Eastern Illinois University The Keep March 1996 3-1-1996 Daily Eastern News: March 01, 1996 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1996_mar Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: March 01, 1996" (1996). March. 1. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1996_mar/1 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1996 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in March by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPORTS a'high df3'6' The March INSIDE Daily madness .,.. berlfu at Eastern llinoiS Univelsity FRIDAY Chal1eston, IY. 61920 slake in Marth 1, 1996 ~!1! Vol81, No. 109 Mid-Con 16 ~. 2 sections Eastern alumnus nuurns this weekend with Hello DaV. SECTIONS "Tell the truth and don 't be afi·aid" Denny's in food service? SU!dentpresident candidate vows sweeping changes ByREAGANB~ Student go\Temment editor. Curt Knox. who recently announced his candidacy fof student body president, said his four years at Eastern ha1.•e inspired him to seek a career in the Student Government. "I have been at Eastern for Rhythm is a dancer fou• years and "'--=o=-urt=.:KJ'!-'-x~-' Tarin Hampton, an associate professor ofdtl11Ce and physical education from Clark.4tlant1J llniversi(ll leaches trodffional >lfrican Dance Thur.;day it's just built 10 afternoon in the Unmnily Ballroom in the Marttn Luther King Jr. Unf»ersiiy Union. About JO Eastern students attended the dance workshop. up." Knox said. "I'm trying to combat student apathy with this campaign. I'm coming at it at a difl'erent angle.· Vegas Parking committee approves Knox said .he has found several aspect~ of Eastern's campus, such as the residence hall food service and the apathy of the Student comes to plan to double ticket prices Se.nate, intolerable enough to By REAGAN BRANHAM get in those lots; Larson said. "That's part of the influence. him to run for the Student go~ernment editor question is what is the point that will get them out of position.. !helots." One of Knox•s ideas is. to Eastern The University Parking Connnittee approved a The idea for the increase originated and was privatize the residence hall food proposal Thursday that would double the price of supported by the Resi<jence Hall Association last senTices. Instead of offering By MISSA BECK cafeteria food, he would like to Stall' writer parking tickets for students parked in faculty lots yeaL and parlted over the time limit in !~minute spots. Sgt. Ron Osborne, a member of the parking rent the food service to restaurants such as Taco Bell and Denny's. He Students can gamble this Currently, tickets for these offenses are $20, or committee, said the best way to try it> get students $10 if they are paid within the first 48 hours. 'The out of the faculty lots is to increase the price of said because of the contract the weekend without losing a university has with McDonald's in penny, showing an 1D or new proposal wonld increase the tickets to S4o; or tickets. the the Martin Luther King 1r. Uni­ paying a cover charge. $20 ifthey are paid within 48 hours. "(Maybe we need to) raise the tickets to point University Police Gbfef Tom Larson said students that they can~ even afl'ord it,· Osborne said. versity Union, which restricts the Monte Carlo Nigbt will be university from having aoy other held from 6 p.m.-10 p.m. parking in faculty lots has been an increasing The connnittee also included people who parlt in restaurants ·on campus, his plan Friday in the University probkmHCenlly. the 15-minute spots. "The fine of.$10 or S7.50 is not scaring them to See PARKIIG page 2A could not be implemented until Ballroom of the Martin Luther 1999. King Ir. Univernty Union. LaSt "The money thai the students year's event attracted over 800 pay goes to those businesses," students, staff and faculty Knox said. "Those businesses are members. Peace key to end labor disputes totally privatized. We pay far their Monte Carlo Night, electricity. water and give them sponsored by University CAT, UAW officials share their lock-out expetiences the cpac.e. They in tum gi\'e uc Board, will have aU the By BRnT CARSON to come to a solution. said._ 'Tm not sure it ·worked out rent, and the university would get characteristics of an ac.tual Stall' writer Lany Sollamon, president of for us though. It seems the nice money that way." casino, like The Flamingo in the United Auto Worl;ers, has had guys always firiish last.