NOVEMBER 4, 2011 VOLUME 47, NUMBER 21 INSIDE: Page 7: George Weigel in Lancaster Centerfold: Collection benefits communities Page 12: Students examine agriculture Page 16: Priest serves as Guard chaplain Saint Veneration… Knights of Columbus members Al Kotlarski, left, and Michael Gilmartin place a reliquary containing relics of St. Margaret Mary near the altar at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Lebanon Oct. 31. The relics visited several parishes in the diocese this past week. See page 6 for coverage. ... and Celebration CHRIS HEISEY, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS Father James Lease, chaplain at York Catholic High School, joins Bishop Joseph P. McFadden in the celebration of a stirring Mass for the school community on All Saints Day. See more photos on page 6. - THE CATHOLIC WITNESS, NOVEMBER 4, 011 World and National News Bishop Addresses House Panel on ‘Grave Threats to Religious Liberty’ By Nancy Frazier O’Brien abortion and contraception, to human trafficking victims The bishop said he found it “troubling” when opposition Catholic News Service and unaccompanied refugee minors. to same-sex marriage “is portrayed as bigotry” and when • The U.S. Agency for International Development’s re- some try to draw a “parallel between racial discrimination Recent “grave threats to religious liberty” serve as “grim quirement that Catholic Relief Services and other contrac- and [opposition to] same-gender marriage.” validations” of the U.S. bishops’ decision last June to cre- tors include condom distribution in their HIV prevention Bishop Lori urged members of the House of Representa- ate a special committee to address those issues, Bishop activities and provide contraception in a range of interna- tives to pass three bills that would “go a long way toward William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., told a House sub- tional relief and development programs. guaranteeing religious liberty and freedom of conscience committee Oct. 26. • The Department of Justice’s actions to mischaracter- for religious employers, health insurers and health care Bishop Lori, appointed in late September to chair the ize the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which states that providers.” They are the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358), the bishops’ new Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, marriage is the union of a man and a woman, as an act of Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 361) and the Re- said the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence bigotry and to actively attack its constitutionality. spect for Rights of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179). • require government “to acknowledge and protect religious The Justice Department’s efforts to undermine the He also called for a congressional hearing or other inves- liberty as fundamental, no matter the moral and political “ministerial exception” that exempts religious institutions tigation into “the illegal conditions that HHS and USAID trends of the moment.” from some civil laws when it comes to hiring and firing. are placing on religious providers of human services.” He But in recent days, he said, “the bishops of the United • State actions on same-sex marriage that have resulted said new statutes might be necessary “to create new con- States have watched with increasing alarm as this great na- in Catholic Charities agencies in Illinois being “driven out science protections, but more likely to create private rights tional legacy of religious liberty, so profoundly in harmony of the adoption and foster care business” and some county of action for those whose rights under the existing protec- with our own teachings, has been subject to ever more fre- clerks in New York state facing legal action for refusing to quent assault and ever more rapid erosion.” participate in same-sex unions. tions have been violated.” In written testimony before the House Judiciary Com- Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., the ranking minority mem- “Unfortunately, the authority to enforce the applicable mittee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Bishop Lori ber of the subcommittee, repeatedly questioned Bishop conscience protections now lies principally with the feder- called for “corrective action by Congress” to address six Lori about whether he saw a difference between state em- al agencies that may be violating the protections,” Bishop areas of particular concern: ployees who said in the civil rights era that they oppose Lori said. • Regulations issued by the Department of Health and interracial marriage and those who oppose same-sex mar- He urged House members to “resist legislative efforts to Human Services in August that would mandate coverage riage today, when both decline to follow state laws because repeal” the Defense of Marriage Act, including the Respect of contraception and sterilization in most private health in- of their religious beliefs. for Marriage Act (H.R. 1116). surance plans. “No, I would believe marriage between two people of “The religious freedom threats to marriage at the state • A new requirement by HHS that would require the different races is an entirely different matter,” he replied. level may fall beyond the scope of authority of Congress to bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services to agree to pro- “Marriage is a unique relationship. It takes a man and a control – except to the extent that state adoption and foster vide the “full range” of reproductive services, including woman.” care services are federally funded,” he said. Faith Communities Seek Federal Partnership to Combat Domestic Violence By Carol Zimmermann noted that religious groups are often first re- The Rev. Susan Newman, an associate pas- her husband had also been sexually abusing Catholic News Service sponders for abused women who don’t know toral minister at All Souls Unitarian Church in his stepdaughter, she immediately sought where to turn and these groups would sig- Washington, said abused women are “going to the advice of a church leader. He in turn In desperation, women suffering from nificantly benefit from funding and training in go to church” not only to seek refuge but to advised her to “go back home to your hus- domestic violence often turn to faith com- how to best respond to these crisis situations. look for direction, illustrating the importance band,” citing the passage from Ephesians munities for help. Each speaker stressed the enormity of the of clergy education so church leaders “know admonishing wives to be submissive to their These communities can offer vital sup- problem of domestic abuse, citing the National how to help people in these situations.” husbands. port and connect women with services they Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s statis- She recounted one example where a woman The U.S. Catholic bishops addressed need such as legal assistance and temporary tics that 85 percent of domestic violence vic- who sought the help of her faith community that specific biblical passage in their 1992 housing. But the ability to do this well is not tims are women and one in every four women did not end up getting good advice. When the document, “When I Call for Help: A Pasto- necessarily a given. Every leader of every will experience domestic violence in her life- woman, who had been physically and emo- ral Response to Domestic Violence Against faith community across the country will not time. tionally abused by her husband, found out that Women.” The bishops condemned the use automatically have the right response or the of the Bible to support abusive behavior in necessary information on hand to best help any form, stressing that men and women victims of domestic violence. are created in God’s image and should treat But the Interfaith Domestic Violence each other with dignity and respect. Coalition hopes to change that. The group, The document, updated in 2002, says that formed by Jewish Women International in for the “violence against women, inside or outside 2008, is made up of more than 20 organi- the home, is never justified” and that “no zations, including the National Council of person is expected to stay in an abusive Catholic Women. It also represents Muslim, marriage.” evangelical, Baha’i, United Methodist, Sev- ABUSED At the briefing, Loribeth Weinstein, exec- enth-day Adventist and Presbyterian com- utive director of Jewish Women Internation- munities. Q Recognize you al, echoed the notion that religious leaders The group meets once a month to discuss need to be trained and educated about do- and promote domestic violence legislation. aren’t alone; help is available. mestic violence issues because they “serve These meetings took on a renewed urgency as powerful role models who can connect during October – Domestic Violence Aware- QConfide in someone you trust: women to social services.” ness Month – since the reauthorization of Weinstein described the Violence Against the Violence Against Women Act is set to a relative, friend or church leader. Women Act as “landmark” legislation for take place this year. acknowledging domestic violence as a The federal legislation, which was passed QSet up a plan of action to ensure your crime and providing federal funds and re- in 1994, set out to improve criminal justice safety. Hide car keys, personal documents and sources to fight these crimes. and community-based responses to domes- She said the reauthorized legislation tic and dating violence, sexual assault and money in a safe place. Determine somewhere to go could have an even broader reach if it con- stalking. It also outlined grant programs in an emergency. nected with faith groups and made it easier to prevent violence against women, estab- for these groups to apply for funding. Cur- lished a national domestic violence hotline QFind local resources that help battered women and their rently, she said the provisions of the act are and gave new protections to victims of do- so confusing that many faith groups simply mestic abuse.
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