A FEDERAL& EGIST %C. 1934 VOLUME 9 NUMBER 8 ^ i/A ilT E D ^ Washington, Wednesday, January 5, 1944 Regulations products, and cream shall be computed CONTENTS as follows: Each hundredweight of milk, cream, or milk byproducts other than REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE cottage, pot, or baker’s cheese, shall be considered the equivalent of 9.375 pounds Alien Property Custodian: Page Chapter XI—War Food Administration of milk solids plus the number of pounds - Vesting orders: (Distribution Orders) of milk solids calculated by multiply­ Camplese, Maria___________ 190 [FDO 79-103] ing the pounds of butterfat in such milk, Engel, Hedwig___ _________ 185 Part 1401—Dairy P roducts and cream ,and milk byproducts by Pujii, Junichi____ _________ 186 0.906; and each hundredweight of cot­ Gartner, Ludwig___________ 186 FLUID M ILK AND CREAM IN MEMPHIS* TENN., tage, pot, or baker’s cheese shall be con­ Kamura, Nabuichi__ _______ 187 METROPOLITAN SALES AREA sidered the equivalent of 62.5 pounds of Kenner, Martha___________ 188 Pursuant to the authority vested in me milk solids plus one pound of milk solids Noll, Barbara, et al_________ 188 by Pood Distribution Order No. 79, (8 for each one percent of butterfat con­ Whitener, Paula___________ 190 F.R. 12426), issued on September 7,1943, tent of such cheese.) as amended, and to effectuate the pur­ (b) Milk sales area. The following Coal Mines Administration: poses of such order, it is hereby ordered area is hereby designated as a “milk sales Chloe Elkhorn Coal Co., Inc., as follows: area” to be known as the Memphis, Ten­ government possession ter­ § 1401.136 Quota restrictions—(a) nessee, metropolitan milk sales area, and minated ___ r_____________ 184 Definitions. When used in this order, is referred to hereinafter as the “sales Interstate Commerce CoMMiSr unless otherwise distinctly expressed or area”: The city of Memphis and all of sion: manifestly incompatible with the intent Shelby County, Tennessee, and the city Cincinnati, New Orleans and of West Memphis in Crittenden County, Texas Pacific Railway Co., hereof: Arkansas. (1) Each term defined in Pood Distri­ (c) Base period. The calendar month rerouting of freight traf­ bution Order No. 79, as amended, shall, of June 1943 is hereby designated as the fic.......................................... 185 when used herein, have the same mean­ base period for the sales area: Provided, Freight traffic, order to disre­ ing as is set forth for such term in That the month of May may be used as gard certain rerouting pro­ Pood Distribution Order No. 79, . as the base period for computing base and visions.^_________________ 185 amended. quota for deliveries to elementary, junior (2) The term “FDO 79” means Pood Office of P rice Administration: Distribution Order No. 79, issued on Sep­ high, and high schools; and Provided Acetic acid (RPS‘31, Am. 4 )___ 167 further, That in the computations set Candy, imported hard (RSR 14, tember 7, 1943, as amended. » forth in (e) hereof the total deliveries to (3) The term “sub-handler” means elementary, junior high, and high Am. 79)____ 184 any handler, such as a peddler, vendor, schools in the base period shall be di­ Commodities and services (RSR sub-dealer, or secondary dealer, who vided by the number of days such schools 1, Am. 43)__ 184 purchases in a previously packaged and were in session in lieu of the total num­ Excelsior, pine wood (RSR 14, processed form milk, cream, or milk by­ ber of days in the base period as set Am. 73) ________ 183 products for delivery. Fish and seafood, frozen (MPR (4) The term “industrial user” means forth in (e) (1) and the average daily a person, as determined by the market deliveries so determined shall be multi­ 364,,Am. 10)______ 183 agent, in the capacity of a manufacturer plied by the number of days such schools Flooring, northern hardwood of products using as an ingredient are in session in each quota period in (MPR 432, Am. 2)________ 171 therein milk, cream, or milk byprod­ lieu of the number of days in the quota Hawaii; grocery items (MPR ucts, which products are disposed of for period as set forth in (e) (2). 