^ PO: LTLAND ~ Established Jane ‘id, 1S62. lot, 8. ~ PORTLAND. THURSDAY MORNING. MAROR 9.4. 1R”7r> _ jLcr/HH uit per annum, in aavance. The Portland Daily Press __MISCELLANEOUS. •M ISCELLAJiEOCS. Is every day (Sundays excepted) b> INSURANCE. published _ die of the the daily press song hooks and a Louisians lottery Portland Publishing Co., A-. DAILY PRESS. ticket. Disgusted with his ill luck, he imme- ROTOn>y & CO. Statement" diately sold the lot to an old daikey standing At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. near, who carried it to bis a EETAIL DEALERS IN OF IDE PORTLAND. employer, large a Holyoke corn Terms:—Eight Dollars Year in advance BOOTS OF factor, tor investigation. The payment BURT’S of the $li',0C0 over the courter Is a result of We invite the attention of both and that a Tlie Maine State AND HI. F. Insurance Co. City Thursday Moraine;, March 1870. investigation, and makes fitting moral Press Boots, Shoes and 24, to the Rubbers readers to story.” MASS. Country the following list of Port- Is Thursday OTHER CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE SALEM, guardian published every Morning a land Americnnvln Pari*.—1 Pacini BcTolation $2.50 a year; if paid in at i BUSINESS which arc Brceal Publication. advance, 82.00 Statement at the Con lition of o HOUSES, among on said Company » Fire and in l'rog>e»«. year. Opposite ST. JULIAN, Constantly hand. Marine Ins. Go,, is as it _ the most The Atlantic for April better, seems tha 1st day of January, 1870. reliable establishments in the City. Before the American in Office, Na. 438 Wnlanl street, drooping colony to of Its two immediate Rates oe Advertising.—One inch of us, than either prede- space .... I that not a of our oi Amount of Capital, 073,046 A 1 Paris, may say feiv well ariicte on Vir- in length column, constitutes a square No. 93 Middle & Done PHILADELPHIA. Advertising Agency. cessors. Parion's “Reviving Street, Repairing Ncally Promptly AT WELL ft known American families are %Vo and 81.50 per square daily first week. 75 cent \ CO., 174 Mlddlo Street. exhibiting strong ginia,” the “Gods of Lee,” the Eng- week three Note. and glalute Liabilities, *73,998 9! per after; insertions, or less, 81 00 January 14, 1870. symptoms of becoming fixed facts, or, in oth< r lish Governess at the Siamese Coijrt” are per- continuing every other day after first & Agricultural week, i CASH ASSETH AS FOLLOWS t The the Implements de Needs. of down here for and all. eutertaining, though hardly more eo cents. _ PORTLAND, MAINE. following Statement of Guardian Fire words, settling good ticularly and SAWYER & No. n9 Half 88 Marine Insurance of their condition WOODFORD, Exchange St. It is to be wondered for Paris is than Trowbridge’s “Through the Woods to square, three insertions or less, 75 cents Mortgages.$8,27J Company hardly at, one on the week, $1.00; 60 cents per week after. Bank Stock. 62,479 tblrty.flist day of Dc*mber, 1669, la pub- so full of fascinatiou for ail ages and Luke Superior” or LaDmau’s “Peter Piteh- lished lu Auctioneer. really Special Notices, one third additional. a cordance with an Act ot Chief of the Choctaws. "A Real Estate. 63,600 Assembly. tastes that alter a short experience the diffi- lynn, Lumber- Under head of $2.00 pei C. W. HOLMES, No. 327 Street. “Amusements/* HARRIMAN Authorized ... $308,000.00 Congress its allurement and sober worn hi,” who, unfortunately lor our baffl-d Capital, shake off square per week; three insertions or less $1.60. R.R. Bonds and Stocks 28,327 60 culty is to HOUSE, Paid-up t chooses to be Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Gollaic apital,.139,737.30 life or other lauds. There cariosity, anonymous, tells how Block, Maine and other Bonds 12 746 Agencies for down to the prosaic State has a larce circulation St., Bangor, Me. City Sewing machines. she took charge or her husband's Pbess” (which an oid here,dating Irom the business dur- S. W. EATON. 103 is Virginia tamily in every part ot the State) for $1.00 per square OPENED BY Notes Receivable. 29,000 ASSETS. Middle Street. (Wtei ) that of the his temporary illness and W. days oi colonial governorships, ing upon bis recov- for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for S. DYER, 188, Middle over H. Interest Bonds and St, H. Hay’s, who have been domiciled in Paris lor was “taken into each insertion. Sundries, Mortgages hold nous Corbins, ery partner-hip.” subsequent by the ft BAKER. 145 Middle St. (oyer SUaw’s.) A to 6) some forty years. wealthy Philadelphia and JVeu> for is a Address all communications E. due Ac. 1 817 42 Company.