upon receipt of the decree of excardination by the Most Reverend James P. Powers, Bishop of Superior, decreed the incardination of Dea- con J. Patrick Derrington as a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Respectfully submitted, Matthew K. Althoff Chancellor September 2019 - The Bishop’s Bulletin 3 Fr. Michael September 2019 Griffin Volume 72, Number 9 Publisher Most Rev. Paul J. Swain Executive Editor Clergy gather Rev. Michael L. Griffi n Managing Editor Mrs. Renae D. Kranz for picnic at Subscriptions $24 per year, or as part of each family’s CFSA contribution. Bishop’s house Postmaster Send address changes to: 523 N. Duluth Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Correspondence should be addressed to: 523 N. Duluth Avenue Fr. James Morgan Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 presided at Vespers Phone: 605-334-9861 to kick off the clergy E-mail: [email protected] Anniversaries, copy and advertising picnic (above). deadline for the October edition Priests and deacons is September 16. enjoyed a meal The Bishop’s Bulletin and conversation at (ISSN 0193-5089) is published monthly by the the Bishop’s house Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, 523 N. Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 and entered as Periodical afterward (left). Postage Paid at Aberdeen, SD, and other cities. (photos by Kevin Fitzgibbons) Mother of God Monastery 17th ANNUAL PHEASANT HUNT Sept. 29, 2019 Oak Tree Lodge Clark, SD $300 FEE PER HUNTER INCLUDES: Pheasants & Cleaning • Guides & Hunting Dogs • Hunting Costs Trap Shooting • Coffee & Rolls • Buffet Lunch 50/50 Drawing After the Hunt! To REGISTER call 605.882.6646 or visit: www.watertownbenedictines.org 4 BishSeptember Bltn Sept 2019.indd 2019 1 - The Bishop’s Bulletin 8/12/19 11:01 AM It's a beautiful time to be a priest: Discerning a vocation in a time of crisis by Father Michael Griffin In March 1992, Pope John Paul II presented to beings, continued through the call of prophets and the Church the apostolic exhortation “Pastores apostles, and endures to this day as God calls the Dabo Vobis (I Shall Give You Shepherds)” on the baptized to their vocation in life; God calls in love formation of priests. In this document, the mystery and we respond in love. of vocations was presented as “an inexpressible Since the beginning of the Church, God has dialogue between God and human beings, between called men to the vocation of holy orders and the the love of God who calls and the freedom of priesthood, and they have responded to this call individuals who respond lovingly to him.” (PDV, in love.
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