UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 62 Date 30/05/2006 Time 9:35:54 AM S-0871-0005-03-00001 Expanded Number S-0871 -0005-03-00001 items-in-Peace-keeping operations - Vietnam - (correspondence of the Secretary-General and his office with personalities and organizations in relation to the Vietnam situation) Date Created 01/12/1964 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0871 -0005: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant - Viet-Nam Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit CS/st 28 August 1962 Bear Etev Candauy la the atesenee from Eead^u&eters of the Acting jSecreteay-Genesjalj, I should lUse to rep3jr to your1 letter of 20 August 1962, $& note that Br, Bram teas left Saigon and that you to appoint a successor to him in th® asaar ftrfcure. the arrangenefit tindgr whlefe 52p<. Brown undertook reirpoiaibilities of Seewity Officer worked so ^&H.f Ife woulcl be v^cy useful if we cdild eontiaue tba ea?o© arraggement with bis SUCCGSBOT also. I should like to talse thie opportunity to tbaiik you for the continued eo-opej*atiO)a t?e have received la this matter ffrom the World aealth Organization. Sincerely yours., C.¥, Uorasimhan Chef de CSsbinet World Health Organisation Palais des Geneva, UNITED NATIONS fggjf NATIONS UNIES NEW YORK FILE NO.I PO 240 VINA (2) The enclosed communication dated- 11 October 1962 is transmitted to the Permanent Missions of the Stages/Members of the United Nations at the request of the Permanent"representative of Czechoslovakia to the United Nations. \ 17 October 1962 o, STALA MISE CESKOSLOVENSKE REPUBLIKY U SPOJENYCH NARODU Telephone: LEhigh 5-8114 PERMANENT MISSION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS 1109-11II Madison Avenue New York 28, N. Y. V odpovedi uvedte c'slo: In reply please quote No.: 2822/62 11 October 1962 Excellency, I have the honour to enclose the note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam addressed to H.E. Mr. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, President of the XVIIth session of the United Nations General Assembly as well as 109 copies of the publication entitled "The U.S. Policy of Inter- vention and Aggression in South Viet Nam" issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam and to request you to have the letter with the enclosed publications circulated as an official Lnited Nations document. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Dr. ItTirl Hajek Permanent Representative 6f the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to the United Nations His Excellency U Thant Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations NOTE PROM THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM TO MR. MUHAMMAD ZAFRULA KHAN, PRESIDENT OF THE XVIIth SESSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY Hanoi, September 19, 1962 Excellency, On October 25, 1961, I had the honour to draw the attention of the member-governments of the XVIth Session of the U.N. General Assembly to the dangerous situation which might arise as a result of the US Government a contemplated armed intervention in the southern part of our country, What was then a subject of grave concern to my Government, has indeed happened. The US Government has openly and continuously brought into South Viet Nam many military units, military aircraft and helicopters of various types. In February 1962, it set up in Saigon itself a U.S. Military Command under General Paul D. Harkins, Deputy Commander of the US Land Forces in the Pacific, with the task of directing, not only the US forces in South Viet Nam and those of the Ngo Dinh Diem Administration, but also the US forces in Thailand. By now, more than 10,000 US officers and men belong- ing to various armed services are, along with the armed forces of the Ngo Dinh Diem Administration, waging an "un- declared war" against the people of South Viet Nam. Bombs, napalm bombs, bullets and noxious chemicals, are showered unremittingly on the villages of South Viet Nam. The ceaseless military operations carried out by the forces of the US and the Ngo Dinh Diem Administration are claiming a daily average toll of hundreds of persons killed and wounded, while thousands, and sometimes tans of - 2 - thousands of others are herded into prisons and concentrat- ion camps dubbed "strategic hamlets". The Geneva Agreements have restored peace in Viet Nam for more than eight years now, yet the people of South Viet Nam are still living today in the horrors of war. This grave situation may even further deteriorate in view of the fact that in his recent inspection tour of the South Viet Nam operational zone, General Maxwell Taylor, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, held many discussions with the Saigon authorities and General Harkins on the question of expanding US armed intervention in this area. The "undeclared