• Knox said students would be in Las Vegas, said Eurica S:tdler; Lo..:.kcU~ou.l uu.iuu wu,kcts al UpeliaJ\.."e \~ii.JJ :siw.ibu ~ituat.iou:s Cu~ scUd a :si~ i.s po:sted iu cbarge of the restaurants - work­ special events coordinator for Trailmobile Inc. believe keeping when Caterpillar Inc. in Decatur the union hall that states the rights ing as the managers, bussers and UB. peace is the only way 1o have went on strike. and wrongs of picl:eting. He said cashiers. At the entrance, participants successful negotiations and .. When workers are in a "every man 'has upheld this to the He said with food service there will be given one cash card to eventu:a.lly return to work. hope!e.ss situation and. have no law." is no inc.entive for students to be presented at a gambling ''In any situation like this, hope of winning and are out of Collins said he thinks \<iolence work ·hard because no raises are table. 'The card is then traded in emotions run high, .. said Guy food and money~ it seems to bring definitely "doesn' t bring neg­ given, bnt if rewards were given, for fake money chips to be CoUins, United Paper Workers out the worst in ·peopl~." otiations to their fullest• students would be more willing to used for betting. International Local 7571 Sollamon said he remin~ his Sollamon said he kept watch come-to work on time .and w.orl: Many games will be president. "T have bee.n men not to engage in any violent over people that had a tendency to hard. available, including craps, commending each one. of our men activities and encouraged them to cioss .the line or possibly become Knox. a senior elementary double roulette, doubk liig six for 1heir actions." hold peaceful rallies and violent and had other workers on education major, has setved on the wheel and the over/under Other companies who Dave. picketing. The workers for the pick e) lines to ieep things University Board Comedy C<>­ chuck 'o'lud: cage. In addition, exper~enced strikes ~ such as Caterpillar were on st:ril:e from under control mmittee and was the chajnnan of there will be two red.dog tab!~ Cateq>illar Inc. and Bridgestone­ June 11, 1994 to1an.19,1996. Violence should be avoided. the UB Special Ei.•ents connnittee. See VEGAS page 2A Firestoue, both in Decatur, agreed "We tried to keep things as keeping the peace is the only way peaceful as we could,· Sollamon See lOCK .ouT page 2A See KNOX page 2A 2A Friday, March 1, 1996 The D.llly Eastern News Play to feature skits Applications being accepted of famous women for Outstanding Senior awards By JENNY VALENCIA theatre arts professor. She said Staff writer each student has researched and l:ly St:Oit I!OtHMtH scripted her own material. Campus editor Students give so much oftheir time "'Living History," a production "(The presentation) will intro­ ... and th is award truly acknowl­ in conjunction with Women ~·s duce students to people they Applications are now available for the­ edges a student that has lots of History Awareness Month, will might not have beard of," Wolski Outstanding Senior Award, which recognizes one ''involvement.' take place at 2 p.m. Saturday in said. graduating student for his or her work at Eastern. - Shirley Stewart, the Doudna Fine Arts Theater. She said the women focus on "The pwpose of the award is to recognize an The production is a dress various periods in history and outstanding senior for their student leade.rship Union director rehearsal, and is a recreation of what life wa.s like dwiug these and curricular involveme-nt in Ea3tcrn and for the women's history. After the perfor­ various eras. Wolski said "Living community," Martin Luther King Jr. University mance at Eastern, the students History" covers a couple hundred Union Director Shirley Stewart said. "Students Last year's wmner was Knstle Kahles, a mem­ will take their skits to six elemen­ of years in histOl)'. give so much of their time... and this award truly ber of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and former tary schools in the near area. Wolski and Kanoza have been acknowledges a student that has Jots of involve­ executive member of the Student Government. The women performing in serving as mentors to the students ment.'"' A reception will be held on graduation day for these short presentations will be in the performance. Wolski said Stewart said students, faculty groups or faculty the student who is selected outstanding senior. In playing the roles of famous Mic.hele Tarter, assistant English members can nominate students who will gradu­ addition, he or she will be given a plaque. women such as Eleanor professor; Mary Yarbrough, the­ ate this year for the award. The sntdent,s name wiU "Blso be placed on a Roose,-,lt, Harriet Beecher-Stow, atre arts instructor; and Christine The award is being offered by ihe Martin plaque with the names of past outstanding senior Amealia Earhart, Annie Oakley, McCormick, psychology profes­ Luther King Jr.
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