ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES 2004 Ⅰ. Introduction Under the auspices of the National Committee of Planning and Development and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules was founded in 1989, and formally opened in Jan. 1991. Over the past decade, the NLB successfully completed many fundamental research projects of national significance, accumulated talents, equipments, technologies, and experiences in the area of protein science. The NLB was repeatedly ranked exceptional in 1989, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2004 in the evaluations of all National Laboratories in biological sciences organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 1994, the 10th anniversary of the inauguration of the National Key Laboratories, the NLB was awarded one of the outstanding groups and was selected as one of the first five labs to undertake further reform. In 1996, the lab was commended as the outstanding lab by the Bureau of Human resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Because of its excellent performance, the NLB was one of the first to enter the knowledge innovation program implemented by Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing in 1999. In 2004, when celebrating 20th anniversary of inauguration of the National Laboratories, the NLB was again honored with a ‘Golden Bull’ award as an outstanding group in National Key Laboratories. 2003 has seen the change of leadership and Academic Committee of the NLB. Under the new leadership and academic committee, the NLB implemented a strategy ‘Dynamic, Open, Collaborative, and Competitive’, aiming to fulfill the important national needs and to reach frontlines of international science and technology. It is clear that the NLB will be continuously led by the Honorary Director, Prof. Chen-lu Tsou and other two senior academics Prof. Dong-cai Liang and Prof. Fu-yu Yang, built on the core of protein science, the NLB will actively pursue multidisciplinary study of protein 3-dimentional structure and function, structure and function of biological membrane and membrane proteins, function and folding principles of proteins, molecular basis of immunology and infectious diseases, molecular neurobiology, and systems biology. In the end of 2004, the NLB are carrying out 47 projects, with funds totaling 31.3 M, from various sources including the Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other national funding agencies. The NLB adheres to the concept ‘Human resource is the most precious resource’, puts the highest priority in management of human resources, combines the action of attracting and training, stabilizing and metabolizing. The NLB has recruited a large number of outstanding young and mid-aged scientists to play critical roles, among them are receivers of ‘Hundred Talents Plan’ of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ‘National Outstanding Young Researcher Award’ from the National Science Foundation China, and ‘Cheng-gong’ professors of the Ministry of Education. A creative team based on graduate students and postdocs, led by first class scientist has emerged in the NLB. The NLB has integrated existing equipments, systematically constructed key infrastructure, combining with the platform of protein science in the hosting Institute of Biophysics. The NLB has fully prepared and has built the sound foundation for establishment of the National Lab for Protein Sciences, further facilitate the systematic and large scale development of the protein sciences of our country. National Laboratory of Biomacromelecules Director Zihe Rao 1 ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES 2004 Ⅰ. 前言 生物大分子国家重点实验室于1989年经国家计划发展委员会和中国科学院批准成 立,1991年1月通过验收并正式对外开放运行。在十几年的成长历程中,实验室承担了 多项国家重大科研任务,在蛋白质科学研究领域已形成了人才、装备、技术、经验的 综合优势并取得了骄人业绩。 在国家科学技术部对全国生物学科国家重点实验室和部门开放实验室的历次评估 中,生物大分子国家重点实验室分别于1989年、1991年、1996年、2001年和2004年五 次被评为优秀;1994年我室被评为先进集体的同时被科技术部选为全国首批五个国家 重点实验室试点单位之一;1996年我室又被中国科学院人事局评为先进集体;1999年 作为优秀实验室首批进入了中国科学院在京区启动的生物科学的开放实验室知识创新 试点。2004年在国家重点实验室成立二十周年之际,我室再度被国家科学技术部评为 “国家重点实验室计划先进集体”称号,荣获金牛奖。 2003 年实验室进行了室领导及学术委员会的换届,在新一届室领导和学术委员会 的带领下本着“流动、开放、联合、竞争”的办室方针,面向国家发展战略需求和国 际科技发展前沿,结合实验室多年来的工作积累,明确地提出了实验室的定位:实验 室将继续在我国生物物理和生物化学界前辈科学家邹承鲁、梁栋材、杨福愉三位先生 的指导和带领下,以蛋白质科学为核心,发挥多学科交叉综合的优势,结合人类健康 相关的国家需求,围绕生物膜与膜蛋白功能与结构、蛋白质功能与折叠原理、蛋白质 三维结构与功能,感染与免疫、系统生物学等重大科学问题开展原创性研究。截止 2004 年底实验室承担国家、科学院的在研任务 47 项,从科技部和中科院得到的运行经费和 各课题组在研研究经费总额达 3130 万元。 生物大分子国家重点实验室坚持“人才是第一资源”的理念,将人才工作作为各 项工作的重中之重。实验室坚持引进与培养相结合、稳定与流动相统一的原则,广纳 优秀人才加盟,引进了中国科学院“百人计划”入选者、国家杰出青年基金获得者和 教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授等一大批优秀中青年科学工作者来室担当重任。 形成了以一流领衔科学家为核心,以一批有突出贡献的中年学术骨干和青年创新人才 为主体,以研究生、博士后为基础的金字塔形的创新人才队伍。 生物大分子国家重点实验室在仪器设备方面整合了自有的仪器设备,依靠中科院 生物物理研究所的蛋白质科学研究平台,通过学科调整和蛋白质科学关键仪器设备的 系统性建设,将为建设蛋白质科学国家实验室奠定良好基础,并以此推进我国蛋白质 科学研究走规模化、体系化的发展道路。 