PACIFIC PtrRO!.t U M Gto!.oGls't NIiWS TETTER OF 'tiIE ?ACIIIC SECIIONI AME|TICANI ASSOCIATIONI OT PEIiTOLEU}A GEOLOGIStS Volume 20 Jonuory, 1966 Number I ASSOCIAnON AC'llvl'tlES SA I,A3 II IEATIJRED AT IONG BEACH CONVENIIION pRxsrDElJr ANNoUNCES 1e66 PACIFTC SCTIoN CANDIDATE! As one of the hlghligfrts of the Paclfic Section convention The Nomlnating comittee, under the chai-rmanship of l:E,rcrl ?,+?5 1n i,ong Beach, the A.A.P.G.-S.E.G.-S.E.P.M. Spencer F1ne, has announced the following nomJrtees for Joint luncheon on Thursday, l€,nch ?A, wlll feature a talk 1966-67 offlcers of the Paclfic Sectlon, A.A.P.G.: on the S€a lab II undersea proJect at l.a Jolla, to be presenteal by Scott Carpenter or one of h1s assoclates ln hesi-dent: Andreu ALpha - I\bb1l the recent proJect. The A.A.P.G. Technlcal Sesslons will Robert Knapp - Stantlard stress the thene, iloffshore 0i1.tr The Society of D(plora- tlon ceophysiclsts 1s arzanglng a technical program whlch Vice-Preslitent : John Curuan - Consultant v111 feature digital computlng and processing. Ed Hatl - Unlon secretary: 8111 Ednonalson - Consultant Jin C. Taylor - SheU CATEhIDAR Treasurer: cardner Pittmn - Tialefiater Ton wright - Standard Jamary t7 LOS ANGELES, l8tnday evening, our constitution provldes for ad.dltional candid,ates, as 7:00 P.M., I,lobil Audltoriun, follows: t'. The slate of candidates shall be 612 South Flower Street, announced jn the Paclfic Petroleum Geolog"ist at least one rsllurlan - Lower Devonlan month prior to the electlon. Add.ltlonal nonlnations nay Paleogeography and Ani-ua1 be naale by a wrltten petltlon of twenty-five or more Geography,[ by ]tr. Arthur nenbers of the Paciflc section in gpod stardlng, recelved Boucot, Division of Geologic by the Secretary within two ueeks following the publica- Sciences, Callfornia Institute tlon of the noninatlng committee slate of candidates.lr of Technolory. E. R. 0rw1g February 3 IrS ANGfl.;ES, Thursd.ay noon, Rodger Young Auditorium, 963 Idest Washlngton Boulevard, rrThe Structure of the Eluood IOS AN@LES DINNER, MEE"I]NG Trendrft by l&. Douglas Traxler, Signal 011 and cas Conpany. On December 13 at the Rodger Young Audltorlun, Dr. Thane H. l.Icculloh, Research Geologlst, U.S.G.S., ItHteclse Febnrary 7 BAKERSFIELD, l,bnalay evening, presented a tall< entitleal, Borehole Gravlnetry 7:30 P.M., Bakersfield College, 1n Petroleum E(ploitation antl Exploration.tl Science & Engixeering Elildlng, Room 56, Blostratigraphlc ABSTR.ACT Semlnar, ttDinof laggellate Iilorpholory and Relationships, " The vertlcal gradlent of gravlty underground is relateal by Dr. W. R. Evitt, Stanforai to rock denslty iJl situ, gravimetric effects of nonlevel Urdversity. surfaces of equal rock denslty beneath and around the borehole, topographic effects, and the local rrfree-airrt February 8 BAI(ElSIrrrr,n, Tuesday eveniJrg, vertical gradient of gravity. 6:50 P.M., Anerican l€glon HaU, 17th & L Streets, Bakersfield, Accwate deterElnations of average rock denslty in sltu San Joaquin Geologlcal Society, could be calcul-ateCl from properly lnter?reted borehole Itlran, Iand of Colorful Geologrtt gravilneter measurements. The interyal thlclgtess for whlch by Howard Anderson, Standard 011 such detennirlatlons could be calculated depends upon Conpany of California. Iadiest gravlneter sensltivlty, rock atensity, and the required Nieht. accuracy of the detentinatlon. Such d.etendxatlons uould be relatively free