SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ~mw~ IDU@m~1r A brieFsummary of financial proposals Filed with and actions by the S.E.C. Washington, D.C. 20549 (In ••d.,I", .... t ... 0' R.I..... ".. Publlcotlo.. Unit. cit. "u.b •• ) (luue Ito. 66-137) FOR RELEASE JyU 20. 1966 yOUIG JAa OlDl! ISSUED. The SIC hal i••ued aa order under the Securiti •• IKch.ale Act (lel•••• )4-7921) barriD, Robert I. S. TOURI, of Col.-bUl, OhiO, fro. further ."OClatiOD witb .DY broker-de.ler fir.. Toual vas a for.er director of eo..Da.e.1tb Securiti •• Corpor.tion. In April 1963 the eo..i •• ion ordered .a-iai.tr.- tive proceedia ..... iat tha fir. and certain individuall, iadudial YOUDI. Th. ord.r all ... d (.-oDI other tbiDIS) that TOUDI off.r.d .ad .old .tock of Certified Cr.dit .Dd Thrift Corpor.tioa ia .iol.tioD of th. Securiti•• Act r.,i.tr.tioD .nd anti-fraud provi.ioDl. Youal .ubaitted •• tipulatioa and CODa.nt in wbich he vai ..d • hurinl a.. , without .aitCinl or denyinl the .UepUon., conaented to the b.r ord.r. The bur- inl witb reapect to eo..o.... ltb S.curit1e •• nd the otber re,poDdent. i•• cbeduled for Auauat 22. muo IlA&DI DIS. PIOPOSES OFI'IUIIG. 'l'be Tokio Marine .nd Fire Iaur.Dce eo.p.ny, Ltd., 110. 6-1, l-ChlMe, Marun"chi, Cbiyod.-ku, Tokyo, J.ND, fUed • relbtreUon .tate.Dt (FUe 2-25289) with tlae SIC on July 15 .eekiDI reli.tration of 10,000,000 .hare. of co..Ga .tock. The ca.paay propo.e. to off.r bolder. of its c~a .tock, iDCludiDI Fint Rational Cit, BaDk, •• Depositary UDd.r a Depo.it Aar ... at, tbe ript to sub.cdbe for additional Co..GD .her •• on the b.si. of .45 abare for eacb .bar. b.ld of record at 12:00 noon oa July 30. 1966 (Tokyo tt.e) •• nd at the .ubacrlption price of 50 Jap.ne •• yen for e.cb .b.r. aubacribed ($0.14 per .h.r x~*). The abare. ar. p.rt of a .ub.c~iption offeriDI of 81,000,000 .hare. to aher.- holden iD JapaD el.evber.. Mo undervrltina i. involved. Holdera of .. ric.n Depoaltary Sher •• (e.ch of which repre ••ata 50 uDd.rlyinl Co..GD ahare. and i. e.id.Dced by .a ~ric.a Dapo.it.ry lec.ipt) of r.cord at the clo.e of bUliae •• July 29 will b•••• v.il.ble to tbe8 by the Dapo.itary, tbroulb warraat •• the .ub.crip- tiOD d&hta ia.ued in re.,ect of .here. uoderlyial .uch ~dC.D Depoalt.ry Shar... A free di.tdbutioa of 9,000.000 ahare. to .tockholder. of record at 12:00 DOoa on July 30 ha. been approv.d by the co.p.ny'. board of director., on the b•• b of .05 .bare for e.ch .bare tb.n beld of record. The Depo.itary baa _d •• rreDl.- ..nts to .. ka av.il.ble to holder. of ~rican Depo.itary Sher •• of record at the clo •• of bu.iae •• July 29, sdditioael ~rican Depo.itary Shere. repre.entinl the .tock to be eli.tributed. The cClllp.nyi. J.pan'. l.ra-at iaur.nce ca.pany vritins .. rine, fire .nd ca.ualty .nd allied line. of insuranc.. Bet proceed. of it•• tock •• le, •• t1.ated .t $11.015.000, will be added to th. cClllpany'.faDd. available for inve.e-nt; .nd the.e fund. w11l be inv•• ted _inly in bond. and .tocka, a. well a. in rul estate. WALLACK" TllIUIAN nLlS SAVlIIGS PLAII. Wallac." Tiernan Inc., 91 South Bard.on St., lilt Oran,e, B. J•• filed a reli.tration .tat ... nt (file 2-25290) with the SEC on Jul, 18 ••ekial relbtration of $3,000,000 of particlpationa in it• ..,loyee ••vinl' plaa. toaether with 37,975 co..Gn .bare. which .., b. acquired pur.uant tbereto. NOR'lBUII ILLlMOIS GAS PROPOSES OFFlUMG. Bortbem 11liaob Ga. ea.p.ny, P. O. lox 190, A_rare, Ill. 60507. filed a reli.tration .tat..ant (File 2-25292) witb the SIC on .lui, 19 .eekial reli.tration of $20.000.000 of flrat _rt .... bo... due 1991. !be bond. ar. to be offered for public .al. at cGllp&t1Cb. biddiol. llet proceed. of the bond .ele will be uaed to repay Nalt loana and to incH ..e vorkina capital available for conatructlon expenditure.. Such expenditure. for the five-yur p.riod 1966-70 are e.t1.ated .t $205,000,000. JERSEY CUTIAL POWIa fDIAIfCDlG CLIARID. The SIC b•• ta.ued an ord.r UDder Che Boldinl eo.pany Act (Relea.e 35-15528) .utboriain, Jer ••y Central Power" Ll&ht Ca.pany. of MDrrl.town, W. J., to i••ue .nd .ell at ca.peUUve biddinl $30,000,000 of fint _rtple bond. due AuauaC 1996. Wet proc.ed. of tbe bond aal. will be Uled to fin.nce, in part, the co.t of tb. ca.p.ny'. 