Order Number: 03-04-20-02 F UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE COCONINO NATIONAL FOREST FLAGSTAFF RANGER DISTRICT TEMPORARY CLOSURE DUE TO THE MUSEUM FIRE (For Public Safety) PROHIBITIONS Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. § 551 and 36 C.F.R. § 261.50(a), the following acts are prohibited within the area described in this Order (the “Restricted Area”), and as depicted on the attached map, hereby incorporated into this order as Exhibit A, all within the within the boundaries of the Flagstaff Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest, Coconino County, Arizona (AZ): 1. Going into or being upon the Restricted Area. 36 C.F.R. § 261.53(e) EXEMPTIONS Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this Order: 1. Persons with a written Forest Service authorization specifically exempting them from the effect of this Order. 2. Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty. RESTRICTED AREA The Restricted Area includes all National Forest System lands, roads, and trails (unless otherwise indicated below) within the boundary starting at the intersection of the Lower Oldham Trail (# 1), Rocky Ridge Trail (#153) and Forest Road (FR) 557 (Elden Lookout Road) (located in the southwestern quarter section of Township 22 North and Range 7 East, Section 26), then following Rocky Ridge Trail west to the section line between Sections 33 and 34 in Township 22 North and Range 7 East, then following the section line north to the junction with FR 789 in Dry Lake Hills, then following FR 789 (Little Gnarly) in a northeasterly direction to the private land boundary in Township 22 North and Range 7 East, Section 27, then following the private land boundary in a general northeasterly direction back to the intersection with FR 789, then following FR 789 in a northerly direction to the intersection with Schultz Loop Trail (# 152A), then following in a northerly direction along Schultz Loop Trail to the intersection with FR 6353 (Climb 3), then following FR 6353 in an easterly direction to the junction with Sunset Trail (# 23), then following Sunset Trail in a southerly direction to the intersection with Elden Lookout Trail (# 23), then following Elden Lookout Trail in a westerly direction to its terminus at Elden Lookout Tower, then following south for 500 feet to the section line between Township 21 and 22 North, then following the section line west to the intersection with Lower Oldham Trail (# 1), then following Lower Oldham Trail in a northerly direction to the point of beginning at the intersection of FR 557. NOTE: The following trails marking the Restricted Area boundary are OPEN: Arizona National Scenic Trail (#87), Rocky Ridge Trail (#153), Schultz Loop Trail (# 152A), Sunset Trail (# 23) from the intersection of FR 6353 to Little Bear Trail (#112), Elden Lookout Trail (#23), and Lower Oldham Trail (#1). The portions of FR 789 and FR 6353 marking the Restricted Area boundary are OPEN to non- motorized use only. Sunset Trail is CLOSED from Little Bear Trail (#112) to Elden Lookout Trail (#23). PURPOSE The purpose of this Order is to provide for the public’s health and safety due to fire activity in the Restricted Area for the management of the Museum Fire, and also to protect assigned personnel engaging in wildland firefighting operations. IMPLEMENTATION 1. This Order will be in effect beginning at 8:00 AM, December 26th, 2019, and shall remain in effect until October 1st, 2020, or until rescinded, whichever comes first. 