- c THE WEATHER Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau. NET PRESS RUN H artford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION £or th© Month of Octobcff 1929 Generally fair and riightly colder iEumttw tonight and Wednesday. \ 5 , 5 2 2 Conn. State Library— ComiK Members of <he Audit Bureau of Circulations • . PRICE THREE CENTS FOURTEEN PAGES SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1929. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) VOL. XLIV., NO. 43. B ^ K RALLY SENATEPROBE PLANE’S CRASH INJURES AMERICAN STUDENTS RAIL LEADERS PLEDGE SENDS STOCKS 1TIRNS TOWARD SUPPORT TO HOOVER ABniDGHER SU G A ^ LOBBY Issue Statement After Par- Many of iho Leaders Go Up Washington Lawyer Says He Navy Refuses To Lend ' ley That They WiD Pro­ $2 to $8 a Share; Trad­ Was Employed to Sift Warship To Aid City ceed With Full Programs ing Shows Marked FaD- Charges Made Against of Construction Without Cuba’s President Washington. Nov. lO.-CAPl-A^. The Lexington, one of the largest j ing Off In Volume. ! request by the cities of Seattle and war vessels afloat, has generators | Any Reference to Stock ' Tacoma for use of the aircraft car­ capable of producing 212,000 horse-' rier Lexington as an emergency power which could be linked to the | New York, Nov. 19-—(AP.) A Washington, I ov. 19-— (AP.) Exchange Fluctuations. brisk rally in prices, which carried John H. Carroll, Washington at- re5e«y.«etr^futr?y | ^ ' many of the leaders up $2 to $3 | i-o^ney^ ggid today before the Sen- 1 ^The^ Nkvy said many considera-1 Officials ^ d they expected the , Washington, Nov. 19.— (AP)— a share, net and a few specialties i lobby committee that he had ■ tions made it impractical for it to ; %bey*^d\ot de- 'Railroad presidents who conferred even higher, took place on the New | employed by the Cuban Com- A pov^rS^gen'f^^^^ ^ of | today with President Hoover wer York Stock Exchange after an. sugar importers, to obtain i S s e d foi» tois purpose. ! the craft. I unanimous------- . -in . u -their : - -determination-------- opening wave of selling had carried | information regarding charges to cooperate in the maintenance of many issues down $1 to $11 a- j against President Machado of Cuba employment and business progre.es. ' * ^ i'* ^ J nV share. Final prices generally were | y^^y came before the Senate V— ■ #"♦ A White House statement issued at or near the high level of the ' foreign relations committee the W., .-.v after the conference said the rail­ day. Trading showed a marked Cuba sugar people would be pre­ COTTON TARIFF RATES road presidents had stated that lac railways which they represented falling off in volume. pared to answer them. ; A party of American studen^ts,_wasjn Brussel^^^^^^^^^^ ~ d ^ in^m ak^. “would proceed with full pro,grams The witness said he was getting ^ Losses Wiped Out a forced landing at Louvre, Belgium, But only twc„ of construction and betteniients w ere' $4,500 a month and that he w a s. Here vou see the two-motored biplane after it had Many of the early losses dents in the American “floating college -were injured. NOW BEFORE SENATORS without any reference to recent c u r dov-n or wiped out before the paid a Stock Exchtinge fluctuations; that close. Westinghouse Electric, which they would canvass the situation as pany to further possibilities of expansion, _ opened $5.50 a share lower at $Ho. Friend of President . relied to $124. Air Reduction ran anc' that amongst these particular Carroll testified he was a person- j Senator Blaine, of Wiscon­ SECRETARY GOOD rEiilways it appeared that the total up from $97.12 to $107; Amencan al friend of President Machado but SEVEN JURORS i volume of such constructive work Ckn from $101 to 5110^-50: Gen­ added: “If charges made against J EARTH TREMORS SHAKE already indicated an increase dur­ eral Electric from $190.75 to $201. him are true, he is not fit to hold j sin, Opposed to High Im­ ing the next six months over the U. S. Steel Common advanced DIES AT CAPITAL office.” 1 similar period of last year. a low of $160 to a high of $166.o0, A contemplated trip to Cuba to j SHECTED FOR port Rates— ^Walsh Tells The confei-ence lasted for little up $6.50 net, closing at the top. NEW ENGLAND’S COAST more than an hour during which in­ investigate the charges against A flurry of buying in the last j Machado, he said, had been post­ dividual reports were made by the five minutes of trading brought ---------<♦ poned because of ill health. Among I of New England’ s Mills. President and Other High railroad presidents. about sharp advances in s ^ e or STOCK MARKET HITS MDIANUS TRIAL the matters he planned to inquire Besides the President, Secretar­ the specialties. Columbian Carbon ies Mellon and Lament and Chair­ into were claims against the Cuban THIS B.ABY’S B.ANK ran up $14 a share, Abraham and Reported from Long Island Officials to Pay Final man Lei^is of the Interstate Com­ government by Joseph Barlow, who /N n* C *£tl • r « ' "Washington, Nov. 19.