'-< '•» 'v Complete New*, Pictures Full Local Coverage Praented Fairly, Qearly A Newspaper Devoted And Impartially Each Week he Community Interest To t Snbepenbent - Heaber PIIMINIKII Every Thnrsd»y PRICE EIOHT CENTS Kntfrpd m .Spronil Claim! Matter WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THRUSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1952 nt IS Qrfcn Street. Woodbrldf*, N. J, ,iv—NO. 25 at tho Po«l Ofllre, Woodl>rldge, N. 1. 1.500,000 little Hands, Hearts Help Do Big Folks' Job Avenel Girl Finn Bitter as Pierson Bill Board Cuts Fails to Arrive;PromisedAug. 18 Town's 2nd WOODBRIDGE—The bill that Aylin Pierson, of the Architect firm of Pierson and MacWilliam, Metuchen architects, has not submitted, thus far "for services rendered to date" cm Polio Case proposed schools, was the cause of another debate at the Field to 4 <lq>s Start Board of Education meeting Monday. * * * • . • • Accompaified by , Committee Makes Madeline Knox, 7, Mow Two weeks ago, Winfield Finn and Leon E. McElroy, M In Hospital; (larteret in a Jo.lnt motion, requested the Groups, will Inspect i(| I,,, Approval To district clerk to write to Mrth.e bill was now in process of Work of All Saturday , ,| with Program Children MHO Patients Plerson demanding his bill be preparation and would be sub- ||1(( submitted "within two weeks." mitted at the next meeting Au- WOODBRIDOB-A delegation PERTH AMBOY-HA seven-year The WU failed to appear, with ,,,|j[|)r,n; -- Applications gust 18. of the Citizens' Council and other -old Avenel girl and an 11 -year Mr. TTerson Indicating he was "That is a lot of mnlarky," de- civic groups of the Township to . , Department of Health "too busy" at the present time to expected to accompany the Board , vr of Necessity and to )ld Carteret boy were admitted clared Mr. Finn "Pierson should prepare the bill. have contacted the District Clerk's of Education Saturday on an all- •', ',„,.,! I of Local Govern to the polio unit of the Perth * * • • <• office. We gave him! sufficl«ht day tour of schools designed .by jH'i mission to Increase Amboy General Hospital during 1 Moday night, Mr. Finn asked time—two weeks—and he dtdnt three arohjtects, Leslie M, Dennis. ; indebtedness of .the the past week and both patients what the Board intended to doeven have the courtesy to reply Ellabeth; Alexander Merchant.. • M ntislruct a $4,050,000 arc reported to be doing well. aboui Mr. Pierson's bill, pointing to the official letter from the New Bmnswlck and Ernest P, ;, , .iimcnt plant were au They are (Madeline Knox, out the Board had "lost the advice district clerk with a letter. Instead Plalnfteld—and possibly !.' [i a lengthy resolution of Frederick L. A. Elssaser, onehe talked to a Board member. By ft, , ; ,. n committee Tuesday daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James a fourth, Balllnger and Company. Knox, 5 Melnxer Street, Avenel of the better-known architects, his actions we lost the Ideas Of because of Mr. Piersoti's failure one of the most reputable archi- Philadelphia. I',,I ,.,rs Vote: Effifts by the and Robert Fischer, son fit Mr. The tour was planned by the and Mrs. Walter Fischer. 326 to submit a bill." tects. Mr. Elsas^er refused to come I], i ill ui tifiidfiJlo tnttrro- Board at its adjourned session, Mr. Elsaaser, of Union, with- in before the board when he , i I-. I'. Bfl/T consulting Pershlng Avenue, Carteret. Monday when It was decided to ( drew from schedule^ conferences learned Pierson hadn't been paid. i ii HIP s/wer, were un- The Knox girl was admitted last limit thw Held of architects to last week when he learned the I know cnouRh about office pro- ,- Mr. Booz was away Friday and is reported as "pro- tliree. The subject was brought gressing well." The Fischer boy Board still owed moneyftto Mr. cedure to know It doesn't take up by Harold Van Ness Who sal| was admitted Monday and hisPierson. that long to prepare a bill. that after hearing the suggestions ",,ivm- Hugh B, Qulgley Harold Van Ness then reported i,.:,ip Attorney B. W condition is described as'good. made bj' various architects last Mr. Pierson had talked to him on At that point, Andrew Aaroe, week felt the field should be nar- ihih week the commit Two of the other three patients the phone and had informed him (Continued on Page 6) • • vet had a chance t in the hospital polio unit, Lee rowed to Mr. Dennis, Mr. Browrt,. i:ri,ill the skyrockets Ellen Jensen, five-year-old daugh- Mr. Merchant, Mr. Balllnger and • rwiiRe disposal planl ter of Mr, and Mrs. Axel Jensen, Aylln Pierson. :;'in(il $2,1)00.000 U jua Hall Avenue, .Fords, and Wil-Airport Stirs Neighbors'Protest; Edwin Casey, however, sug- • i ..ml did not know as liam Merkwalt; four-yer-old son gested "narrowing the field to .. ,my savings could be of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merkwalt, three" and said In his opinion.