2. A map identifying the Restricted Area is attached and is made part of this order as Exhibit A. 3. Any violation of this prohibition is punishable as a class B misdemeanor by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual, or $10,000 for an organization and/or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months or both (see 16 U.S.C. § 551, 18 U.S.C. § 3571(b)(6), 18 U.S.C. § 3581 (b)(7)). 4. Further information regarding this Order may be obtained at the Flagstaff Ranger District Office at 5075 US-89 in Flagstaff, AZ, telephone number (928-526-0866), and at Coconino National Forest Supervisors Office at 1824 S. Thompson Dr. in Flagstaff, AZ, telephone number (928-527-3600). 5. This Order supersedes any previous Orders prohibiting the same acts covered by this Order. Done at Flagstaff, AZ this 27th day of December, 2019. Laura Jo West LAURA JO WEST Forest Supervisor Coconino National Forest Museum Closure Area - Order Number: 03-04-20-02 F Exhibit: A Coconino National Forest - Flagstaff Ranger District R6E R7E R8E Fr eidlein Pr a irie Ta n k 7701 522 8555 18 Or ion 17 16 18 Sp rin g 17 16 7842 14 14 13 n y o n 15 C a Go ve rn m e nt 420 Ta n k INE PIPEL 8024 8005 o r d e r f a t h Tank 7104 743 !C W e S LITTLE GA Schultz Loop Schultz 556 6736 7728 !C Sc h ultz Pass Ta n k 7886 E Sunset L D E N 7934 743 7295 LI T T LE E LG[D E N S S PR I N G S TRAIL Open from !C (Horse Camp) 7843 Schultz Tank to Little Bear 556 7899 K E E R TRAIL C FR 6353 19 21 Little 20 E lden S p rin g 19 20 e k 6811 21 r e 22 23 23 C 24 Z T Little Bear L 8843 U H F O R T V A L L E Y S 8503 8639 7513 164B S L L 8747 6708 SILVER I Little 9018 7556 H !C N N Elden MoSuntauin nset IL 8778 2 2 A TR 2 2 C him ne y E Closed from B la ck B ill T E X P E RT I M E N T A L F O R E S T K Ta n k Ta n k z FR 789 t l A C him ne y Little Bear to Heart u L !5 Sp rin g h c S 8303 8819 K E 7438 Y E 6688 R R 27 C 8549 8549 30 29 29 28 D 25 28 30 26 26 8403 Heart 6805 7596 7394 !C H EA RT 9058 Sunset Park 89 Mobile Home Park 7693 £ 8504 ¤ TRAIL 6819 7394 !C 420 Sunset E E Oldham 8402 E E 6 7 7243 Gravel 7773 Park 7 8 R R Closed from 31 Pit 32 8822 36 R R 31 32 33 E E Heart to Elden Lookout !C E E !C 7 6 8 7 Rocky Ridge R R R R 3 31 32 33 4 35 32 36 31 33 E L D E N M O U N T A I N Tu r ke Communication Oak S p rin g R !C y Facility Elden i o TV Hill Pueblo P 4 Devils a 557 rk C a m p To w n s h e a d 6939 Head Elden 9299 EL d Communication Facility Communication DE TRAIL e N 7139 7206 Facilities T OU 7503 OK 7031 7204 LO 180 7126 Flagstaff 6654 City Reservoirs Y Do llar M ark £ Devils R ¤ Tan k F Arizona NST A l a Chair D g N 7104 U O B Elden Lookout Meseum of BM Sheep Hill Northern Arizona 6896 The Narrows Cinder l a g 2 1 Pits F 3 6 4 6 5 4 F L A G S T A F F 5 Lower Oldham 2 Parad ie s S p rin g C O R PO R A T E B O U N D A R Y d e 4 i o AVE N N EMPIRE R S 1 1 E V !C A Cinder 2 O 2 Peaks W E Pits T K T B A T C R S O I O Cinder Pit T P E lden S R E N O T Sp rin g E Cinder C P R Pit 7140 Z V B O U N D A R Y !C 7532 COMMERCE AVE A M a tso n Mobile Home 6669 E Park Ta n k T O R S ec h rist S ch Cinder Wildcat R HIS Cinder Buffalo TORI Pit C Hill Pit Y C O R P O R A T E W e i t z e l S c h 66 R C l if fs io Park D V L B R6E R7E R8E Forest Order Information Legend ARIZONA Order Number: 03-04-20-02 F 1 0.5 0 1 Coconino County Start Date: December 27, 2019 Miles End Date: October 1, 2020 Restricted Area Disclaimer National Forest System Lands The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or Non - National Forest System Lands implied regarding the data displayed on this map, and reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace this information without notification. s Map Author: pmcgervey; Map Creation Date: 12/26/2019.
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