JOURNAL AND LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, January 2, 2019 ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINTH LEGISLATURE Question 1: Citizen Initiative FIRST REGULAR SESSION Number of Votes in Favor 235,679 2nd Legislative Day Number of Votes Opposed 398,819 Wednesday, January 2, 2019 Question 2: Bond Issue Number of Votes in Favor 344,507 The House met according to adjournment and was called Number of Votes Opposed 286,248 to order by the Speaker. Question 3: Bond Issue Prayer by Reverend Jane Field, Maine Council of Number of Votes in Favor 427,357 Churches, Portland. Number of Votes Opposed 203,780 National Anthem by David Young, Raymond. Question 4: Bond Issue Pledge of Allegiance. Number of Votes in Favor 340,743 Doctor of the day, Charles Pattavina, M.D., Winterport. Number of Votes Opposed 288,455 _________________________________ Question 5: Bond Issue Number of Votes in Favor 410,288 At this point, a message came from the Senate borne by Number of Votes Opposed 221,947 Senator LIBBY of Androscoggin of that Body, proposing a Joint Sincerely, Convention of both branches of the Legislature to be held at S/Matthew Dunlap 6:00 in the evening at the Augusta Civic Center for the purpose Secretary of State of administering to the Honorable JANET TRAFTON MILLS, READ and ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. Governor-elect, the oaths required by the Constitution to _________________________________ qualify her to enter upon the discharge of her official duties and to receive such communication as she may be pleased to The Following Communication: (H.C. 12) make. STATE OF MAINE _________________________________ Office of the Secretary of State January 2, 2019 Thereupon the House voted to concur in the proposal for To the Speaker of the House in the One Hundred and Twenty- a Joint Convention to be held at 6:00 in the evening at the ninth Legislature: Augusta Civic Center and the Speaker appointed I, MATTHEW DUNLAP, Secretary of State, in accordance with representative MOONEN of Portland to convey this message the Constitution and laws of the State of Maine, having to the Senate. tabulated the returns of the votes cast for Governor at the _________________________________ General Election held on the sixth day of November in the year two thousand and eighteen; The Journal of Wednesday, December 5, 2018 was read REPORT AS FOLLOWS; that Janet T. Mills, having received a and approved. plurality of the votes cast, appears to have been elected _________________________________ Governor of the State of Maine: General Election – November 6, 2018 At this point, the Speaker recognized the Representative Governor from Athens, Representative Grignon and the Representative Teresea M. Hayes from Presque Isle, Representative Stewart and they were Buckfield added to the roll call of the First Regular Session of the 129th Independent Legislature. _______________________________ Androscoggin 3,337 Aroostook 2,237 Subsequently, representative MOONEN of Portland Cumberland 7,299 reported that he had delivered the message with which he was Franklin 738 charged. Hancock 1,547 _________________________________ Kennebec 3,422 Knox 985 COMMUNICATIONS Lincoln 1,019 The Following Communication: (H.C. 10) Oxford 2,742 STATE OF MAINE Penobscot 3,642 OFFICE OF THE Piscataquis 463 SECRETARY OF STATE Sagadahoc 1,210 AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0148 