E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 No. 66 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Technology today allows us to do Nearly 15,000 survivors call the great called to order by the Speaker pro tem- amazing things in the donation of or- State of Florida home, and I am proud pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). gans and tissues, and new drugs have to represent so many of them in my f advanced the opportunity to ensure south Florida district. that these organs, these tissues, are But the sad reality and, really, hu- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO not rejected. manity’s great shame is that about TEMPORE My hope today, as a member of the half of all Holocaust survivors live at The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- caucus, is to encourage Americans to or below the poverty line. Tens of thou- fore the House the following commu- get educated and understand the dire sands of survivors, if not more, are suf- nication from the Speaker: need for tissue and organ donations. fering without basic, life-sustaining WASHINGTON, DC, This is an opportunity to save lives. services and care that they need in April 28, 2016. Sadly, there are over 120,000 men, their advanced years. I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. women, and children who are on wait- Many live alone or without family DUNCAN, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore ing lists for lifesaving organ donations support and lack the funds for home on this day. around the country. For these patients, care, from medicine to hearing aids, to PAUL D. RYAN, food, to utilities, to rent. Speaker of the House of Representatives. an organ donation simply is a matter of life and death. What a tragedy, Mr. Speaker, that so f I would like to commend the organi- many Holocaust survivors are unable MORNING-HOUR DEBATE zations that raise awareness and that to maintain even a modest and dig- are on the front lines about these im- nified standard of living. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- These individuals have suffered for portant issues every single day ant to the order of the House of Janu- nearly three-quarters of a century from throughout our country. ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- the physical and emotional scars that I would like to thank the National nize Members from lists submitted by they have endured and carry with them Kidney Foundation and the American the majority and minority leaders for to this very day. They have lived morning-hour debate. Liver Foundation for their efforts to through the torture, the experiments, The Chair will alternate recognition raise awareness, support patients, and the labor camps, the loss of loved ones, between the parties, with each party support funding for advancements in and even the murder of their entire limited to 1 hour and each Member this field. They are always trying to families. other than the majority and minority advance the opportunities for life- Because of all of this, Holocaust sur- leaders and the minority whip limited saving organs that will make a dif- vivors’ needs are unique. They are to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- ference in our communities throughout more extensive and more complex than bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. the Nation. the needs of other elderly individuals. f f The time for justice, Mr. Speaker, is NATIONAL DONATE LIFE MONTH SUPPORTING HOLOCAUST now. The time for action is now be- SURVIVORS cause there may not be a next year or The SPEAKER pro tempore. The even a next month for many of these Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Holocaust survivors. California (Mr. COSTA) for 5 minutes. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from That is why the German Government Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- must honor Chancellor Adenauer’s to recognize April as National Donate utes. pledge from 1951, that Germany would Life Month. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I take care of all of the needs of every As the co-chair of the Congressional recently introduced House Concurrent survivor. That is why this resolution is Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Resolution 129 along with my south so important, because time is of the es- Caucus, I believe it is important to Florida colleague and friend, Congress- sence. help people understand that, while man TED DEUTCH, urging Germany to But it is not as though our friends in organ and tissue donation is serious, honor its commitments and moral obli- Germany have done nothing to fulfill just like any other medical or surgical gations to Holocaust survivors by pro- this pledge. The German Government procedure, there are many misconcep- viding for their unmet needs. has over the years provided some sup- tions and myths surrounding the donor There are an estimated half-million port through income assistance pro- process, and it is important that we survivors worldwide, about a quarter of grams and has sought ways to improve educate the public about them. whom live here in the United States. and address the needs of the survivors. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2069 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Apr 29, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28AP7.000 H28APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 28, 2016 Germany has even doubled its fund- ly monitoring the ongoing debate transgender youth, co-written by Jazz ing for home care services in the past 5 about the future of flood insurance. Jennings, pictured here, and Jessica years, but that, unfortunately, does Many of my constituents live along- Herthel. not match the reality of what is re- side rivers and streams and in valleys Last year, legal threats from the quired. with a history of flooding. My district anti-LGBTQ hate group forced a school The German Ministry of Finance is also home to many older cities and in Wisconsin to cancel plans to read itself has admitted that the level of towns like Johnstown that are filled this book to support a transgender stu- care financed by its government has with properties that predate the Na- dent. The local community rallied, been vastly insufficient to date, espe- tional Flood Insurance Program. Peo- holding a reading at the library that cially for those who are in dire need of ple have lived in these places for gen- drew more than 600 attendees in sup- intensive, long-term care. erations and have a deep sense of com- port of the student. The real issue of concern, one that is munity. Now this is a movement, with read- exacerbating the severe lack of funding Rightly, my constituents who live in ings across the country to increase un- and one where I think we can press the these flood-prone areas worry about derstanding and to show young people German Government and work with it the future availability of affordable that they are welcomed and loved. to find a fair solution, is the incon- flood insurance options in the market- I am proud to join these readers sistent manner in which existing fund- place. They want to remain in their today from the House floor. Now I am ing and care is being disbursed. homes, in the places where multiple going to read this book, ‘‘I Am Jazz.’’ The current system places an undue generations of their families have lived I am Jazz. For as long as I can remember, burden on the Holocaust survivors and and worked and built lasting connec- my favorite color has been pink. My second their families, forcing them to jump tions with their neighbors. favorite color is silver, and my third favorite My constituents need access to af- color is green. through bureaucratic red tape, causing Here are some of my other favorite things: harmful delays and waste. fordable flood insurance. As this debate dancing, singing, back flips, drawing, soccer, This resolution is a simple one. It is continues over the next year, I will swimming, makeup, and pretending I’m a straightforward. It is noncontroversial. make sure that their concerns are ad- pop star. I urge my colleagues to support it. dressed. Most of all, I love mermaids. Sometimes I Congress is in a unique position to H.R. 2901 is a strong step in the right even wear a mermaid tail into the pool. work for and fight on behalf of Holo- direction as we seek to reform Federal My best friends are Samantha and Casey. We always have fun together. We like high caust survivors, many of whom are our flood insurance policy. heels and princess gowns or cartwheels and constituents. We have a long history of I hope that H.R. 2901 will receive the trampolines. working on behalf of Holocaust sur- same broad, bipartisan support it re- But I am not exactly like Samantha and vivors and seeking out their long-over- ceived in the Financial Services Com- Casey. I have a girl’s brain, but a boy body. due justice. mittee when it comes up for a vote This is called transgender.
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