~ 19~ ,~~ ~ or their Ration Calendar also that Cold Wove ater thill GAl 114" olJpon' expll"u "atcb 11 J FV on•• oupon { upl ... April til; OW A old VI' I'Dtire tl' f10Ft' ll c"upon = '.PI", ftT ..0h III too with lemperatur n &J' ! 81. Pat. ,of. STIOER. OU lhhl I? ... pl,I'I JuDe U. THE DAI-LY IOWAN lOin lhe SO 11th. lrOIl& wID • mgcd by Iowa Cityls Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS THE A8800JATEO PRESS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1943 VOLUME XLllI NUMBER 145 nse of court, ! yeater. r, 21, 01 . i{ean, 21, 00 or a -r~~-----------7-------------------------~-------------------------------------______ --____ ----__ --____ -----------------~------------------~~~--~~~ . loss of Kharkoy Railway Base Coal Miners to Strike PHOTOS REVEAL DESTRUCTION OF NAZI MUNITIONS DUMP Hooyer Warns " r I . I ' April t Unless ~iyen '(knowledged by Soviet Umon $2 Per Day Pay Boosl U.S. Farmers Germans Push Powerful Counter-Offensive From Lewis Says Failure Against Slump Kursk to Middle Donets as Russians Ta Receive Contract Advance in S.molensk Region Will Mean Walkout Speaks to Conference ),01'00:;\ (A P) -- 1'hl' Hns!;inll. o~fi\'i~\1.v lll'knowlrd/!N1 In~t NEW YORK (AP) _ John L. Of Midwest Officials J oi'!:ht thAI Ih(' H('(\ Al'm,V [\ ft Pl' cla YR of fiC'l'('c fi~hti n/! had C\'OCIl- Lewis yesterday advised northern On Statewide Hookup Ilerl Khlll'koy, I'Hil hllh or 1111 sonlhl'l'll Hl\.>!in, 11 1\(1 hoth (1rl'milll nur! n,lI SSilln dispnl('hps indil'!ltrrl thnt thl' pO\l'Pl't'li1 ". , a~i COllntr l' - soft coal mine operators they DES MOINES, Towa (AP) - offcll si\'c stilt wns prm;in~ viciol1Rly 0 11 a l)l'ond 1'l'onl fl'om Knt'flk could assume that failure to nego­ to th (' mirldlr DOllrt<;, bplow am1 h(l,\'ol1(\ Khlll'](OV. tiate a pact by March 31 giving Former presIdent Her rt Hoov r B1I1iilr BIISRiHllX l'ppOl'terlnpw nc\\'lIllr('s ill tlir SmolcllRk l'('gion wage boosts to 450,000 miners said lost nillht "there arc symp­ Ifarth er to th(' 110l'lb on I1l10th(,I' vi llli fl'ont, with Hed Army troops would keep thosc men out of the toms 01 0 dang rou Iy deg n rat­ advljll ('inp: fl11'jhpl' wcst 01' V,\'Bzmn in A clriye (mvnl'(t the po\\'r1'f'l11 mines April 1. Ing agriculture thnt must b 3est Res. NII?i base at SIlIOll'llSk its!'lf. Replying to a !lat rejection or stopped" if we are to win th w r 'rhe TIll. sian. admit trd withc1t'lIwlll fl'om tile gn'at inclustJ'in\ the United Mine Workers' major -tmd lh pe ~ . ... g~ summer, city or Khlll'lwv only 2·1 holll's nrtel' t\tP. Oel'man. had eillimrrl its demands for II contract to supplant "Unlike our co in the w l' 25 salway. r~ cfl,ptll['e in 11 Rml\~h i l1l!: COllnlCI'-offcllfiil'e that hilS roll ed Ihe' Rus- the one expiring March 3], the years ago, we have today at work asons tor SillllS back on n huge IIl'C in southern .Rllssill, an oPl'cnsivc Cllr- in America uncanny parollels wIth ,'S plate , ri ed by 325,000 (Jpl'mOll troops, ncol'ly 1111[[ 01' lhem fl'('s]] divis- UMW president told the operntors the same degenerative forc s thnt are deli. iOOR rushrrl 11 p from I<'m nee. at a joint wage conference: have been so disastrou in Eur­ •• KA. "01\1' troops IIl't('I' mlllly (1nys 01' fil'l'C'c fighting by orMI' or Sloughs orr Blame ope," the nation's World Wur r , tood administrator declared In , service the commnnd rvaeulll('d the town of Khn1'l;:ol'" Mondny, Rnirl the " If thcy (mincrs) don't get it (a an l'lor . , , nddre s prepared (or n conterence nlls~ian midnil1:ht communiql1l' as l'('r01'decl by thl' , ovie1 monitol'. contract by M:\!,ch 31) the l'espon- ot midw tern state otficiolli. ERA.'S 1'he GerlUIl11S hnd C'iaimed Khar\;ov r!'ll, on Sunday. sibility wlll not be the mine wOl'k­ re low, , I tate\ Ide HoOkup , to meet '1'1)(' Rns:sinn rommuniqll!' mlldc 110 1110l'(, l1'l('nt ion of Khl1rkov. ers', and if the contract runs out Hoover spoke over stntewld , the uni- which 1hl')' had wl'C'!;ted I'rom tllC'. because you will not negotl,lte with radfo hookup (8-8:30 p, m, central , between Ocrl11ans Fcb. lG in a majo!' tri· N M' C S them, the responsibility upon you war time) at the conclusion or the , il's ItA. umph or their winter cllmpnign. ay·y, anne orp wlll rely, all-day conference called by vh o know The Hussian, had hlltl It'll Im'- . •• Iowa's Governor B, B, Hicken­ iousl,Y in t.hc