i ' i m pimi"im TH& pgjggp m >i|| Cat h ole il Pitt RI m Official Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844 TWO dollaM per tear 99th YEAR—No. 50 PITTSBURGH PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1943 SINGLE COPY ITO CENTS Brotherhood Day Canadian Cardinal Clarifies Teaching Red Cross Denies Bishop Gawlina Luncheon Monday Of Church on War and Its Obligations Connection With Comes Here on Birth Controllers Relief Mission Priest, Minister, RaMn To Citizens Must Support Nation, Prelate Declares, in Washington, Feb. 16. (O — The Bo Speakers^ at Am—I Fighting for Just Peace; Obstruction Wrong, National Home Service of the Heroic Polish Prelate, One Good Will Session But Moral Values Must Be Maintained American Red Cross does not ap- Of Leaders of War-Torn prove of worketa being referred With the Pittsburgh Chamber of to birth oontrol centers by Its Nation, Now in U. S. Quebec, Feb. 15. (10 — War ¡n in« to the constitutional determln* Commerce as the sponsoring »or- chapters and Is making this dis- ganisation, and with a Catholie ations of the country, Cardinal principle is re'pugnant to the approval known to "our Home It 1« expected that Pitts- priest, a Protestant Minister and Churoh, which is a society of Villeneuve declared. It follows Service field staff all over the burgh will be included in the a Jewish rabbi of Pittsburgh as peace, concord and charity, but that, excepting in evident cases country so that our greatly en- itinerary of Bishop Joseph the speakers, the annual "Breth- Gawlina, noted Polish patriot- the Church has ever been the of injustice or error, the Church larged staff everywhere can know erhood' Week" luncheon will be accepts the judgment of the of the position of the Red Cross prelate, now in the United held at the William Peitn Hotel in oat vigorous defender of justice fesponisble authorities whose role in such matters," Charlotte John- States. Definite arrangements next Monday, Feb. 22. at 1S:1S and that is why her Doctors, par- it is and who often have informa- son, national director of the Red for his visit here, however, o'clock. "Brotherhood Week"* ob- ticularly St. Thomas Aquinas, have tion which is not available to the Cross Home Service, states in two have not yet been made. servances are being held throtigb* recognized the right of war. His observation or analysis of partfeu- letters made public here today. out the country at the suggestion Washington, Feb. 16. — OD "We of the National Conference of Eminence Rodrigue Cardinal Vil- lar pers°m- ,faid In *>«*tful The letters were written by cases, His Eminence continued, Miss Johnson in reply messages are very grateful to your great Christians and Jews to promote leneuve, Archb.shop of Quebec. the of the doubt u of protest received from Rev. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, amity among members of the im> declared in opening a series of favor of the constituted author- Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B., direc- tion's religious groups and co- radio broadcasts on the subject: ities. When the individuals cannot tor of the Family Life Bureau, operation in dealing with the com- "The Catholic and the War." of themselves judge of the legiti- National Catholic Welfare Con- mon problems of the day. The Pope has always preach-d macy of a war—and how can they ference, and Margaret T. Lynch, Speakers at the luncheon hers peace, taught its profound prin- do it?—the faithful can always, in executive secretary of the Nation- will be Very Rev. Thomas F. ciples and suggested the practical their moral judgment in the mat- al Council of Catholic Women. Coakley, pastor of Sacred Heart means to it, but the Pope's inten- ter, hold to the decisions taken The protests were written fol- Church; Rev. Arthur B. KUtsolv- tions and prayers are not for by leaders of their nation, His lowing publication of a report of ing, of Calvary Episcopal Church, 'any kind" of peace, "but for Eminence declared. the president of the New York and Dr.- Solomon B. Frc0hof, of a • peace based on justice and Furthermore, His Eminence ad- Federation on Planned Parent- Rodef Sholam Congregation. chsrity in the true Christian onc® euch a declaration has hood, formerly known as the Birth President Frank P. Duggan, jf sense," His Eminence declared. become format it is law and obli Control Federation of America. the Chamber of Commerce, will The inseparable words, jutrtiw gates all citizens. This report stated that the Red be chairman of the Inheheeat and charity, are in (he text of each The Bishops of each country ac- Cross Home Service wae referring the arrangements f-t which mem iUurion of the Vatican to the cept these principles, he continued. workers to birth control centers. hers of the Pittsburgh Round war since the month of Septem- They do not wage war; they col- Table and other units of the Na- ber 1930." laborate, unless there is evident tional Conference of Christians and Jews are assisting. 