Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-11-1984 The BG News October 11, 1984 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 11, 1984" (1984). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4303. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4303 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Thursday, October 11,1984THE J3CL NEWS Vol. 67 Issue 25 Lawyer answers legal questions Lacrosse combines sport skills by Julie Fauble reporter from fire victims Have you ever been walk- ing peacefully by the intra- mural fields and had your by Teresa Perretti gation and a lot of scrutiny." serenity broken by the cries staff reporter Sutter said gross negligence of men in helmets racing or recklessness on the part of around, wielding long, poten- Since the Haven House fire landlord Doug Valentine has to tially vicious sticks trying to last Tuesday, Karl Sutter, Stu- be proven before a suit can be maneuver a ball into a goal? dent Legal Services lawyer, has brought. You may have encountered i been answering a lot of ques- the Lacrosse Club. ^Sf ^ tions about the rights of students "THERE MAY be a liability Lacrosse, though unique, is involved and what they can do suit down the road but it is still similar to many sports next. up in the air," he said. according to Mickey Coch- "Basically, I have been telling Sutter said the chance of his rane, who coached the club them to check on the rent paid handling a lawsuit is very good. when it was a varsity sport i for the next few months since He said if several residents are . ^v- 3 from 1966 to 1976. they will not be living there, involved, they may have to get a Lacrosse is similar to soc- getting their security deposits private lawyer in the city, but he cer and uses offense patterns back and iust trying to make will do everything he can to seen in basketball. It is simi- ends meet, Sutter said. A law- help. lar to hockey in that the ball suit at this time would be diffi- can be played behind the cult because "there are a lot of "We will do everything that goal, and the body checking is questions that have not been this office can, but if it becomes much like the blocking in answered," he said. "Many a major suit, it may be beyond football. Because it combines things are still pending investi- me," Sutter said. all these different sports, tit. Cochrane said, "I think it's the best spectator sport." David Merry, one of last year's players, called la- crosse "the only real Ameri- Plans: can sport" because it was originally played by the Indi- ans of eastern North Amer- Work continues ica. They used lacrosse as a substitute for war. It still is The project architect estimates primarily an east coast sport, by Dina Horwedel the project will be done by the though there are lacrosse staff reporter end of January. clubs all across the country. The team beat Heidelberg Architects are working on A DATE for moving into the College 11-1 in its first game several construction projects on building has not been set, Mc- this year Sept. 29, and its next campus according to Robert Mc- Geein said, and "the move will game, Oct. 18, will be against Geein, director of capital plan- be scheduled based upon the University of Toledo. ning. demands of the teaching re- The team is optimistic quirements." about its fall season, partly The Jerome Library steps and because many of its members concrete area surrounding the He said the move will be have been playing together library have been blocked off scheduled in close coordination for three years. Two years _ . BG News/Joe Phelan 1 because the concrete deterio- with departments occupying the ago, the team did not win a rated. McGeein said. R is not building because it is ''very dis- game, but this year it has La scoop! certain why the concrete dete- ruptive for faculty and students high expectations, according Dave Tolh, sophomore management information systems major, scoops up a ball during lacrosse riorated and an architectual en- to move midterm. The exact to co-captain Tom Gallagher, learn practice. gineer is investigating the date of the move hasn't been senior public administration situation. selected; one will be selected to major. goalie and senior political sci- University of Dayton, Kent fielder and senior IPCO ma- minimize any negative impact 'It's been an uphill strug- ence major, had discussed a State University, University ior, said, "It's competitive, McGeein said an architect has on the departments." gle, and I think this year, its tournament for some time of Toledo and Bowling Green. but it's not as much pressure been assigned to the project, and going to pay off," he said. and finalized plans over the The club is open to anyone on players as varsity sports, when cost estimates are turned Overman and Williams halls ONE OF the team's pri- summer. interested. We have fun while we're out in, the University will put in a are being looked at by architec- mary goals is to win the tour- The tournament will be Sat- Robert Conibear, coordina- there." request for funding for the re- tural engineers. The brick ve- nament it is sponsoring. urday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m. to tor of club teams, said, "They Anyone interested can con- pairs. neer of the buildings is According to Gallagher, he, about 6 p.m. Five teams will don't even have to know how tact Conibear at the School of collapsing and the engineers are Marty MaCafferty, co-cap- participate in the double- to play. They can just come Health, Physical Education The renovation of West Hall is checking to see if the foundation tain and senior marketing elimination tournament. out and work with the team." and Recreation or any club almost finished, McGeein said. is sound before repairs begin. major, and Jim Gavarone, They are Heidelberg College, Keith McKendry, mid- member. Reagan to follow in Truman's tracks during Ohio visit DAYTON (AP) - The train In 1948, Breen was a former ing the crowd it needed to "send outside to hear his comments to a motorcade to political dent's visit, the Dayton Union trip through western Ohio sched- Dayton mayor running for Con- good, able, vigorous men to Con- piped through loudspeakers. events" in downtown Dayton, Station is generally being uled tomorrow for President gress against a Republican in- gress, like my good friend Eddie Sylvan Fred, who heads a said Lt. Clinton Collins, a cleaned up. The ceilings and Reagan may stir memories of a cumbent. He met Truman at a Green." Dayton advertising agency, said Wright-Patterson spokesman. concourse are being repaired, similar trip in 1948 by President Democratic breakfast in Cincin- AFTER BREEN corrected Truman's trip was the idea of some painting is being done, and Harry Truman. nati. the name slip, Truman got it the late Albert Horstman, a PAT HARDING, a member of some stairwells reopened. Con- "I told the president that I right on subsequent stops. Daytonian who ran the local the White House press team in rail is paying for the work be- To prepare for Reagan's trip, was running for Congress," During Truman's visit to Day- Democratic organization. Dayton, said she was unaware of cause the site was in need of Conrail officials are cleaning up Breen said. ,THe said, 'When we ton on Oct. 11, 1948, the presi- Preparations continued Tues- any renovation at the train sta- some cleanup and with the Dayton's Union Station, where get into your area, you come out dent, his wife, Margaret, and day for Reagan's trip to Sidney, tion, but Consolidated Rail Corp. planned presidential visit, this there has been no passenger on the platform and I will give their daughter, Bess, traveled in Lima, Ottawa, Deshler and Per- spokeswoman Kathleen Byrne seemed to be an appropriate train service since 1979. Former you a big boost.' " a 17-car caravan to Memorial rysburg, which will begin with said in Philadelphia that some time to do it," said Byrne. U.S. Rep. Edward Breen, 76, of Hall. Truman spoke to about 3,- his arrival tomorrow at Wright- sprucing up is under way. Kettering recalls riding Tru- At the first stop, in Hamilton, 000 people in the hall and several Patterson Air Force Base. She declined to give a cost man's "Give-Em-Hell Special." Truman flubbed the name, tell- thousand more who gathered "As soon as he lands, he's off "In preparation for the presi- estimate for the renovation. BGSCI alcohol policy refined Convention center Editor's note: This is the is responsible. However, stu- funding approved second in a three-part series dents were unclear on duties OHIO DRIVER llCfNSE on alcohol use at Ohio univer- of the person responsible. So RICHARD F. CILESII GOVERNOR COLUMBUS (AP) - State con- a new building and help with the sities since the drinking age last year, more specific du- trollers completed approval yes- purchase of equipment. The was raised to 19 in JSB2.
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