war" now raging in South Viet Nam is a clear manifestation of the policy of intervention and aggression which the US has been pursuing over the last eight years with a view to turning South Viet Nam into a US new type colony and military base. By these schemes and acts, the US Government has grossly infringed upon the independence and sovereignty of Viet Nam. It has most gravely violated the fundamental provisions of the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Viet Nam which it undertook to respect. It has acted contrary to the spirit of the U.N. Charter and the U.N. Resolution relating to the liquidation of colonialism in all its forms. The US Government has created in South Viet Nam & dangerous hotbed of tension which is likely to expand, and which is posing a threat to the peace and security of the peoples of Indo-China and South-East Asia. It is no accident that the US Government a policy of armed aggression in South Viet Warn is being firmly opposed by the people of South Viet Nam united in the South Viet Nam Liberation National Front, and is being severely condemned by world public opinion, US opinion included. Being a signatory to the 1954 Geneva Agreements, and deeply conscious of its sacred duty towards its Fatherland and its countrymen in the South, the Government of th« Demo- cratic Republic of Viet Nam has consistently and correctly - 3 - implemented the Geneva Agreements, and has spared no efforts in the cause of strengthening peace and peaceful reunification of Viet Nam. In the present situation, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam has many a time pointed out that, to safeguard peace in South Viet Nam, it is imperative that the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Viet Nam be correctly implemented by the parties con- cerned that the US Government put an end to its policy of armed aggresion in South Viet Nam, disband forthwith the US military units and military personnel, arms and war material, and that the internal affairs of the Vietnamese people be settled by the Vietnamese themselves in accord- ance with the principles of the United Nations and the 1954 Geneva Agreements. In the interests of world peace and security, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam once again requests the member countries of the U.N. and the U«N. General Assembly to pay special attention to the very dangerous situation obtaining at present in South Viet Nam, in the hope that Your Exc^llrrcy and the U.N. General Assembly will use Your authority to have the U.S. Govern- ment honour its international undertakings in regard to the Geneva Agreements on Viet Nam, thereby contributing to the safeguarding of peace and security in Indo-China and South East Asia. With a view to shadding further light on the situ- ation in South '"Viet Nam, I have the honour to request Xour Excellency to kindly forward to the Delegates to the pre- sent Session of the U.N. General Assembly, - as U.N. docu- ments - copies of this note as well as the book published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Repu- blic of Viet Nam "The US Policy of Intervention and Aggres- sion in South Viet Nam", which will reach you shortly. - 4 - I take this opportunity to renew to lour Excellency the assurances of my high consideration. UNG VAN KHIEM Minister for Foreign Affairs Democratic Republic of Viet Nam caf 7<ct<^7 LU^ V II V 0$ c Cfr^dju^ fc VL <5 ,4 /fcf /S^c/ -r /o~ 4 /? 0 ^ 29 Harch 1963 Dear Mr. Saillant, On behalf of the Secretary-General, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 19 March 1963. Yours sincerely, C.V. Narasimhan Chef de Cabinet Mr. Louis Saillant Secretary-General World Federation of trade Unions Prague, Gseehoslbvakia cc: Mr. Hogan *•38342 WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS FEDERATION SYNDICALE MONDIALE FEDERACION SINDICAL MUNDIAL Prague> le 19 mars1963 BCEMHPHAH OEJJEPAIJHfl nPOOECCHOHAJILHHX COI03OB Address all correspondence to: Adresser la correspond ance au: Toda comunicaci6n ha de ser dirlgida a: TT . SECRETARIAT DE LA U FEDERATION SYNDICALE MONDIALE Secretaire General PRAGUE 1, NAM. CURIEOVfCH 1 TELEPHONE 67.856 de 1 * Organis at ion des Nations Unies ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE: FESYMOND PRAGUE LS/GB/fT0 V NEW-YOKE Monsieur le Secretaire General, La Federation Syndicale Mondiale a appris avec indigna- tion que des produits chimiques toxiques sont largement r^pandus par des avions militaires americains survolant le territoire Sud-Vietnam. Des informations qui nous parviennent en provenance de la Federation des Syndicate du Vietnam, qui est I1organi- sation Syndicale de la Republique Kemocratique du Vietnam, affili^e a la Federation Syndicale Mondiale, confirment que 20 communes populeuses de la province Bentre se trouvent dans la zone atteinte.
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