2020, Volumul XXVIII REVISTA DE ETNOLOGIE ȘI CULTUROLOGIE E-ISSN: 2537-6152 117 PAGINA TÂNARULUI CERCETATOR Radina Ivo BOZHILOVA PUBLICATION OF DOCUMENTS BY THE BULGARIAN HISTORICAL ARCHIVE UNTIL SEPTEMBER 9, 1944 деляются фигуры Захари Стоянова, Стояна Заимова, Rezumat Николы Обретенова и Кириака Цанкова. Publicarea documentelor de către Arhiva Istorică Ключевые слова: болгарское Возрождение, пу- a Bulgariei până la 9 septembrie 1944 бликации, архивные коллекции, архивные документы. După Eliberarea Bulgariei (1878) de sub jugul otoman, oamenii de știință au început căutări de documente privi- Summary tor Renașterea Bulgară. Trebuie remarcat faptul că până la Publication of documents by the Bulgarian historical mijlocul secolului XX în Bulgaria nu exista o legislație de archive until September 9, 1944 arhivă, precum și instituții de arhivă specializate care să se After the Liberation of Bulgaria (1878) from the Otto- ocupe de tema prezentată. În acest timp s-au format colecții man yoke the beginning was set for a purposeful research de arhivă în instituții de artă, științifice și de altă natură. Cea and publication of documents about the Bulgarian Revival. mai mare organizație a fost – Biblioteca Națională din Sofia. It should be noted that until the middle of the twentieth cen- Publicarea documentelor și materialelor de arhivă în Bul- tury, Bulgaria lacked archival legislation, as well as special- garia în acest timp a fost împărțită în două perioade. Prima ized archival institutions, which caused irreparable damage etapă, acoperă perioada de la Eliberarea Bulgariei din 1887 to the Bulgarian archival heritage. During this period, ar- până în 1908, când s-au făcut primele încercări ale specia- chival collections were gathered in cultural, scientific and liștilor și amatorilor de a publica documente de arhivă. Se other institutions. The largest of them was at the National caracterizează prin publicarea documentelor în edițiile pe- Library in Sofia. The publication of archival documents and riodice. A doua etapă se asociază cu apariția în țara noastră materials in Bulgaria during this period was divided into a primei colecții de documente din 1908. Publicarea docu- two stages. The first stage covered the period from the Lib- mentelor despre Renașterea bulgară după eliberare a fost eration of Bulgaria in 1887 to 1908, when the first efforts opera foștilor participanți la mișcarea revoluționară nați- were made by specialists and amateurs to achieve some or- onală, printre care se remarcă figurile lui Zahari Stoianov, ganization in the publication of archival documents from Stoian Zaimov, Nikola Obretenov și Kiriak Țankov. the Bulgarian Revival. It was characterized by documentary Cuvinte-cheie: Renașterea bulgară, publicații, colecții publications in periodicals and history journals. The second de arhivă, documente de arhivă. stage was related to the appearance of the first documen- tary collection in our country in 1908, which was a more Резюме complex form of publication of written historical sources. Публикация документов Историческим архивом The publication of documents about the Revival after the Болгарии до 9 сентября 1944 г. Liberation was the work of former participants in the na- После Освобождения Болгарии (1878) от осман- tional-revolutionary movement, including Zahari Stoyan- ского ига ученые задались целенаправленным поиском ov, Stoyan Zaimov, Nikola Obretenov, Kiriak Tsankov. и публикацией документов о болгарском Возрожде- Key words: Bulgarian Revival, publication, archival нии. Следует отметить, что до середины ХХ в. в Болга- collections, archival documents. рии отсутствовало архивное законодательство, а также специализированные архивные учреждения, которые After the establishment of the Archives Depart- занимались бы данной темой. В этот период формиро- ment at the National Library in Sofia and the transfer- вались архивные объемные коллекции в культурных, ence of the Archive of the Revival from the National научных и других учреждениях. Самая большая ор- Ethnographic Museum in 1924, it became the largest ганизация находилась в Национальной библиотеке в Софии. Издание архивных документов и материалов в archive in the country and served as a state archive Болгарии в это время было разделено на два периода. until 1951. Documents and materials about the Bul- Первый охватывал этап от Освобождения Болгарии в garian Revival and the new Bulgarian history are 1887 г. до 1908 г., когда были предприняты первые по- collected and stored in it. The interest in the Revival пытки специалистов и любителей публиковать архив- documentary heritage in the period until 1944 is tra- ные документы по теме болгарского Возрождения. Для ditionally strong not only on behalf of scholars pro- него характерны документальные публикации в перио- fessionally