The original documents are located in Box 67, folder “Federal Agency Bicentennial Task Force - Meeting Agendas (3)” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 67 of The John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON FEDERAL AGENCY BICENTENNIAL TASK FORCE MEETING Wednesday, April 7, 1976 2:30 - 4:00 PM The Roosevelt Room A G E ND A 1. Opening Remarks: John 0. Marsh, Jr. Counsellor to the President 2. The Bicentennial Nationwide: American Revolution Bicen­ Jean McKee tennial Administration Deputy Administrator . American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 3. Federal Agency Bicentennial Briefings: - Department of State John Richardson, Jr. Assistant Secretary for Education and Cultural Affairs Department of State - United States Information Harold Schneidman Agency Assistant Director U. S. Information Agency - Department of Housing David Meeker and Urban Development Assistant Secretary for Community· Planning and Development Department of Housing and Urban Development - NASA (Science and Technol­ Herbert Rooe ogy Exposition, Cape Associate Administrator for External Canaveral) Affairs NASA 4. Discussion 5. Closing Remarks: John 0. Marsh, Jr. Counsellor to the President ;vpM) ~J t<(~lfqc- 1/ ~~ t:[J ~lAJL.....__ ~/klv!?e.- ~r~· s.(i::; ..J-f~ • 6 u~ ~~­ ~~­ i< )o. L~ ¥ 1 • ~ - ~ u;; M J~~ ~Jvl . ~~'} ~ :......t Q m tt < ~ ~ 7 ~76-191~ ® INTERNATIONA-L EDUCATION: LINK FOR HUMAN UNDERSTANDING A Bicentennial project to rnork the thirtieth anniversory of the.Fulbright -Hays· program. Spons6red by the Boord of Foreign Scholarships. ·. iNTERNATIONAL EDUCATION: LINK FOR HUMAN UNDERSTANDING Smithsonian Institution Selected scholars will establish, in brief\ the nature Washington, D.C. and importance of what is being exclianged in their May ·1a, 1·9 and ,2o, 1976 area and will share the present intellectual excitement and imp9rtanqe to civilization of their discipline. They will discuss global concerns and trends a·nd consider their implications for future international educational The three-day convocation will be the focal point of exchange ptograms. the Thirtieth Anniversary Bicentennial Project of the Reports and recommendations from the ten regional Board of Foreign Scholarships. ' conferences will be presented for review. Convoca­ The objective of the convoc~tion is to involve distin­ tion participants will develop a series of policy rec­ guished international scholars and leaders in a criti­ ommendations for new directions for exchanges ,and cal review of world issues, the crises to be faced and for a strengthening of purpose which will help to • the necessity for developing links for human under­ create a greater understanding of international edu.:. standing.· . cation and its importance both here and ~broad . .. ' Major speakers for the International Convocation include: URIE BRONFENBRENNER, Professor of Social Psychology, HAROLD R. ISAACS, Professor of Political Science, Mas­ Cornell University, USA sachusetts Institute of Technology, USA ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, Professor of Public law and Govern- • MAX JAKOBSON, Managing Director·. Council of Economic Or­ ment, Columbia University. USA ganizations in Finland, Finland ROBERTO DE OLIVEIRA CAMPOS, Ambassador of Brasil to the ALVA MYRDAL, MinistrY of Foreign Affairs, Sweden United Kingdom, Brasil • CHARLES H. TOWNES, Professor of Physics, University of ARTHUR C. CLARKE, Science Writer, United Kingdom California, Berkeley, USA - MICHAEL COt!IFINO, Director, Russian and East European Re­ search Center, Israel .. ·BFS Bicentennial Schofars: Distinguished foreign Fulbr,ight-Hays alumni selected to participate in th_e project. AHARON BARAK, Attorney-General, Ministry of Justice, State of RASHEEDUDOIN KHAN, Dean, School of Social Sciences, Israel · · Jawaharlal Nehru University, India ROBERTO CAVALCANTI de ALBUQUERQUE, Undersecretary of TOMMY KOH THONG BEE, Permanent Representative of Singa- Planning, Secretariat of Planning, Brasil pore to UN . · FERNANDO de SZYSZLO, Professor of Art, Catholic University, YOURI V. KOVALEV, Professor of World lite.rature. University Peru . of leningrad, U.S.S.R. HUBERT FEICHTLBAUER. Editor, " Kurier," Austria PHILIPPE LABRP, Jo-urnalist, write[, film director, France GINO GERMANI, Professor -of International Affairs, Harvard CARL OTTO LENZ, Chairman, Bundestag JudiciarY Committee, University, Argentina Germany TSEGAYE GABRE·MEDHIN, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of CHEIKH AHMED ·N'DAO, Professor, Ecole Normal Pooty, Culture, Sports, & Youth, Ethiopia Senegal ARABELLA