Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994 11-4-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 04, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1994 Volume 80, Issue 53 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Southern Illinois Uni\'crsity al Carbondale Local media subpoenaed By Bill Kugelberg \\'edne,Jay aflcmoon. Associate Student Editor ··we Ju not choo,e to comply "ith the ,uhpoena and ha,,: a,k.:J In a n10, c <.k·,i!.!ned lo ~ath~r e, i­ U11i1.:r,i1v Couns.:1 to move to den.:e in the imc,1i.!alio~1 of dam• qua,h thc ~uhpoena:· he ,aid. ··n1e a,!c cuu,ed in Carhonduk during rca,011 is hasi..:allv that thi, is a box­ tl;e llalhrn ecn wed,enLI. ..:ar ,uhpoc:na. The policc Jepart­ CarhonJalc pnlkc ha\'e ,uhpoc­ ment ha, a,keJ for everything naed all , ;deotap,· and pho1ogmph, we·,.: ,hot and nothing '-pe.:iti.:. cal.en h, Sm11hern lllinoi, media ,\nd I don·1 llc:lic,c it j._ the mle of Jurin,: tllL" evi:nt. the newspaper to Ile: providing pms­ S1a1c·, Aunrney Mike Wep,ie.: ccull ,rs with infonmuiun thev IIL"t!d ,aid SJ\ media ,mllcls in the arc;1 to mak,: their ..:a,cs and t" think hal(~ llc:cn issued subpoena,. .:nuperating with 1h,: authorities "lhe Daily Egyf'tit111. WSIU-TV would plll DE phu1ogrJphers al risk (Channel 81. WPSD <Channel 61. in future incidents." WSIL !Channel J 1. The Soulhern TI1c ,uhpocna requires the media lllinois;.n and KFVS (Chunnel I::'.) ..,o bring the following (lo a hear­ ,1 ere i"ued ~uhpoena,:· he said. ing 1: Reprints of all video tapes and Shari RhoJe. chief lrial unomev ,till photograph, 1aken in the for lhc olfo:e of SIUC, Uni\'ersit)' evenin!! hours of O..:t. 28. 1994. Le!!ul Counsel. would nol comment evenini hnurs of Oct. 29. 1994 and on ·whether the University new~pa­ the •.arty morning hours of Oc1. 30. pcr intend, 10 coopcrntc with the 1994 regarding the Carbondale Staff Photo by J. a.bar ,uhpoena. Hallow1.."t!n Celebmtion." However. Walter Jaehnig. direc­ Carl Rexroad. editor of the Happy little tree tor ofSIUCs School of Joumulism Southern Illinoisan. said his news­ and fis.:al officer of lhe Daifr paper will tum over the photos the Mike Chastain is in town vlsttlng a friend during his vacation from Chicago. Chastain E?YPti1111. said 1he Universi1y news­ polke department has requested. was painting by the Lake on the.Campus Boat Dock Thursday aftemoon. Chastain has paper would attempt 10 fight the been painting with oil base paints as a hobby for several years. court order. which was served see SUBPOENAS, page 5 Halloween arrests prompt U,ni.versity aQtion By Joh; Krnitta .. .. .. - Cod-;;- have ~iienac~ag;iiisi IWO overturned ~ri"South"'Onfverslty ~~c-- . .• - will nor be tolerated on Halloween Staff Reporter undergraduate student~. Avenue. SIUC"s judicial affairs process or any other time. SIUC students Marlon A. Phillips. 21. of614 W. Rudis was charged with felony allows for appeal to the SIU Boord who choose that course of action The arrests of lwo SIUC students Willow. and Anthony J. Rudis. 19. mob action resulting from his of Trustee.~. Sanctions administered will face campus judicial proceed- by Carbondale police over a Neely Hall resident were anestcd a.:1ions on South Illinois Avenue. by Judicial Affairs can range from ings a~ well as the criminal justice Halloween weekend have mo1iva1- over the weekend. "11 is imponanr 10 no1e the arrcsL~ written reprimands to suspension. system." ed Univcrsi1y adminisrraiors 10 Phillips wa.~ charged with felony for mob action and inciting mob .. Our message remain~ clear," The department of judicial affairs a.:tion. mob action and felony criminal ac1ion." City Manager Jeff Doherty SIUC President John C. Guyon would not comment on the process Judidal proceedings outlined in damage to propeny resulting from said ...As SIU student~. they will be said. "Act~ of violence and destruc- lhc University's Student Conducl lhe incident in which a car was subject to disciplinary aclion hy the tion of property on and off campus see ACTION, page 5 Mudslinging on rise as election nears Gus&jr// By Dean Weaver State Rep. Gerald Hawkins. D- ments and in public forums. "cast 27 votes to pad his family ~ Senior Reporter Du Quoin. and his Republican chal- Hawkins has chosen to attack waller with taxpayer money"' and ~.,, ~ r, 0 1 lenger. Mike Bos1. a firefighler Bosl through direct-mail. radio and labels him a quitter. _ . · ( ) Voters sh<1uld be able 10 gauge fmm Murphysboro. are in the midst television ads. Bosl refuted Hawkins' attacks c-'. \ (. hl ~ the