^ 640 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, Called 'SkyHot-Rod'Playground "Dennis, Brown and Merchant* represented a cross section of all 31 Vni'ci stated he dl will be discharged this week. The WOODBRIDGE—Called the "lethal playground of the •. t lie Committee coul other patient, five-year-old Rob- reputable architects in the sec- proposed Incinerato ert Thornburg, son of Mr. andhot rods of the sky," Westfield Airport, part of which is intion and I am willing to form my Mrs. David Thornburg, 225 New-Woodbridge Township, was condemned by residents of the opinion on anything they have :r\v of unhealthy con to offer," the Keasbey dump man Street, Metuchen, is reported area as a hazard to life andf property at a meeting of the in good condition, Winfield 71nn declared he •!•.! v said he had person Town Committee Tuesday. agreed with Mr. Casey. , . Mii'il the Keasbey sit This is the largest number of In a petition signe'd by residents of Morningside, Lan- "Frankly," Mr. Finn said, "I • •..I described it as patients to occupy the new polio caster and Jordan Roadg, Colonia. do not believe that some of the • 1 r.its." residing in the vicinity of l>ecker mice rnnnuctrd « bazaar and niinmuKf sale on ward at the hospital, which was the Committee was requested "to architects Interviewed had suffi- .it ,-ome of the member, thul street recently and us :i result were able to r lisp $23 fcr tlir Polio Fund. AIMIVP HIP children arc opened through the joint efforts give immediate consideration and cient school planning experience ii i.ml of Education havi «linwn prwntini: tlir money to Mayor Hush B. Quigley, chairman of Wnodbridne Chapter. National of the hospital and the National disposition of a dangerous and Duo Held in $1,000; Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Left to ri^ht are Mayor Quisloy, KuM-mary Mack, lleclicr Place; to merit a visit." !i' the cost of the incur Foundation for Infantile Paraly- intolerable condition now existing Leon E. McElroy said he also ui pay for the proposec Patty Jackson, drove Avenue; Bobby Bruwn, Decker Place; Thomas Darab and Christine Darab, sis. Fully modern and approved Aniboy Avenue and Jerry Jaknbriak. in our corrflmmlty." agreed with Mr. Casey and felt Vriitie School, Senate equipment is at hand for treating The residents declare "because Car Theft Alleged "anything the three had to offer ' [I'd: "The children an the victims, and all have shown of lack of acreage, it is impossible would fit into our picture." .mil the health of highly satisfactory progress even for the planes to take off or land WOODBRIDGE — Two Town- Finally, on a motion made by • •iiimiinity Is importan Fence at Stadium GOP Still to Name Candidate though some of the patient* were at a safe altitude over o,ur homes ship youtluj, both of whom have Mr. Casey, the District Clerk was ui you make a choice? on the critical list when first ad- and streets. This has been proven previous police records, were com- authorized to "arrange a tour of •• uf I he proposed lncin ( mitted. by accidente which have hap- mlUed to the County Jail 'yester- the sfhools in this area designed i.m.uoo—was not includ- Ordered at $3, For Unexpired Committee Post The hospital, despite the acute pened." by Dennis, Brown and Merchant - resolution, as that sum day In lieu of $1,000 bail each on WOODBRIDQE—The Republican party has yet to se-shortage of nurses, has been able .Continuing the petition states; for Saturday and to have a rep- ;<> .Senator B. W. VORPI complaint of stealing a car. WOODBRIDQE - Several con-lect a candidate—at least officially—to run against Com- to provide a full complement of "Exhibitions are unsafe because resentative of each firm present." .-. i p.irate bond issue am tracts were awarded by the Board trained, competent nurses to ad- The district clerk was author- 1 '• municipality's borrow mitteeman L. Charles Mangione in the First Ward in the acreage is too small to con- They are Louis Fezsta, 18, 88 of Education Monday at an ad- minister care to the polio patients fine the towing of gliders, stunting Avenel Street, Avenel and Paul ized also to communicate with the November.. Mr. Mangione. is completing the unexpired other architects a"hd Inform them journed session ut the High term of former Committeeman William Fitzpatrick. but Anthony W, Eckert, director and parachute jumping to ' the Mayti, 20, 539 Rahiway Avenue, I'11 torn for Sewer School. of the hospital, today urged that area occupied by the airport. This that the Board had decided to .••'.:'.
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