from effects of rock danage due to February 21 LoS ANGELES, l&nday evenlng, drlll1ng or invaslon by mrd flltrate, could be nade in 7:00 P.M., l,lobil Audltorium, cased wells, would be based on nuch larger volumes of 612 South Flower Street, rock than ar€ sampled by any other nethocl, anal would be [Tectonics of the 1964 Alaskan independent of core analysis data. Such deterBlnatlons Earthquakes,tt bX trF. George would, therefore, provlde a stanalard against wltich such P1afker, Research Geologlst, data (as uell as conclusions draun fron ganm-g€unm, Alaska.n Banch, U.S.G.S., acoustic velocity, or other logs) could be reliably l"Fnlo lerk. Judged. Poge S.E.G. ANNOI,'}ICES DIGITAL SMINAR EXECI]Tntr CoMMITTm, PAC]FIC SECTION AMER]CA,\ ASSOCIATION OF TtrTROLKJM GEOLOGISTS Tbe Paclflc Coast Section of the Soclety of Drplorution Eugene R. orslg, Jr. Pr€sldent Geophysiclsts is pleased, to announce that a series of Obto Eackel Vice-Pt€sldeDt elght rrDigital Senlliarstr u111 be given 1n los Angeles Davld C. CeLlasay Secrctery begtumlng on JanEry 14, 1966. Each senixar w111 take Jack D. Nair Treasur€T place on a l}iday afternoon from 1:30 5:3O p.M. the Tbonas L. Wrtgbt Eatltor - at Spencer F. Flne past p::eeldent ltcbll Arditoriun, 612 South Flouer Street, Ios Angeles, Etlw€nl A. Eall Coa.6t Reprcsentative caufornia. WiLUan F. E&nondson San Joequin RepreBentative The basic purpose of the semlnar is educational ancl is ASSOCIAED SOCIETY DBIEGAES lxtended to acqualnt geologtsts, geophyslcists, anal e)eloratlon rrEnagers the language €uxd Prll-lp E. hrsons Sacrarnento rith concepts Dean L. Morgritlge Alaska application of geopfrysical digttal fleld recordlng am Dena B. Braisltn Norbhflest processlng technlques. The dlscusslon level w1ll be alned Gordon B. oaleshott Nortbem CaLlfortia at the Bachelor of S?len€e level. A.s you are 1{e11 ar{are, these new processes ar€ r€volutionlzlng our lndustry 1n the f1eld, and lre should a1l becone versetl 1n the funcla- PAC IFIC PETROLEUIli GEoLoGI ST nentals of these new techniques. Pubusbed montbly by the pACIFIC SCTION AuerLcan Assoclatlon of Fetroletn Geologlsts We ar€ inviting anong other groups, the Paclflc Coast Atlthess c@runlcatlons to ttie paclflc Fetrofern Section of the A.A.P.G., S.E.P.M., anal other geologlcal ceologlst, P.0. Box L?485, Foy Station, Los tu)geles, societles ln Californ:j.ar . in acldltton,to ths €oe&ity,.of. Callfornla IOOIf D<ploratlon e,eophyslclsts nelibers. A llstjxg of the senlnars wlth thelr toplc follows: EDITOR: Tcm Wright Asslsta.nt Editor8: Senilar I January 14, 1966 Ien rgler uon Ha-Lt Title: ttlntroductlon to Dlgltal SelectedBlbliography LrcyBlnalsa1} Technologfl (terus, need, cost, Cartoonlat Jack Ni6bet Itunlts). CORRESFONIENIS: Seninar 2 JanuarTr 21. 1966 Al-aska Etlwin E. Ea6t nDlgtta1 Coast Sruce A. Bfack TitLe: Harrluarer (geophone, I,oB Angeles Bill- Reed emFllfiers, A & D converters, mlltl- Northuest Ji-n Salveson plexors). Sacranento Louell Ga"rlson San Franclsco Gordon Oa.kesbott Semjrar 5 Jaruary P8, 1966 San Joaquin ghester E. Rudel- !4enberehlp SecretarJ' Pat llbtcalf Title! ItDlgttal Recondertr (tape forrats, storcge, parlty checks). Seninar 4 Febnranr 4. 1966 Tltles rrDigltal Couprter Theory and HardrErett (nenory). ND(T DEADLINE - JAI\UIRY 14 Senlnar 5 February I}. 