50¢ March 28, 2010 Think Green Volume 84, No. 13 Recycle this paper Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Holy Week liturgies Pages 11-13 The great dignity and graces Pilgrimage of marriage Renew and refresh Pages 2, 5 Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades opens diocesan marriage conference BY DIANE FREEBY Apology Pope announces steps NOTRE DAME — Marriage is a vocation, a specific call from God, that provides a path to holiness. for healing According to Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, who opened the Diocesan Marriage and Family Conference Page 4 March 20 at the University of Notre Dame, we need look no further than Christ’s presence at the wedding feast of Cana. He says that’s when God elevated mar- riage to a sacrament. “Our Lord was teaching us by His presence there,” Saint Joseph’s said Bishop Rhoades. “Perhaps the most fundamental pastoral visit message of the wedding banquet at Cana is Our Lord’s presence, His active presence. And this was at the very Bishop visits high school beginning of His messianic activity, a significant point to ponder.” Page 8 Reflecting on a talk he recently gave to married couples while on pilgrimage in the Holy Land, Bishop Rhoades spoke about the great dignity of marriage and the countless graces that correspond to the vocation of marriage. He pointed to the transformation of water Hope and suffering into wine as Christ’s visible sign that He was raising Lenten Sharing Faith the natural institution of marriage to the dignity of a sacrament. Page 9 “Water, our most common drink, acquires a new character through Christ’s action,” explained Bishop Rhoades. “It becomes wine, a more valuable and rich- er drink! “So marriage as a sacrament becomes the way for USF claims NAIA title DIANE FREEBY a baptized man and a baptized woman to participate First in Fort Wayne history Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades opens the Marriage and Family Conference at the University of Notre Dame on March 20, which was sponsored by the diocesan Office of Family Life. MARRIAGE, PAGE 20 Page 18 House passes health reform; effort to insert abortion language fails 220-211. Twenty-three Democrats joined all 178 Stupak, D-Mich., obtained a promise from the BY NANCY FRAZIER O’BRIEN House Republicans in opposing the measure. White House that President Barack Obama At press time there was no immediate com- would sign an executive order stipulating that WASHINGTON (CNS) — The House of ment on the votes from the U.S. Conference of the Hyde amendment would apply to the health Representatives passed historic health reform Catholic Bishops, which said in a March 20 let- reform legislation. legislation late March 21 but rejected a last-ditch ter to the House the Hyde amendment must be The White House has not indicated when effort to send a package of legislative fixes back included in the final health reform measure. The Obama will sign the health reform bill or issue to committee in order to insert language on abor- bishops also had urged enhanced conscience the executive order. Unconfirmed news reports tion supported by the U.S. bishops. protections. said Obama would sign the bill March 23. The votes were 219-212 in favor of the Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity Stupak, a Catholic, had led a group of pro-life Senate-passed health reform bill, and 232-199 who is president and CEO of the Catholic Health House Democrats in opposing the Senate health against a motion by Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., Association, praised the legislation, saying it reform bill unless it was amended to include to recommit the reconciliation package to com- “represents great progress in the long effort to abortion language passed by the House last year. mittee with instructions to substitute language make health care available and affordable to The U.S. bishops had backed those efforts, say- that would codify the Hyde amendment, which everyone in the United States.” She urged the ing the Senate-passed bill’s abortion language forbids federal funding of most abortions. Senate to take quick action to pass the reconcil- was morally unacceptable because it contained The vote on the reconciliation package, iation package. which concluded shortly before midnight, was The House votes came only after Rep. Bart REFORM, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 28, 2010 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Pilgrimage was spiritually Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades renewing and refreshing EDITOR: Tim Johnson NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad IN TRUTH Editorial Department PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan AND FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, CHARITY Elmer J. Danch, Bonnie Elberson, BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES Denise Fedorow, Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and Deb Wagner Holy Land pilgrimage I returned on March 16 from my pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Knights and Ladies Business Department of the Holy Sepulchre and the Knights of BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice Malta. It was a spiritually renewing and refreshing experience to visit and pray at the AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber many holy biblical sites, especially those asso- BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol ciated with the life, death and resurrection of [email protected] our Lord. At each place, I remembered in prayer the faithful of our diocese. Advertising Sales The pilgrimage began in Galilee, the region Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) where Jesus lived a “hidden life” in Nazareth (260) 456-2824 and where much of His public ministry took PROVIDED BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES place. We stayed three nights in a pilgrim cen- Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades receives the symbolic shell representing a pilgrimage and a decree from ter on the top of the Mount of the Beatitudes. It the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Fouad Twal. The Patriarch met with the group for 45 (574) 234-0687 was really wonderful to rise early in the morn- Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org ing and walk around that hill where Jesus deliv- minutes and spoke about the difficult situation of the Church there, the emigration of many of ered the Sermon on the Mount. I celebrated the Christians from the Holy Land, and the daily hardships of the Arab Christian and Muslim pop- Published weekly except the fourth Sunday Mass for the people of our diocese on ulation. Bishop Rhoades accompanied a pilgrimage group to the Holy Land consisting of the Sunday in June, second and fourth that mount. Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre and the Knights of Malta. weeks in July and August, the first week While in Galilee, we visited Nazareth where of September and last week in I offered Mass at the Grotto of the sity in Jordan is presently being constructed. Palestinian mothers and their children are cared December by the Diocese of Fort Annunciation, where Mary pronounced her When we returned to Israel, we entered the for. Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., “yes” to the message of the angel and “the West Bank, under the Palestinian Authority. In Going to Bethlehem from Jerusalem was a P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” We that territory, we visited the towns of Jericho sad experience as we saw up close the infa- Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, will be celebrating the feast of the and Bethany. We had Mass in Bethany where mous wall that has been built separating Israel IN, and additional mailing office. Annunciation this Thursday, March 25. We vis- Martha, Mary and Lazarus lived, and where from the Palestinian territories. The check point ited Mount Tabor (the site of the Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. delays every time we entered or left Palestinian POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Transfiguration), the ruins of the town of We stayed the next five nights in the holy territory was a reminder of the lack of peace Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: Capernaum (where Jesus often preached in the city of Jerusalem, at the Notre Dame of and harmony in the Holy Land. We were also [email protected]. synagogue), Caesarea Philippi (where Jesus Jerusalem Center. I thoroughly enjoyed wan- in Jerusalem the day that Vice-President Biden gave Simon the name “Peter” or “Rock,” the dering around the old city of Jerusalem, visiting was there and the Israeli government MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort rock on which He would build His Church), chapels and churches. We got up very early on announced the building of new settlements in Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) and Cana (the site of the wedding feast and Friday morning and walked the Via Dolorosa, East Jerusalem. The tensions in the holy city 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. Jesus’ first miracle). The couples on the pil- praying the Stations of the Cross. The highlight were high and thousands of police and army BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South grimage renewed their marriage vows at the of the trip was, of course, celebrating Mass in personnel with machine guns were stationed all Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- church in Cana. the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site of over the old city. It was clear that violence was 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. My favorite site in Galilee was the Sea of Mount Calvary and of the tomb of Jesus.
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