engaged with history, but also on behalf of дической печати по истории. Второй этап был связан с the amateur historians. The publication of some of the появлением в Болгарии первого сборника документов more important documents from this period is also 1908 г. Публикация документов о Возрождении после essential for providing the much-needed source base Освобождения – заслуга бывших участников нацио- for research, as at that time the majority of them were нально-революционного движения, среди которых вы- scattered in different parts of the country and were 118 E-ISSN: 2537-6152 REVISTA DE ETNOLOGIE ȘI CULTUROLOGIE 2020, Volumul XXVIII preserved by private individuals. hari Stoyanov, Stoyan Zaimov, Nikola Obretenov and The first publications of documents from the Bul- Kiriak Tsankov. The aim of these publications was to garian Revival appeared in the 1860s and 70s in the popularize the idea of discovering and collecting Re- Bulgarian periodicals (newspapers and magazines) of vival documents and materials in public archival col- the time. Their selection was determined by the au- lections (Neykova 1980: 58). thors’ aspiration for using them as an ideological basis In 1883, Nikola Obretenov and Zahari Stoyanov for our national liberation movement (Neykova 2000: appealed to the Ministry of Education to finance one 292). of their exploratory tours along the Bulgarian-Roma- Documents were also published in the printed nian banks of the Danube River with the purpose of official publication of the Bulgarian Literary Society – collecting documents about the national liberation the periodical, published in Braila from 1870 to 1876. movement. Although they did not receive aid from The editors aimed to collect and publish documents the state, they managed to carry out the planned ex- and materials of the Revival period hoping to help the pedition and found a number of valuable documents. writing of the history of the Bulgarian Revival as well Stoyan Zaimov was also looking for documents as to facilitate studies on the life and work of promi- concerning the struggles for national liberation as well nent Bulgarian Revival activists. as the exploits of individual participants, for his joint Thus, the journal marks the beginning of a more project with N. Obretenov, to publish a collection of systematic search, collection and publication of doc- documentary materials about the Bulgarian political umentary sources for the needs of Bulgarian histo- and revolutionary organizations during the Revival riography, particularly the period in question, which period from 1866 to 1877. corresponds to the scholarly and educational tasks of Through the (Bulgarian: Сборник за народни the Bulgarian Literary Society (Neykova 2000: 293). умотворения, наука и книжнина, Sbornik za narod- The journal’s capacity of fulfilling an objective of such ni umotvoreniia, nauka i knizhnina) Zaimov appeals scope is too small. However, due to the lack of opti- to those who possess any kind of document – a private mal social conditions, the publication of documentary letter, a decree, a protocol, etc., to deliver them to him sources is very limited (Neykova 1981: 58). or to N. Obretenov. Because the documents they were In the light of the events following the Liberation looking for were scattered in different places, the mak- and the restoration of the Bulgarian State, relatively ing of a more complete collection turned out to be be- more favorable conditions emerged which contribut- yond the powers of the two enthusiasts. However, on ed for a more organized and more orderly develop- the basis of the collected materials, Zaimov’s personal ment of Bulgarian culture and historiography, and memories as well as the memoirs of other figures, were therefore, to a more organized and orderly publication written and published in 1895 in the work “The Past” of the documentary heritage of the past. From 1878 (Bulgarian: Миналото, Minaloto), wherein some to the early 1950s, many attempts were made for the documents had been published (Neykova 2000: 295). discovery, study and publication of sources on Bulgar- During this stage, the publication of documents ian history. However, the lack of funds and specialists was inspired not only by calls of individuals and pri- were among the main reasons why this goal was only vate initiatives, but also by government initiatives. The partially fulfilled. Ministry of Education was directly involved in the The publication of archival documents and ma- publication of periodicals and documentary materi- terials in Bulgaria during this period is divided into als. The study of our Revival period became a national two stages. The first stage covers the period from the priority (Neykova 2000: 295). Liberation of Bulgaria
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