373„Am. 30)_____________ 173 resale to consumers off the premises (d) Quota period. Each calendar Meat, fats, etc., rationing (RO where made. month, beginning with the effective date 16, Am. 8 to Rev. Supp. 1) _ 184 (5) The term, “base” means the total of this order, is hereby designated as a Outerwear, fa ll and winter pounds of milk solids delivered by a quota period for the sales area. (MPR 438, Am. 3)_______ - 172 handler within the sales area dining the (e) Handler quotas. Quotas for each Piece goods, finished (MPR 127, base period (i) in the form of milk, or handler other than a subhandler or pro­ Am. 16) ______ 172 (ii) in the form of cream and milk by­ ducer-handler shall be determined as Pork cuts and sausage items products, minus the milk solids in quota- follows: exempt deliveries of milk, and cream and (MPR 336, Am. 10)_______ 167 milk byproducts, as described in (j) (1) Divide his respective bases by the Processed foods, rationing (Rev. hereof. (For the purpose of this order, number of days in the base period; RO 13, 2d Rev. Supp. 1)___ 173 the milk solids content of milk, milk by­ (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 135 136 FEDERAL REGISTER, W ednesday, January 5, 1944 CONTENTS—Continued (j) Quota exclusions and exemptions. Deliveries of milk, milk byproducts, or W a r F o o d A dministration — Con. Page cream (1) to other handlers, except for Tea: such deliveries to sub-handlers, (2) to FEDEML®0EGISTER Delegation of authority (FDO plants engaged in the handling or proc­ (934 21-1)_________________- 151 essing of milk, milk byproducts, cream, Distribution for civilian con­ or other dairy products from which no sumption (FDO 21, Am. milk, milk byproducts, or cream, is de­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, 1)__ 1____ 150 livered in the sales area, (3) to indus­ and days following legal holidays, by the W ar P r o d u c t io n B o a r d : trial users, and (4) to the agencies or Division of the Federal Register, The National Bearings, anti-friction (E-10)_ 162 groups specified in (d) of FDO 79, shall Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Beryllium scrap (M-160-a)----- 157 be excluded from the computation of de­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Controlled materials plan; liveries in the base period and exempt 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., water well material (CMP from charges to quotas. ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Reg. 1, Dir. 1, Rev.)___ — 162 (k) Transfers of bases. The market Administrative. Committee, approved by the Files and burs, rotary (L-216, President. Distribution is made only by the agent is empowered to transfer base from Superintendent of Documents, Government Sch. IV)______ 159 one handler to another: Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Industrial equipment, general (l) Upon receipt of a request in writ­ The regulatory material appearing herein is (L-123)____________1____ 156 ing from both handlers; and keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Oil burners (L-74)---------------- 166 (2) Upon application from a handler Which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Plumbing and heating equip­ and written notice to the Director and to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as ment, metal (L-79)__ 163 to both handlers, (i) to permit deliveries amended June 19, 1937. Priorities system, operation (PR to a purchaser not being served by a The Federal R egister will be furnished by 1, Int. 3)_____________— 155 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50' handler whose quota reflects deliveries per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ .Razors and razor blades (L-72, to such purchaser in the base period, (ii) vance. The charge for individual copies Rev.)_______________ 165 to permit a handler to serve an account (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Trucks, truck trailers, etc. (L- which customarily rotates among sev­ size of the issue. Remit check or money 1-g, Rev.)_______________ 156 eral handlers inclusive of a contract let order, made payable to the Superintendent Trucks and truck trailers, motor by a public agency or institution on a of Documents, directly to the Government (L -l-e)___ 165 bid basis, and (iii) to permit a handler to Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Vises (L-216, Sch. VI)________ 161 There are no restrictions on the republica­ serve an account which he is serving on W ar R e l o c a t i o n A u t h o r i t y : the effective date of this order and which tion of material appearing in the Federal Leave for departure from a re­ R egister. was served by another handler during location area, issuance____ 154 the base period. (1) Consumer priorities. In the dis­ tribution of milk subject to quotas estab­ NOTICE (2) Multiply the foregoing result by lished hereunder, a handler shall give Book 1 of the Cumulative Sup­ the number of days in the quota period; preference in the order listed, taking plement to the Code of Federal and into consideration the type of purchasers served by him in the base period, to: Regulations may be obtained from (3) Multiply the aforesaid resulting amounts by ICO percent in the case of the Cl) The need of children, expectant the Superintendent of Documents, base for milk, and 75 percent in the case mothers, and invalids requiring milk; Government Printing Office, at $3.00 of the base for cream and milk by­ (2) HQmes and retail stores handling per copy.
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