Why Pro Wrestling Has No Low, No Tax VOL. 7, NO. MV ‘ - SINGLE COPY 10 CENTS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 ---------------------------------------------------- :----- :---- :------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------ - ‘John Jordan’ ires GOP faction . ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • __ '________ _ SEEK 10% PAY HIKE V False Front Of Ez Benny Dawson Wins Case As Trial Pries Hawaii Pay for Teachers Crane Backfires Open Police Record of Officer Cabral There is nothing about the ut- er or not he had a record, and of On KGU Radioman terance of a common term, relat- what it consisted. Far Below that on W. Coast By STAFF WRITER ing to the droppings of chickens, Cabral’s Record Brought Out Attorney Bouslog, going down a Territorial teachers through —in shacks in many schools and Ezra Crane, editor of the Maui even to describe a police officer their H-awaii Education Assn, will in overcrowded classrooms—would News, has a reputation for being with such a term square in his list of offenses, got admissions out seek a 10 per cent increase in normally require salary adjust­ a hard puncher (usually for the face, that constitutes "conduct of Cabral that he had been con­ basic salary from the 1955 legis­ ments to compensate for poor Big Five), but there are times, tending to provoke a breach of victed, or pled guilty to four counts lature. This is considered a mod- facilities and inconveniences, ac­ apparently, when he prefers to the peace.” at various times, the list includ­ estSequest by those familiar with cording to the above sources. punch from behind a false front. That was the finding of Magis- ing affray, drunkenness and dis­ th^pmeierpaid profession. One such time came Nov. 20 ■ trate Kenneth Young Tuesday in orderly conduct. Intakes Hawaii’s teachers who Teachers’ salaries here are com­ when he ran two big stories raking the case of Benny Dawson, who Cabral commented that this stajfc at sm«dirsalaries l6 years be- pared to that paid in cities of Gov. Sam King and the heads of" had been charged by Officer John record Is a relic from his youth. forg^. 100,000-'500,000 population. They the Republican party, covering Cabral. But on the Dawson case, his tes­ sach their maxi- rim closer to that paid in such them with a banner headline, Ho­ The uttering of such a term in timony was strongly contradicted, is is said to be a cities in the Deep South. the Royal Hawaiian Hotel might even by a brother police officer, ’ experienced teach- nolulu datelines,. and the by-line ersHgCTtng tl Locally, teachers with a college of “John J. Jordan.” be a different matter, the judge Rosindo Tejada of the vice squad. profession for more All agreed on some points, that luctatiufe fi« s. Furthermore, it degree (bachelor’s) begin with Now there may be more than, indicated, but using it before po­ $250 a month or $3,000 a year. one “John J. Jordan,” of joiurnal- licemen in a police station should Benny Dawson had visited the po­ tak^ a. ter without college lice station to make a complaint eduction 18 years to reach the After 16 years they receive $385 (more on page 4) not cause a breach of the 'peace. magnum in his or her category. a month or $4,620 a year. Teachers Tha decision came after Offi­ against Cabral’s attitude toward with a master’s degree start with cer Cabral’s memory had failed him on the street. AH agreed that =3 Like Deep South $275 a month or $3,300 a year. Af- regarding his own police record;--- Cabral had-arrived at the station Comparison of West Coast and ter 16 years they receive $405 a under the cross examination of on his motorcycle while Dawson—L -Attorney Harriet Bouslog, and had was leaving and that the . two had that local teachers are greatly month or $4,860 a year. In the new schedule which will to be gouged along with the help been involved in an. altercation— underpaid. Conditions under which of the magistrate. Judge Young But from there bn, accounts dif­ local teachers are forced to teach (mere on page 8) Money" Issue In indicated surprise that a police fered widely. Cabral testified that officer could not remember-wheth- (more on page 3) POLITICAL SIDELIGHTS MixingPot Lease Attorney Hiram Fong denied ATTORNEY SCHNACK VS. JUSTICE DOUGLAS this week that a mere problem of Fasi Back At Old Tricks Undermining $5,000 “key money” is what keeps Sharkey Kadoishi and Helen T. Condemnation for Redevelopment Said Kadqishi from operating the “Mix­ Demos; Morinaka Reveals Secret ing Pot” at the corner of Alakea Frank Fasi surprised no one at Republican ^cooperation, in elimi­ and Merchant Sts. unimpeded; Road to Socialism; Okey by High Court all by turning again on. officials nating Mayor John H. Wilson from Fong said an agreement