Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 8-19-1954 The B-G News August 19, 1954 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News August 19, 1954" (1954). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1199. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1199 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Speech, Hearing Workshop Set For CALENDA Today — Watermelon Cutting Week of August 30 at 4 p.m. at Uraehel Park for all A five-d»y Workshop on Child- Summer School students and fac- ren with Speech, Hearing and Vis- ulty. ual Problems is planned for the Aug. 20—Last data to file li- IWHtw Green State Utiiirersitu week of August 30 on the Bowl- brary copies of theaea. ing Green State University cam- Aug. 20—The final campus pus. movie for the Summer School Cooperating with the University "The Mala Animal" with Henry VoL 38 Official Studant Publication. Bowling Graem. Ohio. Thursday, Auguat 19. 1954 No. 60 in presenting the Workshop are Fonda and Olivia De Havilland, the Ohio Department of Health at 8 p.m. in the Main Auditorium. and the Crippled Children's So- cieties, according to Dr. Melvin Aug. 27—Final examinations H>nutii, director of the University for the second session courses. 173 Are Candidates For Degrees Speech and Hearing Clinic. Aug. 27—Summer Commence- The Workshop program is plan- ment at 4 p.m. in the Main Audi- ned specially for teachers, school torium. nurses, and public health nurses Aug. 28-29—Walther League At Commencement Next Friday of Northwest Ohio. There will be meeting on campus. no registration fee, with every- Aug. 30-SepL 8—Workshop on One hundred and seventy-three one who is interested welcome to Children with Speech, Hearing degrees will be conferred at the attend. and Visual Problems, in coopera- summer Commencement to be hold The program will include lect- tion with the Ohio Department of at 4 p.m. in the Main Auditorium ures, demonstrations, group and Health and the Crippled Child- on Friday, August 27. panel discussions, and films. ren Societies. The invocation and benediction Among those to appear on the pro- Sept. 12—Presbytery of Toledo will be given by The Reverend gram are Dr. Hyman; Dr. James James Trautwein, rector of the Wright and Miss Alice Greiner of Church, U.S.A., meeting on cam- pus. St. John's Episcopal Church in the BGSU faculty; Norman Bla- Bowling Green. lock, teacher at Fostori..; Miss Sept. 14—Freshman week be- Anthony Roberts, a graduating Elizabeth MacLearie of Columbus; gins at 2 p.m. Final registration senior, will present a trumpet Miss Betty Neidecker, speech and orientation of freshmen and therapist of Sandusky; Mrs. Fran- transfer jtudenta for fall semes- solo entitled "Andante et Allegro". cis Lee, president of the Toledo ter. Topic of the address to be given Hearing League; and Miss Marion Sept. 17-18—Final registration by Dr. Willard E. Givens is "Our Asherman of the Ohio Department for upperclassmen. Teachers and Our Country." Dr. Givens is a widely known educator of Health, Dayton. Sept. 20—Classes for fall se- and was executive secretary of mester begin at 8 a.m. the National Education Associa- Dr. Twyman's Book Oct. 15-17—Homecoming. tion for 17 years. Nov. 24—Thanksgiving recess Following the address deans of begins at 12 noon. the four colleges will confer de- Recently Published Nov 29—Classes resume at 12 grees upon the graduates. Dr. Robert Twyman, associate noon. To Confer Honorary Degree professor of history, recently had Dec. 18—Christmas recess be- a 260-page book published by the Dr. Ralph W. McDonald will gins at 12 noon. confer the honorary degree of University of Pennsylvania Press. Jan. 3—Classes resume at 8 Doctor of Fine Arts upon Dr. The book "History of Marshall a.m. Blake-More Godwin, director of Field and Co., 1852-1906," won Jan. 28—First semester com- the Toledo Museum of Art. the 1961 Beveridge Award of the mencement. American Historical Association. Feb. 2—Second semester classes Mrs. A. L. Housholdor will play the processional and recessional. Dr. Twyman began research for begin at 8 a.m. Execution of the oath of office the book in 1942. It is a rewrite Apr. 6—Spring recess begins at anil awarding of commissions to of his Ph. D. dissertation at the 12 noon. University of Chicago. Army and Air Force ROTC cadets Apr. 13—Classes resume at 12 will be conducted by Col. T. R. Dr. Twyman has started work- noon. Malone and Col. L. M. Ilivins. ing on what may be the second May 25—Honors Day. CoL Lathe* M. Btrln.. commanding officer (4 the Alt Force BOTC emll at volume on the history of the Chi- June 4—Alumni and Parents Bowling