~lottct~hrsfJtrt. son.Buh.v, &c Smyth and Mrs. Colston are lord and lady of the parish are extensive collieries. Population in 18611 manor, ~md principal land owners. The church of St. 1,845. J ames is • neat stone edifice, with i ower. It was YATE is a parish and village, lt miles w. from damaged by fire in 1863. The l1ving, with that of Chipping Sod bury, in the hundred of Henbury, I 0~ Absom-cum-Wick, is aunexed to the vicarage of miles N E. from Bristol- It is situated on the river Pucklechurch. A Cllttle fair if! held ori the 19th of Frame, and is a. station oil the Hristol and Birming­ September. There is also a chapel for the Indepen­ ham br!Uloh of the Midland Railway. The union for dents. 11nd a nationitl sc1:1ool. .Nibley, Henjield, Uoul­ Chipping Sod bury is in the pa1 ish, also several col­ pil Heath, and Bodford, are hamlets in this parish. leries. The Rev. W.illiam Cater Randolph is lord of Population in 18tH, 1,582. the manor. The church of St. Mary is an ancient CoALl>IT HEATH in the above parish, was created edifice, in the perpendicular style, with a fine tower an ecclesiastical dirlrict in 184:5, and includes part of and six bells. The living i9 a rector:r, in the patron­ Frampton CottereU and. W esterleigh parishes. The age and possession of the Rev. George Ludford church of St. Saviour is a neat stone edifice, in the Harvey, B.A. There are also national and British early English style of architecture. The living is a schools. Population in Hl61, 1,080 i in 1861, 1, 138. perpetual curacy, Here and at other parts of the POST OFFJ:CE, BRoAD STllEET, Jo3eph Caradine. Pnst Mtt$tf'r.-Letters from London and all parts arrive at seven morning; frotn Bristol and the West of l<~ngland at three afternoon i and are despatched to London, !iris to!, and all parts at forty-five minutes past ten tnc.rning; to theN orth of England, Midland Counties, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, at twenty minutes past six: evening; to London, Bristol, and general despatch, at half-past eight evening. Money Order Offlct and Samngk Bank. Post Office, O.tn SonBURY1 Peter Stinchcombe, Sub-Post Ma81er.-Letters are received from and des­ patched to Chipping Sodbury oncd a day. Post Office, HINTON-DIRHAM, Hannah England, Sub-Post llliatre8s.-Lettera are received from. and des­ patched to Chipping 8odbury once a day. MABSHFIELD is the :Nearest Money Order Office. Letters for the ptrishes and villages of Dodingtru1, Little Sodbury, Codrington, Wapley, Yate, Horton 'l'ormarton1 and Westerleigh, should be addressed JVear CHIPPING SoDBURY1 their pos5 town, aud nearest Money Order Office and Savings Bank. L0tters for Coal pit Heath should be addressed Near BRiifOL, its post town. lV'obUity, Gentry, and Clerg-y Phippen Mrs. Jane, Parade Cottage Bakers aod Flour Dealerli A.rnold l\Hs. Ruth, ·rormarton Rauaolph Rev. William Cater, Yate Carter Jamesi Sodbury _ Bl~•hwayt Chas. Pye, Esq. Dyrham House (;:>yrham Gihbs Gabrie , W e~terleigh Blath "'aY' Col. George Wllliam, Rubinson Re'. Williani Scott, B.iggs J ohu, j un. High st •t>. Dyrhanl House, Dyr ham Rolestou Rev. Frll.nci!! Hamuwnd, Holborrow G~orge, High st Bla.th way~ Capt. George Will it~ m, Sod bury lies George, Sodbury 1.1•. l\Janor Farnl, Dyrham ltussdll\1r. Georgt', High ~t Puiliu Isaac, Bull hill [High )lt Iloulton Mr- Wllllam, Old Sod bury Stur~>~e Mr. Dauiel, Yate Law11, Yate Swe<Jtman Wm. (& confectiunerj, Iirnok man Nichola;;, I<..