Arthropoda Selecta 11 (2): 153158 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2002 Helsdingenia gen.n., a new micronetid genus from Old-World tropics (Aranei: Linyphiidae: Micronetinae) Helsdingenia gen.n., íîâûé ðîä ïîäñåìåéñòâà Micronetinae èç òðîïèêîâ Ñòàðîãî Ñâåòà (Aranei: Linyphiidae: Micronetinae) M.I. Saaristo* & A.V. Tanasevitch** Ì.È. Ñààðèñòî* è À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷** * Zoological Museum, Centre of Biodiversity, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku Finland; e-mail: [email protected] ** All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Protection, P.O. VILAR, Znamenskoye-Sadki, Moscow 113628 Russia; e-mail: [email protected] ** Âñåðîññèéñêèé íàó÷íî-èññëåäîâàòåëüñêèé èíñòèòóò îõðàíû ïðèðîäû, Çíàìåíñêîå-Ñàäêè, Ìîñêâà 113628 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Spiders, Linyphiidae, Micronetinae, Helsdingenia, systematics, new genus, new species, Afrotropical Region, Oriental Region. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Ïàóêè, Linyphiidae, Micronetinae, Helsdingenia, ñèñòåìàòèêà, íîâûé ðîä, íîâûå âèäû, Àôðîòðîïè÷åñêàÿ îáëàñòü, Îðèåíòàëüíàÿ îáëàñòü. ABSTRACT: A new micronetid genus Helsdinge- shaped embolus of the male palp [Saaristo, Tanasevitch, nia gen.n. (type species: Lepthyphantes ceylonicus Hels- 2000: 256]. dingen, 1985) is described from Old-World tropics It is worth of noting here that Locket [1980] stated (Afrotropical and Oriental Regions). The genus belongs that L. hebes and L. extensus are related with L. bihama- to the Bolyphantes-Poeciloneta clade [Saaristo, Ta- tus (Emerton, 1882) from North America. This is true in nasevitch, 2000: 256] and at the present consists of four the sense that they all belong to the Bolyphantes-Poecil- species; Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985) oneta clade. The bifid arm of paracymbium which from Sri Lanka, H. extensa (Locket, 1968) from Angola, lead Locket (1980) to compare L. hebes and L. extensus H. hebes (Locket et Russell-Smith, 1980) from Nigeria, with L. bihamatus is a character common for a large all comb.n. ex Lepthyphantes, and H. hebesoides sp.n. genus-group in Bolyphantes-Poeciloneta clade. L. bi- from Indonesia. hamatus belongs decidedly in Poeciloneta [Saaristo, Tanasevitch, 2000]. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Èç òðîïèêîâ Ñòàðîãî Ñâåòà (Àôðîò- The material of this study was collected by the emeritus ðîïè÷åñêàÿ è Îðèåíòàëüíàÿ îáëàñòè) îïèñàí íîâûé curator Pekka T. Lehtinen (Turku) and preserved in the ðîä ìèêðîíåòèí Helsdingenia gen.n. (òèïîâîé âèä: Zoological Museum, Turku University (Turku, Finland). Lepthyphantes ceylonicus van Helsdingen, 1985). Ðîä Abbreviations: âõîäèò â êëàäó Bolyphantes-Poeciloneta [Saaristo, MZT Museum of Zoology, Turku University, BC bursa copulatrix Tanasevitch, 2000: 256] è íà ñåãîäíÿøíèé äåíü íà- DS distal part of scape ñ÷èòûâàåò ÷åòûðå âèäà: Helsdingenia ceylonica (Hels- EP embolus proper dingen, 1985) èç Øðè-Ëàíêè, H. extensa (Locket, FE extension of the cavity wall 1968) èç Àíãîëû, H. hebes (Locket et Russell-Smith, L lamella characteristica 1980) èç Íèãåðèè, âñå comb.n. ex Lepthyphantes, and PS pseudoscape H. hebesoides sp.n. èç Èíäîíåçèè. TA terminal apophysis The chaetotaxy is given in the following formula: Ti I: 2- 1-1-2(1). This stands for: tibia I has two dorsal, one pro- and Introduction one retrolateral spine, and two or one ventral spines (the apical spines are herewith disregarded). The