July 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6449 Gospel Music Heritage Month, and I California, Michael Bradley of Manhattan I rise today in support of H. Res. 1527, Con- yield back the balance of my time. Beach, California, Oguchi Onyewu of Olney, gratulating the United States Men’s National The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Maryland, Steve Cherundolo of San Diego, Soccer Team for its inspiring performance in question is on the motion offered by California, DaMarcus Beasley of Ft. Wayne, the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Indiana, Clint Dempsey of Nacogdoches, Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Texas, Herculez Gomez of Las Vegas, Ne- CHU) that the House suspend the rules vada, Landon Donovan of Redlands, Cali- stand before this body to commend the U.S. and pass the joint resolution, H.J. Res. fornia, Stuart Holden of Houston, Texas, Men’s National Soccer Team on their truly 90. Jonathan Bornstein of Los Alamitos, Cali- amazing performance in this year’s FIFA The question was taken; and (two- fornia, Ricardo Clark of Jonesboro, Georgia, World Cup. thirds being in the affirmative) the Edson Buddle of New Rochelle, New York, I would also like to commend my distin- rules were suspended and the joint res- Jay DeMerit of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Jose´ guished colleague from Texas, Mr. GOHMERT, olution was passed. Torres of Longview, Texas, Jozy Altidore of for introducing this resolution that recognizes Boca Raton, Florida, Brad Guzan of Homer A motion to reconsider was laid on the men who represented our Nation on soc- Glen, Illinois, Maurice Edu of Fontana, Cali- cer’s grandest stage. And I thank the gen- the table. fornia, Robbie Findley, of Phoenix, Arizona, tleman from Texas for allowing me to be a co- f Clarence Goodson of Alexandria, Virginia, Benny Feilhaber of Irvine, California, and sponsor on his resolution. CONGRATULATING UNITED Marcus Hahnemann of Seattle, Washington; Mr. Speaker, our men’s soccer team com- STATES MEN’S SOCCER TEAM and peted admirably and played their way to a 1, (3) commends the United States Soccer 1 and 2 record, earning them a chance to play Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- Federation, the United States Soccer Foun- in the elite ‘Round-of–16’. While all of the pend the rules and agree to the resolu- dation, and coaches and parents of young players on our national soccer team deserve tion (H. Res. 1527) congratulating the soccer players around the country for their praise for their performance, one player in par- United States Men’s National Soccer role in the success of soccer in the United ticular earned the right to receive special rec- Team for its inspiring performance in States. ognition for his efforts. the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Landon Donovan’s performance not only The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from helped his team to advance deep into the tion. California (Ms. CHU) and the gentleman World Cup but his performance as an indi- The text of the resolution is as fol- from Louisiana (Mr. CAO) each will vidual earned him a place in U.S. soccer his- lows: control 20 minutes. tory. Mr. Donovan now holds the U.S. World H. RES. 1527 The Chair recognizes the gentle- Cup record for most matches played, 12, most Whereas the United States Men’s National woman from California. goals scored, 5 and the most consecutive Soccer Team made the Nation proud and im- GENERAL LEAVE games with a goal, 3. pressed fans around the world with steadfast Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Mr. Donovan’s goal in the 91st minute of the play and an impressive performance in the mous consent that all Members may match against Algeria, allowed the U.S. to win 2010 FIFA World Cup; have 5 legislative days in which to re- ‘‘Group C’’ and gave the team it’s first World Whereas the team won its group in the vise and extend their remarks. Cup Group first place finish since 1930. The FIFA World Cup for the first time since 1930; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there win over Algeria was also the U.S.’s first vic- Whereas Nacogdoches, Texas, native Clint Dempsey scored a goal against England in objection to the request of the gentle- tory since the 2002 World Cup and gave our the opening match to ensure a tie; woman from California? team it’s fifth shutout in FIFA World Cup play. Whereas Landon Donovan of Redlands, There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, the U.S. Men’s National Soc- California, and Michael Bradley of Manhat- Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- cer Team proved that the U.S. can compete at tan Beach, California, each scored goals leagues to support this resolution. the international level with the most elite against Slovenia to tie the match and put On behalf of the Committee on Oversight teams in the world. I am truly proud of the the United States in position to advance to and Government Reform, I present H. Res. team’s players, coaches, training personnel the second round with a win over Algeria; 1527 for consideration. This measure con- and administrative staff who all worked and Whereas the team advanced to the Round- gratulates the United States Men’s National competed tirelessly to be the best they could of-16 with a 1–0 victory over Algeria, the first Soccer Team for its inspiring performance in FIFA World Cup victory for the United be, and represent our great country to the rest States in 8 years and its fifth shutout in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. of the world. FIFA World Cup play; Mr. Speaker, with this resolution, we ex- Mr. Speaker, I ask all members to join me Whereas Landon Donovan clinched the vic- press our great pride in our Nation’s perform- in strong support of H. Res. 1527. tory over Algeria with the second of his ance in this year’s FIFA World Cup. Its stun- Mr. CAO. Mr. Speaker, I yield the three goals in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in ning win over Algeria on June 23 marked the gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) dramatic fashion in the first minute of added first time that the U.S. won first place in its as much time as he may consume. time following 90 minutes of exhausting play group since 1930. Cheers erupted all over the Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I do by both sides; country as forward Landon Donovan scored thank my friend from California and Whereas Landon Donovan now holds the the winning goal in the 91st minute of play, in my friend from Louisiana. all-time United States records for FIFA I urge my colleagues to support this World Cup career appearances at 12 and what may have been the most dramatic mo- FIFA World Cup career goals at 5; ment in the history of the team. resolution for the wonderful, out- Whereas the United States demonstrated The U.S. team also played well in its standing job the United States Men’s that it can compete with the elite soccer matches against England and Slovenia, with National Soccer Team did in rep- programs in the world; and goals scored by Clint Dempsey, Landon Dono- resenting this country. Whereas the team’s achievement reflects van, and Michael Bradley, ensuring the team Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of House Res- the growth in popularity of soccer in the would have the chance to advance to the sec- olution 1527 to congratulate the United States United States and the importance of athletic ond round of the Cup. The team, comprised of Men’s National Soccer Team for its valiant participation for building character and con- excellent players from around the country, performance in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. fidence in the Nation’s youth: Now, there- In a country where baseball is said to be the fore, be it demonstrated that the U.S. can compete at Resolved, That the House of Representa- elite levels with the top teams of the world, National pastime and the NFL draws the larg- tives— and it is fitting that we should congratulate est TV viewership, this year’s World Cup team (1) congratulates the United States Men’s them on their historic performance today. showed Americans how exciting the game of National Soccer Team for its historic per- H. Res. 1527 was introduced by our col- Soccer can be. As our United States team formance in the 2010 FIFA World Cup; league, Representative LOUIE GOHMERT of seemed to overcome insurmountable obsta- (2) recognizes the United States Men’s Na- Texas, on July 15, 2010. It was referred to the cles, the American spirit showed through time tional Soccer Team head coach Bob Bradley Committee on Oversight and Government Re- and time again. When all seemed lost against of Manhattan Beach, CA, the team’s coach- Algeria, and the prospects of even moving out ing, training, and administrative personnel, form, which ordered it reported favorably by and each of the players for their tenacious unanimous consent on July 28, 2010. It enjoys of group play seemed dim, Landon Donovan play and dedication to excellence, including the bipartisan support of 50 cosponsors. scored a goal that will be on highlight reels for Tim Howard of North Brunswick, New Jer- I reserve the balance of my time. years to come. That goal ensured that the sey, Jonathan Spector of Arlington Heights, Mr.
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