SATURDAY MAY 23 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake NBA NBA Basketball: Western Conference Final Game 3 News Desperate Ent. H h (CC) News Count -- Teams TBA. (Live) (CC) (CC) Housewives (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of Law & Order: Southland Derailed Law & Order News (N) Saturday Night Live (CC) L j Fortune Criminal Intent (CC) Anchors Away (CC) KBSL/CBSSATURDAYNews Paid Crimetime Harper’s Island 48 Hours Mystery News (N) M*A*S*H MAYBoston Legal23 1< NX (CC) Program Saturday (CC) Sploosh (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Shock and Oww! K15CG Sun- Perfect Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage (CC) d flower6 PM Day6:30 (CC) Up7 PM Goes7:30 By Show8 P MOccupations8:30 mance9 PM Green9:30 The10 DixiePM Chicks10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABCESPN NewsSportsCenter (N) Kake (Live) NBACollege SoftballNBA Basketball: NCAA Super: Western Regional Conference -- Baseball Final Tonight Game 3 SportsCenterNews Desperate (Live) Fast- BaseballEnt. HO_h (CC)(CC) News CountTeams TBA.-- (Live)Teams (CC) TBA. (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) (CC) Housewivesbreak (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBCUSA NewsNCIS Reveille(N) Wheel (CC) of LawNCIS & About Order: Face SouthlandNCIS Judgment Derailed Day LawNCIS & Judgment Order Day LawNews & (N) Order:Saturday NightLaw &Live Order: (CC) SVU LP^j Fortune Criminal(CC) Intent (CC)(Part 1 of 2) (CC) Anchors(Part 2 of Away 2) (CC) (CC) Criminal Intent KBSL/CBSTBS NewsMovie: WhatPaid Women CrimetimeWant (2000) A chauvinisticHarper’s ad IslandMovie: Failure48 Hours to Launch Mystery TT Movie:News (N) Something’sM*A*S*H GottaBoston Give Legal TTT 1<P_NX (CC)executive canProgram suddenlySaturday read women’s (CC) minds.Sploosh (CC) (N)(2006) (CC) Matthew(CC) McConaughey. (2003,(CC) Romance-Comedy)(CC) Shock Jack and Nicholson. Oww! K15CGWGN Sun-MLB BaseballPerfect: PittsburghKeeping PiratesAs at ChicagoTime The White Lawrence Sox. U.S. Welk Ro-WGN NewsNew at Nine Red ScrubsAustin CityScrubs Limits Bullwin-SoundstageMovie: (CC) dPa flowerCellular Field.Day (Live) (CC) (CC)Up Goes By Show Occupations mance(N) (CC) Green (CC)The Dixie Chicks(CC) kle ESPNTNT SportsCenter(5:00) Movie: The(Live) CollegeMovie: Con Softball Air TTZ: NCAA (1997) Super Vicious Regional -- BaseballMovie: Mission: Tonight ImpossibleSportsCenter III TTT (Live)(2006) AgentFast- Movie:Baseball O_QW (CC)Last Boy Scout Teamsconvicts TBA. hijack (Live) their (CC) flight. Nicolas Cage. (Live)Ethan (CC)Hunt faces the toughest(CC) villain of his career.break Tonight USADSC NCISDeadliest Reveille Catch (CC) NCISDeadliest About Catch Face NCISDeadliest Judgment Catch Day NCISDeadliest Judgment Catch Day DeadliestLaw & Order: Catch DeadliestLaw & Order: Catch SVU P^QY High Hopes (CC)Good Fishing (PartThe Clock’s 1 of 2) (CC)Ticking (PartOffload. 2 of (CC) 2) (CC) HighCriminal Hopes Intent (CC) Good Fishing TBSA&E Movie:CSI: Miami What Going, Women WantCSI: Miami (2000) Invasion A chauvinisticCSI: adMiamiMovie: Money FailureThe toSopranos Launch TT TheMovie: Sopranos Something’s Pax GottaCSI: Miami Give TTTInvasion P_Q^ executiveGoing, Gone can (CC) suddenly(CC) read women’s minds.for (CC) Nothing (2006)(CC) MatthewCollege McConaughey. (CC) Soprana(2003, Romance-Comedy) (CC) (CC) Jack Nicholson. WGNHIST MLB(5:30) Baseball Band of: PittsburghBand Pirates of Brothers at Chicago BandWhite of Sox. Brothers U.S. (CC)WGN NewsBand at Nine of BrothersScrubs (CC)Scrubs BandBullwin- of BrothersMovie: PaQ_ CellularBrothers Field. (CC) (Live) (CC)(CC) (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC)kle NICKTNT (5:00)iCarly Movie:iCarly The Movie:iCarly ConTrue Air TTZ (1997)iCarly ViciousiCarly Movie:George Mission:George ImpossibleHome III TTTHome (2006) TheAgent TheMovie: QWRl Last(CC) Boy Scout(CC) convicts(CC) hijackJackson their flight.