1966 coatruction prolr_, e.U_tad at $73,600,000, .nd to pay bank loan. incurr.d for conatruction purpo •••• OOMTDlIIITAL VIMDDIG TlADDIG JAIl COII'lllfUlD. The SIC baa ta.ued an order UDder the Securitie. Ixchaap Act su.pand1nl over-the-couPter tr.dinl in ••curitla. of Continental V.ndinl Machine Corpor.tioD for • further ten-day period July 21-30, 1966, inclu.lv •• JlICIIIT POU 8-E. nLll!;S. 'lbe e.... nie. lbted below ha.e filed For. 8-E. report. fo' the .oath indicated and reapoadina to the it_ of the For. .,ecified in parenChe.... Pbotocopie. ther.of .. y be purcha.ed fro. the eo..t •• lon'. PubUc lefereace Section (pl•••• Ii" Ifeva Di, •• t'. "la.ue Bo." in order ..'I). Invoice w111 be included with the r.que.ted .. terlal when _11ed. Aa index of the c.pCioa of Che ••".ral it_ of the fora we. includ.d ia the July 1 Bev. Di,e.t. Her.ick Ind., Inc June 1966 ( 2.7,8,> 0-1601-2 HIlcAndrewl 6. Forbe. Co HIlyfair Ind •• Inc June 1966 ( 7) June 1966 ( 1) Malone 6. Hyde. Inc June 1966 ( 7.11) 0-1881-2 COliputer Equip!lefttCorp lfatural lpline Co of ea•• June 1966 ( 2.7.13) 0-625-2 laanca Jufte 1966 ( 12) 2-14243-2 Nevada 'ower Co June 1966 ( 8) SBC IIWS DIGIST. JULY 21. 1966 P.p 2 Cowlee CoIIIIIIDnicatton5Inc Jers~y Central Power June 1966 ( 7,13) 1-5221-2 & Co Dean Food 8 Co Light June 1966(10) 0-3141-2 June 1966 ( 7,12) 0-1118-2 Phillip. Petroleum Co Indian Head Inc June 1966 ( 7) 1-720-2 June 1966 (2,7,12,13) 1-5264-2 Pioneer Finance Co June 1966 ( 12,13) 0-1564-2 Kinney Service Corp June 1966 ( 3,12) 1-4671-2 Gisholt Corp Peterlon, Howell & Heather June 1966 (1,11,12) 0-1149-2 June 1966 ( 11) 0-1631-2 I-T-B Circuit Breaker Co Public Service Elee. 6. Gal June 1966 ( 3) 1-3784-2 Co June 1966 (7,12,13) 1-973-2 Inland BOIl .. Corp Union Tank Car Co June 1966 ( 1) 1-4222-2 June 1966 (7,12,13) 1-1207-2 Louiliana Delta Offshore Corp June 1966 ( 7,8,11, Penna. U. Co 13) 0-1664-2 June 1966 ( 7) 1-1569-2 Portland General flee. Co Quality Courts Hotela June 1966 ( 7) 0-986-2 June 1966 ( 8) 2-21006-2 Evans, Inc Tyco Laboratorie., Inc Amend #2 to 8X for Feb. June 1966 ( 4,7,13) 2-22638-2 1966 ( 2) 0-1500-2 DucOllllllUnInc .... nd 11 to 8ICfor Apr. Cessna Aircraft Co 1966 ( 7,13) 0-1222-2 June 1966 ( 12)1-3145-2 Inti. Utilities Corp Panacolor Inc ..end fl to 81C for May June 1966 ( 7,8,13) 0-536-2 1966 ( 4,7,13) 1-116-2 Peoria 6. Eastern Ry Co Interstate Bakeries Corp June 1966 ( 3) 1-1610-2 Supplemental 8Kfor June Perfect Photo, Inc 1966 ( 12.13) 1-4969-2 June 1966 (2,3,11,13) 1-4256-2 Louisiana Delta Offshore Corp limen<!fll to 81Cfor Feb. 1966 ( 2) 0-1664-2 British A.ertcan Construc- tion 6. Matis., Ltd. June 1966 ( 11) 1-5086-2 l11in01s Bell Tal Co June 66(7)1-2222-2 Cenco Instru.ents Corp Mich1gan Bell Te 1 Co June 1966 ( 13) 1-3730-2 June 66(7,11,13) 1-3499-2 Con.aonweaIth OU Refining Co Hew England Tel & Tel Co June 1966 ( 3) 1-4900-2 June 66(7) 1-1150-2 Electro-Voice Inc Plantation Pipe Line Co June 1966 (11,12,13) 1-4655-2 June 66(7,8,13) 1-3585-2 South~rn Railway Co R1egel Paper Corp June 66(12,13)1-3959-2 June 1966 ( 11) SCM Corp June 66(2,7,11,13) 1-3143-2 Supre.e Life Insur. Co TUng-Sol Electric Inc of "'erica June 66(2,7,13) 1-2290-2 Co June 1966 ( 10) 2-21758-2 United Statea L1nes IfJ June 66(11,13) 1-208-2 Airl1ft IntI. Inc June 1966 ( 2,3.7, Gyrodyne Co of ~rica Inc 12,13) 0-1846.2 June 66(12) 0-1684.2 HoriZon Land Corp June 66(9.13)0-1725-2 Co Bristol-HYers K4ia~r Steel Corp June 66(8) 0-433-2 June 1966 ( 3,13) 1-1136-2 Lev1ne's Inc June 66(12) 1-4609-2 Walter E.
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