VOL. 14, NO. 25. WA: RADattin 0.P.O..I !kidney,0for transmissionLAbypostasanewspaper.1 1.111:.0 Olaf, 4101Nioffel Sveci (11 XIttmo- You may think of hundreds of gifts, some decorative, some useful, but few will give bey suchpleasureandenjoymenttothe recipient year by yearas an MI -Electric 6rilczyged Issue. Radiola. Make your choice a Radiola-and you zioc) Colors will truly know the pleasure of giving. Obtainable fromR a di o l aDealers Shan Stores. throughout Australia. linusual1 Ainalcjainatedr* Wi reles s si ra as ia)...(La. Aiticle(5. Frida%, December 13, 1929 WIRELESS WEEKLY Stromberg-Carlson Wish You a Merry Christmas You can makeit a Right MerryChristmasby installing a STROMBERG-CARLSON TREASURE CHEST That means years of Pleasure for the whole family. The Stromberg-Carlson /5Treasure Chest All Electric -3 Loud Speaker Extra. If you want to hear the best in Radio, arrange for a demonstration of a Stromberg-Carlson All Electric Six. Obtainable from all Authorised Stromberg-Carlson Dealers, who will gladly arrange a demonstration without obligation. MADE IN AUSTRALIA. 72-76 WILLIAM STREET, SYDNEY 1074 WIPP! FCC WPFk'T V Pare One Xmas Radio Sale 10 PER CENT. Discount offall Lines Free Gift with each 10 Purchase. ELECTRIC 18/6 10/6 5/- 4MF CONDENSERS SOLDERING Neutrodyne Kit IRONS 650 v. TEST Bakelite Space Wound. Com- 240 Volt, withSelf -Feeding Solder De- plete with Angle Brackets, See Each One Actually Tested before vice, Plug, and Cord. Etc. Purchasing. £131131- 15/- COMPLETE 100 volt15/9 CLOCK SIEMENS KIT OF PARTS "B" 30 HENRY CHOKES ALL -ELECTRIC THREE BATTERIES For Eliminators, Electric Receivers, Etc. Valves and First Quality Parts. Voltage Guaranteed. THE 63/- THE 65 - "TIMMONS" "KODEL" SPEAKER CHASSIS One Valve Portal( Will give you the tone and volume Complete withValve,A. and B of a Dynamic, incorporates a Filter Batteries, Tefag Phones, Aerial, and and Permanent Magnet. Earth. 12/6 - TEFAG LEWBURY 70/ MONARCH 15/6 4000 ohm PHONES Transformer SUPER TRANSFORMERS Each Headpiece can be adjusted to give and Choke ExtraHeavy Wound Core, weighing Maximum Sensitiveness.Heavily Plated, 33oz.,giving wonderful Tone and Vol- Leather Band. For thatAllElectric. ume. Try One. 3/- PHILIPS 55/- LEWCOS 22/6 TRICKLE 2MF CONDENSERS CHARGER WAVE TRAP Powerplus or Hydra. A Gift that will be Always A Sure Remedy for a Station that's Giving. Chipping In. Wingello House, PRICE'S = RADIO = Angel Place, Sydney. SERVICE Box 3326PP. Page Two WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, 13th December, 1929 .0*-Yourndieset Mt,Eteettie for A Novice Can Easily Build One V0 THE SIMPLICITY ALL -ELECTRIC THREE Ask Your Dealer for Leaflet Giving Full Particulars. HAVE YOU SEEN THE Pre -Selector Four Circuit ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE ? YOU REQUIRE THE SOUTHERN RADIO POWER TRANSFORMER AND CHOKE specially designed for this circuit OTHER TYPES OF SOUTHERN RADIO POWER TRANSFORMERS AND CHOKES available for all circuits.Whether 3T,Ju want to build an All -Electric 3 -Valve, 5 - Valve, or 7 -Valve Set, or Power Amplifier, these Transformers and Chokes have been specially designed for your requirements. Built in Australia (or 4ustrnlian voltages. GUARANTEE6 BY THE AGENTS TASMANIAN AGENTS '- A"iirlitrgtr4tttitt' utiKMGHTEJPETERS BROM %I1ACKSON 0106 28 BRISBANE ST. LALiNCE57VAI I 8$? ELIZABETH STREET 85 COLLINS 5, HOBART 4,EST AUSTRALIAN AGENTS N. RAMO IMMRTS LT.? CARLYLE Cl CO . B do.Gi BertPaco f6 HAv STREET PERTH 349-351 FLINDERS LANE MELBOURNE 32 CLARENCE STREET,SYDNEY 'PHONE, B 2002 Friday, 13th December, 1929 WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Thrall PROOF OF THE MIGHTY "3" r [ '7-............1 HAND -POLISHED MAPLE CABINET JOHN WILLIAMS, PROSERPINE, NORTH QUEENSLAND, 13/2/29:-I am more than satis- fied with the C.C.M. 3.Some of the sets here have Scores of originalLetterscouchedin cost as high as £100, and yet they cannot get the similar strain can be seen at ourOffice, good results I get with my set.Among the distant and copies will be sent on application. stationsIget California, Honolulu, New Zealand, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica,Manila,Japan. I would not exchange my C.C.M. 3 for any set. A. McLAREN, DUNMORE STREET, TOO- BURGESS BATTERIES WOOMBA, 27/7/'29:-I now number 157 sta- PHILIPS PRODUCTS tions on my C.C.M. 3, and have D.X. Cards (certifi- cates) for all, and these are here to be seen.It is EMMCO RADIO a wonderful set. PRODUCTS AIRZONE LINES W. GUNN, MURDIM, VIA GOONDIWINDI, ELECTRON LINES 1210/ '27:-For once in my life I have got value ALL HIGH GRADE RADIO for my money. LINES Highest Quality Equipment.Complete with everything ex- cept poles.FREE ON RAILWell packed. RADIO DEPT C.C.M., ADELAIDE ST., BRISBANE QUEENSLAND Sweep the Air with this NEW Receiver Study the features of the AIRMASTER ALL ELECTRIC_ AIRMASTEitincorporatesa jackformagneticpick-up, THREE. Realise the convenience, simplicity, and economy