生物大分子国家重点实验室 主任 饶子和 2 ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES 2004 Ⅱ. Organization 1. Honorary Directors Chenlu Tsou Institute of Biophysics CAS Dongcai Liang Institute of Biophysics CAS Fuyu Yang Institute of Biophysics CAS 2. Director and Vice Directors Director Zihe Rao Institute of Biophysics CAS Vice Directors Tao Xu Institute of Biophysics CAS Weimin Gong Institute of Biophysics CAS Xianming Pan Institute of Biophysics CAS 3 Academic Council: Chairman: Chihchen Wang Member of CAS Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Members: Jun Yu Professor Institute of Genomics CAS Beijing Zhixin Wang Member of CAS Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Zhaohui Ye Member of CAS Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics CAS Wuhan Xianen Zhang Professor Ministry of Science and Technology Beijing Boliang Li Professor Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences CAS Shanghai Jiayang Li Member of CAS Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology CAS Beijing Qishui Lin Member of CAS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences CAS Shanghai Yunyu Shi Member of CAS School of Life Science, University of Science and Hefei Technology of China Fuchu He Member of CAS Academy of Military Medical Science Beijing Zihe Rao Member of CAS Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Tao Xu Professor Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Aike Guo Member of CAS Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Guangxia Gao Professor Institute of Microbiology CAS Beijing Wenrui Chang Professor Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Xiyun Yan Professor Institute of Biophysics CAS Beijing Boqin Qiang Member of CAS Institute of Basic Medical Research CAMS Beijing Academic Secretary: Xiyun Yan 3 ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES 2004 Ⅱ. 机构 1. 名誉主任 邹承鲁 中科院生物物理所 梁栋材 中科院生物物理所 杨福愉 中科院生物物理所 2. 主任、副主任 主 任 饶子和 中科院生物物理所 副主任 徐 涛 中科院生物物理所 龚为民 中科院生物物理所 潘宪明 中科院生物物理所 3. 学术委员会 主 任: 王志珍 中国科学院院士 中科院生物物理所 北京 委 员: (以姓氏笔画为序) 于 军 研究员 中科院北京基因组所 北京 王志新 中国科学院院士 中科院生物物理所 北京 叶朝辉 中国科学院院士 中科院武汉物理与数学研究所 武汉 张先恩 研究员 科技部 北京 李伯良 研究员 上海生命科学研究院 上海 李家洋 中国科学院院士 中科院遗传发育所 北京 林其谁 中国科学院院士 上海生命科学研究院 上海 施蕴渝 中国科学院院士 中国科技大学生命科学院 合肥 贺福初 中国科学院院士 军事医学科学院 北京 饶子和 中国科学院院士 中科院生物物理所 北京 徐 涛 研究员 中科院生物物理所 北京 郭爱克 中国科学院院士 中科院生物物理所 北京 高光侠 研究员 中科院微生物所 北京 常文瑞 研究员 中科院生物物理所 北京 阎锡蕴 研究员 中科院生物物理所 北京 强伯勤 中国科学院院士 中国医学科学院基础所 北京 学术秘书:阎锡蕴(兼) 4 ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES 2004 4 International Scientific Committee The International Scientific Committee is composed of eminent overseas scientists whose expertise is in fields closely related to the research of the Laboratory. The purpose of the International Committee is to advise on the priorities and direction for research, to maintain international scientific dialogue and exchange, and to allow appraisal of the Laboratory against an international standard. Chairman: Robert Huber (Nobel Prize Laureate) Max Plank Institute for Biochemistry (Germany) Vice Chairman: Erwin Neher (Nobel Prize Laureate) Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Germany) Members: Giuseppina Barsacchi Laboratori di Biologia Celluare e dello Sviluppo (Italy) Guy Dodson University of York (UK) Khalid Iqbal NYS Institute for Basic Research (USA) Neil Isaacs University of Glasgow (UK) Jack Johnson The Scripps Research Institute (USA) David Stuart University of Oxford (UK) Joel Sussman The Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) Michael G. Rossmann Purdue University, (USA) Jack Johnson The Scripps Research Institute (USA) Bi-Cheng Wang University of Georgia, (USA) Brian Matthews University of Oregon (USA) Louise N. Johnson University of Oxford (UK) Neil Isaacs University of Glasgow (UK) Johannes Frederik Gerardus Vliegenthart Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research (Netherlands) 5 Research Faculty Chang Chen Hongyu Deng Zusen Fan Guangxia Gao Weimin Gong Haiying Hang Shigang He Guangju Ji Taijiao Jiang Tao Jiang Renjie Jiao Gang Jin Sarah Perrett Wei Liang Yingfang Liu Xianming Pan Zhihai Qin Zihe Rao Hong Tang Jie Tang Jinhui Wang Shengdian Wang Yi Wang Zhixin Wang Zhizhen Wang Zhongju Xiao Tao Xu Xiyun Yan Fuquan Yang Qinwei Yin Xianen Zhang Xujia Zhang 6 Senior Faculty Wenrui Chang Jianwen Chen Youguo Huang Guozhong Jing Dongcai Liang Jinfeng Wang Fuyu Yang Junmei Zhou Chenlu Tsou 5 ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES 2004 4. 国际科学委员会 为了与国际同行保持经常联系,及时了解国际研究动向,掌握和确定研究战略, 组织本实验室的国际同行评估,本实验室成立了由国外科学家组成的“国际科学委员 会”。 主席: Robert Huber (诺贝尔奖获得者) Max Plank Institute for Biochemistry (Germany) 副主席: Erwin Neher (诺贝尔奖获得者) Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Germany) 委员会成员: Giuseppina Barsacchi Laboratori di Biologia Celluare e dello Sviluppo (Italy) Guy Dodson University of York (UK) Khalid Iqbal NYS Institute for Basic Research (USA) Neil Isaacs University of Glasgow (UK) Jack Johnson The Scripps Research Institute (USA) David Stuart University of Oxford (UK) Joel Sussman The Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
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