CCentralentral BBluelue MMountainsountains RotaryRotary EEffectiveffective - EnergeticEnergetic - EnterprisingEnterprising - EmpoweredEmpowered Rotary District 9685 - Australia Wednesday, August 17, 2016 IInvitenvite yyourour friendsfriends andand associatesassociates toto ourour outstandingoutstanding meetingsmeetings PProtectingrotecting cchildrenhildren fforor lifelife aagainstgainst PolioPolio RRotaryotary CCentralentral BBluelue $$11 MMountainsountains DDONATIONONATION It’s not just a postcard Raising money for polio It’s a PolioPostcard! eradication What’s Rotary Founda on Facts On.... Central Blue Mountains Did you know that Paul Harris recogni on points can ONLY be used to recognise individuals and not groups or businesses; however points can be used August for “Cer fi cates of Apprecia on”? Monday 15 - Board meeting - Greystanes Did you know that Founda on recogni on points do not expire, unless you pass away? Wednesday 17 - Club Assembly Did you know that a group of Rotarians can combine Saturday 20 - Gold coloured coins - Leura Mall their points to make Recogni on? The minimum Wednesday 24 - Guest speaker: Sue Wildman and transfer is 100 points and in denomina ons of 100 Auntie Ellie Chatfield points. Fri-Sat-Sun 26-28 - Umina Beach Rotary visiting BM Did you know that the Transfer Recogni on request form can be downloaded from www.rotary.org Wednesday 31 - Guest speaker: Member Did you know that less than 25% of Rotarians in September Australia make regular personal contribu ons to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION? Sunday 4 - Catering van at Leura School market Did you know that THE ROTARY FOUNDATION is Wednesday 7 - Guest speaker: DGN Susan Wakefield Rotary Interna onal’s only charity? Did you know that “personal giving” to the Rotary Saturday 10 - Polio postcards selling at Leura School Founda on in Australia is tax deduc ble if the Wednesday 14 - Guest speaker: PDG Ian Scott contribu on is given via THE AUSTRALIAN ROTARY Sat-Sun 17-18 - Garage Sale - 48 Craigend St. Leura FOUNDATION TRUST? Monday 19 - Board meeting - Greystanes Wednesday 21 - Club Assembly Rotary recognises Sat 24-Oct 1 - Transplant Games - Penrith, Blacktown emergency services Wednesday 28 - Guest speaker: Philip Smith - ROMAC Over 350 guests a ended the second annual, Rotary NSW October Emergency Services Community Awards Presenta on Dinner at Dockside Pavilion, Darling Harbour. Sat-Mon 1-3 - Greystanes Open Garden Held on July 23, the func on acknowledged selfl ess Sunday 2 - Catering van at Leura School market community service performed by members of the six New South Wales Emergency Service Agencies (Fire & Wednesday 5 - Guest speaker: To be advised Rescue NSW, Marine Rescue NSW, NSW Ambulance, Sat-Sun 8-9 - Leura Village Fair NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW State Emergency Service and NSW Volunteer Rescue). Wednesday 12 - Membership information night It was the only me all six NSW Emergency Services were recognised in a combined awards program. Funds raised support an Australian Rotary Health, PhD Research Scholarship inves ga ng Post Trauma c Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Emergency Services personnel. Stephen Humphreys, District Governor of Rotary District 9675 said Rotary is honoured to recognise the selfl ess www.centralbluemountainsrotary/facebook work performed by the many paid and volunteer members of our Emergency Services. YOUR ATTENDANCE Ray Wiles - 0409 845 415 - [email protected] is our a endance person. Please call before 12.30pm, Wednesday, if you are bringing a guest or you are not Promoting Peace - Fighting Disease - Providing able to a end. Le ng us know helps with se ng up the dining room. Clean Water - Saving Mothers and Children Also, you must order your meal by calling the Grand Supporting Education - Growing Local Economies View Hotel 4757 1001 Wednesday a ernoon. Please turn to the next page Rotary Central Blue Mountains Our guest speaker - Wednesday August 10, - Terrance Plowright photographed with his wife, Shirley and Tom Colless. Some of his recent work is displayed below. Terrance has built one of the most successful art studios in Australia, at mes employing many welders, mould makers and training numerous enthusias c young ar sts. All his sculptural designs, fi gura ve and contemporary, as well as murals, mosaics and stained glass works have all been constructed within the studio premises, apart from the lost wax cas ng of bronze and stainless steel. With a background and deep interest in music, philosophy, science and the rela onships of living forms, Terrance works on developing themes that endeavour to reveal the interconnectedness and innate intelligence of all life, as well as the profoundly powerful and beau ful nature of existence. Please turn to the next page “Graffi is pure vandalism and is not acceptable in a posi ve, modern society.” MOMENTUM is gathering for Graffi Removal Days 2016, appointed project manager for 2016 and Rotarian Johan on October 29 and 30, and the call has gone out for Rotary Mare on 1300 665 310. clubs, community organisa ons and various volunteer Rotary District 9675 Governor Stephen Humphreys is groups to commence the search for graffi sites and new the link between Rotary districts in NSW and the board volunteers to report tags and help clean them off . of Graffi Removal Australia, while veteran Rotarian and Chairman of Graffi Removal Australia Inc, Bob Aitken past president Roger Norman is vice president and training AM, has expressed thanks to the NSW Government for manager. provision of a new three-year contract to ensure con nuity Graffi Removal Day 2015 saw 1987 volunteers remove of effi cient graffi removal. 20,987 square metres of graffi vandalism across NSW “Our past three years have proved very successful as the – saving government and private property owners an Rotary driven project a racted support from a myriad of es mated $1.4 million. community organisa ons – Scouts, Guides, Men’s Shed, While the number of sites cleaned increased from 278 to Neighbourhood Watch, Chambers of Commerce, Blue 453, the amount of graffi removed remained about the Mountains City Council, NSW Police, Police Ci zens Youth same, indica ng a trend toward larger numbers of smaller Clubs, the Department of Jus ce and Na onal Rugby sites. There is also evidence that street art murals deter League Clubs. taggers. “The new contract is a vote of confi dence in our organisa on On the Blue Mountains volunteers should contact Blue from the NSW Government and we are determined to build Mountains Graffi Management Alliance who will be on the success of the past three years. cleaning up from Glenbrook to Mount Victoria. “Graffi is pure vandalism and is not acceptable in a Volunteer Training Day October 22, 2016 posi ve, modern society.” Mr Aitken said experienced Rotarian Jeff Egan has been 32 Woodlands Road, Katoomba star ng at 11.00am. VOLUNTEER graffiti TODAY... REMOVAL AUSTRALIA TO ROLLROLL OUTUP Graffi Hotline 4759 2592 GRAFFITI 29-30 www.graffiwww.graffitiremovalday.org.au removalday.org.au 30 OctoberOCT 20162016 .....that’s all folks.
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