Sun 1500 Chapel Choir rehearsal Sep 2030 School opens 8 SH Week 1 Mon 0945 Beginning of Year Service, Chapel Sep 9 SH Week 1 Tue 1430 Squash: Sen X & U15 V vs Epsom College (H) Sep 1615 Basketball: U16 vs Westgate (H) 1730 Evensong and installation of Warden, Chapel 10 SH Week 1 Wed 1400 CS Inductions: Primary Schools 2pm; Visiting the Elderly 2.30pm QEII Sep 1900 1900 - Jonathan Bate on Ode to Autumn 11 SH Week 1 0845 Road Safety Presentation (JP only) Thur 1400 Golf: U18 & U16 vs Marlborough College (H) Sep 1415 Fencing vs Bradfield (A) dep 1305 1430 Squash: Sen III & U16 III vs Marlborough & Cheltenham (A) 12 dep 1305 1530 Soccer: YA, YC vs Twyford School (H) 1730 Eucharist, Chapel 1830 Friends Pre-lecture Drinks SH 1900 Friends Lecture: Re-viewing Winchester College by the Week 1 Headmaster, New Hall (Friends only) Fri Sep 13 SH Week 1 All Day Rowing: JP & MP only at Isis Sculls (A) dep 0700, rtn 2000 Sat All Day Sailing: 1st vs Sir Reginald Bennett Cup (vs. OWs, Radley, ORs) Sep (A) dep 1600, rtn Sun 1930 14 0900-1300 Sixth Form 2020 Open Day, School 1130 Goddard Day Service, Chapel TW 1230 Goddard Day Reception followed by Lunch, New Hall 1430 Soccer: 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI, 6th XI, JCA, JCB, SH JCC, JCD, JCE vs Eton (A) dep 1230 Week 1 1430 Soccer: SCA, SCB, SCC, SCD, YA, YB, YC, YD, YE vs Eton (H) 1700-1800 Glee Club rehearsal, Music School Hall: Bernstein Chichester Psalms, Duruflé Requiem 1700 Headmaster's Reading Hour Memoranda Sun Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sep Jackie Berridge Artist in Residence, Art School (until 20 October) 15 All Day Chess: Eton Rapidplay (A) (dep 0845, rtn 1830) X 0945 Morning Service, New Hall 0945 Sung Eucharist, Chapel 0945 Faith Circles, SLT SH 0945 RC Mass, School Week 2 1045 Societies Fair, Musa 1400 Headmaster's Detention, E5 Mon Sep 16 SH Week 2 Tue 1030-1230 Registrar's Tour 1400 Golf: U18 vs Seaford College (H) Sep 1415 Rackets vs Tonbridge (H) 1500 Soccer: JCA, YA vs Royal Russell (A) dep 1305 17 1630 HAG, NHSR 1730 Evensong, Chapel SH Week 2 Wed Sep 18 SH Week 2 Heritage Open Days 2019 Thur 1300-1400 Learning Lunch, Musa Sep 1400 Golf: U16 vs Canford (A) dep 1305 1400 Golf: U18 vs Canford (H) 19 1415 Fencing vs Westminster (A) dep 1305 1415 Squash: Peach Plate – Inter-house Junior tournament 1430 Sailing: 1st, 2nd vs Sherborne (H) dep 1315 1430 Swimming vs Charterhouse (A) dep 1305 1500 Soccer: 1st XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, SCA, JCA, JCB vs Westminster SH (H) Week 2 1500 Soccer: 2nd XI, YA, YB vs Westminster (A) dep 1305 1730 Eucharist, Chapel Heritage Open Days 2019 Fri Jackie Berridge Artist in Residence Exhibition, Angelus Gallery (until 20 Sep October) 20 1415 Squash: Peach Pot – Inter-house Senior tournament SH Week 2 Heritage Open Days 2019 Sat 1230 CCF Ex Meggido, Bramley training area (until 1230 22 Sep) Sep 1430 Soccer: 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 5th XI, 6th XI, JCB, YA, YB vs Alleyn’s (H) 21 1430 Soccer: SCA, SCB, SCC, YE vs Bradfield (H) 1430 Soccer: SCD, JCD, YD vs Bradfield (A) dep 1230 TR 1500 Soccer: 1st XI, 4th XI, JCA, JCC vs Alleyn’s (A) dep 1230 1700-1800 Glee Club rehearsal, Music School Hall 1700 Headmaster's Reading Hour SH 1915 Compline, Chapel Week 2 