Cloudy and Warmer Ourll 11-1 Vidor, lOWA-Paru,. cloudy and warmer c,. .n...... today; tomorrow u.nsetued, warm­ OYer Braokl,.. ~ IIOUtbeut and extreme east. 8 ....,.. OIl ....e I eooJer northwest portion. , I I 0 .., a C i t y M o ., n i n II N e aD • p a p e r • • IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1938 VOLUME xxxvn NUMBER 279 Roosevelt Goes to Work I Primaries Hold • • • • • • Key British Ministers Project 'Prince John' Punches His First Time Clock; Nation's ~Eye' Arrives an Hour Early BOSTON, Au,. 29 (AP)-Ex- store." "I think I'm going to like Bold Warning Toward Germany actl.y an hour early and "really store work and I want to get serlous" about the whole thing, ahead in the business, like any Command. l'eteran. John Roosevelt punched his first young rellow beiinnlnl at the bot­ "All the World's A Stage" South Carolina time-clock today and began earn­ tom. Czechoslovakia Ing $18.50 a week in the bas ment "The sooner everybody lorgets of a Boston department store. I'm lather' son. the better it will And California The president's youngest son. be for me." Struggle Still who wouldn't wake his bride at John's xact job hasn't been de­ Take Spotlight two months when he lett tor work termined, but he was asslgned to because It was 100 early, showed Ule stock room, appar ntly to be­ Stir Europe up at the employe entrance at 7:20 com lamiliar with merchandising ~pected 10 Furni8h a.m . (CST) and was sent imme­ lists. However, advertisinl is his diately to the basement. He was chief interest. Informed ircles Say Another Test Of dre• • d In a gray suit, blue shirt "Gosh," he aid, "I hope they Warning Directed At and blue tie - and he was hatJes . don't s nd me around with a New Deal Support "I'm really serious about this truck, tilling up ladie,' iarment Chancellor Adolf Hitler job," sald John, on his way to the counters." B, The ~.W ..... LONDON. Aug. 29 (AP) - A Democratic prirnflry elections In bold warning against any German South Carollna and California Major Alexander Seversky Sets aggres ion against Czechoslovakia will measure tadiy the effective­ was understood projected today by ness of President Roosevelt's cam­ key British minister" to check the paign to elect new dealers to con­ New Transcontinental Air Mark dangerous d r Itt of European events. gress. Inrormed sour~s IiUl/iested luch In each of two sizzUng contests By Spa~ning U. S. in 10 Hours a warning might be dlr cted per- for places in the senate, the chiet . 80naUy by Prime MIni ter Neville executive has made his prefer­ ... 1:111_ v........ 'wup Chamberlain 10 Chancellor Adolf ene, clear. Without n a min i •• , ._ v, P. W. Iee4er Mark Betters Record Hitler who today Inspected Ger­ names, but unmistakably, he has Before adjourning thel; 38th an­ Of Co1. R08coe Turner Unknown many's rronUer fortilicationa tac- ,•• ked that democrats ot South nual encampment at Columbus, ing France. • Carolina defeat Sen. Ellison D. Wltow­ Obio, Veterans ot Foreign Wars ot By More Than 1 Hour Death trikes Three The final decision. however. White· Smith, opponent ot some admin­ rested with the cabinet. It wHl istration measures. And he has the United States elected Major Eugene' I. Van Antwerp of De­ LOS ANGELES, Aug. 29 (AP)­ Members of Family m et tomorrow 10 pass judgment endorsed Sen. Willillm G. Mc­ on the prime mlnlster's plan. for troit as their new national com­ A new transconUnental speed rec­ MEMPHIS. T on., Aug. 29 (AP) Adoo of California tdr ),eelection. mander by a unanimous vote. easing the crisis wellSng from the o Veieran Politician ord tor airplanes was set today -W. N. Nixon, a reUr d lumber­ dispute between Cz.echoslovakJa ' Smith, a senate veteran who when Major Alexander P. De Sev­ man, died of a heart attack 11 days and her autonomy-demanding Su­ holds a key position as chairman ersky flew here rrom New York In ago at his home in Paden, Miss. His deten German minorllY. of the agricultuTe committee, is wife and son, Liston Nlxon, were F.D.R.Leaves 10 hours, 3 minutes, 7 seconds. As a prelude to the cabinet meet­ 9Pjlosed by Gov. Olin D. John­ not told ot his death because both Ing. Sir Jlfevile Henderson, Brltish ,ton, who has proclaimed himselt This is 1 hour. 26 minutes, 53 were Ill. ambassador to Berlin, reported to a "100 per cent" new dealer. Smith F~rCapital seconds better than the east-west Mrs. Nixon died six days ago Chamberlain and other minlstel'l ~85 said he voted (or 80 per cent record held for year. by Col. Ros­ without having been told. Liston on Germany's present attitude and of administration measures and coe Turner. Nixon succumbed today without Shakespeare milY htlVe xagger­ ing, costJng $725,000 and rapidly -Dailll Iowa .. 