PERCEPTIONSJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PERCEPTIONS Spring 2015 Volume XX Number 1 XX Number 2015 Volume Spring PERCEPTIONS Humanitarian Diplomacy in Theory and Practice M. Akif KIRECCI A Postcolonial Critique of Responsibility to Protect in the Middle East Mojtaba MAHDAVI Turkey, Middle Powers, and the New Humanitarianism Bruce GILLEY Ottoman Immigrants and the Formation of Turkish Red Crescent Societies in the United States Işıl ACEHAN Who Represents Palestinian Refugees? The Sidelining of the Core of the Palestine Question Jinan BASTAKI The New Face of Humanitarian Aid and Intervention: China and Its Growing Role in the Realm of African Development Mark WILD The Effectiveness of Political Conditionality as an Instrument of Democracy Promotion by the EU: Case Studies of Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast and Niger Samiratou DIPAMA and Emel PARLAR DAL Rapid Economic Growth and Its Sustainability in China K. Ali AKKEMİK Book Reviews Spring 2015 Volume XX - Number 1 ISSN 1300-8641 Style and Format PERCEPTIONS Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions. If another version of the article is under consideration by another publication, or has been or will be published elsewhere, authors should clearly indicate this at the time of submission. Manuscripts should be submitted to: e-mail: [email protected] Editor in Chief The final decision on whether the manuscript is accepted for publication in the Journal or not is made by the Editorial Board depending on the anonymous referees’ review reports. Ali Resul Usul A standard length for PERCEPTIONS articles is 6,000 to 8,000 words including endnotes. The manuscript should begin with an indented and italicised summary up to 150 words, which should describe the main Deputy Editor arguments and conclusions, and 5-7 keywords, indicating to main themes of the manuscript. A title page should be attached to the manuscript, including the title of the manuscript, full name (s) of the authors, Birgül Demirtaş academic and/or other professional affiliations if any, complete mailing address, fax and phone numbers of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent. The author is also expected to give a Managing Editor brief biography in a footnote at the beginning of the article. Perceptions also publishes reviews of new books or reports; ‘book reviews’ are usually around 700-1,500-words.” Engin Karaca Manuscripts should be single-spaced written by Times New Roman regular font, 11 point throughout. Justified margins; top and bottom 3 cm, left and right 2.4 cm are required. Manuscripts should be Book Review Editor numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Only the first letters of title words should be ‘upper İbrahim Kaya case’. Quotations should be placed within double quotation marks (“……”). Quotations larger than four lines should be indented at left margin and single-spaced. Use endnotes and avoid bibliography. British punctuation and spelling should be used throughout. Dates should be in the form 3 November 1996; Copy Editor 1995-1998; and 1990s. Julie Ann Matthews Aydınlı All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred to as figures and consecutively numbered. Tables should be kept to a minimum and contain only essential data. Each figure and table must be given an Arabic numeral, followed by a heading, and be referred to in the text. Appropriate places of tables should be indicated in the text and tables should be submitted in a separate file. If copyrighted material is used in the article, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright holder. International Advisory Board Names of the authors, places and the publishing houses are required to be written in their original forms. Bülent Aras Mustafa Kibaroğlu The styles of the references in endnotes should conform the following examples: Gülnur Aybet Talha Köse Books Ersel Aydınlı Mesut Özcan John Smith, The Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, p. 100. John E. Smith (ed.), Florian Bieber Thomas Risse The Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, pp. 100-102. John Smith and Mary Jones, Pınar Bilgin The Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, p. 100. Subsequent references should appear Lee Hee Soo as: Smith, The Book Title, p. 100. David Chandler Oktay Tanrısever In endnotes ‘ibid.’ should be used where possible, but it should not be used where the previous note Burhanettin Duran contains more than one source. Maria Todorova Jang Ji Hyang Articles in Journals Ole Wæver Ahmet İçduygu John Smith, “Article Title”, Journal Name, Vol. #, No. # (Month Year), p. #. Ekrem Karakoç Jaap de Wilde Subsequent references should appear as: Smith, “Article Title,” p. #. Richard Whitman Şaban Kardaş Articles in Edited Books Fuat Keyman Nuri Yurdusev John Smith, “Article Title”, in Mary Jones, Book Title, New