University of Cincinnati News Record. Wednesday, November 27, 1963

University of Cincinnati News Record. Wednesday, November 27, 1963

,ljCSpeak's Out .On.President's /Assassi'nation The fo-llowing story is' 'an accoun~'pf the "reaction of· UC students of a picture. taken_,- f,..w_sec·~ As m the U n i o n, dISCUSSIOn "ends before his slaying; the groups considered the effects. to the news of John F. Kennedy's assinatum, News Record-reporters croy"r.d0 pr~s$~d, .closer. "The of- ln the ,p,ink reem, as' in a, <-Diane Lundin, Joan Donohoo, Julie Har~isqn,and'Debbie'Mumpowe1 ,ficial 'annotincement of. death .!CburcJi'oeve~yone seemingly was covered. the'ca,rrtpus minutes after the Presidertt'~de.athU{as "afL' brought momentary. e'~n~ce. afraid' to speak above' a whisper" nounced.. .' . ,Then pe'ople be9an discussing The 'pre:vaUing fee H I'Ig was what Jay ahead: ·so'mmed.up .'in a· word ----'''1.,don'L'believe it=:What~r"'gohlgC~to happenmow?" "In rI :00 issues class we were 'prayer, "My~od, no." , . These were the. prevailing . reactions .of··UC students iupon discussirrgvthe '~place'" of .;jn'o r.a 1 - One. staff member's comment teachings in the school.' The ex- was;"'It's.notwhether or not you Iearning of the late President Kennedy's-assassination. .A ampletise·9."Was'~Thpu:shalt; not agree' with his ';poliCies,:'bUf .that reaction of' a..'casualt'you're' 'kidding" 'changed usnews i¢' kill."','st'ateda: stunnedgirf, 'while he'sthe-head 'of a: great state-i- ports verifiedthe rumor. .'. '.' ,{ '. ' ) a,'N~gro co~ed\pXlzzled;"Who -will the ,United' States ..".·.She 'contin- stand .'up'-£or ·us.'.'nOW?"''1t's·ca, ued by -observing thatthe-United . ...Firstword see.mingly -.carne >ir:orp.,cat:>'r()dios .as.Jafge shame.: He was such. a .brilliant . States 'is attempting to advance ..groups .of.studentsgathered around .absorbing the announce man','.'"-was()ffered.,'In'contrast to "Aftic·aIi 'Civ·iliz-ation 'yet' we -can ment ~andthen disp:etsing·iospreadtJ:1~':n.·ew.~~,; . .. ~. t he se- statements .wasvanother, . murder ourown.leader, Along 'the '''What did he ever do forme?" .same Iine.Ianother said. that we . In thetomb-1p~~ .grHlsoin.e·.st~-.· '..~". ··Various.foreignstudents' r:e-· are not more civilized' but merely dents"w.eregatp~red il1gr:oups.respond,ed"'.a .serious-faced 'bb) gistered;;disbel·ief.' .""1 'am sut~· more sophisticated. ..' around. transistors intentlyIisteh- when .iques!ioIi~d about·· his". re ; pris~; very,su':prised; inAmer- ° ,WhHe: ,some "p~ople became ica· •• ~";;sta:ted~a~re.ek~grad;uate~" e.m-ot J. () n a: I, m~nYpeople',re· Ing, for' further new~ 'o(Kennedy's - .a~ttorr. >' :' • ,studtl1t.,:'T.hesethings happen mained.themselv~s, comme;'ting 'condition' while :~th~rs .tilmly dis~ s: -: :.. Upstairs in theloungea,pr . '. .'.~.. ':" ' ". "', -pro:xJmately"·l~.Opeople congre~ often in, my country .••. ,~but in and .~cting tn 'a manner typically cussed the mc~(t~p~ oyer a game gateda~ut the'television/some America •.•• "A' stu- tl1eir',own. '. -;.~, . of Bridg~.' . starins'~:;so~. crYing,som'e dis- dent noded in' ag'reement:' Many professors called off' class · "I wonder what's' behind-dts->: r cussing; 'whileHsteni'ng"for fur- Some students ended a '.silent wheni the .news. was announced a foreign power.ror just' a nut," . ·'tl1er,word/At,the announcem~nt prayer. with·.the, sign of the'cms.s. but)J;We_c.ontinue'd class. :.' ,~ •• ~, i ...