sequence of leg This paper describes a new micronetid genus of the segments in measurement data is as follows: femur + patella family Linyphiidae from the Afrotropical and Oriental + tibia + metatarsus + tarsus. All measurements are in mm. Regions. It includes four species, viz. Lepthyphantes Scale in Figures 0.1 mm. ceylonicus Helsdingen, 1985 (from Sri Lanka), L. exten- sus Locket, 1968 (from Angola), L. hebes Locket et Descriptions of new taxa Russell-Smith, 1980 (from Nigeria) and a new species from Indonesia. The new genus belongs to the Boly- Helsdingenia gen.n. phantes-Poeciloneta clade of the subfamily Microneti- nae and is characterized by the presence of the pseudo- TYPE SPECIES. Lepthyphantes ceylonicus Helsdingen, scape in the female epigyne and the simple, mitten- 1985 from Sri Lanka. 154 M.I. Saaristo & A.V. Tanasevitch Figs. 13. Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985) from Sri Lanka: 1 right palp, retrolateral view; 2 embolic division, ventral view; 3 embolus, ventral view. Ðèñ. 13. Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985) ýêç. èç Øðè-Ëàíêè: 1 ïðàâàÿ ïàëüïà, ðåòðîëàòåðàëüíî; 2 ýìáîëþñíûé îòäåë, âåíòðàëüíî; 3 ýìáîëþñ, âåíòðàëüíî. ETYMOLOGY. The generic name is derived from the DESCRIPTION. Small-sized (1.202.45 mm), relatively surname of Dr. P.J. van Helsdingen (Leiden, The Nether- pale-colored micronetids. Abdomen with a dorsal pattern of lands) whose contribution to knowledge of the taxonomy of some four pairs of dark spots which may be connected with the family Linyphiidae has been remarkable. Especially his each other to form two more or less parallel stripes, sides and excellent work [Helsdingen, 1965] about the sexual behav- venter dark colored. Chaetotaxy: Ti I: 2-1-1-2(1), II: 2-0-1- iour of Lepthyphantes leprosus (Ohlert, 1865) has been for 1(0), IIIIV: 2-0-0-(0); Mt IIII with a dorsal spine. Tm I: immense value for our work with the subfamily Micronetinae. 0.130.20. Male palpal cymbium with a small posterior horn; The gender of the new genus is considered feminine. paracymbium apically bifid; embolus small and simple with DIAGNOSIS. Helsdingenia gen.n. is a typical member of long, curved embolus proper; terminal apophysis long, nar- the Bolyphantes-Poeciloneta clade [Saaristo, Tanasevitch, row and two pointed; lamella characteristica large, in the 2000: 256]. Its monophyly is supported by the finger-like middle deeply incised. Female epigyne with finger-like exten- extensions of the cavity wall [Saaristo, Tanasevitch 1996, Fig. sions of cavity wall on either sides of scape; scape with well 6] of the female epigyne on either sides of the scape (Fig. 4: developed pseudoscape; distal part of scape disc-like with FE). Also the crooked, elongated embolus proper is diagnos- apical pit, lateral pockets absent, copulatory pockets on both tic (Fig. 3). sides of junction of distal and median part of scape. A new micronetid genus from Old-World tropics 155 Figs. 47. Epigyne of Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985) from Sri Lanka: 4 ventral view, 5 dorsal view, 6 ventro- lateral view, 7 lateral view. Ðèñ. 47. Ýïèãèíà Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985), ýêç. èç Øðè-Ëàíêè: 4 âåíòðàëüíî, 5 äîðñàëüíî, 6 âåíòðîëàòåðàëüíî, 7 ëàòåðàëüíî. SPECIES INCLUDED. Helsdingenia ceylonica (Hels- has it distinctly curved laterally [Locket, 1968: Fig. 24C]. The dingen, 1985) comb.n., H. extensa (Locket, 1968) comb.n., H. female of H. ceylonica has a more elongated epigyne