A Menu of Fire Response Water Quality Monitoring Options and Recommendations for Water Year 2019 and Beyond Lester McKee, Sarah Pearce, Alicia Gilbreath, Sarah Lowe, and Jennifer Hunt July 31, 2018 Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Monitoring Elements for Future Consideration ........................................................................................ 6 Water Chemistry ................................................................................................................................... 6 Hydromodification .............................................................................................................................. 19 Geomorphic response (Erosion and sediment yield) .......................................................................... 21 Ecology ............................................................................................................................................... 27 References ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Attachment A: QA Review, Method Sensitivity Evaluation, and Plotted Data ...................................... 31 QA Review and Method Sensitivity Evaluation ..................................................................................... 31 Attachment A Appendix A: Summary of 2017 Fire Response Monitoring Results (November 2017 through March 2018) by Parameter ........................................................................................................ 36 Attachment A Appendix B: Fire Response Monitoring Results: maximum results from other Surveys 41 Attachment A Appendix C: Comparison of Fire Response Monitoring Results to Results from other Programs (stations listed in Appendix B). .............................................................................................. 47 Attachment A Appendix D: Plots of water year 2018 Fire Monitoring Results ..................................... 57 Suggested citation: SFEI, 2018. A menu of fire response monitoring options and recommendations for water year 2019 and beyond. A report prepared by Lester McKee, Sarah Pearce, Alicia Gilbreath, Sarah Lowe and Jennifer Hunt. Clean Water Program, San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI). Contribution number 889 July 2018. 2 | P a g e Executive Summary In October 2017, the Tubbs Fire and the Nuns Fire burned 93,400 acres of the Mark West Creek and Santa Rosa Creek watersheds, killing 22 people, and incinerating approximately 7,000 structures. After the fires, many agencies worked together to deploy water and sediment related best management practices (BMPs) in the burn area (e.g., waddles, emergency hydroseeding, and filter systems on storm drains) and worked on removing contaminated debris and soil from burned properties. The City of Santa Rosa conducted water quality sampling to verify that the BMPs were working. Water quality samples were collected at selected sites before and after flow interacted with the BMP; the City was generally pleased with the results. Subsequently, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) developed a preliminary monitoring design for WY 2018 to measure potential water quality impacts of the fires in relation to beneficial uses. Selected streams were sampled for parameters that could be compared to regulatory water quality criteria. The attachment contains a summary of the results for WY 2018. Based on this initial dataset, the apparent early success of the BMP program, and the soil clean-ups that have occurred, the focus going forward should be on monitoring larger-scale and longer-term impacts. This document outlines monitoring options for consideration for WY 2019 and beyond for four categories: Water Chemistry, Hydromodification, Geomorphic Response, and Ecology. WY 2019: Water Chemistry: Monitoring should continue to focus on analytes that can be compared to pre-fire condition and to appropriate water quality criteria in relation to beneficial uses. In WY 2019, the monitoring should continue to include dry-weather flow, first flush, and larger storm events. The sites and analytes monitored could be the same as WY 2018, However, if there is interest in cost savings, the following suggestions should be considered: ● Omit sediment-bound pollutant monitoring for the dry-weather flow (i.e., PAHs and trace metals unless dissolved phase and planned to be used to explain toxicity); ● Consider single-storm composites rather than taking multiple discrete samples thus potentially reducing the analytical and data management costs considerably; and ● Lower and upper Mark West sites could be omitted during first flush storms when runoff is expected to be minimal; wet season sampling could be triggered at these sites after 7 inches of antecedent rainfall. The methods employed to date for nutrient analysis appear to be sensitive enough but the methods for trace metals and PAHs used during WY 2018 had detection limits above water quality guidelines. We recommend EPA Method 1638 for trace metals, EPA Method 1631 for mercury (Hg), and AXYS MLA- 021 or equivalent for PAHs. For existing analytes and any new analytes, the appropriate analytical method should be chosen based on the water quality criteria against which each analyte will be compared. Additional analytes, storm conditions, and sites could be considered in WY 2019 but these would incur additional field staff effort, analytical, and data management costs. Further elements could include: ● Pesticides samples collected during storm events; ● Dry weather flow, an early season flush, and a late-season storm could be analyzed for toxicity; ● After sufficient antecedent rainfall (>7 inches during season to date), 1-2 larger flow events could be sampled due to the increased erosive processes likely occurring in the watershed. Should a very large storm be forecast (>2.5 inches in 6 hours or 5.5 inches in 24 hours), extra effort could be made to collect samples during that event; ● Dioxin and Hg bioaccumulation in Fountaingrove and Spring Lakes during the dry season; and 3 | P a g e ● A complete review of existing pre-fire data could reveal a rationale for adding or replacing sites and analytes, and sampling under differing flow conditions. WY 2019: Hydromodification: Monitoring should focus upon flow measurements at the existing USGS gage stations. The local sponsors (Sonoma County Water Agency and the City of Santa Rosa) should work with the USGS to maintain the two gages over the next 5 years. Given the more significant predicted flow volume increase in the Mark West watershed, continuation of the Mark West Creek at Mirabel Heights gage is the higher priority, for both flow and sediment. WY 2019: Geomorphic Response: Reinstate the USGS sediment load monitoring program at the Mark West Creek near Mirabel Heights gage (11466800) so that pre-fire loads (measured in WYs 2006-08) can be compared with post-fire loads; Future Consideration: Geomorphic Response: Monitoring would document the amounts, locations, rates, and processes of sediment production, transport, and storage within the burn area and downstream, with a focus on the steepest areas reported to have the most intense heat. A program could include: ● What are the new or fire-exacerbated sediment sources? Elements could include: ○ Map landslides and debris flows within the burn area; and ○ Inspect and repair any sediment-related BMPs. ● How has sediment transport and steam morphology changed in relation to the fires? Elements could include: ○ Monitor dry weather turbidity during the dry season; ○ Measure channel cross sections to document changes in channel geometry; ○ Document sediment removal from channels or sediment basins; and ○ Make observations after high flows to document sediment inputs, storage, or other major channel changes. ● What geomorphic impacts did the fires have on habitat? Elements could include: ○ Collect a longitudinal profile to quantify aggradation or incision along the channel bed; ○ Map geomorphic channel features within important creek reaches; ○ Document sediment or wood removal from channels; and ○ Collect channel bed grain size data to compare with pre-fire distributions. Future Consideration: Ecology: Monitoring should focus upon documenting physical habitat condition. Depending on the key questions of interest, a minimal program could include the following elements: ● Resurvey habitat condition using the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM); ● Collect benthic macroinvertebrate data, as an indicator of stream food web support and condition; ● Collect benthic algae data, as an indicator of stream nutrient condition; ● Conduct rapid habitat assessments that focus upon species of concern (e.g., Yellow Legged Frog); ● Collect data on large woody debris input and water temperature using CRAM; and ● Collect data on the presence or absence of species of concern. 4 | P a g e Introduction The environmental effects of wildfire can vary widely in relation to the amount of fuel and the heat that the fire generates, the land use of the burn areas, the completeness of the burn, the slope and geology of the burn areas, and the socioeconomics of the communities that live there. Effects
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