number of days lcli before elec- of a close battle for lhe House seat His campaign brochures state and said he is trying 10 run a more ? ,~ ( ~. lion day by 1he amounl of mud in the General Assembly. Bos1 "missed 25 percent of his positive campaign. bul Jerome ~ J ~ heing slung hy political candidaies. In recent weeks. the candidates commillec hearings .. as a Jackson Clarke. a Bost campaign adviser. Gus says, With all this mud to and it seem, no .:andidale will lrn\'e resorted to attacking each Cnumy Board member. II anack, wade through, I don't know if .:ome nul looking dean. olher through campaign advcnbc- Bn,1 ·, iniegrily hy slating Bost see MUD, page 5 I'll be able to·cast my vote. Blood Drive Dates ancl Tl1111es Red Cross sponsors blood drive By Aaron Butler ··we have tried to provide a varie1y of before can do so again if it has been Sunday 1·6p.m. Rec. Center Staff Reporter locations and times so it is as convenient more than eight weeks since their last Monday 11 a.m.·4 p.m. Student Center as possible for those who want lo come visit." 4·8p.m. First United Nexl week stuJenls will have an and donate ... she said. ··we are really Food, including sandwiches. juice. Methcidist Church opportunity to do ,nmcthing kind for coun1ing on people lo come help our: cookies and brownies, also will be avail­ Tuesday 12-Bp.m. Rec.Center someone else withou1 having 10 invest especially since the holidays will be here able for donors before and after giving Wednesday 1 i a.m.-4 p.m. Student Center money or a lot nfiimc a., the Red Cros.~ soon - currently, blood reserves are blood. Lentz HaD blood drive come, to Carbondale. down 17 percent from last week." "Anyone donating·should eat first, .. Vivian Ugent. regional coordinator of Ugent encouraged ~-~ose who have Ugent said. "Some people don't realize ~ Pain~ Thursday 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Student Center the Red Cross blocxl drives for Southern given blood in the past to consider doing it. but food is very important.,;_ especial­ Illinois. ,aid 1hc rcplacemcnl supply of so again, liut said first-time donors · Jy foods high in iron, such as bread,; and 4·8p.m. House Delta Chi this lifc-suslaining fluid in her regi1'n 1s would !Jave plenty of suppon as well. watennelor.." Nov. 11 1 1 a.m.-4 p.m. Student Center gelling low, and the only way 10 make '"We have "blood buddies.' who will The drive 1s sponsore<I by the Inter­ 4·8p.m. Rec. Center sure enough is uvailable for everyo'IC is walk firs_t-timers through the process," Greek council and various other regis­ for volunteers lo donate . she said. ~1bose who ~,~ve given blood . tered student organizations.. ~ : .......a.. Opinion Sports Election ·94 -Seepage 4 Candidates run Entertainment -Seepages for statewide offices Classified · -,~~.rfr~~host~:·· -See~~e15. , .;4si:innv"· ·· -Story on page 10 , _H,lt1hof_.7i;.· '·. ~-~--~29.· Page2 Daily Egyptian November 4, 1994 I,.,• ._.. ..... Cashew Chicken, N-e\Vs\Vrap Almond Chicken I 549-5032 or Pepper Steak '~,.........~-~~-----,1 with Soup and Egg Roll :w::::--..~=-1 world lhlhPMy...._._ I BRAWL HURTS RUSSIAN, POLISH RELATIONS - $4.95 I IIO ...... WARSAW, Poland-A brawl between Polish police and Russian tourists at a Warsaw railway station has prompted Russian Prime Minisrer Viktor Oiemomyntin to postpone. for a third time, a scheduled visit to Poland and sparic.ed fears among Polish officials that Moscow is seeking to derail Pol­ and's entry into NATO. 'tbe brawl began on a Sunday afternoon when Rus­ sian bandits, LL~ing handguns and mobile telephones, slipped on board rail­ SMOKERS way can; bound for Brussels and robbed only the Russian pa,;senger. of thou­ sands of dollars. Frustra1ed at an apparent lack of police cooperation, the Be Paid For Russian victim~ staged a prolcst and anempted. by pulling an emergency brake, to keep the (T'ain from leaving the station. Several dozen police moved 1. Re~ean:h Part-icipation or in. wielding truncheon.~ and tear ga~. and arrested six of the Russians. After 2. Quit Smoking Research holding the Russiaus in jail for 47 hours. police informed the Russian Emba~~)' of their whereabouts. Call SIUC Smoking Cessation Program behveen 10 am & 5 pm 453-3561 453-3527 PARIS MATCH BREAKS TABOO, PRINTS PHOTO - PARIS-llie picture seemed anything but scandalous: a dark-haired stu­ dent and her father emerging from an elegant Parisian restaurdllt where L'iey had jLL~t celebrated her entrdllce inlo one of France's elite colleges.
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