— (AP) Straus Certificates $9.25, .^chor Chicago, Nov. 19— (A P )—One j merce Commission attended the maintains his property in Cuba has Case Moves bWlltly m ton- nopeful of completing work on the Cap $8.25, American Water Works of the banks that went under in i meeting. ' been confiscated. Sound to Newfoundland^ Tributes Tomorrow. $8 and Atchison $6. the Stock Market excitement i . , „ ! cotton manufactures schedule be- Carroll said he had been told by Total sales on the New was Louis Shick's baby's. So j fore mghtfall the senate resumed EXECUTII’ES .VRRIVK Senator Mose of New Hampshiie trast to Yesterdays 5es- Stock Exchange were 2,718,010 No Loss of Life and No says Mrs. Ernie Shick, seeking | its consideration of the sul^ect to- Washington, Nov. 19.—(AP)— that the charges against Machado shares, which contrasts with 2,746,- 1 separate maintenance. i Washington, Nov. 19.— (AP)—In Railroad executives invited here by 700 -shares yesterday and 4,388,089 were likely to reach the Senate She said her husband, called j the east room of the White House j p r e s * i d e n t Hoover for the first of toe foreign relations committee through sion -M ay Use But One on Friday last. Property Damage. upon for more margin by his ; Ito those advocating higher import where the nation has honored many series of business conferences today claims American citizens were broker, broke into "baby’s bank I P a n p l t duties on such arUcles. of its distinguished sons, President at the White House held a prelim­ making. Senator Borah, Carroll and took baby’s $1700. Id llC i, j asserted those seeking such inary meeting In the early forenoon Hoover and other officials tomorrow testified, had asked him if he would Boston, Nov. 19.-(A P )—Severe ______ i increases had failed to make a case at the offices of toe American Rail­ send the foreign relations commit­ earth tremors shook the Atlantic “ -.ithpr from the standpoint of -la- will pay a final mark of respect to way Association. CHINESE PlItATES tee a copy of his report to Lakin. coast line northward from Long Criminal Courts Building, industry” and said cotton James W. Good, secretary of war, First arrivals included Hale Hold­ The witness said he had been York, Nov. 19.—(AP)—Moving | were seeking to con- who died last night after a valiant en. chairman of the executive coni- employed by the Cuban embassy as Island Sound to Nova Scotia and GRAND JURY NEXT swifUy today in contrast with y's- i struct a tariff wall struggle against blood poisoning. mittee of toe Southern Pacific; J. J. AKE AGAIN ACnVE a counsellor at a salary of $4,800 Newfoundland yesterday on the Bernet, president of the Chesapeake a year and that Lakin thought he 174th armiversary of the heaviest Thoae attending the ceremonies recorded in the & Ohio Railroad Company, and L. would be a good man to “help sus­ earthquake ever FOR CAPITAL CORP. jurors had been selected for industries.” will include "Vice President Curtis, F. Loree, president of the Delaware tain Machado’s government.” New England area. ' trial of George A. McManus when j ..-j-tjere has been no earnest members of the diplomatic corps, & Hudson Flallroad Companv. no loss of either delegfations from the House and Seventy Passengers Kidnap­ Carroll followed W. R. Catchart. Despite the severity, 1 court adjo iraed at 1 p. m. Six were telligent effort^to . improve They called on Richard H. Aish- chemist of the Com Products Refin­ life or serious damage was reported conditions of the ^rkingm ^ or Senate as well as members of toe ton, president of the Railway Asso­ ' picked today family of toe late war department ing Company of New York on the in the six states. With but fifty of the 150 talesmen themselves,” he said. ciation. but none of them had any stand. The latter told the commit­ The Fundian fault, which runs Federal Probers to Take and have hejn a crowd of &raspin„ head. After toe services the body statement to make in advance of the ed and Ship Sunk— Loot summoned examined and seven jur­ will be taken to Union station to tee of an agreement by the Corn south westward from the Bay of i combinations and convening of the conference. They Fimdy off Cape Ann under the At- , ors selected, it appears as though be sent to jCedar Rapids, Iowa, for Products company and domestic Matter There, Declares the jury would be selected from the enjoy all the luxuries of desired first to hear the President Amounts to S20,000.
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