JiStabllshed as a Weekly 1881. Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888. V O L mvm NO. 191 Established as a Daily 1914. K M I I I w n U C K B / G , FOUR MEETING raor i n » SOI. im CANCELLED TOD A Y Paris, May 13.— The meeting of The members then turned their ----- the Big Four, which was scheduled individual attention to a multitude of for this morning, was called off just matters with the Italian question up­ BlIoCKDORFP-RANTZAU as some of the secretaries began ar­ permost in the minds pf the Ameri Hiram Jsjmson, of CaJifomia HAS COUNTER CLAIMS riving. can delegates. Berlin, (Via Copenhagen The German delegation sent word President Wilson heard a lengthy Lloyd George Will Meet Choice for President Pro and London), May 18.— Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau, head that furthe^* communications which report from Ambassador Thomas of the German peace delegation it will address to the Allies were Nelson Page, Who recently arrived Irish-American Delegates TWO DDEGATES Tern; Penrose for Fmance; at V'ersailles, is presenting not yet ready. The committee which from Rome and called at the White counter proposals regarding is drafting the Austrian treaty was House this afternoon. There were territorial cessions to the Al­ Smoot for Appropriations not ready with its documents and informal conferences between other m lies today. Said advices from report, it was said, probably was in­ iT ir I there was therefore no business on nfembers of the American delegation Paris, May 13.— The campaign of CO TO RERUN the seat of the parley. spired in anti-Irish circles. .*i the slate for the Big Four. , and Italian representatives. British newspapers against the visit and Warren for Military The facts are* that the'Irish Amer­ to Ireland of the Irish American icans'requested Colonel ,E. M. House Affairs — Progressives delegates— Frank P. Walsh, Michael to ask Premier Lloyd George for Leave Versailles to Inform STORMY WEATHER J. Ryan, and Edward Dunne— will an interview. The Premier agreed Satisfied With Slates. not prevent Premier Lloyd George to meet them when he had time and Their Government of De­ from receiving them when they re­ in the meanwhile he readily consent­ PREVENTS HOP-OFF turn to Paris, according to belief ed to allow the Irish, Americans to cisions Reacbd- -Germans Washington, May 13.— Committee m m expressed here today. go into Ireland. chairmanships and assignments, as TO w a c o N E The report that, the Irish Ameri­ In view of the/ circumstances it Wanted to Substitute Para­ selected at tomorrow’s Republican ACROSS ATLANTIC cans boasted that the Premier sought is consid^ered unthinkable that the Senatorial conference, will be re­ Veterans in Khaki to Have Imposing Escort— To March Be­ the interview is regarded as too ridi­ Irish American delegates would at­ graph in Treat; But Alfies ported to the Senate en bloc, or col­ culous to warrant comment. '^hia tempt to stir up any discord. If N C4 is Able to Start by lectively instead of individually, it tween Waving Flags and Cheering' Crowds— Beautiful Stand Finn for Original was indicated by Republican lead­ Nigbt Tbey Will Await ers today. Court of Honor for Dead Heroes— Snpper for 800 Fol­ ^ Document. This would permit the Progress­ Her. TO TRY TO CONTROL ives gracefully to accept the result lowed hy Gala Night. Paris, May 13.— The German the conference, it was stated, peace envoys, having agreed among without their being compelled to op- REPUBUCilN NAT. CONVENTION IN ’20 themselves that they cannot secure Distinguished guests; a parade of '^pose Senator Penrose, of Pennsyl- OTHERWISE TRIP WILL BE a modification of terras, will sign the LAWREN(X MEN CHARGED Tania, for chairman ,of the- Senate. military pomp and splendor; elhor- peace treaty, according to confiden­ ^Finance Committee, individually, MADE SOON AS POSSIBLE ate decorations; impressive military WITH INCITDIG RIOTS Gen. Leonard Wood, Senator EX-HUNGARIAN LEADER tial information reaching President while, at the same time, being able exercises and spectacles; aeroplane, ASSASSINATED, REPORT Wilson today. to record themselves as abiding by Milan, May 13.— Dr. Navay, Two Envoys Leave. If Reports are Favorable Start W ill flights and thrills; baby tanks; giant the action of the majority of their Strikers Say Men Promoted Violence Lenroot and Senator Hiram former president of the Hun­ Herr Lansberg and Herr Geisberg, Be Marie Tonight— Warships and howitzers; a profusion of war relios; garian Reichstag, was assassi­ party conference without jeopardiz­ and 'Then Revealed the Plots to two members of the Teutoiyc peace Destroyers Rearly Along Propos­ a display of Allied colors by day and nated on Monday while travel­ ing its majority of two in the Senate the Police. Jobson, Acceptable R esi­ ing on a train from Vienna to mission have left Versailles for Ber­ ed Route. electrical replicas of the same by Itself. night; multi-colored electrical nov­ Budai)est, according to a dis­ lin to inform the government of the patch from the former city to­ Borah W ill Oppose. elties by night; a profusion of mo­ Lawrence, Mass, May 13.