THE ‘FALSE SELF’ PERSONALITY OF THE WOMEN CHARACTERS ON TONI MORRISON’S SULA AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By LIA HARININGTYAS Student Number: 014214097 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2009 THE ‘FALSE SELF’ PERSONALITY OF THE WOMEN CHARACTERS ON TONI MORRISON’S SULA AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By LIA HARININGTYAS Student Number: 014214097 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2009 i ii iii Though you cannot go back and start again, you can start from now and have a brand new end. (anonymous) iv This Undergraduate Thesis is dedicated to My Beloved Parents, My Big Brothers, & Myself. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is imperfect but the love and support given during the journey finishing it are honest. It is not merely about the result, but the process. I worship Thee, the Almighty Jesus Christ, to whom I walk with, for His undemanding love, for always waiting for me whenever I run out from Him and get lost. I would like to thank my beloved father, Hari Santoso, for supporting me in his unique ways and my loving mom, Chatarina Martanti for love, prayers and patient in every ‘evil’ thing I do. I thank my two big brothers, Andre Wahyu Widoyo and Febrian Hari Putro for big love, laugh and hug. An enormous gratitude goes to my advisor, Dra. Theresia Enny Anggraini, M.A., for her patience, attention, corrections, and helpful suggestion, my co- advisor, Dewi Widyastuti, S. Pd., M. Hum, for giving suggestions and corrections and I greatly thank my examiner, Maria Ananta Tri S, S. S., M. Ed, for useful discussion. A phase of life in Sanata Dharma has united me with lots of precious people with whom I improve my life. I thank Xantie, Fany ‘Jutex’,Imel, Petriza, Deny, Fonny, Im-Boed and Monda, for sharing love and tears. Once I ask Him friends, He gave me angels. I thank my ‘sisters’, mb Yeni, mb BJ, mb Njunk for never ending support, brothers and sisters in PSM Cantus Firmus, Sekawan choir, Kontjo Kenthel choir, Pasca Sarjana USD staff and the generation 2001 of English Letters Department for invaluable life experiences. All of you complete my drawing book. Lia Hariningtyas vi vii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i APPROVAL PAGE ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE iii MOTTO PAGE iv DEDICATION PAGE v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi STUDENT ORIGINALITY STATEMENT vii LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ix ABSTRACT x ABSTRAK xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background of the Study 1 B. Problem Formulation 4 C. Objectives of the Study 4 D. Definition of Terms 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW 6 A. Review of Related Studies 6 B. Review of Related Theories 9 1. Theory on Character and Characterization 9 2. Relation between Literature and Psychology 11 3. Theory of the ‘False self’ 12 C. Theoretical Framework 24 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 25 A. Object of the Study 25 B. Approach of the Study 26 C. Method of the Study 27 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS 30 A. The Characterization of the Women Characters 30 1. The Characterization of Sula Peace 30 2. The Characterization of Nel Wright 39 B. The Description of the Women Characters as Representative of ‘False self’ 48 1. The Description of Sula Peace as Representative of ‘False self’ 49 2. The Description of Nel Wright as Representative of ‘False self’ 58 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 67 BIBLIOGRAPHY 72 APPENDIX 74 ix ABSTRACT LIA HARININGTYAS (2009). THE ‘FALSE SELF’ PERSONALITY OF THE WOMEN CHARACTERS ON TONI MORRISON’S SULA. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. This undergraduate thesis studies the personality of women characters in the novel, Sula by Toni Morrison to reveal their characterization as representation of ‘false self’ person. This novel was published in 1973 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York but the novel edition used in this thesis is the hardcover edition published by Plume Book, New American Library in 1982. The story is centered on the friendship between two adult black women, Sula and Nel. Though they were raised in the different way by their mothers, they develop themselves as the representatives of ‘false self’. To analyze the novel, the writer formulates two problems. The first is how the two women characters, Sula and Nel, are characterized. The second is how both characters are described as representative of ‘false self’. The approach used in this thesis is psychological approach that took psychological theory of ‘false self’ that mainly develops to be a result of the quality of mothering the child receives. The mother’s function as a mirror to the child’s gestures and experiences permits the child to make emotional connections with other people. When she fails to understand the child’s gestures, then the child were subjected to the mother’s needs and he/she incorporates him/her feeling to the mother’s. Therefore, the mother-daughter relationship in the novel is revealed because it is