The original documents are located in Box 41, folder “Personnel - Special Prosecutor Clearances (4)” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 41 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library WATERGATE SPECIAL PROSECUTION FORCE United States Department of Justice 1425 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 December 10, 1974 Phillip E. Areeda, Esq. Counsel to the President The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Areeda: This is in response to your inquiries of December 3, 1974, concerning individuals who already hold or whom you intend to appoint to public positions of trust and confidence. After checking with the various task forces, I can report that the following persons are not the subject of any investigation conducted by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force. Richard T. Kennedy Glee s. Smith, Jr. Victor Gilinsky Glenn C. Stophel Marcus Rowden Rodolfo Montejano Joseph Laitin Omer w. Franklin, Jr. Martin Diamond Revius O. Ortique, Jr. Robert Off Melvin Abbott Conant Anne Fogelgren Joseph Coors Sheila R. Weidenfeld James MacDonald Day James E. Connor Virginia Foote Duncan Russell Arthur Rourke Lucius Perry Gregg, Jr. Robert F. Bonitati Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Denison Kitchel John William Kauffman ,William Lee Knecht Carl H. Pforzheirner William T. Coleman, Jr. Eddie Glenn Smith, Jr. Abraham S. Goldstein Durward Belmont Varner THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 10, 1974 Dear Mr. Ruth: Attached is a list containing the names of people who hold or who are being considered for appointment to public positions of trust and confidence. In appraising their suitability for office, it would be h e lpful to have the benefit of any adverse knowledge held by the Watergate Special P rosecution Force. We would, therefore, be grateful for such information and advice as you think it appropriate to provide. Out of an excess of caution, l et me say that making this inquiry does not imply that any adverse material is known or expected. We appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, f/4 Aut 1.-- Phillip E . Areeda Counsel to the President The Honorable Henry S. Ruth, Jr. Special Prosecutor Watergate Special Prosecution Force Department of Justice 1425 K Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20005 1z_. l 1bo\!.. IOR WITH WILBUR ABEL 1-i... \ 11.oK DONALD CLEMENS BURNHAM 1 :i... \1~ o.t. BERKELEY GRAHAM BURRELL \"'l-\1(.ot:. FRANKE. FITZSIMMONS 11.\1 1,ov WAYNE LOUIS HORVITZ ol'-1z-l1t. RALPH HEATH LARRY .,,i..1>-\11. JOHN HENRY LYONS c:::JK.1>-{1& WILLIAM HOWARD MC CLENNAN "'"'':i..!16 JEROME MORRIS ROSOW o~•l.\1~ JOHN F RANCIS 0' CONNE LL of(.. rz.\rt FRANK EUGENE BARNET T ,,.,._,:...fie.. CHARLES LOUIS SCHULTZ E oK 1._/11. CHARLES LESLIE DENNIS 0¥..•~I~ CATHERINE BLANCHARD CLEARY oi<. 1;i.f H THOMAS BRADLEY or<. •'2.1" DANIEL JACKSON E VANS of'..''-111. JOHN T. DUNLOP OK P-/1' ALAN GR EEN SPAN 01<J2... {11, WILLIAM E . SIMON PETER J. BRENNAN THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 11, 1974 Dear Mr. Ruth: Attached is a list containing the names of people who hold or who are being considere_d fqr appointment to public positions· of trust and confidence, In appraising the~r suitability fqr office, it would be helpful to h·avethe be~efit .of any adverse knowledge held by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force. · We would, therefore, be grateful for such information and advice as you think it appropriate to provide. Out of an excess of caution, let me say that making this inquiry does not imply that any adverse material is known or expected. We appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, Counsel to the President The Honorable Henry· S. Ruth, Jr. Special Prosecutor Watergate Special Prosecution Force Department of Justice 1425 K Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20005 1 {kl 41 1 /13 )1r (JI<_ KEVIN T. MARONEY JOHN SHAHEEN oJ-<,P-/fb H.l\RRY VANARSDALE S . LADD DAVIES 01<.., DAVID L . WOLPER 0 «. NATHANIEL DAVIS 0 "' JOHN E. REINHARDT 0 '< WILLIAM. R . HEWLETT . -·· · ·· .. 