Memoranda Sun Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Sep Heritage Open Days 2019 22 0830 Said Holy Communion, Chapel 0945 Sung Eucharist, Chapel Y 0945 Faith Circles, SLT 0945 RC Mass, School 1400 Headmaster's Detention, E5 SH 2015 Evening Service, Chapel Week 3 Mon Sep 23 SH Week 3 Tue 1300 Soccer: 1st XI vs Queen Ethelburga’s (ISFA Cup 2nd Round) (H) Sep 1400 Golf: U18 in ISGA Knockout vs Lancing (H) 1415 Squash: Sen X & U15 V vs Bradfield (A) dep 1305 24 1615 Basketball: U15 vs Westgate (A) dep 1545, rtn 1800 1900 Med:Soc lecture 1900-2000 Modern Languages Speech Prize, NHSR 2015-2200 Modern Languages Speech Prize Dinner, Warden's Lodgings SH Week 3 Wed 1030-1230 Registrar's Tour 1105-1220 VBk PSHEE talk by Allison Havey, New Hall Sep 1400 Golf: U18 in HMC Foursomes vs Dulwich (A) dep 1145 1415-1615 Moray House Testing (MHT) for JP Boys, New Hall 25 SH Week 3 Founder's Obit (transferred) Thur 1400 Golf: U18 vs Bradfield (A) dep 1305 Sep 1415 Fencing vs Harrow (A) dep 1305 1415 Rackets: Prince’s vs Eton (H) 26 1430 Sailing: 1st vs RGS Guildford (A) dep 1315 1430 Soccer: 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI, SCD, YA, YB, YC, YD, YE vs Bradfield (H) 1445 Soccer: 6th XI, SCA, SCB, SCC, JCA, JCB, JCC, JCD, JCE vs Bradfield (A) dep 1305 SH 1700 Headmaster's Detention, E5 Week 3 1730 Founder’s Obit Festal Evensong jointly with Winchester Cathedral and New College, Oxford Choirs (JP only), Cathedral 1930 Founder’s Dinner (JP only), College Hall 0745 Morning Hills Fri 1200-1300 Parents’ Prayer Group, Musa 1305 Exeat begins Sep 27 SH Week 3 Sat Sep 28 SH Week 3 Memoranda Sun Michael and All Angels Sep 1900 Music Scholars’ Concert, Music School Hall 2000 Expedition launch (Marine Biodiversity Expedition, 29 Summer 2020), SLT 2115 Exeat ends SH Week 4 Mon Oxbridge/Medical/Veterinary/Dentist UCAS applications internal Sep deadline USA early applications internal deadline 30 SH Week 4 Tue 1200 UKCAT final booking deadline 1400 Golf: U16 vs Bradfield & Marlborough (A) at Bradfield, Oct dep 1305 1430 Badminton: 1st vs Radley (A) dep 1305 1 1430 Soccer: 1st XI vs Bradfield (H) 1445 Soccer: JCA, JCB, JCC vs Hampton (A) dep 1305 1630 Housemasters' Plenary, NHSR 1700 BMAT registration deadline SH 1730 Evensong, Chapel Week 4 1900-2100 LAMDA Showcase, Blackwell Room 1900 Maths Lecture: Mathematics, Magic and the Electric Guitar by Professor David Acheson, SLT 1900 Afghanistan talk by Hugh-Frere-Cook, Musa Wed UKCAT final testing date Oct 1145-1300 MidYIS Testing for JP Boys, New Hall and School 2 SH Week 4 0845-1600 VBk Geography field trip to Chichester Thur 1030-1230 Registrar's Tour 1415 Fencing vs RGSHW (H) Oct 1415 Rackets: Prince’s vs Marlborough (A) dep 1305 1430 Sailing: 1st vs Eton (A) dep 1315 3 1430 Soccer: YA, YB, YC vs Hampton (H) 1430 Squash: Sen X & U15 V vs Eton (A) dep 1305 1615 Basketball vs Westgate (H) 1730 Eucharist, Chapel 1900 Science Society talk by Professor Andrew Hector, University SH of Southampton Week 4 1330 CCF RM Pringle Competition, Lympstone Devon (until 1330 Fri 6 Oct) 1900 DramaSoc lecture: The Merchant of Venice: Text and Context by Oct Dr Will Tosh, The Globe, SLT 4 SH Week 4 All Day Croquet: National Schools (A) Sat All Day Rowing: JP & MP at Itchen Junior Sprints (A) dep 0700, rtn 2000 