and hebes (Locket & Russell-Smith, 1980) comb.n. (all ex Lept- accordingly e.g. the apical part of the scape is ca. 2 times as hyphantes), and H. hebesoides sp.n. long as wide (Fig. 4) while it in H. extensa is about 1.5 times DISTRIBUTION. Old-World tropics. as long as wide. DESCRIPTION. Female well described by Helsdingen Helsdingenia ceylonica(Helsdingen, 1985),comb.n. [1985]. Male. Total length 1.50. Carapace 0.65 long, 0.58 Figs. 17. wide; pale brown almost yellow with wide grey border and grey median stripe. Chelicerae 0.25 long. Legs yellow. Length Lepthyphantes ceylonicus Helsdingen, 1985: 20, f. 9,10 (D$). of leg I: 5.24 (1.33 + 0.25 + 1.33 + 1.45 + 0.88), IV 3.69 MATERIAL EXAMINED. 1 $ (MZT AM 1205), NEPAL, (1.08 + 0.20 + 0.85 + 0.98 + 0.58). Tm I: 0.19. Chaetotaxy: Bagmati, Bodegaon-Kitini, Hattiban, forested hill between culti- TiI: 2-1-1-2, II: 2-0-2-1, IIIIV: 2-0-0-0; MtIIII: 1-0-0-0. vated fields, 12.V.1979, P. Lehtinen leg.; 2 ##, 4 $$ (MZT AM Abdomen 0.88 long, 0.53 wide; dorsal pattern variable, but 1204), SRI LANKA, Nuwara Eliya, Hakgala District, in grass and main arrangement as in Figs 89. Palp as in Figs 13. litter along a mountain brook, , 18.XI.1972, P. Lehtinen leg.; 4 $$ DISTRIBUTION. Sri Lanka, Nepal. (MZT AM 1203), Nuwara Eliya, Bambarakelle District, wet slope with grass, 17.XI.1972, P. Lehtinen leg.; 2 ##,1 $ (MZT AM Helsdingenia extensa (Locket, 1968), comb.n. 1202), Nuwara Eliya, Labookellie District, stony brook, 17.XI.1972, P. Lehtinen and I. Oksala leg.; 1 $ (MZT AM 1265), Pussellawa, Lepthyphantes extensus Locket, 1968: 96, f. 23AC, 24AC (D$). 1.II.1969, P. Lehtinen leg. Lepthyphantes bifurcus Locket, 1968: 88, f. 16AC (D#; not $ DIAGNOSIS. Helsdingenia ceylonica is close to H. ex- = L. locketi van Helsdingen, 1977). tensa. The male of the former species has almost straight Lepthyphantes extensus Helsdingen, 1977: 171, f. 72eg, 73a mesal branch of the lamella characteristica (Fig. 2); H. extensa f (#$ = L. bifurcus Locket, 1968). 156 M.I. Saaristo & A.V. Tanasevitch Figs. 811. Female abdomen of Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985) (89) and H. hebesoides sp.n. $ paratype (1011): 8, 10 dorsal view, 9, 11 lateral view. Ðèñ. 811. Áðþøêî ñàìêè Helsdingenia ceylonica (Helsdingen, 1985) (89) è H. hebesoides sp.n., ïàðàòèï $ (1011): 8, 10 äîðñàëüíî, 9, 11 ëàòåðàëüíî. MATERIAL EXAMINED. None. District, Gunung Singalang, 1900 m, jungle, in litter, 25.IX.1978, DIAGNOSIS. See Helsdingenia ceylonica. P. Lehtinen leg. Paratypes: 1 #, 1 $ (MZT AM 1206), same DESCRIPTION. Well described by Locket [1968]. locality and date together with holotype; 2 $$ (MZT AM 1207), DISTRIBUTION. Angola, Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroon, Padangpanjang District, Gunung Singalang, 18002300 m, in Comoro Island, Madagascar, St. Helena Island [Scharff, 1990]. litter, 27.IX.1978, P. Lehtinen leg.; 1 $ (MZT AM 1208), Padangpanjang District, Gunung Singalang, 18002300 m, in litter, 27.IX.1978, P. Lehtinen leg. Helsdingenia hebes (Locket & Russell-Smith, 1980) DIAGNOSIS. H. hebes and H. hebesoides are close to H. comb.n. ceylonica and H. extensa from which their males differ in blunter lateral extension of the paracymbium and females in Lepthyphantes hebes Locket & Russell-Smith, 1980: 88, f. 128 considerably broader apical part of the scape. The male of H. 132 (D#$). hebesoides differs notably from that of H. hebes by having MATERIAL EXAMINED.
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