Green Slate University (pictured led), and Charles Booser of Youngi- Eighteen Army ROTC cadets cago department store. Marshall Day. lown are among candidates lor graduation on August 27. They will both be who are candidates for graduation Field is subsidizing the new work. June 6—Commencement. juggling clothing somewhat at the commencement exercises. Colonel BWIne on August 27 will receive commis- June 14—Summer School Clas- will give the oath of office to Air lore. BOTC cadets who are being commis- sions as second lieutenants in the ses begin. sioned; Mr. Booser will be taking the oath. For this part of the ceremony they U.S. Army Artillery Reserve. The Robt. McKay Takes Aug. 26—Summer School ends. will remove cape and gowns and wear uniforms. In the picture here, each has men will be sworn in as part of a garrison cap and a mortar board. the commencement exercises. They are: Trip With Scouts Ronald A. Bracewell, Donald A. Robert E. McKay has returned Dr. Ek Receives Names Of Candidates For Degrees Branch, Paul L. Cashell, Ronald to his duties as financial aid coun- The following names of candidates fox graduation are from the Bet as It A. Dall, Joseph A. Dowdell, Bruce selor at Bowling Green State Un- Research Grant appeared In the registrar's office yesterday. This Hat Is soblect to changes M. Gethin, James C. Grimm, iversity after three weeks as a before graduation since grades are not fas yet Glenn Van Wormer. registrar. Charles L. Hunter, Richard B. Boy Scout advisor at Philmont Dr. Arvid Ek, instructor in Johnsen, David H. John, Karl E. Scout Ranch in northeastern New chemistry, was awarded a grant Bachelor of Science In JoumalUm Francis J. Smith, Englewood, N.J. Mauerhan, Gaylord W. Parsons, of $4,200 last week by the Na- William A. Washkowiak, Chicago, Mexico. Robert L. Shaw, Wapakoneta James L. Pinkerton, Marvin G. During this period Mr. McKay tional Heart Institute to continue III. Bachelor of Science In Roth, Philip E. Siegel, Robert L. and another advisor hiked with a research project on which he is Robert E. Wilber, Boston, Mass. Shaw, Richard E. Short and Frank Business Administration 30 Toledo-area scouts over 81 engaged at Bowling Green State Robert P. Wolf, Kenmore, N.Y. J. Smith. miles of mountain trails. They University. He received a similar Edward II. Bessire, Toledo Bachelor of Science Nominated for Regular Amy did their own cooking and trans- grant for this purpose last year. Luther M. Bivins, Bowling Green John R. Dukes, Findlay porting of food without the help The project, titled "Synthetic R. E. More. Wesleyville, Penn. As reserve officers, theie men Robert Dunn, Bellevue of a trained guide. Vascoconstrictor Principles, He- Roland A. Bracewell, Toledo will serve for two years at Ft. Mr. McKay has been district teroaxins, and Possible Metabo- Donald A. Branch, Brecksville Joyce A. Hixon Gibeaut, Rochester, Sill, Oklahoma. Mr. Dowdell and commissioner for the Wood Dis- lites Derived from Tryptophan," Carl A. Broberg, Jr., Cleveland Minn. Mr. Mauerhan have been nominat- trict Boy Scouts for the past three is concerned with the effects of Paul L. Cashell, Mansfield David H. John, Bowling Green ed for Regular Army appointments years. He has served the Scouts tryptophan, a Crystalline amino Bruce D. Gregory, Elmore Donald Gene Jones, Bridgeport but will be sworn in the Army Re- in various capacities for 20 years. acid, on blood pressure. Bruce Merrick Gethin, Grand M. Patricia Moore, Kenmore, N.Y. serve at graduation pending re- Rapids Paul Charles Woner, Fremont ceipt of Regular Army appoint- Jack Robert Herman, Lorain Bachelor of Arts ments. Barbara J. Hobbs, Rochester, N.Y. Charles Bonser, senior A i r 'Madame Butterfly' Will Open Artist Ann Louise Amato, Indianapolis, Richard Byron Johnsen, Cleveland Force ROTC cadet, will receive a Robert Alvin Johnston, Bowling Ind. commission as a second lieuten- Series; Theatre Productions Announced Green Charles F. Bonser, Youngstown ant in the Air Force Reserve at Artist Series performances for Boston Pops Orchestra, Sun- E. Wynn Kallay, Painesville Ronald A. Dall, Pittsburgh, Penn. commencement. James McClellan the coming school year have been day, March 20. John David Kenlon, Yonkers, N.Y. Joseph O. Dowdell, Athens and Raymond McQuaid will re- announced by Merrill C. McEwen, The Speech Department has an- Karl Edwin Mauerhan, Edon Lawrence W. Fast, Avon Lake ceive certificates of completion of Gordon Loux, Lakewood chairman of the department of nounced the following schedule of John Samuel McClellan, Akron Air Force ROTC course.
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