01<... JERRY N . JENSON oA J . SMITH HENLEY J. CALVITT C LARKE, JR. 0 1' WILLIAM S . SESSIONS WILLIAM J. BAUER RONALD ROMANS ol( ALFRED Y . KIRKLAND oK STEPHEN E. HERBITS ol( FRANCES KAYE PULLEN / / THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 12, 1974 Dear Mr. Ruth: Attached is a· list containing the names of people who hold or who are being considered for appointment to public positions of trust and confidence. In appraising their suitability for office, it would be helpful to have the benefit of any adverse knowledge held by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force. We would, therefore, be grateful for such information and advice as you think it appropriate to provide. Out of an excess of caution, let me say that making this inquiry does not imply that a·ny adverse material is known or expected. We appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, Counsel to the President The Honorable Henry S. Ruth, Jr. Special Prosecutor Watergate Special Prosecution Force Department of Justice 1425 K Street, N . W . W ashington, D . C . • WILLIAM B. SAXBE JAMES T . LYNN o\.1-, ,.-,_\\!:, JOHN T. CALKINS oK 12-f/6 DR. MARVIN H . KOSTERS OK tJ.-f (,6 CHARLES B . SHUMAN / ;J~d THE WHITE HOU SE WA SH IN GTON D ecember 12, 1974 Dear Mr. Ruth: Attached is a list containing the n ames of people who hold or who are being considered for appointment to public positions of trust and confidence. In appraising their suitability for office , it would b e helpful to have the benefit of any adverse knowledge held by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force. We would, therefore, b e g rateful for such information and advice as you think it appropriate to provide . Out 0£ an excess of caution, l et me say that making this inquiry does not imply that any adverse material is known or expected. We appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, Counsel to the President The Honorable Henry S . Ruth, Jr. Special Prosecutor Watergate Special Prosecution Force D epartment of Justice 1425 K Street, N. W. W ashington, D. C . 20005 • 0 ¥- CLARENCE KELLEY L AURENCE H . SILBERMAN llK JOHN R . BARTELS, JR. <'.lJ<_ ROBERT H. BORK oK RICHARD W . VELDE oK SCOTT P . CRAMPTON DK CARLA A . HILLS WALLACE H . J OHNSON, JR. 01\ LEONARD F . CHAPMAN CHARLES R . WORK 01<.. S TANLEY P O TTINGER Oli. W . VINCENT RAKESTRAW A NTONIN SCALIA oK LAWRENCE A. C ARPENTER at< CURTIS C . CRAWFORD oR THOMAS HOLSCLAW • 2 ol< JAMES SCHLESINGER Ok ROBERT S. INGERSOLL oK WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. u<, CARLYLE 'E. MAW ol(. JOHN L. MC LUCAS 6K JOSEPH S. SISCO Of- J. WILLIAM MIDDENDORF II oK HELMUTSONNENFELDT oK MALCOLM R . CURRIE ot<. ALFRED L. ATHERTON eK NORMAN R. AUGUSTINE oK L. DEAN BROWN OK JACK L. BOWERS OK WILLIAM B. BUFFUM oK WILLIAM KEITH BREHM 0/\ JOHN CONSTANDY oY.. HAROLD BROWNMAN OI DONALD B. EASUM ()!/, HOWARD H. CALLAWAY 0 K. THOMAS O. ENDERS of/,. JAMES R. COW AN OIJ, PHILIP C. HABIB Oii-. ROBERT ELLSWORTH OK AR THUR A. HARTMAN DK MARTIN R. HOFFMAN DK A. LINWOOD HOLTON oll. HADLAI A. HULL ol< CAROL C. LAISE 0¥.. WALTER B. LA BERGE 61<.. WILLIAM D. ROGERS oil M. DAVID LOWE OK JOHN M. THOMAS of!.. H . TYLER MARCY '* WEBSTER B. TODD, JR. ol<', JOHN M. MAURY OJ\ JOSEPH Z. TAYLOR t'H( 0 TERENCE E . MC CLARY ARTHUR I. MENDOLIA 01( o(. JOSEPH T . MC CULLEN GARY DEAN PENISTEN • 3 ol< JAMES W . PLUMMER OJ./... JAMES KEOGH t>U.. DAVID S. POTTER of.I.. EUGENE P. KOPP bl( FRAi.'T\TK SHRONTZ (JI<. LYLES. Gi\.RLOCK DK HERMAN R. STAUDT l)IJ._ WILFRED J . SMITH DR LEONARD SULLIVAN, JR. 0 t<. J. RAYMOND BE LL oil. DAVID P. TAYLOR oil_ BYRON V. PEPITONE ~"' WILLIAM W. WOODRUFF ROBERT A. ANTHONY Oil,. CUNNINGHAM BRYANT oK WILLIAM W. ERWIN OJ.l. WILL HILL TANKERSLEY oK DANIELS. PARKER 0 \l. JOHI\I ALBERT KNEBEL ti\( JOHN E. MURPHY ~ PHILIP BIRNBAUM oK CLAYTON YEUTTER oK MATTHEW J. HARVEY 0 K. FRANK ELLIOTT oV-. JAROLD A. KIEFFER o\L.. HERMAN KLEINE JOHN C . WHIT AKER o\l ROBERT H. NOOTER Oii.. JACK W . CARLSON o~ JAtV1ES T. CLARKE o\.I. FRED CHARLES IKLE of<' DALE KENT FRIZZELL fllf... ·J. OWEN ZURHELLEN 01< JACK 0. HOR TON o\'Z ROBERT BEHR oK ROYSTON C . HUGHES Oil.._ DAVIES THOMAS D. /~OR ' al( JOHN HENRY KY L b~· o <)\ ~ ~\ ll fl.. AMRON KATZ o I.I.,, THOMASV. FAL~~ • ·=-.'"> J"" ~~ • 4 o~ LYNN A . GREENWALT ~I-<. DONS. SMITH DK. BURTON W. SILCOCK °"" WILLIAM L. SPRINGER cJI. GILBERT G. STAMM Of' AR THUR F. SAMPSON OK MORRIS THOMPSON or LOWELL J. PAIGE o JAMES M. DAY 01'. FRED B. RHODES o~ THOMAS F. SCHWEIGERT oK CARLOS C . VILLARREAL ol THOMAS C . WE BSTER <?~ MARMADUKE R. LIGON oK ROBERT E. MONTGOMERY O~ ROBERT E. HAMPTON o/\ LEONARD B . POULIOT oJ.< THOMAS F . MC CORMICK o' ROGER W .
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