—Two dential T b b e r, Tbey Say. decisions reached by the plenipoten­ While Senator Borah, of Idaho, Washington, May 13.— If the nav­ day. dernized fireworks; martial music men, accused by textilar strikers oi tiaries. Senator Penrose’s chief opponent in al hydroplane, N, C.-4, now at ^ v in g come here to promote vio- The final conclusions and a defi­ by seven bands; dedication and me­ Chicago, May 13.— A movement is the Senate, declared he would al­ Chatham, is able to start before leiice and then reveal it to the au­ nite course of action will be decid­ morial ceremonies; brilliant speak­ under way today to muster the full ■ -TA.i ways continue his opposition to Pen- nightfall for Trepassfey, N. F., the thorities, were arrested by the Law­ ed upon by the Germans before ers, cheering crowds and vaudeville strength of the Progressive party rose, in conference, and on the Sen- ^*N. C-1 and N. C-3 now there await­ rence police today, charged with In­ DOUBLE ELOPEMENT Sunday. and movies. and put up a fight for control of the ate floor, most of his progressive as­ ing a hop-off on the third leg of citing to riot, The Big Four met again this No .this is not a description of Republican National convention next sociates stated they were not at all their trans-Atlantic ^ght, will wait 'fhe men are John Deltuoa and CAUSES SENSATION morning and continued their con­ Boston’s reception to the victorious year. Inclined to extend their opposition for her, Commandm* J. H. Towers John Mach, members of4th«>'goireral sideration jof Austrian *^uestlons.^ 26th Division. It is just what Man­ Former Progressive leaders from the senior rienator from Penn.sy^- inforliiLd the Navy Department to­ strike committee, until a few days Austrians Expected. chester residents are going to see, a dozen states met here yesterday Girls Were Students at Clieshire— ▼ania beyond the conference. * day. However, if the N. C-4 is de­ ago, when they were expelled. Del­ The Austrian peace delegation is feel, hear and enjoy on Saturday, under the leadership of Governor Boys, Sons of Wealthy Parents. President Pw Tern. layed, the other two ’planes will tuoa was arrested at Salisbury scheduled to arrive at St. Germaine May 17th, the date of the glorious H^ry. J. Allen, of Kansas, and Gif- Old guard leaders werp agreed to start for the' Azores with the first Beach, and Mach was apprehended tonight and from indications, will Welcome Home celebration and re­ fora Pinchot, of Pennsylvania, and New Haven, May 13.— John H. support any one for President pro favorable weather conditions. Tow­ in Boston. / assume a passive attitude when the ception which the one hundred per after outlining a general program Sessions, 3rd, son of Albert L. Ses­ tern of the Senate, the Progressives ers stated. The arrest of the men caused a terms are presented. 0 cent plus town is to accord to her for the delegate fight in the primar­ sions, a wealthy manufacturer of may agree on. Senator Hiram Bad Weatlier. sensation, as there had been no pre Signor Crespi, of the Italian dele­ returning warriors, both domestic ies and state conventions, returned Bristol, Conn., and George S. W. Johnson, of California, and Senator Weather conditions are such that vious indication that the police tooK gation, is quoted as saying, that, and overseas. The plans are prac­ to their various states to “ stir up Keech, son of Frank B. Keech, of - Lenfoot, of Wisconsin, were the it is highly improbable that the two seriously the allegations of the real aside from her territorial demands, tically completed and the committees things” for a second meeting sched­ New York City, who were married latest ones tentatively “ slated” fo f planes now at Trepassey will be able strike leaders regarding them. Italy will expect all peoples who appointed are now and will be up to uled for the latter part of this in Portchester, N. Y., last Saturday that post. Johnson was reported to to start within 24 hours, it was The evidence on which they were were members of the Dual Monarchy the date of the grand event, work­ month. after an elopment respectively with be unwilling to accept it. stated. There have been high west arrested was furnished by A, J^ in 1914 to contribute t6 the indem­ m ing overtime. It is now up to local Those Present. Miss Dorothy Dow Munsell of Johnson the Choice.
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