GREAVES, Assistant Minister for Planning and De­ PAOLA COPPOLA PIGNATELLI, Professor of Architectural De­ velopment, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, liberia . ' sign, University of Rome, ltaly PYONG·CHOON HAHM, Ambassador of Korea to the U.S. MIHAl POP, Ethnographer and Folklorist, Romania MASUNORI HIRATSUKA, Direetor, National Institute for Educa­ DIOSCORO RABOR, Director, University Museum of Natural tional Research, Japan Science, Mindanao State University, Philippines • EDUARDO JIMENEz GONzALEZ, Ambassador of Mexico to SAMIUDDIN ZHOUAND, Deputy Minister of Justice, Afghani- Norway stan . ' _ ... • BFS Bicentennial Advisory Committee - l J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT, CHAIRMAN, Hogan and Hartson, BARBARA W. NEWELL, President, Wellesley College, Washington, D.C. Wellesley, Massachusetts. JAMES H. BILLINGTON, Director, Woodrow Wilson ALAN J. PIFER, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York, International Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Institution, New York. · Washington, D.C. · · JAMES B. RESTON, Columnist, New York Times Bureau, CHARLES BLITZER, Assistant Secretafy. for History and Art, # Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution, Washing!on, D.C. CHEN NING YANG, Einstein Professor of Physics, JOHN E. DOLl BOIS, Vice President for Davelopment and State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York. Alumni Affairs, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. WALLACE B. EDGERTON, President, Institute of International For further information contact: Education, N~w York, New York. · JOHN HOPE. FRANKLIN, Professor of History, University of Winston E. Forrest, Jr., Project Director Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Institute of International Education ROGER W: HEYNS, President, American Council on 1709 New York Av~nue, NW ' Education, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20006 Scliedule lor Regional Meet(ngs: Site Conference Coordinator Date - University of Oregon I Clarence E. Thurber May'7, 1976 University of California, San Diego David E. Ryer May.15, 1976 · Brown University Robert A. Reichley May 8, 1976 Miami University John· E. Dolibols May 12, 1976 University of Colorado R. Curtis Johnson May 14, 1976 College .of William and Mary James C. Livingston ' Apri123, 1976 University of Chicago Jonathan Klelnbard May 6,.1g76 . Georgia State University William S. Patrick L May 5, 1976 University of Texas, Austin Floyd" S. Brandt May 10, 1976 .. Stanford UniversitY A. Lee Zeigler · April23, 1976 INTERNATIONA·L EDUCATION: LINK FOR HUMAN UNDERSTANDING A Bicentennial project to rnork the thirtieth anniversory of the.Fulbright -Hays· program. Spons6red. by the Boord. of Foreign Scholarships.. American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 2401 "E" Street, N. W. Postage and Fees Paid American Revolution Washington, D. C. 20276 Bicentennial Administration 0 fficial Business '~ national medal shall be struck commemorating the year 1776 and its significance to American independence. " -92nd Congress of the United States American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 2401 "E" Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20276 Dear Friend: As the Administrator of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration and on behalf of the UnitedStates Government, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the celebration of our nation's Bicentennial in a unique way. At the direction of the Congress of the United States, the National Bicentennial Medal is now available to you through July 31, 1976, from the United States Mint. This special commemorative has been struck under authority granted by Public Law 92-228 and is the only official National Bicentennial Medal. It honors the significant events of the year 1776 and recognizes the achievements of the men and women who established our nation. The United States Mint has struck this medal in gold, sterling silver, gold-plated bronze and bronze. This is a one-time-only offering. The medal is more than a keepsake of this historic commemoration and may become a treasured family heirloom. Collectors will prize it. And, you can under­ stand its value as both a personal and business gift. The accompanying folder gives you more detailed information about the National Bicentennial Medal. To reserve your personal selection, use the enclosed order form and convenient postage paid envelope. The official National Bicentennial Medal symbolizes our historic
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