3 MISSIONS AND MISSIONARY SOCIETIES Biographies 57 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.2 BIOGRAPHIES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, DIARIES, LETTERS, MISSIONARY TRAVELS Collected 374. TANGHE, O. Ons vir jou my swart broer. Brieven, ver- halen en getuigenissen over Vlaamse missionarissen in Zuid- Afrika. Maarkedal: Ceres, 1977. 184p. 375. WILLIAMS, W.L. Black Americans and the evangelization of Africa, 1877-1900. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982. 259p. Includes Southern Africa. 3.1.2. 2 Individual (arranged alphabetically by biographee) Arnot, F.S. 376. TATFORD, F.A. Frederick Stanley Arnot. /'Bath: Echoes ofServiceJ, 1981. fl8Jp. 3.1.3 GENERAL HISTORIES. ATLASES 377. CHOULES, J.O. & SMITH, T. The origin and history of missions ... Boston: Walker and Lincoln & Edmands, 1830. 2v. Includes missions in South Africa. 378. ENKLAAR, I.H. Korn over en help ons! Twaalf opstellen over der Nederlandse zending in de negentiende eeuw. 's-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, 1981. 173p. Includes Van der Kemp's work in South Africa. 58 Missions: General 379. FRESCURA, F. Index of the names of mission stations esta­ blished in the southern African region during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Johannesburg: Transvaal Vernacular Architecture Society in conjunction with Dept, of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand, 1982. 97p. 380. HELLBERG, C.-J. A voice of the voiceless: the involvement of the Lutheran World Federation in Southern Africa 1947- 1977. Uppsala: Swedish Institute of Missionary Research, 1979. 236p. (Studia missionalia upsaliensis; 34) 381. JOHANSON, B.A. Ukuqhubeka kweVangeli. 2nd. ed. Sweetwaters, Natal: Union Bible Institute, 1952. 120p. 382. KEYES, L.E. The last age of missions: a study of Third World missionary societies. Pasadena: William Carey Library 1983. 235p. Includes societies based in Southern Africa. 383. MISSIONARY guide-book; or, A key to the Protestant mis­ sionary map of the world; showing the geography, natural history, climate, population and government; also the rise and progress 5f missionary operations in each country. London: Seeley, 1846. 472p. Includes South Africa, with particulars of the Missionary Societies in South Africa at this period. 384. MISSIONARY register; containing an abstract of the proceed­ ings of the principal missionary and Bible societies through­ out the world. London: [ s .n .] , 1813-1855. 43v. 385. PAULIG, F.E. Bilder aus dem Missionsleben. Nach Muster- darstellungen bearbeitet von F.E. Paulig. Erster Band. Leipzig: Bredt, 1863. 330p. Partial contents: "Der Hottentot Waterbur als Fiirst und Christ", p. 55-72. - "Die Regenmacher in Sudafrika", p. 241-251. 386. WISSELINGH, E.J. Goud uit schuim: bijdragen tot bevorde- ring der Christelijke belangstelling in den arbeid der in- en uitwendige zending. Amsterdam: Hoveker, 1870. 267p. Includes "Een Christen-krijgsman in den Vrijstaat (Zuid- Afrika) fSarel CilliersJ, deur H. van Broekhuizen" p. 132— 142. Regional Histories 59 3.1.4 REGIONAL HISTORIES 387. BADENHORST, C.H. Die Bantoe-tuislande en die sending. Springs: Sendingkantoor, 1975. 65p. 388. BHEBE, N.M.B. Christianity and traditional religion in west­ ern Zimbabwe 1859-1923. London: Longman, 1979. 