$129,227 31. & Q. Old April very different af- HARRIMAN & Stock and H. WALDEN, 04 Middle over the have been established CO., Bonds bearing 7 Street, tamily, itidgways, fair from its “b PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. on g brothers,” Cash band. 12,772 01 Per cent. Lock, Meserye & Co. (Improved here and. as the de- Harper and the (Late of the Nichols Interest. 32.CC0 00 IJnioe.) uearly twenty-live years, House.) Office of have inter- Atlantic, but we are not prepared to that Balance m Agents Furniture and scendants both these families aay it is not as after BUSINESS CARDS Ag. nts" Bakers. married with French noble house*, n may he good its kind. So far as hands. 132 60—201.047 44 Supplies. 3,500 00 Port- Cash W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. inferred that aflections lor the land and are In hand and in hank. though gieat vicinity concerned the chief In- Amonut at Kick,.40,831,790 03 7,18! 91 JOHN B ^StSSSSOmH3ciS!BSeSMt^s^ MASTERTON, 22 Anderson Street, republic mav survive,their more material part terest of Ibis number will be GEO. C. the severe critl- HOPKINS, LIABILITIES. has been absorbed by la belle Total.$163,68941 permanently cism upon the funeral rites of the lote Meals Served at all Reinsurance.128,999 8 Hoots, Shoes, and Rubbers. France. The Moulton family have been set- George at Hours, from S A.M. to lO P. M both In the Attorney Law, RECEIPTS FOR 1SG9. J. W. BOUCHER ft CO No. 359 Congress Street. tled here for over thirty years, and as the sa- Peabody prefatory editorial svblch with Idrery Stable connected. Hacks ani Divdends due, Ac.6821 Premiums Coaches always In readiness on Fire Risks ... is a ot this and ^Stages leave this House rcaame“- .$24,510 05 gacious head of it has gone extensively into peculiarity magazine, and fn the Cor. Exchange Federal Sts., dally lor all parts of the surrounding country From other I Or* No Losses unpaid. sources. 8,900 49 Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. real estate it is not likely that the high price article headed “Funeral Follies.” COBTLAND. E.MABBIBAIH Perhsps B w CABTE„BTEB* of lots in New York will ever attract them the most TuThSaif Feb THOS. H, JOHNSON, Secretary. WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. striking article lor the general reader Bangor, ?8,1870. This reminds me of two ---—___ mr231m $33,410 thither again. other is Dr. Bellows’ ^ A. President. “Man and Mankind,” while STOBY, Booksellers and not unknown in the land ot Goth- K. Stationers. gentlemen, persons interested in the R. LOSSES, EXPENSES Ac. who seem to confidence in drama still read tbs GATLEY, L. lire HOYT. FOQC! ft 92 3Ilddle am, put implicit S, Losses. 11,048 69 BREED, Street. the future ot whether the criticism of Feehter with pleasure. PLAIN AND CEN A MENTAL TW031BLY’8 JOS. II. WEBSTER, Paris, empire stands Commissions, Ac. 3,360 35 or The Sabbath at falls. James Pbaieu aud Elisha Biggs, well Home foe March opens with a R.turn ra Book-Binders. piciuluuil Cancel. known iu our financial have iuvested readable a circles, very and Ob Utaow—- ar.ua instructive artiole Agent, litun. 21 w luua v/wavwi* entitled, PLASTERER, 1,368 *'r-!-lejahla sums in One Of ,tll« new .ami Middle and avenues a Cor. Plum-Streets, Salaries ol Officers and Em- splendid opened couple years since, the ot Rev. FIRE Bonnet nnd Hat pon H?S."Sl2?rage,hSt^v!?tVt INSURANCE in ihe uirecc vt tbo “Ank or Stucco'& Mastic Worker, AGENCY. ployees. 3,627 14 Bleachery. nelghuurhuotl Three excellent wood cuts etnbdish Entrance Plum St H. E. UNDERWOOD, No. S10J Contrress Street. Triumph,” a stately structure in marble, built the art!- mar8eod3w Office and Agency expenses No. 21 Union Street, Portland, Me. • y J. iu honor of his own vie- I e'e with views of Prague and the curious old Including Pilnting, Adyer- Napoleon great Brush manufacturers. tones. stone bridge, the birth place of and his Dy Prompt attention paid to all kinds of Jobbing ing.&c,. 14,616 44 Hass, In .our line. mr5d3m NIAGARA EIRE Marine Insurance! D. WHITE ft SON, No. 9 Market Sqnare. luis portion of Paris only ten years since monument. INS. was a but tbe wand COMFY complete desert: magic »o uave received numbers eleven and J. H. LAMS OUT, Total.$33,410 64 Coal nnd Wood. of Napoleon ill. bus waved over it aud be- OF TUE CITY OF NEW YORK. Office No. IT Exchange ■frees, twelve of the monthly parts of Appleton'* PHOTOGRAPHER, PAUL PRINCE ft SON, loot of Wilmot street. hold It has been laid out in more than a dozen PORTLAND, Maine, LIABILITIES. Journal. They are for sale & From Philadeldhia, magnificent avenues that iu stiaightuess and by Bailey Noyes, Losses.$8,69174 breadth are iu the while anti we know of no way in which the Has opened a new and completely appointed INCORPORATED I1N 1850.
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