1'10010, It.. vravi.. , IntenUons toward Czechoslovakia's would continue to back such ieg­ Chief Executive's Tour learninl of either death. H art sted, but this is 0 stage - or will taking shap In Morningside ad­ minority problem. 'is}ation except when the "best On the west-east route, which trouble was Ihe cau.. or each fa­ be. It', the auditorium ot the dition, east Iowa City. The walls bullt, and part 01 the rool wUl Sir Nevile tirst saw Sir Robert interests of South Carolina" re- To Include Lahor Day nearly always otters better tlying tality. n w Iowa City high school bulld- 01 the building are now being be on by the time snow fUes. Vanslttart, diplomatic adviser to . «:juired a contrary course. Speech at Denton, Md. conditions, the record Is 7 hours, --------- ------------------------------------- the government, then Lord Hali­ Entering the contest after a 29 minutes, set by Howard Hughes, fox. rorelgn secretary. W hen third candidate, Edgar A. Brown, HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 29 Chamberlain returned from the had withdrawn. Mr. Roosevelt multi - millionaire around - the - country, there was a conference (AP)-President Roosevelt left of ~Acute i'aia of Smith and Johnston: world mer. Foreign Office Warns Crisis' among the prime minister, torejtD "One of these candidates thinks Hyde Park ' at 8:58 p.m. (CST) Major Seversky, airplane build- secertary, Slr Nevile and Sir Ro­ in terms of the past and governs tonight lor Washiniton on the er, made only one stop, at Kansas +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bert. hi e( actions accordingly. The other Illst leg of a trip that will take City, In the 1200-horsepow r Sev­ A direct meetini between the "tl1inks in terms ot 1938, 1948 and Hitler Surveys prime minister and an ambaa.ad6r ]'958 as wei!." him to Denton, Md., 1.01' a Labor ersky monoplane which he deUver­ Thi itness Liked His 'Built' was pOinted out as an unusual oc­ 8uppona 8m1th day speech bearing on the prJ- ed here to Jacqueline Cochrane, • • • • • • • • currence. state Senator Brown, who with­ mary campaigns. noted aviatrix. Sbe will fly it Fortifications • In weighini the outlook tor the drew from the contest Saturday. The :lre.jdent will remain in next Saturday In the annual Ben· Dewey Bring Forth Another Who Rem.ember Jimmy Hin future, informed sources said they Indicated in a message to Gov. Washington until Sunday, then dix trophy dash, feature of the na­ considered Hitler held the upper Johnston yesterday that he would will motor into Maryland and take tional air races held again this year Along 'Front' NEW YORK, AUI. 29 (.AP) -- Hines 1I1 supreme court 88 an ac­ rise to power began at the ale of hand in event or a sudden open support Smith. He charied the a brief cruise on his vacation at Cleveland. A battle-scured ex-boxer who Quaintance of Schultz. 17 in a black!lmlth shop, was conllict because of German man­ yacht Potomac. Atter gliding down to a perfect lovernor had opposed a res9lu­ BERLIN. Aug. 29 (AP) - The Isald he admired the brawny "built" A marked veteran of 241 bouts standing in the dlnln, room of euvers which begin next Thursdlly lion. in the 1932 state convention Mr. Roosevelt is expected to, landini, Major Seversky told. re­ Schultz's 3-room suile in his un­ a.nd tor which an estimated mini­ endorSing PreSident Roosevelt and r.enew at Denton hlJ opposition porters he believed he had achlev­ German loreign oUice mouthpiece of James J. Hines, onetime boy In a dozen year., Corbett said he dershirt and trousers, Corbett tes­ mum ot 1,000,000 men will be un­ had "swung onto the admlnistra­ to Sen. Millard Tydlnls, a new ed a speed of more than 300 miles warned tonight "a latent cdsls is blacksmith. testified today he saw frequently was called to the Bar­ tlIled. der arms. tiQn" only arter observlnl the tieal opponent Ialong some portions ot his journey. threatening to become acute," as the Tammany district leader in num hotel In Bridgeport to give Three other wltne e preceded This was interpreted as meanlng president's personal popularity. The aCldre~s which probably "My altitude ranged 'from 6,000 Chancellor Adolt Hitler made " 1935 in the Bridgeport (Conn.) ho- the New York gangster overlord Corbett, 1\ World war veteran and any British cabinet action tomor­ , McAdoo has three rlval candi­ , to 16,000 teet," he said. "I was tel BuJte or Dutch Schull1., whose who was hiding out between ted- former Y.M.C.A. inslructor in row would fall short threaten­ whirlwind tour of ReIch fortifica­ ot dlj.tes for his seat In the senate: will be broadcast nationally.
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