had Condemning property for urban court where he has two other and candidates of the Democratic .the—mayor’s_ race,—Fast—made—a— been signed with a former tenant, —redevelopment leads Hawaii on the—cases—on—file. —-—---------------- Party within attempt at a radio” wide appeal for “party unity” in Charles Kobayakawa, to pay an road to socialism, “the first step to Fought Rent Control smear jab last Sunday night. Fasi, the general election. amount of that size, but he main­ communism,” according to Hono­ One concerns his challenge of who spent most of his time as tained that the new owners, the lulu attorney Ferdinand J. H. the authority of the city to assess After the general election, des­ Kadoishis, do not have a lease at Democratic National Committee- pite the unprecedented Democrat­ Schnack, but the U, S. supreme property owners for off-street man trying to undei his fel- all, or a legal right to occupy the, court in an unanimous decision parking and the other challenges ic landslide, Fast announced, “We location. low Democrats and creating dis­ lost,” and proceeded to tell how last week upheld the District of the validity of the rent control trust in properly elected Demo­ An effort by’ Fong, Tong Yeu Columbia redevelopment act which law. He has sparkplugged the fight “we” bore “ourselves" in defeat. Sham and Ellyn L. Fong, owners cratic officials, only took up where Fasi had lost, it was true enough, provides for such condemnation. to repeal the rent control law. -he—left- off at—the—primary elec-— and partially because many Demo­ (more on page 4) The points raised in the Dis­ tion. - crats felt they could not, in good. Schnack challenged, the Hono­ trict of Columbia case, and locally, After he succeeded, with wide lulu Redevelopment Agency which by Schnack, are identical, accord­ (more on page 5) moved to condemn certain Kalihi ing to Edward J. Burns, manager Rumor Reservoir Break properties by eminent domain for of the Honolulu Redevelopment redevelopment. Judge Calvin Mc­ Agency May Have Added To Gregor of the circuit court ruled The high coiirt ruling which is IL of H. Stands Up With Big Colleges; against Schnack and it is reported said to clear the way for redevel­ Fatal Flood Waters that the attorney may appeal this opment of slum areas by state and case to the territorial supreme (more on page 2) Debates on Recognition of New China By mid-week Hawaii had deter­ mined an approximate cost in, The University, of Hawa;i stands big majority of the colleges and property damage o£ the flood fol­ with the majority of big colleges therefore became the official topic lowing heavy rain last Sunday on the mainland in conducting de­ for intercollegiate debate this sea­ that took two lives and rendered Local 142 Reorganizes To Extend bates on one of the key issues of son. But Annapolis and West Point a number of families homeless. the times—Whether or not the on the pretext that it was a for­ That cost was reported to be in United States, should extend di­ eign policy question refused to al­ excess of $1,000,000. Service To Members, Improve Liaison plomatic recognition to the Peo­ low their students to participate. Oahu suffered most, the Navy A plan of reorganization calcu­ The positions will be held by ple's Republic of China. This brought fear to timid col- , alone reporting $500,000 worth of lated to give wider service to presently-elected officials who will This question which was origi­ leges and threats from Congress. damage to housing, warehouses, members and to coordinate pro­ be transferred from other assign­ nally approved by all universities roads and other facilities. Sugar grams in industrial groupings has ments. - and colleges in the debating, asso­ DR. ORLAND LEFFORGE, Uni­ and pineapple companies reported been adopted by ILWU local 142 The vice presidents for long­ ciation after a referendum became versity of Hawaii faculty member heavy losses, and truck farmers’ and will be put into effect on a shore, sugar, pineapple and gen­ a hot question when the U. S. Mil­ -who advises debate groups^ said crop were hard hit. trial basis Jan. 2, 1955, the union eral trades will be responsible for itary Academy at West Point and this week that the question is be­ Damage in Waipahu, where the announced last week. planning coordination and follow- the U. S. Naval Academy at An­ ing discussed on the Manoa cam­ flood washed away several homes, through in their industries In mat­ napolis placed a ban on the topic pus and in practice debates. was estimated at $200,000. Although new positions are cre­ ters of negotiation for preferred at the institutions. Broken Reservoir ated, the union said no Increase in improved agreements.
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