st!' cts of ]Char· To Give Exammatlons "It is a saCe assumption that looper to discu s the problem ot kov In a vam attempt to save the without a negotiated contract, the COMPLETE DE TRUCTJON of the main Germ~n ammunition depot, been wiped out. Returnlnf I1allfax bomber crew reJlorled that boosting the nallon's food prodUC­ strategic center agaipst a crush- FER C St d t miners will not trespass upon your coverIng 150 acres, at WlIhelmshaven, Germany, are revealed In a tremendous exploslo" "lit the sky with a brullant red ,low and tion in the face of farm labor and ,t playing ing attack by huge numbers of or . .. u en s property on the first and second of these two aerial photos, Picture at leU w~s taken before the R. A, F, seemed to spre~d for mile ," The WllhellDllhav n depot wa .tocked machinery shortages tt nding lbout the German infantry and tanks. April." raid., while the other clearly shows how buildIngs of all kinds have with naval munition', torpedoes, mine. the conference were governors of ymnastics To the ~outheast in the middle Earlier in the conletences, which ------------'----~----~------ eieM corn-belt states and repr - vho with Donets area, the Russians told of Recruiting boards from the of- started last week between the I I F"I d A' sentotlves of four others. ' . ,een look· stubborn fighting against tank'- fice of naval officer procuremcnt UMW and the northern and south­ shop win· 5 More Permanent 1nJunchons ' I e gamst pr~:~e~o~~R~:~font~~~ t~!t~~~ supported German attacks, while in Chicago and the marine corps ern operators, holding separate March 15 Jitters Ask' DeGaulle the Berlin radio declared that the headquarters in Des Moines will meetings, spokesmen of numerotlkS , 1t' OPA R 'I t' ditlons that xisted In Europ nn counter-oftensi ve had advanced to union districts threatened wor Des Moines Woman M 0 v I be in the Quadt'angle all day t . Ap'l less ~ em e~t perators 10 a mg '. eg~ a Ions ~~rn~~e; da;Cl~~e dti~ot ~~ ~~: I~! I? , ,And Chuguev, 35 miles south of Khar- S oppages In n un .. n w ing place7 kov, and also extended to areas Thursday to give phySical exam- and satisfactory contract was Overpays $100 -- rood hortage abroad that decIded To Join Giraud Judge Charles Dewey th outcome ot the contlict. t pos~Ible wes.t and .northwest o£ Kursk, 125 inations to E. R. C. students who signed. AI P. d "The home fronl a Import. people in miles norlh of Kharkov. at the time of enlistment indIcated Demands Rejected DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - It Renews Drive· t 0 St Op Irmen oun ant t.lI miJlt fron"" Jle )w they'l Charles O'Nejll, pt'esident of the must be March 15 jitter. a navy or marine pl'eference, it sald. "The hom.e frtlllt of tilt th at the • • • I;orthel'll group, replyillf to LewIs' Federal tulC officials told yes­ - Moven1ent for Union Iowa 'Black Market' - lndl eatin~ furroll f1gbUllll' was anllouncetl yesterday by thc .. ~mart talk, for the second time rejected terduy about a woman who filled vea~ L in Inr pow r, or til southeast of Kha.rkov, the Rus·' Of All French Made PES MOINF..s,-- -Iowa (AP)- M Ih LI ' , rreate t resource , or tl.e veat- IYS 'Ch()05e otIice of student affairs. the union's major demands, and In her income tax return and are ne' sian mldllt,ht communique oe· proposed that each side appoint a In Formdllnvitation Federal Judee CharJe A. Dewe), t will to endure lind work S because elared that 600 Germans were In order to take the examina­ fOllnd .she owed $2.08 tax. yesterday signed ftve more per- wUl rIve the ,reate t tren,lh six man committee to begin actua] Last week she brought it in, the quid kUled In an attack launched by tions, students must have all the manent injunctions ordering oJ- to the mJlltary tront. clous 100d negotiations immediately - behind misread the reWrn, and, they said, At-GlERS (AP)-Gen, Henri larre forces of Nazi infantry required papers approved by the closed doors. le~ed "black market" meall opera- ALL1ED HEADQUARTERS IN "A weakened home Iront will tmosphete anil 18 tal1\($. paid $102.08. military representative hel'e and The conference agreed to a pro­ She got to thinking ihat ovel', Giraud cleared the way yesterday tors to stop violations of OPA NORTH AFRICA (AP)-Allied weaken the military Iron. War e of war· I'Clulations.
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