Laurence brahm: Success Story of indo Korea connect Know Your Sun Tzu Korea’s KakaoTalk ASIA-PACIFIC www.bizTechreporT.com Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011 REPORT s. korean Growth rate revised Downward, following 1Q Growth GreeN importance of Logistics industry for Growing economies Growth Chinese-made Luxury Yachts Paradigm Now have a status tag asia tech Coming Clean Shift in with Green solutions develoPment Drought in China and and economic its implications growth China fights for riches former koreaN prime miNister of the south han Seung-Soo China sea schools in asia Go high-tech with ipads W8,000 | £5.00 | €6.00 `80 | US$7.00 | CN$7.00 ASIA-PACIFIC www.bizTechreporT.com REPORT contents vol. 3, no. 8, 2011 cover Story Green Growth emerging Paradigm Shift in development and economic growth paGe 8 Korea Taking the Lead in pushing Green Growth Q & haN seuNG-soo — p a g e 9 LaureNCe Brahm — p a g e 26 publisher: mr. lee deuk ho Cho ChuNG YeoN — p a g e 48 editor-in-Chief: mr. lee deuk ho a Published by: asia-Pacific Business GreeN 32 South Korean Financial Leaders & technology report co. Deflect oecD criticism of rising 14 biofuel: Answer to Tomorrow’s energy inequities Registration date: 2009.09.03 Needs in Southeast Asia By donald kirk Registration number: 서올중. 라00307 By Shamila JANAKIRAMAN 33 South Korean Growth rate revised Price: `80, W8,000, US$7.00, CN$7.00, £5.00, €6.00 14 Asia Tech coming clean with Green Downward, Following 1st Quarter Growth Annual subscription fee: w62,000/ uS$62 Solutions By raShmi guPta By lynette wu 34 importance of Logistics industry for senior editorial advisor: 15 New Green Laws: Asia-pacific inc. Growing economies mr. Sung-woock cho re-strategizing their carbon Liabilities and By Shamila Janakiraman Chief Consultant: Forecasting dr. lakhvinder Singh By Priyanka Sharma eNtertaiNmeNt Chief Business Development officer: 16 Green china: increased Use of biofuels 36 bollywood Sharest its Greatest Love to reduce co2 emissions mr. kim cheol ho as piFAn closes By kevin liu By Sun Bang editorial and marketing Consultant: mr. ParthaSarthi Jena speCiaL eVeNt traVeL Creative Director: 18 indo Korea connect 38 Jeju island: halla mountain and olle mr. dan thwaitS By Staff rePorter hiking editorial advisory Board: By Jin-Suk yang mr. SureSh P PraBhu DipLomaCY Former Union Cabinet Minister for Power, 22 china Fights for the riches of the South teChNoLoGY Government of India china Sea 40 Asian Schools Go hight-Tech with ipads Mr. N K Goyal By donald kirk By lynette wu President, Communications & Manufacturing 23 philippines Seeking Answers to 41 opportunistic hackers Association of India, CMAI Unprecedented chinese Activities on By meenakShi dr. mezyad alterkawi Spratly islands 42 Google panda: what it means for Your Associate Professor, King Saud University By vinti vaid business 24 UN peacekeepers to Keep their Date and By raJani BaBuraJan dr. emanuel yi PaStreich withdrwaw after east Timor 43 mobile handset market in india Director, The Asia Institute presidential elections in 2012 By meenakShi mr. JungSoo Jang By vinti vaid 44 Fastest wireless Transmission circuit President, Korea Future Institute Technology Developing in Japan mr. michael Breen LeaDership By anuradha Shukla Insight Communications Consultants 28 prasanna patsani: Leader with poetic 44 Success Story of KakaoTalk, the Touch dr. donald kirk Korean Twitter By ParthaSarthi Jena Author and Journalist By Staff rePorter 45 will humanoids conquer Asia First? to contact asia Pacific Business and technology report BusiNess By oliver Plaetevoet for advertising, submissions, subscriptions or general 30 chinese-made Luxury Yachts are the comments please email to [email protected] Newest Status Symbol sports By yaShika dhingra The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those 46 Korea’s winter wonderland overjoyed 31 implications of the Drought in china at prospect of hosting 2018 olympics of the authors and do not in any way reflect the editorial By yaShika dhingra By donald kirk policy of Asia Pacific Business and Technology Report vol. 3, no. 8, 2011 New & NotaBLe: google+ — p a g e 50 Printed in South korea comPanieS covered in thiS iSSue CompaNY artiCLe(s) aloe Private equity • asia tech coming clean with green Solutions apple • asian Schools go high-tech with iPads asian development Bank • asia tech coming clean with green Solutions city evening daily • cho chung yeon of city evening daily daido Steel co. ltd. • Japan to develop high-efficiency concentrating Photovoltaic cell fujitsu • will humanoids conquer asia first? google+ • google+ gives the rare gift of internet Privacy to Social networking • green growth: emerging Paradigm Shift in development and global green growth institute economic growth indo korea connect • indo korea connect international monetary fund • asia tech coming clean with green Solutions lg • Success Story of the korean twitter new energy and industrial technology • Japan to develop high-efficiency concentrating Photovoltaic cell development org news corporation group • asian