T he Courier-Gazette V olum e 50. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 36, 1895. Entered Nernnri Cla N umber 8 OUTLOOK. by him was a petition of Henry C. Lowell and Maj.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry others for the incorporation of a bank in East Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Report T o B e S a f e The towns of Boothbay Harbor and South- Thomaston; an act to incorporate the Atlantic port are talking seriously of building a con­ Ship, Wharf & Lime Company; andapeition necting bridge. j b i o q i i a p b y of L. Snow and others to prevent the throwing T o be safe confine yourself to the offline core in the docks at East Thomaston. use of such flavors as your experi­ Maine towns as a general thing keep An important question before this legislature ence and judgement tell you are abreast of the times. In Caribou the past was the acquirement of the Massachusetts Bakins Written fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K. Gould lands within the limits of Maine, and commis­ of the purest quality. year t> 104,000 was spent in building and im­ provements. PREFACE. physique, he was an indefatigable worker and sioners were elected to effect this result, re-, While engaged in the collection of histori­ never wasted the precious moments of his p »rting at a special session of the legislature, Our exchange says that the Sherman tan­ cal matter and relics for the Department of short life. Hours were golden to him, and it called by Governor Crosby for that purpose. ‘ Powder nery uses 10000 cords of bark in a year. This History of the Sons of Veterans, a great was a crime to idle them away. It would In many of the yea and nay votes taken by o?pRict’s the Housd upon these important matters, we is nothing. I he sausage factories use thous­ quantity of material concerning Rockland’s seem as though a premonition of his early end Ab s o lu te ly p u r e ands of barks every (lav. distinguished soldier, General Berry, came in­ must have made an impression on his nature, find that the young representative from East Flavoring vanma to my possession. impelling him to make the most of the few Thomaston had early acquired the habit of mignifieent silver pitcher and gold chain and MlI^INCQ A man in Hallandale, Miss., while ‘tigging It was ascertained, on investigation, that short years that were his to enjoy and im­ thinking for himself, as his vote is recorded plate attached. MUbUlbb. under his saw mills found $60,000 in gold. many interesting things which I held had prove. on the side of the minority, and in some in­ I he first appearance of the Guards in their . , . •, never been made public, and such as had been stances stands almost alone in its protest new uniforms, which have been previously Knights of Labor. Getting h baba Extracts e s s . There are lots of saw mills in the state of After completing his school life, Hiram against the pending proceedings. Maine but we would hardly advise the owners published were in such form as to be inaccessi­ described, was on the occasion of the pro 8’ecP- learned the trade of a carpenter, and for sev­ 1 he election of United States Senator to are just as they are represented to to dig under them with the expectation of ble to the general reader and the student of eral years he industriously pursued this oc­ posed visit of the governor and council to the be. If not the cheapest they are finding gold for more ni«»m y can be found in history. The importance of the historical matter succeed Hon. James W. Bradbury was one S’ate Prison at Thomaston. Warden Hix A highway robber. The man who cupation. of the must desperately fought legislative the best, and no puddings, cakes, the inti s than under them. entrusted to my care was fully realized, and my After thoroughly mastering the details of had invited the Guards to be his guests on out his tax on the roads. battles ever known since Maine became a that occasion, and early in the day coaches crc ;;, o - other table delicacies, chief anxiety was to see it safely lodged in the his chosen occupation, he became a con­ rooms of the Maine Historical Society in Port­ s ate. The bitterness of feeling engendered, were taken lor Thomaston. The Guards The young ladies in Canada have a new tractor and builder on his own account, estab­ The majority o f musical instruments arc poiled by their use. land, there to be accessible to the historians of the desperate measures employed by the arrived a» their domination at about ten o’clock and novel way of keeping their hands warm lishing the lumber yard now owned by the W. friends of the various candidates to secure more ornamental than useful from the fact during the cold season. Silver dollars are the future, whose delving minds would instinc­ and were received by me State of Maine Fire II. Glover Co., ami which they acquired from their election, the skillful parliamentary ma­ that the people who play them the most are heated and placed in a silk purse, the purse tively turn there for the truths they desired to Company, 1 crack lire brigade of Thomaston. him. With hut little capital and relying prin­ neuvers, the powerful influences brought to th o se who can play them the least. ColcFCur ablets. is placed in the mull and there you are. The seek anti make known. cipally upon his native energy, the business After a short drill on the part of the Guards bear on the members of the Senate and House, near the Prison, the members of the company 1 Safe ami Ritre remedy for drinking men. coins remain warm for a long time. Simple But the enterprising editor of THE COURIER- rapidly prospered. Among the buildings all had their part in making this contest an Gazkite has modified my plans. Like the were permitted « inspect that institution. A 1 K »» amusing how some men brag about a Specially helpful to relapsed graduates. isn’t it. We should like to try Ihe experiment erected by him is the Second Baptist Church, ever mem jrable one. William I’itt Fessen­ Tnkon without observation. Cheaper than ourselves but we lack the silver dollars. Wh war-horse who scents the battle from afar, this ami his magnificent residence on the corner ol photograph'of th e company was also taken mustache that necessitates a microscopic any retreats. Two dollars enough for three man of the quill with his insatiable, thirst fur den, a member of the House from Portland, during tbis visit. inspection for its detection. A certain young will kindly loan us a few? Our hands are Beech and White streets, now owned by Hon. afterwards Secretary of the Treasury, was weeks. Carried in v« st pocket. Fa miliar large so don’t he afraid of sending too many, news has discovered ihe treasures in my keep­ John S. Case, ami which today is one of the I he governor w.is absent on account of man of our acquaintance has an apology for tonic in solid form. Samples free. Ageuta ing, and has importuned me to give them to the leading candidate and caine within a few sickness, but ihe secretary of Slate and mem- a mustache and he has repeatedly annoyed must imposing private residences within the votes of election. But his opponents out­ wanted. Write the public through the columns of his paper. burs of th e council were present as guests of his friends by calling their attention to it. One of the important questions before the city limits. He also built the Beiry Block at generaled him by combining and voting to THE DAM KGWI-DYCO, Legislature calling for the appropriation of This I have gladly consented to, do, because it the corner of Limerock and Main streets, one the w ar1’n. “ ; Our poet after considerable labor composed indefinitely postpone the election. Repre­ Dinner was partaken of at one o’clock, and the following which silenced the young man: 2 1 2 C o lu m -him Av,, Boston, Maim. money is the request of the Insane Asylum affords a til opportunity for me to pay homage of the most desirably located and substan­ sentative Berry was an active participant in at a later hour, the Guards paraded on the j A llttlff mustache on n young man grewr for $5500 with which to build a piggery, Thi to the distinguished dead; to lay the laurel tially built structures in Rockland, which is these proceedings. may sound unreasonable at lirst th ught, but wreath on the tomb of one who has always now owned by his heirs. green in front of the Prison, under command Listen to his tale of Sing a song of tot cents:— Among Representative Berry’s associates )f Captain Berry, where Hon, Noah Smith, A little raush nf a pale white hue, Le Page’s Liquid Glue: not so much so when the question is justly been and ever will be my ideal of a volunteer On the twenty-third of March, 1845, Hiram > . .. • ... , , - * With hairs quite ahort and very few, in the Legislature were'William Pitt Fessen­ one of the < ouncillors made a sh »rt speech ! Only seen by a microscopic view, Four-.mJ-twenty fragments considered.
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