(CC) Nicolas (CC)Cage. EthanLopez Hunt Lopezfaces the toughestImprove. villainImprove. of his career.Nanny Nanny DSCDISN DeadliestHannah CatchHannah DeadliestJonas CatchWizards- DeadliestMovie: Wendy Catch Wu: Deadliest CatchPhineas Wizards-Deadliest CatchHannah ZackDeadliest & CatchCory in Page 10 Colby Free Press Friday, May 22, 2009 QYR] HighMontana HopesMontana Good(N) (CC) FishingPlace TheHomecoming Clock’s Ticking WarriorOffload. (2006) (CC)and Ferb PlaceHigh HopesMontana (CC) CodyGood FishingHouse A&EFAM CSI:(4:30) Miami Movie: Going, The CSI:Movie: Miami Mean Invasion Girls (2004)CSI: AMiami teen becomesMoney TheMovie: Sopranos Practical MagicThe TT Sopranos (1998) Two Pax sistersCSI: face MiamiFresh Invasion Q^R_ Going,Prince Gone& Me (CC)(2004) (CC)friends with three cruelfor schoolmates. Nothing (CC) (CC) Collegeobstacles (CC) because of theirSoprana witchcraft. (CC) Sandra (CC)Bullock. Prince HISTHALL (5:30)(5:00) BandMovie: of StoneTo BandplaceMovie: of 10.5 Brothers your TT (2004, classifiedBand Suspense) of Brothers A seriesad, (CC) ofmail earthquakes (155Band ofW. Brothers Movie:Fifth), Final(CC) fax Approach (785-462-7749),Band (2007, of BrothersSuspense) Q_SW BrothersCold TTZ (CC) (2005) (CC)threatens the West Coast. Kim Delaney, Beau Bridges. (CC) Dean Cain, Anthony Michael(CC) Hall. (CC) Classifieds phone (785-462-3963), or stop by our office at 155 W. Fifth NICK iCarly iCarly iCarly True iCarly iCarly George George Home Home The The (CC) (CC) (CC) Jackson (CC) (CC) Lopez Lopez Improve. Improve. Nanny Nanny Rl cwb0005-7 DISN Hannah Hannah Jonas Wizards- Movie: Wendy Wu: Phineas Wizards- Hannah Zack & Cory in Notice Notice Public Notice R] Montana Montana (N) (CC) Place Homecoming Warrior (2006) and Ferb Place Montana Cody House FAM (4:30) Movie: The Movie: Mean Girls (2004) A teen becomes Movie: Practical Magic TT (1998) Two sisters face Fresh IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF R_ Prince & Me (2004) friends with three cruel schoolmates. (CC) obstacles because of their witchcraft. Sandra Bullock. Prince THOMAS COUNTY, KANSAS HALL L(5:00) Movie:OCAL Stone Movie: 10.5 TT (2004, TV Suspense) A series L of earthquakesISTINGSMovie: Final Approach (2007, Suspense) SW Cold TTZ (2005) threatens the West Coast. Kim Delaney, Beau Bridges. (CC) Dean Cain, Anthony Michael Hall. (CC) PUMP & W CIVIL DIVISION TER EL OF 1024 Oak Ave. L I O NC STATE OF KANSAS, ex rel. sponsored by the cwb0005-7 W Hoxie, KS 67740 . THOMAS COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, Plaintiff, Offi ce Phone 785/ 675-3991 Fax: 785/ 675-3990 v. Shop Phone 785/ 675-3023 E-mail: [email protected] SUNDAY MAY 24 $300,200.00 IN U.S. CURRENCY, M/L; ONE 2001 FORD SPORT TRACK, • Irrigation Pump Repair VIN #1FMZU67E31UA45469, 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Defendants. • Irrigation Well Drilling KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power (N) Paid Colon Indianapolis 500 H h Charles Stanley (N) America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos (CC) Program Detox Pre-Race (Live) Case No. 09 CV 12 • Domestic Well Drilling & Repair KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Golf: Senior PGA L j Program (CC) Program Program Bible Program Championship Pursuant to the Kansas Standard Asset SUNDAY MAY 24 • Environmental Drilling KBSL/CBS Paid Newspr- Cake (EI) Horse- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Dino Sushi Paid Paid Seizure and Forfeiture Act K.S.A. 60-4101 1< NX Program ing TV (CC) land (EI) (N) (CC) Nation Squad Pack (EI) Program Program et seq. K15CG Curious Sid the Ninos Plaza Martha Mama- Wish- Lomax: Animalia Keeping Wealth- To the d George6 AM Science6:30 en-Casa7 AM Sesamo7:30 Speaks8 AM Movies8:30 bone9 A (EI)M Hound9:30 10 AM Kids10:30 Track11 AM Contrary11:30 For all your irrigation needs call: NOTICE OF PENDING FORFEITURE KLBY/ABCESPN InSportsCenter Touch With (CC)Dr. GoodSportsCenter Morning (Live) ThisOutside Week-GeorgeSports HourSportsCenter of Power (Live) (N) (CC)Paid Colon IndianapolisBaseball 500 H h Charles Stanley (N) America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos (CC) Program Detox Pre-Race (Live) Doug Holzmeister 785/675-8508 Pursuant to K.S.A. 60-4109 O_ (CC) Lines Reportrs Tonight KSNK/NBCUSA (OffJoseph Air) PaidChang- TodayEd (N) (CC)Joel MeetIn Plain the Sight Press Gilted (N) PaidIn Plain SightPaid In My InYour Plain SightPaid A InGolf: Plain Senior Sight PGA (CC) Heath Paxson 785/675-8503 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the LP^j Prince Programing Young Osteen (CC)Lily (CC) ProgramHumboldt OpinionProgram Stand-UpBible TripleProgram Championship above-captioned property has been seized KBSL/CBSTBS Paid(5:20) Movie:Newspr- On DeadlyCake (EI) Horse-Movie: TheCBS Peacemaker News Sunday TT (1997) Morning A scientistFace and the a Movie:Dino TheSushi Guardian PaidTTZ (2006,Paid Drama) and is pending forfeiture to the state of 1<P_NX ProgramGround TTing (1994, TV Action)(CC) (CC) landsoldier (EI) seek(N) stolen (CC) nuclear weapons. GeorgeNation Clooney. KevinSquad Costner,Pack Ashton (EI) ProgramKutcher. (CC)Program Kansas pursuant to the Kansas Standard K15CGWGN CuriousPaid SidAmazing the NinosKey of PlazaBilly MarthaJimmy SwaggartMama- Wish-Feed the Lomax:Paid FourAnimalia Plus Two:Keeping Pet WWEWealth- SuperstarsTo the Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Act (KSASFA), dPa GeorgeProgram ScienceFacts en-CasaDavid SesamoGraham Speaks(CC) Movies boneChildren (EI) HoundProgram Lover’s HeartKids (CC)Track Contrary K.S.A. 60-4101 et seq. If you have not ESPNTNT SportsCenter(5:00) Movie: Bandits(CC) SportsCenter TTZ Movie: (Live) TheOutside Last Boy SportsScout TTTSportsCenter (1991, Movie: (Live) Striking (CC) Distance TT (1993, Movie:Baseball previously received a Notice of Seizure for O_QW (2001, Comedy) Bruce(CC) Willis. Action) BruceLines Willis, DamonReportrs Wayans. (CC) Suspense) Bruce Willis. (CC) Tonight Forfeiture, this is notice pursuant to the Act. USA JosephPaid Chang-Paid EdPaid JoelPaid InTime Plain SightTime Gilted InMythBusters Plain Sight In My PitchmenIn Plain Sight Tool A Guys DeadliestIn Plain Sight Catch (CC) A DSCP^ Prince ing Young Osteen Lily (CC) Humboldt Opinion Stand-Up Triple VISIT HOXIE!! The property was seized by the Thomas QY Program Program Program Program Warp Warp Quicksand (CC) fishing boat sinks.
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