Schools go high-tech with iPads novozymes • green china: increased use of Bio-fuels to reduce co2 emissions Panasonic • fastest wireless transmission circuit technology developing in Japan Samsung • asian Schools go high-tech with iPads Sharp corp • Japan to develop high-efficiency concentrating Photovoltaic cell Sinopec • green china: increased use of Bio-fuels to reduce co2 emissions • green growth: emerging Paradigm Shift in development and Softbank economic growth Sony • will humanoids conquer asia first? toyota • will humanoids conquer asia first? unilever • green china: increased use of Bio-fuels to reduce co2 emissions wireless gigabit alliance • fastest wireless transmission circuit technology developing in Japan ASIA-PACIFIC www.bizTechreporT.com REPORT cover cover STorY STorY notable figures attending from abroad included lykke friis, the danish minister for climate and energy; uneScaP execu- tive Secretary noeleen heyzer; and angel gurria, the Secretary-general of the OECD. korean President lee myung-bak also spoke in the opening ceremony, and in atten- GreeN Growth: dance by recorded video was Ban ki-moon, Secretary-general of the united nations. the date itself was also quite significant, emerGiNG ParADiGm as this year is the 50th anniversary of the oecd, the 15th anniversary of korea join- ing it, and the one year anniversary of the global green growth institute, launched in ShiFT iN DeveLopmeNT korea. the point of the summit was to try to push a more responsible civilization which AND ecoNomic GrowTh would change policies and influence public and private sectors to use more sustainable technologies in order to try to avoid the problems that the industrial revolution has gloBal green growth inStitute leadS the way caused the planet. President lee said at the opening ceremony, “we can make changes if we concentrate all our efforts on harmony between man and the earth. the key to a green economy with low carbon emissions is technology.” the President’s office said that he hoped the forum would become the premier forum in which to discuss global The point of the summit was to try to green growth issues. the two days of the summit had differ- push a more responsible civilization ent focuses. the first day was designed to which would change policies and influ- reinforce cooperation between countries in the development of green growth, and for ence public and private sectors to use sharing development strategies. the sec- ond day focused on new partnerships and more sustainable technologies in order to leadership in green growth. Because it was also an oecd meeting, some of the topics try to avoid the problems that the indus- discussed on the second day veered away from green technology and into discussions trial revolution has caused the planet. about korea’s economy. notable statements during the summit haN seuNG-soo | gloBal green growth inStitute chairman Korea Taking the Lead in pushing & Green Growth Q The Asia-Pacific Business and Technol- ogy Report interviewed Dr. Han Seung- soo, former Prime Minister of Korea, in his new position as the Chairman of the Global Green Growth Institute, which is an organization dedicated to promot- BY MATTHEW WEIGAND ing green growth around the world. We a spoke with him about green growth, governmental support, and the future of if you were in the vicinity of the Lotte hotel in down- a post-Industrial Revolution globe. town Seoul on June 20 to 21 of this year, you might have noticed an increased security presence and an un- usually large number of nondescript black cars. That was due to the Global Green Growth Summit, in which 91 foreign dignitaries from 25 different countries gath- ered to discuss the issues of climate change and the technological response to these unfortunate realities. 8 | a-P BuSineSS & TECHNOLOGY rePORT A-P BuSineSS & TECHNOLOGY rePORT | 9 cover cover STorY STorY lar to korea’s. the global green growth institute (gggi) was heavily stressed during the sum- mit. the chairman of the institute, dr. han Seung-soo, also gave one of several opening speeches. the gggi is the natural progres- sion of the activities at the summit, and by cooperating with it, the concerned coun- tries can further coordinate their agree- ments reached at the gathering. the GGGI, even after just one year of operation, al- ready has an impressive list of accomplish- ments. the institute has opened two branch offices, one in copenhagen and the other in masdar city in abu dhabi. the gggi has included one from masayoshi Son, chair- and its ceo noted that the cost of electric- ministration. korea is trying to place itself also been active in kazakhstan by attending man and CEO of Japan’s Softbank, who said ity had gone down in the past year. “today, at the forefront of the global green technol- the eBrd’s 20th annual meeting in astana that Japan needed to reduce its nuclear en- i’m very pleased to see that we, Suntech, ogy push with its global green growth in- and giving a presentation entitled “Building ergy dependence.
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