Somerset 1,204 December 3, 2018 Waldo 1,083 Honorable Sara Gideon Washington 772 Speaker of the House York 5,494 2 State House Station State UOCAVA 74 Augusta, Maine 04333 Dear Speaker Gideon, Total 37,268 The following is a summary of the results of the November 6, 2018 Referendum Election, which were submitted to the Janet T. Mills Governor on November 26, 2018. Farmington Democrat H-22 JOURNAL AND LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, January 2, 2019 Androscoggin 19,801 Total 126 Aroostook 10,347 Cumberland 93,368 I, MATTHEW DUNLAP, Secretary of State, hereby certify that Franklin 7,085 the foregoing report is a true tabulation of the votes cast for Hancock 15,221 Governor at the General Election, as reported to me on the Kennebec 26,777 returns from the cities, towns and plantations of the State. Knox 11,691 S/Matthew Dunlap Lincoln 9,676 Secretary of State Oxford 10,508 READ and ORDERED PLACED ON FILE. Penobscot 29,039 _________________________________ Piscataquis 2,868 Sagadahoc 10,152 The Following Communication: (H.C. 13) Somerset 8,524 STATE OF MAINE Waldo 10,109 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington 5,740 SPEAKER'S OFFICE York 48,078 AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0002 State UOCAVA 1,978 TO: Honorable Robert B. Hunt Clerk of the House Total 320,962 FROM: S/Sara Gideon Speaker of the House Shawn H. Moody DATE: December 21, 2018 Gorham RE: Committee Appointments Republican 129th Legislature Pursuant to my authority under House Rule 201.1(I)(a), I have Androscoggin 21,903 made the following appointments to the various Joint Standing Aroostook 14,486 Committees: Cumberland 52,811 Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Franklin 6,257 Craig V. Hickman, Chair (D-Winthrop) Hancock 11,345 David Harold McCrea (D-Fort Fairfield) Kennebec 25,752 Margaret M. O'Neil (D-Saco) Knox 7,694 Chloe S. Maxmin (D-Nobleboro) Lincoln 8,324 Tiffany Roberts-Lovell (D-South Berwick) Oxford 12,339 MaryAnne Kinney (R-Knox)* Penobscot 31,621 Thomas H. Skolfield (R-Weld) Piscataquis 4,074 Randall C. Hall (R-Wilton) Sagadahoc 7,714 Theodore Joseph Kryzak, Jr. (R-Acton) Somerset 11,048 William D. Pluecker (I-Warren) Waldo 8,397 Appropriations and Financial Affairs Washington 6,542 Drew Gattine, Chair (D-Westbrook) York 41,727 John L. Martin (D-Eagle Lake) State UOCAVA 277 Brian L. Hubbell (D-Bar Harbor) Erik C. Jorgensen (D-Portland) Total 272,311 Michelle Dunphy (D-Old Town) Teresa S. Pierce (D-Falmouth) Others H. Sawin Millett, Jr. (R-Waterford)* Dennis L. Keschl (R-Belgrade) Androscoggin 30 Nathan J. Wadsworth (R-Hiram) Aroostook 2 Amy Bradstreet Arata (R-New Gloucester) Cumberland 6 Criminal Justice and Public Safety Franklin 3 Charlotte Warren, Chair (D-Hallowell) Hancock 2 Janice E. Cooper (D-Yarmouth) Kennebec 3 Pinny Beebe Center (D-Rockland) Knox 31 Lois Galgay Reckitt (D-South Portland) Lincoln 5 Victoria E. Morales (D-South Portland) Oxford 3 Braden Sharpe (D-Durham) Penobscot 4 Richard A. Pickett (R-Dixfield)* Piscataquis 0 Patrick W. Corey (R-Windham) Sagadahoc 19 Chris A. Johansen (R-Monticello) Somerset 6 Danny Edward Costain (R-Plymouth) Waldo 5 Education and Cultural Affairs Washington 3 Victoria P. Kornfield, Chair (D-Bangor) York 4 Michael F. Brennan (D-Portland) State UOCAVA 0 Richard R. Farnsworth (D-Portland) H-23 JOURNAL AND LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, January 2, 