enablingelectricalamplifica- of this new batterylees set.Three valves only, giving un- tionof gramophone records. rivalled tone and costing under threepence a week to run. The handsomely finished cabi- 1J net of the AIRMASTERisa Complete shielding of the AIRMASTER ensures immunity model of compactness. from interference. With the simplified control the programmes Exceptionally durable A.C. are received at any desired volume and with absolute fidelity valves are used, ensuring of reproduction. maximum life. Ample cower isprovided in PRICE-Complete with Valves- qtheAIRMASTER for the osppeeakrateirom of a dynamic E27 10-. The AIRMASTERincludes a volume control andanillu- 111 SPECIAL OFFER minated dial. FREE INSTALLATION ANY- For a limited time onlywe arepresenting every purchaser of WHERE IN THE METRO- an AIRMASTER with a Loud Speaker FREE. POLITAN AREA. AIRMAS ER 9 ALL ELECTRIC THREE DEALERS.-In addition to the AIRMASTER. we are distributors for the ALPINE ALL ELEC- TRIC TWO, the famous BRANDES with selector tuning, andthe ALPINE SCREEN -GRID RADIO SETS. Write or call for particulars OBTAINABLE FROM 'PHONES: S. E. TATHAM & CO. 'PHONES: M 4151-2. 160 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY M4151-2. Vol. No. 25 Address Box December 3366PP I 3, WirelessWeeldy G.P.O. 1929 ineOrtYnnti/F'Radio in Australia New Zealand" Sydney. 41014# I. lJI,,JT1II(!H!uflIl I 'Ilikeerterweereeellen411141" s The announcer's wife spendsan anxious Christmas Eve at home WIRELESS WEEKLY 1 Uncle Amazes Dad and Dave 10 SIT AWARM day in the corn i;riv season. dinner over, and Dad and Dave and Joe (thelatterkept from school( out at work again. srYfgvEci Dad returned from the pad- dock, entered the barn, and came out witha bundle of emlty bags cn his shoulder. which he tossed to the ground. "Good day, Murty." a voice ;squeaked behind him. Dadlookedroundslowly and saw Uncle. "Ycu!" he grunted. "Thought you were working for Auntie Montague? You didn't stop , long with her, if youwere!" "Neitherwouldyou,"the other, looking the picture of humility, answered. Then added, before Dad could say anything further. "An' how's everyone l-een keepin' here?" But Dad wasn't in a mood to exchange civilities with his brother. who had lived upon himforso long. To Dad Uncle Peter was still a fly In theointment. a malignant growth. "Thought when you went away you was goin' for good. - be grunted. "So Iwas ---atthetime: Uncle pulled a humble mouth "But no one could stopfor goodwith HER.withth' tongue she's got. 'n besides. I thought you would be corn- pullin'an'mightbeshort- handed, soI came back in- stead o' taking another Job." "Oh, yer did!" And Dad showed the white of his eye. "Well, we're wanting another hand-awillinghand -to frightenthecrows andth' cockatoos away front th' corn. That's all that's offerin'." Uncle'sshiftylittle eyes wandered towards the house.He was more bag,that'll surprise you, Murty, when you Mother broughtoutanotherbasketof interested in the house than the corn, or the know what itis." clothes. er.es. or the cockatoos. "Or WHOSE itis!" Dad insinuated."It "Oh, look what I nearly did!" and Sarah 'But y' won't find them over there." Dad would surpriseth' POLICE more than me.stopped to examine an undergarment. "Close fo'hwing his gaze, informed him. p'r'aps."Then, as Uncle hobbled off underup burnt a big hole in it!" Then Uncle lookedallabout the farm- the strain: "What-in your new chimmie?"Mother "And th' wimmen will be plased to havelooked concerned. steadandobserved: "Theplace hasn't you back to wait on again!" Dad called after el'anged much sinceIwent away." "No! In these things of YOURS," Sarah "You've been away such a long time," Dad him; then went on sorting bagsinquestgiggled. sneered, -nearly three weeks, aint it?" of any that needed patching or mending "Show me!"Mother became more con- Uncle didn't hear him. Atthehouse Mother andSarahhad cerned. "And my onlygoodones,too! "Youhaven't changed much yourself dragged a table to the kitchen verandah t,Not enough to harm them, though," and trrich, either-nor your shirt," Dad added. start the ironing on. Sarah took up the iron again. "Oh, I got plenty o' others in here," and "The irons shouldbehot enough now. She ironed away cheerfully for an hour Uncle gave the faded carpet bag that he girl," mother, tying on an apron, suggested or so, humming airs, dropping saliva on the Sarah came from the kitchen with oneface of every fresh iron to test its tempera- carried in his hand a fraudulent shake. ture, and trying it out on a rag or on he: "Well, y' better putitin the barn." Dad in her hand. -OW" she hissed, and, hurry- advised. "we got no other quarters for you ing, dumped it hard on the table, and tookold sun bonnet. justnow. and there'splentyo'bags and a fresh grip of the handle. Suddenly a shout came from the front of sheepskins there, and when you've fixed up a "And byan'by." mother went on, sortingthe house.
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