1966 Tltle: trInput - output Devlces Assoclated uith Dlgltal Corputersrl (<11sc store€e, rm€netlc tape storage, Conversely, lndependent Imowledge of rock denslty arouJnd prlnters). - a surueyed borehole uould pernit separatlon of those gravlnetrlc effects due to the lanoun geotogr fron those Seminar 6 trbbnrary I8, 1966 morc dlstant anal deeper effects natwal\y lntegated lr T1tle: ill\Achixe Languagel (Binary, the borehoLe gravi-ueter n-6asurEnFnts. Thus, the rrsmoothed.n Octal, Fortran, Holworth). attenuated and gravlnetric effects of deep geolosr seen ln surface g?v1ty surveys woulal be seen 1n glavlty Semlnar 7 February e5, 1966 subsurface flEasurenents 1n greater detall and r.Autocorrelatlonr ulthout the attenuatlon and smoothlng, after corrections T1tle: (uhat, how, for lanoun geologr. wtgr o<anples and Fourler llransforn). Ideal\y, pr€clslon of a borehole gravlmeter shoulal be Semlnar I l&rch 4. 1966 t 0.OOl miUigaf to pennit cofiplete1y effective use ln Title: rconvolution & Cross CorTelatlonrr the fuIl varlety of interestlng applicatlons foreseeable (lrhat, how, t'ft\y, e:rarryles). 1n petroleun exploitatlon and exploration. A precislon of 1 O.02 nilli8al r,rould be marglxally useful. Other The semlnars wllt be conducted by nefibers of the contract lnstnmental and operational characterlstlcs of an geophyslcal organlzati.ons, conputer mnufacturers and ocperlnental prototJpe borehole gravlneter ar€ descrlbeCl. inst runentat 1on rDanufacturers. (Ptrbucation authorlzed by Director, U. S. ceologlcal Survey.) Poge 3 40 YEARS AGO Borls Lainixg (fexaco- retjred) about 1926, mapplng on west slde of San JoaE[ln Valley. Boris l.aimixg at a well in san Joaquin Valley (posslbly Ploneer Antlcl-ine) ln 1946. Dr. FauI P. Goudkoff at hlell 1n San Joaquln (Pfrotos courtesy of Iouls slnon) Valley (posslbly on Ploneer Anticllne) in 19e6. COA,ST GEOIOGICAL SOCIEIIY The annual dlnner alance of the Soclety nas held Saturday, December 4, at the Ventul3 Wonensr Center, ldth charyagne On I'IednesdaJ, Novenber L7, at a dlnner meetlng il the coclctalls, a prlne r1b differ, and mrslc furnlshed by colonlal House, O)$ard, the Coast Geolog'ical Soclety lras I€roy Andreust band. The dlnner uas a gouruptts deUght, addressed by the A.A.P.G. Dlstlngulshed Lecturer, the m.rs1c lntoxlcating, a.rl(l the assenbled throng graduaUy IEchel T. Halbouty. !b. Ilalbouty pr€sented a stlrrtu€ lnblbed the vast stockof bubbly to the point at lrhich the talk on the i-upact of noderal economlcs ln the petroleun evenlng took on the aspect of a Houwood technlcolor lndustry on the functlon of the geologlst ln elcploring exbravaganza. YoLE reporter 1s pleased to say that a1l for o11 and gas. He stressed the need for orig"jral ldeas llarlds enJoyed thetrselves to the brjdc of oblivlon, and and concepts and for lnteUectual flexlblllty that the that 1t }ras unnecessary to cau the pollce to ternixate professlon has not aluays shoun, ln order that the the festlvities. ]fe are exceedlngly grateful to John burgeonlng mrket for petroleun products wIIl not be pr€- Sisler, the Dance chalrmn, and his cohorts for the hours enpted by coupeting lndustrles. Adnlttlng that the @Jor e:cpended touard arrdrgJ.ng the parby, anil to the contrEnles o1I coupanles have been less than enlthtened 1n thelr Usted below uho helped to malce the ttance posslble through personnel po11cles, tying then closely to day-by-dail their generous contrlbutlons ! oscillatlons ix the econory, he also castigated geologtsts COI{TRISTJTORS TO C.G.S.
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