York, New York Publishing Co., 1999, p. 100. Homepage: http://www.sam.gov.tr Newspaper Articles The Center for Strategic Research (Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi- SAM) conducts Christopher Hooton, “Japan is turning its abandoned golf courses into solar power plants”, The research on Turkish foreign policy, regional studies and international relations, and Independent, 21 July 2015. makes scholarly and scientific assessments of relevant issues. It is a consultative body of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs providing strategic insights, independent data and Manuscript References analysis to decision makers in government. As a nonprofit organization, SAM is chartered PRO King’s Remembrancer’s Memoranda Roll, E159/69, m. 78. BM Add. MS 36042, fo.2 (plural fos.). by law and has been active since May 1995. Four-figure numerals without comma or space: 2572. Titles of other record repositories, and names SAM publishes Perceptions, an English language journal on foreign affairs. The content of of collections of papers, in full in first reference: Scottish Record Office (hereafter SRO), Airlie Papers, the journal ranges from security and democracy to conflict resolution, and international GD 16, section 38/82, April 5, 1844. Compton Papers, kept at the estate office of the Marquess of challenges and opportunities. Perceptions is a quarterly journal prepared by a large Northampton, Castle Ashby (hereafter CA), bdle. 1011, no.29. network of affiliated scholars. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Center for Strategic Research. Official Papers PERCEPTIONS is a peer-reviewed journal and is included in the following databases Parliamentary Papers: Select Committee on Manufacturers (Parl. Papers, 1833, VI), 0.456. and indexes: Columbia International Affairs Online, CSA Index, Current Contents of Subsequent references as: SC on ... (PP, 1839, VII), 00.2347. Periodicals on the Middle East, EBSCO, European Sources Online, Index Islamicus, Hansard (Commons), 4th ser. XXXVI, 641–2, 22 Aug. 1895. International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA), Lancaster Index to Defense & International Security Literature, PAIS Index, Pro Quest, Turkish Academic Network and Information Theses Center (TÜBİTAK - ULAKBIM). For titles of published and unpublished theses use italics: John E. Smith, Title of Thesis, unpublished To subscribe, write to the Center for Strategic Research, Dr. Sadık Ahmet Caddesi No: 8, Ph.D. thesis, Name of the University, Year, Chapter #, p. # Balgat / 06100 Ankara - TURKEY Internet References Phone: (+90 312) 292 22 30 - 253 40 84 • Fax: (+90 312) 282 27 15 - 253 42 03 Azam Ahmed and Julie Hirschfeld Davis, “U.S. and Cuba Reopen Long-Closed Embassies”, The New e-mail: [email protected] York Times, 20 July 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/21/world/americas/cuba-us-embassy- Printed in Ankara by: AFŞAROĞLU MATBAASI diplomatic-relations.html?ref=world&_r=0 (last visited 21 July 2015). Title of Book Reviews Türk Basınında Dış Habercilik (Foreign News Reporting in the Turkish Media), by M. Mücahit ISSN 1300-8641 Küçükyılmaz and Hakan Çopur. Ankara: SETA, 2010, 168 pages, ISBN 9786054023073. PERCEPTIONSJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Spring 2015 Volume XX Number 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guest Editor: M. Akif KIRECCI Humanitarian Diplomacy in Theory and 1 Practice M. Akif KIRECCI A Postcolonial Critique of Responsibility to 7 Protect in the Middle East Mojtaba MAHDAVI Turkey, Middle Powers, and the New 37 Humanitarianism Bruce GILLEY Ottoman Immigrants and the Formation of 59 Turkish Red Crescent Societies in the United States Işıl ACEHAN Who Represents Palestinian Refugees? The 77 Sidelining of the Core of the Palestine Question Jinan BASTAKI The New Face of Humanitarian Aid and 93 Intervention: China and Its Growing Role in the Realm of African Development Mark WILD The Effectiveness of Political Conditionality as 109 an Instrument of Democracy Promotion by the EU: Case Studies of Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast and Niger Samiratou DIPAMA and Emel PARLAR DAL Rapid Economic Growth and Its Sustainability 133 in China K. Ali AKKEMİK 159 Book Reviews PERCEPTIONS - Spring 2015 Humanitarian Diplomacy in Theory and Practice M. Akif KIRECCI* Not a single day passes by that we do seekers or boats surrounded by security not hear of a humanitarian crisis around guards and those inside being arrested the world. In every corner of our planet and deported back.1 political and military conflicts and It seems that security measures are not environmental disasters produce scores going to be enough to deter those who of human tragedies. Nowadays, the have lost everything that they possessed, majority of the troubling scenes
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