the core of the theory and it influences their characteristics. Through the application theories, the result of first analysis is that Sula was characterized as autonomous and independent woman but lack of guidance, she is emotional when making decisions and doing things but dares to confront with others to explore her life. Though she lives her thought and emotions freely, on the other hand it shows her lack of ambition because she has no purpose of life so that she chooses to live alone. In fact, she rules her life. Nel, the other character was described as polite, obedient, not emotional, calm and mature in making decisions and doing things. But after all, it shows her disability to rule herself and incorporated her demands on others. She is spiritless and unconsciously, depending herself to others. The result of second analysis shows that Sula and Nel represent themselves as ‘false self’ through their characteristics. Sula’s characteristics that are independent and free rather than Nel, but in other ways, put herself as ‘false self’ since she fails to make emotional relationship with others and focuses most on her own thought. Nel’s characteristics suited most with ‘false self’ traits because her obedience shows her struggle to incorporate her needs to her mother’s and society’s needs. Nel’s characteristics represent ‘false self’ characteristics. Based on the analysis, the writer concludes that even though they are different in their characteristics, they are presented as ‘false self’. Their relationship with the mother influences much to the development of their personality that later may lead them as representatives of ‘false self’. x ABSTRAK LIA HARININGTYAS (2009). THE ‘FALSE SELF’ PERSONALITY OF THE WOMEN CHARACTERS ON TONI MORRISON’S SULA. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. Dalam tesis ini, penulis mempelajari kepribadian para tokoh wanita pada novel berjudul Sula karangan Toni Morrison untuk mengungkapkan penokohan mereka sebagai penggambaran ‘diri yang salah’. Novel ini dipublikasikan tahun 1973 oleh Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York namun yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah edisi hardcover yang diterbitkan oleh Plume Book, New American Library tahun 1982. Novel ini bercerita mengenai persahabatan diantara dua wanita berkulit hitam, Sula dan Nel. Meskipun mereka dibesarkan oleh ibu mereka dengan cara yang bertolak belakang, perkembangan pribadi mereka merupakan penggambaran ‘diri yang salah’. Untuk mendapatkan hasil dari analisis ini, penulis merumuskan dua permasalahan. Pertama adalah bagaimana penokohan kedua tokoh wanita, Sula dan Nel, dan yang kedua adalah bagaimana penokohan kedua tokoh tersebut menggambarkan ‘diri yang salah’. Tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi yang mengambil teori psikologi ‘diri yang salah’ yang merupakan hasil pola pengasuhan yang diterima anak dari ibunya. Fungsi ibu sebagai cerminan sikap tubuh dan tingkah laku anak memudahkan anak untuk menjalin hubungan emosional dengan orang lain. Ketika ibu tidak mampu memahami sikap tubuh anak, maka si anak dipaksa untuk memahami dan menyesuaikan keinginannya dengan keinginan ibu. Karenanya, hubungan ibu dan anak dalam novel ini menjadi inti pembahasan karena ini juga mempengaruhi penokohan para tokoh wanita tersebut. Hasil analisis pertama menunjukkan penokohan Sula sebagai wanita mandiri dan bebas namun tanpa arahan, emosional dalam bertindak tapi berani bersikap dalam masyarakat. Kebebasannya berekspresi juga menunjukkan tidak adanya ambisi. Pada kenyataannya, dia memilih untuk hidup sendiri dan mengatur kehidupannya sendiri. Tokoh wanita lainnya, Nel, digambarkan sebagai wanita sopan, patuh, kalem dan lebih matang dalam berfikir dan bersikap. Namun ini menunjukkan ketidakmampuan mengatur dirinya dan berusaha menyelaraskan keinginannya dengan orang lain serta tanpa sadar, menggantungkan dirinya pada orang lain. Hasil analisis kedua menunjukkan bahwa penokohan Sula dan Nel menggambarkan diri mereka sebagai ‘diri yang salah’. Penokohan Sula yang bebas dan mandiri menunjukkan ‘diri yang salah’ karena dia gagal menjalin hubungan emosional dengan orang lain dan terpusat hanya pada keinginannya. Penokohan Nel sesuai dengan penokohan ‘diri yang salah’ karena kepatuhannya menunjukkan perjuangan menyesuaikan keinginannya dengan keinginan orang- orang di sekitarnya. Berdasarkan hasil kedua analisis, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa kedua penokohan yang berbeda ini menggambarkan ‘diri yang salah’. Hubungan dengan ibu sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pribadi kedua tokoh tersebut dan menunjukkan keduanya sebagai sebagai penggambaran ‘diri yang salah’. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Society is the place where someone lives, interacts, responds, and communicates with others to fulfill his or her needs. In a society, people can produce sets of culture, norms, and regulations to be society’s competence to regulate any person by giving sanctions in order to maintain the existence of the society (Zahn, 1964: 5-9).
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