•.. , .. ' .'~":" ..• <: -:'. ,0.' •.•• '. • '\\V~ . \~.- tTnl.yers:rty: o~t", ..CJ.p~~lnnat:J.. .." -,.-:.~.. ,',~.,: .·····:·<·E···:··.·····~·"·w, - .. ,·,s:,~.",;~~S·'·R··.......•..<c 'E:"":'(J; "\ .~·e·;;'~\!1~R:'V'l'~D" " ,~,.... .. -.. ......:'.' "':,~."~ >'.~;;'"',; .'.. ..':~~:~~~1.... .~..~:<, ..:,: .; . .-::,.",:' .• :": ,.: ~;; ,."",', ...",. ..,... .... .... ~~:! '. '._. N'~;~ .. ~ , ~"~:':::,.'.~/. ';;y-=." ' ..i~:~:.::',.~::: ',' ,'0.. " :, •. ' V~({~·.No~ '9::;~~~·· "',,"'0.0. .CrB~i;rl0;~~iiiOhiolW~anesday; November 27,01963' ,. Series B~l Z553 'Pare'r:lt$~'Glub '!~'a,·j't···5" .: 'A ~;nj},~i':J,:1···:;~9··':'·~~:·~4r·' .. ,::··S····:e·· :a··~:'s···O~":'n"":~S'~""a" ·,t···u'·crd··· :a' 'y~»'''. ,,;~.\Y' p...~.0·;'%;·;':(:'~c,'· .• : .:......'~ ,~',., .. ,.>:; ·Nte,etscD~<:~...9 .'~~:id{:~~,~r;e~~~~.\~e , ,'·In'(;rea·t:>l:1cfl:I:· pinnaclei'~f 'nati<nlaf'sl1Gcess "is .. Op'eu"'house ,f~r'.new.~l)1emb~rs &..'t.~ugh:':()ne'to, ·foliO:w~.BUL~that: 'ailq>,6fd;fwill fie \jtel~·;by·!the, 'IJni -.' versJt,~:~~;'()l.j:~Jn~i~~tl;el;:~§ri~f~\'·yt~~~~~~~~lit~~~t~ij~~~~i Club .at.8' p.m .. Thursday;' Dec",,5.' tl[ey: fr~t:·0l!f';o~:.~!ltecourt '~g~i~~t .~iii-tlte'\;Great-;Ji~~Ur:"t'(JG ,,:.calTIp-US, StuQ.entUniorl" b~nding:;..>: . _<.,;, ~~~:;:~!~~1\~~~~1::t~~~.~§:~!~~~ ':'R~lph ,C.B~·rsie~f·'U:C senler . :'A;;:virt~~ii~~everv'~inte;e~t(,d party; "I readY ..'knows,"gradya- o v!c~~ P~~si#!!nt~nSf,ti~~a~ ,of.-V~~ . versi.fy 'adm~ihistratiO'n, will de- tlen. d~dmated th~starting "Iiv~r' the we,lcoming,add'ress ranks . Qf;:ttie; Bearcat'r; 1962-63.': and ,brief' parents on IIThe.Uni- . team~:;M:;ssing,are;fo.ur ~of IloSt", versi.ty of the·F·uture." " "Y.eilt's :first six;iriclua,ingcrU- Mrs. Raymond.> Bogart;· .Club. Am~rica'r1s "Tom • .Thaeker and " p~e.~~~ent, .will'pre~ide" oyer 'a' ,Tpi)v::yafes.,,:; . ':slii?Yi'I~,tP~l~iIiessrri:eetih,g;'::..'." . .~)Bhi·;;rMurnin;g:>:aTe,·:two .mor~ ".<,,;rQ;f:,:· Lillian .M::J ohnson, 'UG genuine: a,ll:Americans" "Ron"B~oh. deanvof" stndcnts.cwill. introduce h:am,;~p.d'~G~,o~ge.·Wi1son~,tpeTtop · the deansof>UC'.s· under-graduate . scorer and rebounder :l"espectiv~~ · colleges-to parents' .. The . college ly.:on.,.the.NC~Arun~~F-uR' sq~~l'd. deans; will discussthe educa1iofuU· JoiiljlJg.jth~rii.d.$,;-un, opportun:ities' ili ·their colleges" 6rthe~finesf group of sdpliom6res and answer questions. - eyer. assembled.on .a 'single earn- Front: Row (-. - R)Dave Cosby, Larry Elsasser,F,rr~' Mt!yer., C~captains,Ron Bon.ha,m andGeorg~ Wilson C~hferi~~es of .parents . and P!1s.' .Included .are the top six Ken Cunningham;. Dean' Lamp'rc>~-;'BiU"Aberriethy; Ba'c'k--Ro\\, ('L - R) Coach' EeI- Jueker, ~John~S'erbin,' Gent deans-wjllbe. f~nowed by a players from the. unbeaten fresh Smith, Nell'Stappenbeck;Ron Krick, 'To~ Biede·nhar.n,~oland West, ~oadl Tay Baker. ' social hour in the Union main squad- of .last 6-8R(m 10unge .. Personnel de~ns will be Krick; ",easily'·the most fabled ham. Bonham, it .6-5 forward, sophomore forCincysince .Oscar available to meet and chat, w.ith~ " i~,)me·:'of. '.them~~'.~cc"ur~te pa'rents •. Ropertson.,.' '.~ . " '0 tragic::,:'" alii 'St~ns:Campqsi A'ithough- most of. the pre- shoo.tersin. tl1e nation, everag- -::ing,ri! than.2C>",pofnts a game'~ sea'sOnJ'o~ndball talk has· c;.en~', We.ekedd,((Function.