Resource List rative activities relating to June 4th. The Nomination of the Tiananmen Mothers for Web site contains information about ongo- the Nobel Peace Prize 2004 The 1989 ing and upcoming campaigns and rallies in .2, Democracy Movement Hong Kong and overseas. It also provides TiananmenMothersPackage_2004_Final.pdf NO links to many other relevant Web sites. English COMPILED BY STACY MOSHER This packet of materials was prepared by Independent Federation of Chinese Stu- the Independent Federation of Chinese Stu- dents and Scholars dents and Scholars to support their nomi- WEB SITES: www.ifcss.net nation of the Tiananmen Mothers for the FORUM Chinese and English 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. 64 Memo The IFCSS was founded in Chicago in Princeton Professor Perry Link’s letter of http://www.64memo.org/index.asp August 1989 by more than 1,000 Chinese nomination can be read in Chinese at: RIGHTS Chinese student representatives from more than http://www.dajiyuan.com/gb/4/4/2/n499 Operated by Tiananmen veteran Feng 200 U.S. universities, and remains the 469.htm CHINA Congde and sponsored by HRIC, this Web most influential overseas Chinese student The text was transcribed from Link’s site provides an archive of documents, arti- group. Although less active in recent years, broadcast of the letter on Radio Free Asia. 79 cles and images relating to June 4th. IFCSS is organizing the collection of arti- cles, documents and photos relating to its Tiananmen Square, 1989: The Declassi- Boxun.com Tiananmen Feature upcoming 15th anniversary. fied History http://www.boxun.com/my-cgi/post/ http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/N TURES display_all.cgi?cat=64 June 4th Essays SAEBB16/ FEA Chinese http://www.dajiyuan.com/gb/nf2976.htm English Boxun’s special section of photos, articles Chinese An archive of official documents of the U.S. and essays relating to the 1989 Democ- The Epoch Times Web site posts a collec- government obtained through the Official racy Movement. tion of essays solicited by the June 4th Secrets Act by the National Security REGULAR Memorial Global Coalition, in which the writ- Archive, a private project. The documents China Support Network ers describe their experiences and views include detailed and previously classified http://www.chinasupport.net on the events of June 4th. U.S. government accounts of June 4th, English such as situation reports from the U.S. Established by Americans supporting the Petition in Support of Dr. Jiang Yanyong Embassy in Beijing as well as many of the 1989 Democracy Movement, the China www.89-64.org Secretary of State’s “Morning Summaries” Support Network provides updates on Chinese from June 1989. The documents also cover China’s human rights situation, including The petition was initiated on March 7 by the student demonstrations in late 1985 and news items relating specifically to the 15th June 4th Memorial Global Coalition headed 1986, the period leading up the PLA’s use anniversary of June 4th. by Ding Zilin of the Tiananmen Mothers and of force, and post-crackdown assessments Liu Qing of HRIC. The Web site includes the of the events and their significance. The Gate of Heavenly Peace full Chinese text of Dr. Jiang’s letter to the http://www.tsquare.tv Chinese authorities calling for a reassess- English and Chinese ment of June 4th. It’s also possible to read This Web site is devoted to the film “The comments left by people who have signed Gate of Heavenly Peace,” produced by the petition. Richard Gordon and Carma Hinton, who also produce the Web site. Apart from infor- Tiananmen Mothers Campaign mation about the documentary film, the http://iso.hrichina.org/iso/article_listings.a Web site also provides useful background dp?category_id=85 information about June 4th, including a his- English torical chronology leading up to the events This portion of HRIC’s Web site provides of that day, and links to related published information on the petitions and testi- works. monies provided by the Tiananmen Moth- ers, and lists 155 identified victims of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Tiananmen Massacre with details concern- Democratic Movements in China ing the circumstances of their deaths. http://www.alliance.org.hk The following Web site, http://www. Chinese and English fillthesquare.org/, invites signatures for an The Web site of the Hong Kong Alliance, e-campaign in support of the Tiananmen which over the past 15 years has continued Mothers. to organize the most large-scale commemo- BOOKS IN ENGLISH BY SCHOLARLY WORKS The Pro-Democracy Protests in China: PARTICIPANTS IN THE MOVEMENT: AND DOCUMENT COLLECTIONS: Reports from the Provinces By Jonathan Unger, ed. Moving the Mountain: My Life in China Black Hands of Beijing: Lives of Defiance in M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1991 from the Cultural Revolution to China’s Democracy Movement A collection of papers by Australian China Tiananmen Square By George Black and Robin Munro experts who personally observed the By Li Lu John Wiley & Sons, 1993 events of 1989 in various Chinese cities Pan Macmillan, 1990 A chronicle of repressive action taken by outside of Beijing. the Chinese authorities after June 4th China Hands: Nine Decades of Adventure, against people such as Wang Juntao and The following are considered seminal docu- Espionage and Diplomacy in Asia Chen Ziming who were suspected of mentary surveys of writings from the Move- By James R. Lilley “manipulating” the 1989 Democracy Move- ment: This memoir by the former U.S. Ambas- ment. sador to Beijing includes his observations Cries for Democracy: of the events of 1989, including Fang Quelling the People: Writings and Speeches from the Lizhi’s extended visit at the embassy. The Military Suppression of 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement the Beijing Democracy Movement By Han Minzhu, ed. Tell the World: What Happened in China By Timothy Brook Princeton University Press, 1990 and Why Oxford University Press, 1992; revised edi- By Liu Binyan, Xu Gang and Ruan Ming tion, Stanford University Press, 1998 China’s Search for Democracy: The Student Pantheon, 1989 Eyewitness reports, hospital records and and the Mass Movement of 1989 student documents contribute to a detailed By Suzanne Ogden, Kathleen Hartford, Almost a Revolution: The Story of a reconstruction of the June 4th massacre. Lawrence Sullivan and David Zweig, eds. Chinese Student’s Journey from Boyhood M.E. Sharpe, 1992 to Leadership in Tiananmen Neither Gods nor Emperors: Students and By Shen Tong and Marianne Yen the Struggle for Democracy in China Beijing Spring, 1989, Confrontation and Harperperennial Library, reissued 1991 By Craig Calhoun Conflict: The Basic Documents University of California Press, 1994 By Michel Oksenberg, Lawrence R. Sullivan A Memoir of Misfortune An analysis of the student movement, its and Marc Lambert, eds. By Su Xiaokang complex leadership, its eventual suppres- M.E. Sharpe, 1990 Knopf, 2001 sion and its continuing legacy by a sociolo- A prominent Chinese journalist who fled to gist who witnessed the events of 1989. the U.S. after June 4th, Su reflects on his life in exile and the meaning to be gained The Tiananmen Papers: The Chinese Lead- through tragedy. ership’s Decision to Use Force Against Their Own People—In Their Own Words One China, Many Paths By Liang Zhang (compiler), By Chaohua Wang, ed. Andrew J. Nathan and Perry Link (editors) Verso, 2003 Public Affairs, 2001 A collection of essays by leading Chinese A collection of hundreds of internal govern- intellectuals regarding China’s future, ment and Communist Party documents edited by a Tiananmen veteran. relating to the 1989 democracy movement and government crackdown. Escape from China By Zhang Boli Mandate of Heaven: A New Generation of Atria Books, 2002 Entrepreneurs, Dissidents, Bohemians, and Technocrats Lays Claim to China’s Future By Orville Schell Simon and Schuster, 1994 An examination of the new cultural and eco- nomic forces in China in the wake of the June 4th massacre and subsequent crack- down..
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