All Day Sailing: 1st, 2nd vs BSDRA Midland Area Championships (A) Oct dep 0700 1200 St Catherine’s College Oxford Alumni and Friends' Lunch, 5 School 1430 Badminton: 1st vs Bradfield (A) dep 1305 TW 1430 Soccer: JCA, JCB, JCD, YA, YB, YD vs Bede’s (H) 1430 Soccer: SCA, SCB, SCC vs Hampton (H) 1500 Soccer: 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI vs Bede’s (A) dep SH 1230 Week 4 1700-1900 Glee Club rehearsal, Music School Hall 1700 Headmaster's Reading Hour 1915 Compline, Chapel Memoranda Sun Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Oct Ad Ed: Climbing offsite trip All Day Chess: Hampshire Junior Chess Congress (H) 6 All Day Croquet: National Schools (A) All Day Rowing: VI1&2 at Pairs Head of the River (A) dep 0700, rtn 2000 Y All Day Squash: Sen VI at Guildford Invitational (A) dep 0800, rtn 2100 0830 Said Holy Communion, Chapel 0945 Sung Eucharist, Chapel SH 0945 Faith Circles, SLT Week 5 0945 RC Mass, School 1400 Headmaster's Detention, E5 1900 Chamber Music II, Music School Hall 2015 Evening Service, Chapel Mon 1030-1230 Registrar's Tour 1300-1400 Lunchtime Concert, Winchester Cathedral Oct 1415 Rackets: Prince’s vs Cheltenham (A) dep 1045, rtn 2000 1430 Soccer: 1st XI, 2nd XI, JCA, JCB, JCC vs Aldenham (H) 7 1500 Soccer: 3rd XI, 4th XI, YA, YB, YC vs Aldenham (A) dep 1305 1630 Informal Concert, Recital Room 1730 Evensong, Chapel 1900 Ramsey Society talk: Why I stood as a candidate for the Brexit SH Party, Ben Habib, Brexit Party MEP for London Week 5 1915 Trant’s 150th Anniversary Dinner, Merchant Taylors’ Hall, London, dep 1200 Tue Oct 8 SH Week 5 Wed 1830-2030 Dress rehearsal for House Singing, New Hall Oct 9 SH Week 5 0900-1300 Year 5 Open Day, New Hall Thur 1400 Basketball: U18, U15 vs Wellington (A) dep 1305, rtn 1900 1415 Fencing vs Eton (A) dep 1305 Oct 1430 Squash: Sen X vs St. Edwards (A) dep 1305 1815 Amicabilis Concordia, Eton College (dep 1345, rtn 2215) 10 SH Week 5 1300-1400 Learning Lunch, Musa Fri 1900 Recita, School 1915 SOLAW Dinner, The Saville Club, London, dep 1200 Oct 11 SH Week 5 All Day Chess: Millfield International (A) dep 0700, rtn 1930 Sat All Day Rowing: All Year groups at Monkton Blue Friars (A) dep 0700, rtn 2000 Oct All Day Sailing: 1st, 2nd vs RYA Eric Twiname Youth and Junior Team Racing Championships (A) dep 0700, rtn 1930 (possible 12 overnight stay) 1400 Golf: U18 vs OWs in the Aldington Match (H) TR 1415 Fencing vs Abingdon (H) 1430 Soccer: JCA, JCC, JCE, YA, YC, YE vs Lancing (H) 1445 Soccer: 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th XI, 6th XI vs SH Lancing (A) dep 1230 Week 5 1700-1800 Glee Club rehearsal, Music School Hall 1700 Headmaster's Reading Hour 1900-2230 UVIth Dinner/Dance, St Swithun's School 1915 Compline, Chapel 2000 Friends' Golf Dinner, College Hall Memoranda Sun Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Oct Ad Ed: Paddling offsite trip All Day Chess: Millfield International (A) dep 0700, rtn 1930 13 All Day Sailing: 1st, 2nd vs RYA Eric Twiname Youth and Junior Team Racing Championships (A) dep 0700, rtn 1930 Z 0900 Said Services in Boarding Houses 1400 Headmaster's Detention, E5 1400 Golf: U18 vs OWs in the Aldington Match (H) SH 1400-1600 SROGUS: Alan Bennett – 40 years On,
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