·€edse·· ·'t~r,ed' .iirciirna ·Ron" Kriclc's la'$t .;y.!~.r~..Wi~sor("averagecl' 15 shoulders,·tlte. most cr'u~i~1 points 'and 11 'r'ebolfnds'~ gal11e, dition and a few major coueges a,nd, us~d his-.lean,;6-8,.frame to.· DC students.will note and long . :pfobl~m.facin9"Jucke.ral'ld. his remernber. the' bizarrevproceed- announced footballpostpGuments. staff is fhe situation at the ·~fead; the; te~min bl4?cJes.Botl1 ,,are sfanCloutia'll-arounCi basket- ings of the.past few-days, No one . After considerabledelibr·a-· two guar~ pests,· is Tony 'bali', pi~yers. '. -: .' .~, . Yates,' the field general,and can recall 'a: weekend so replete tion, and harrled by vehe~enfIV" ace defensive· stalwart for the The:. thIrd' fr~mf 'slQt wiif'eyen -' with 'turmdil'; 'the. 'duat.assassiua- protesting' callers, the ~UC; Ad- past threey~ars, and his rtm- t~~n~peJille,d'py,~6-8;230-poul1d tton story, perhaps; will be re- ministration p.ruden,tly called ning mate;littl~,Larry 5hing-le- R~m·:~Krick,·p~oyided. his .should- corded as the weirdest and most off the Bearcat-Redskin: sk'~rm- cton. Tiheir replacements will ;be ers,'twic~'; disloc?ted,:can. st~nd incredible of all time. ' is'h at' noon, resetting the ga,m, drawn from iu'nior backcourt tge'strain amI' he¢al\ .succe~sflllly Friday'.s.·· sVdd"en,. stingin'g for Thanksgiving~ Day. Coupled ·twins" Ken Cu'nningham and piCk,;lip', tHe Cincy 'paitter.ns after news of'thepresiqentialas- . with .this arinounce'ment/ ~n Fritz Meyer, and so,ph flashes,- belnlaway from, the,,.garne for sassinati~n left.' tKe UC campus University-spol'!.sored fundions Dave Cosby and Roland We~t~ ,two.fuU'years. ,His r~placements, body .••limp and,.stunned in dis- were suspendedtJntil Tuesday anCi:school was conceled'M'on- . All fOtlr lack experience" al- and th~·top front~oiirfsubs,' will' belief. As wcrd 'spread of the be a pair of burly 6-6 pel'forrtters, tragedy,. students r~lied ,on. day out of respect for the pass- though each,has tremendous po- ing of PresiCle-ntKennedY. tential and the quick hands neces- Gen-eSmith' and 'john'" Serbin. handy transistors pr convelJient sary to develop into standout Smith, a. junior, logged quite a car radios to hear the stern de- Along Clifton, black drapings defensiv'e players. Cosby,'at6-~Vz, 'bit'of time last season, while . ta:its. Ot~ers huddled ar~u!,d the and· funeral,. wreaJhs ·bedecked has the moves of Tom ~Thacker, Serbin led·. the unbeaten frosh .television set in the main lounge fraternity and sarority htmses in sO,mbe.r.display of natioll<;llrrlQ.urn- while Fri,tz Meyer comes nearest s,(i:u~din"scoring, witU ,1' 22 point; of fhe Union. \ tr.ean. __ . "'-0.. .' 'After the initial' feelings of ing. American flags' drop.ped to to fulfilling the. role of a "take- half-mast' .served as grim re- charge" man. These' two could '0 The ,talenf.,is, there" hut' the bitterness and shock had sub- minders of the PresidenFs death ¥}ell be the eventual starters, al~ experience may lacking," as sided," a more dutiful sense of though in Coach Jucker's words, .the Bearcats try tQ.'·keep'" their symp'athy and 'propriety swept When class(:'s finallyr€sumed "Each night ~it's someone else spotat:-,the' top.

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