2019 David Harold McCrea (D-Fort Fairfield) Matthea Elisabeth Larsen Daughtry, Chair (D-Brunswick) Janice S. Dodge (D-Belfast) James R. Handy (D-Lewiston) Henry L. Ingwersen (D-Arundel) Jennifer L. DeChant (D-Bath) Heidi H. Sampson (R-Alfred)* Dale J. Denno (D-Cumberland) Gary A. Drinkwater (R-Milford) Shawn A. Babine (D-Scarborough) Justin Fecteau (R-Augusta) W. Edward Crockett (D-Portland) Shelley Rudnicki (R-Fairfield) Joel R. Stetkis (R-Canaan)* Energy, Utilities and Technology Susan M. W. Austin (R-Gray) Seth A. Berry, Chair (D-Bowdoinham) Matthew A. Harrington (R-Sanford) Deane Rykerson (D-Kittery) Norman E. Higgins (I-Dover Foxcroft) Christina Riley (D-Jay) Rena D. Newell (the Passamaquoddy Tribe) Christopher James Caiazzo (D-Scarborough) Judiciary Victoria W. Doudera (D-Camden) Donna Bailey, Chair (D-Saco) Nicole Grohoski (D-Ellsworth) Christopher W. Babbidge (D-Kennebunk) Christopher J. Kessler (D-South Portland) Barbara A. Cardone (D-Bangor) Jeffery P. Hanley (R-Pittston)* Lois Galgay Reckitt (D-South Portland) Chad Wayne Grignon (R-Athens) Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland) Steven D. Foster (R-Dexter) Thom Harnett (D-Gardiner) Environment and Natural Resources David G. Haggan (R-Hampden)* Ralph L. Tucker, Chair (D-Brunswick) Richard T. Bradstreet (R-Vassalboro) Michael G. Devin (D-Newcastle) John DeVeau (R-Caribou) Jessica L. Fay (D-Raymond) Jeffrey Evangelos (I-Friendship) Stanley Paige Zeigler, Jr. (D-Montville) Labor and Housing Lori K. Gramlich (D-Old Orchard Beach) Michael A. Sylvester, Chair (D-Portland) Daniel J. Hobbs (D-Wells) Ann E. Peoples (D-Westbrook) Richard H. Campbell (R-Orrington)* Deane Rykerson (D-Kittery) Peter A. Lyford (R-Eddington) Donna R. Doore (D-Augusta) Thomas H. Skolfield (R-Weld) Anne M. Carney (D-Cape Elizabeth) Chris A. Johansen (R-Monticello) Scott W. Cuddy (D-Winterport) Health and Human Services Richard T. Bradstreet (R-Vassalboro)* Patricia Hymanson, Chair (D-York) Susan M. W. Austin (R-Gray) Margaret Craven (D-Lewiston) Lawrence E. Lockman (R-Amherst) Anne C. Perry (D-Calais) Joshua Morris (R-Turner) Colleen M. Madigan (D-Waterville) Marine Resources Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland) Joyce "Jay" McCreight, Chair (D-Harpswell) Michele Meyer (D-Eliot) Michael G. Devin (D-Newcastle) Holly B. Stover (D-Boothbay) Robert W. Alley, Sr. (D-Beals) Beth A. O'Connor (R-Berwick)* Lydia C. Blume (D-York) Kathy Irene Javner (R-Chester) Allison Hepler (D-Woolwich) Abigail W. Griffin (R-Levant) Genevieve McDonald (D-Stonington) Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Billy Bob Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor)* Denise A. Tepler, Chair (D-Topsham) William R. Tuell (R-East Machias) Michael F. Brennan (D-Portland) Sherman H. Hutchins (R-Penobscot) Anne Marie Mastraccio (D-Sanford) Kathy Irene Javner (R-Chester) Heidi E. Brooks (D-Lewiston) State and Local Government Gina M. Melaragno (D-Auburn) Roland Danny Martin, Chair (D-Sinclair) Victoria Foley (D-Biddeford) Mark E. Bryant (D-Windham) Dwayne W. Prescott (R-Waterboro)* Arthur C. Verow (D-Brewer) Mark John Blier (R-Buxton) Sarah Pebworth (D-Blue Hill) Joshua Morris (R-Turner) Roger E. Reed (R-Carmel)* Gregory Lewis Swallow (R-Houlton) Frances M. Head (R-Bethel) Inland Fisheries and Wildlife MaryAnne Kinney (R-Knox) Catherine M. Nadeau, Chair (D-Winslow) William R.
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