~q. Tormarton Sturge William, Esq. Rock House, Trotman Stepheu & Thos, Bruok s~ Brutuli M i ~s Aml, High st Old S .. dbury (Yate Bank .Burges Mr. Edward, the Ridge, Thick Mr. Charles, Fir~rove House, Trenlield Mr. John, High st NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF Yate (ingtou Pat k ENGLAND {Blanch), Sorlbury­ Tre11field illr John D. B. High st Codrington La.d,r Georgia1ma, IJod­ draws on: the London and West­ Codriugton Mrs. Jane, Itouncival st Watts l\1 rs. Mary, tlorsc st White 1\Jr. Wirchcrnnb \V. Spring millster Bank-Andrew James Codrirtgton ~Ir~ .Jane, Old Sod bury l''oxwrll, manager Cole Mrs. Elizaheth, Broad st Grove Cuttage, Old Sodbury Basket Makers Cooper Rev. Halph, M. Broad st, Yonug Mr. Willi,un, Rouucival st Sodbury JM.A. Old Sodbury Academies and Schools Banett William, High st Carter James, High ~t Davidsort nev. P. Fuzwilliam, Not otherwi>e descrioed are Day !Schools Edwards Miss-, Tormanton Baker Sarah & Elizabeth(boardlllg), Blacksmiths l''o•te&' Uev. Francis Drake, M.A. Sodbnry [T111ner, mastt'r Allsop Cliarle~, High et Dodington Davis Titoma'l, Hinton BRITISH ScHOOL, Yate -- Aaron Foxwell ~11'. Andrew, Bruarl st Griffin George, Yate ENDOWED ScHooL, Hinton-John Fox well 1\l r. Uriah, Horse st Watts, master; Elizabeth Watts, Leo11ard Edward, Westerleigh Gibbon William Wyuter, Morgan Philip Codriugton Rev. M.A. mi~tress 1 Wapley NATIONAL ScHooLs:­ Pickering John, Hi~h ~t Gibbs Mr. Vickery, \Vesterleigh Hortou-W. H. Greenslade, mstr Russell Geo. ( & fr~rner),OhlSodiJury Grace l\1 r. Allred, High st Old Sodbury-Henry W. Reeve, Shipway Edward, Yate HartleyWinchcombeHenryHoward, master; M. A. KPeve, mistress Shipway Elias, Horton [Sodbury Esq. D.L., J .P. Lye Grove House, Stinchcomb Peter, ( & farrier, 0 d Sod bury-Wm. Bail ton, master j Old Sodbury Rachael Bacon, 1;; is tress Watts Thos. (&farrier), Tormartuu Harrey Rev. GeorgelL. B.A. Yate Tormarton- Edwa.rd Hatherell, Boot and Shoe Makers Ha~lock Rev. J. D. Edward, M.A. ma.~ter; An u H atherell, mis\ras Boulter Robert, Dyrharn Little Sodbury W esterleigh-J. H. Rio hard, mstr Cool George, H.ooncival st IIetling ltev. Thomas, Sodbury Yare-Alber& E. Freeman,master; Dando John, Codrington Hewett Henry, Serridge House, Sarah Freeman, mistress Hancock William, Yate Kendleshire Neale Ann, Yate Huff Edwin, Tormarton Hewitt Mrs. Elizabeth, Heath Cot­ PAROCHIAL ScHoOL, Little Sod­ H utf Thomas, Tormarton tage, Coalpit Heath bury-Huth Orchard, lllistress lles Charles, Broad st Higgs 1\lr, John, Sodbury Attorneys lsaac Samuel, Old Sodbury John~on Rev. Charles H. M.A. St. 1\1 arsh Charlts ( & leather dealer) Saviour's, Coalpit Heath Bramble, BI<Jckhurne & Buckland, 1 High st, & at Nicholas st, Bristol Hroad street Leman Mr. Paul D. 1\ouncivA.l 8t Moreton haac, Rouncival st Le Meaurier Rev. G. ~'. Tormartun Thick Charles {& high bailiff to County Court), Rotmci•al st, & Pullen Ez1a1 Horton Marriott Rt:v. Walter H. ~t. Sa- Short George, Horse st viour's, Coa.lpH Heath . 1'rat Small st1 eet Court, Bristol Medley Rev. J. B. Tormarton enfield John (and clerk tO the :Brazlertt and Tlomen Na~h Rev. Rubert Seymour, M.A. magistrates, and deputy registrar 1\Iarsh J ames & William, High st Olrl ~odbury of the Coanty Court), High st Powell Henry, Sodbury Parker Miss Jane, Hor~e st, Sod bury Trentield John D. B. High et Thompson I~aac, Broad~~~ • 250 VIP .
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