2a Attitude of U. S. Bfa$ops injustice, with their country. They Noted Redemptorist VUleticuve n»ade refe.« (Continued on Last Page, £oC J) mt ••••tt^-fl ence to the Bishops of the United To Adcireif ^lants States, among whom, he said, be- who has plways. been a friend of Homes Threatened fore the United States entered the Rev. Francis S. Canne». CSs.R invaded - nations and1 a symbol of Orphanage Thanks professor of moral theology at war. there were varying judg- justice; we are very grateful to v Catholic University of America, By Immoral Trend ments on the present war. Since your Bishops, true leaders of their Donors for Gifts Washington. D. C, will lecture then, however, following previous Catholic, democratic people; and under the auspices of the Catholic FBI Head Warns pronouncements similar in char- we are grateful to all Americans, In a mesage Issued this week I Nurses League of the Diocese of acter, at their annual meeting last who througout their history have I by Rev. H. J. Gilbert, superinten- Pittsburgh in the Stephen Foster Washington, Feb. 16. (10 Direc- ¥ November they had adopted wh-t sacrificed their blood and fortune J dent and treasurer of St. Paul's Memorial. University of Pittsburgh, tor J. Edgar Hoover of the Fed* they called "The Bishops State- for great ideals, and whom there- Orphan Asylum, sincere thanks on Thursday evening, Feb. 25, at eral Bureau of Inveetigation has ment on Victory and Peace," which fore the Lord will bless." are extended to the pastors of the 8:30 P. M. asked all police organisations to began with the words: "Our coun- Thus spoke Most Rev. Joseph diocese and their assistants and to Father Connell will speak on assumee the added burden of an try has been forced into the moat Gawlina; Bishop in Ordinary of all other friends of the orphan- "Religious, Moral and Ethical effort "to destroy a trend of im- devastating war of all times." the Polish military forces and age for their contributions to the Problems In Nursing Practice." morality which threatens the tab That statement had pointed out, Ordinary to all Polish exiles, who annual collection for St. Paul's He will also conduct an afternoon ture of America's homes'- on bo« His Eminence said, that the war, taken up in the churches on session "for the nursing Sisters of (Continued on Last Page,. CM. 4) half of- the youth of the nation. which today absorbs the entire Christmas. Completion of the rec- the diocese at Mercy Hospital at Mr. Hoover stated he was so« world, undoubtedly would deter- ords of the collection, Father Gil- 2:00 o'clock that day. tounded by bio dsifer observation mine the gravest moral issue of bert states, show that friends Members of the Nurses League College Students of "the alanming increase tat the present hour. Certain nations, 'remembered the home generous- will hold their regular meeting serious crimes dmmitted by young he said, had united to lead peoples ly, despite the many extraordinary at St. Francis'Hospital, Lawrence- people." He said that "wnrtisM into slavery, to destroy human Called To Colors obligations that have to be met at ville on Sanday, Feb. 21. recklessness is one of the caussS liberty and religious liberty, and this time." Orders to report for active duty of the laxity among youth, but In a word to deprive man of the it should not be tolerated as an The children whose needs are were received by 27 St. Vincent's dignity with which he had been Dates for Retreats excuse for the heedles« manner In thus being provided for "have been College Army Reserve students on endowed by God. The American which they are plunging into in» asked to pray in a special way for Wednesday of last week. Two of Bishops in their statement had Given Directors of decent activities. Actions of a do« all their friends whose families the Air Corps reserve students declared there could be no com- base character wiU not help wtn art being affected by the military Holy Name Society also received orders at the same HH promise with such ideas, the Car- the war. They will only help to requirements of the nation, in ad- time and 30 Navy Reserve stu- dinal said. retard victory." dition to their usual daily pray- Dates for the summer retreats dents and the balance of the Jtfr That statement was a concrete ers for their benefactors," Father for laymen were announced Mon- Corps group expect their orters He asked each police officer to and abaolnte judgment and not Gilbert writes.
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