190p. 389. BIONDI, T. Missionari qualunque. Fra gente, tradizioni e costumi dello Swaziland. Bologna: Editrice Missionaria Italiana, 1984. 163p. (Collana "Incontri") 390. BREMAN, C. Zending van de Nederlandse Gereformeerde Kerken onder de Zulus in Natal, Zuid-Afrika. Amsterdam: V.U. Uitgeverij, 1985. 178p. 391. CRISP, W. The Bechuana of South Africa. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896. 60p. Partial contents: Chap. 10. Introduction of Christianity Chap. 11. Progress of Christianity among the Bechuana. The author was Archdeacon of Bloemfontein. 392. DRESCHER, F.K. Umfang und Eigenart der Arbeit anderer Missionen und der Sekten im Vendalande. 1928. 12 leaves. "Vortrag fur die Konferenz mit den eingeborenen Missions- arbeiten" . Mimeographed. 393. KAMEETA, Z. Gott in schwarzen Gettos: Psalmen und Texte aus Namibia. Hrsg. von T. Sundermeier. Ubers. R .v.T . Sundermeier. Erlangen: Verlag der Ev. Luth. Mission, 1983. 99p. (Erlanger Taschenbiicher; Bd. 65) 394. KRUGER, W.F. Schwarze Christen, weisse Christen; Luther- aner in Namibia und ihre Auseinandersetzung um den christ- lichen Auftrag in der Gesellschaft. Erlangen: Verlag der Ev.-Luth. Mission, 1985. 239p. (Erlanger Monographien aus Mission und Okumene) Summary in English. Originally presented as doctoral thesis, University of Ham­ burg, 1982. 60 Missions: General 395. MASILELA, B.E.T. The history of missions in Zululand with special reference to Entumeni and Eshowe Missions, 1835-1983. M. A. thesis, UZ, 1985. 396. STEENKAMP, J.A.J. Die Christelike sending langs die bene- de-Oranje, met besondere verwysing na die werk van die N. G. Kerk in Korannaland ( teenswoordige Upington en omge- wing); 'n historiese oorsig (1870-1950). M.Th. thesis, US, 1953. 3.1.6 SYNODS, CONFERENCES, ASSEMBLIES: OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS 397. TRANSKEIAN MISSIONARY CONFERENCE (25th: 1933: Umtata). Report of the Transkeian Missionary Conference for 1933. Umtata: Territorial News [ 19337. 12p. 398. TRANSKEIAN MISSIONARY CONFERENCE (26th: 1934: Umtata). Report of the Transkeian Missionary Conference for 1934. Umtata: T.T. News, 719347. 12p. 399. TRANSKEIAN MISSIONARY CONFERENCE (30th: 1938: Umtata). Report of the Transkeian Missionary Conference for 1938. Umtata: T.T. News, [1938]. 16p. 400. TRANSKEIAN MISSIONARY CONFERENCE (31st: 1939: Umtata). Report of the Transkeian Missionary Conference for 1939. Umtata: T.T. News, [1939]. lip. 3.1.8 MISSIONARIES: TRAINING, ROLE, DISCIPLINE 401. SUNDKLER, B.G.M. The Christian ministry in Africa. London: S.C.M. Press, 1960. 346p. Includes South Africa. 3.1.12 TEACHING, PREACHING, CATECHETICS 402. JACKSON, W.B. The communication of the message of salva­ tion to young urban Xhosa; an empirical study in the Eastern Cape. M.Th. thesis, Unisa, 1983. Mission Education 61 3.1.13 MISSION EDUCATION, SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES 403. HEESE, C.P. Sendingonderwys in Suidwes-Afrika 1806-1870: 'n kritiese beskouing van bepaalde aspekte. Goodwood: Nasionale Boekdrukkery, c. 1980. 208p. M.Ed. thesis, US, 1978. 404. LATEGAN, M.M. Sending- en staatsonderwys vir die inheem- se bevolking van die Kavango; 'n histories-pedagogiese be­ ginning. M.Ed. thesis, Unisa, 1980. 405. MEYER, G.W.B. Sendingwerk en onderwys in Lesotho vanuit 'n histories-didaktiese gesigspuni. D.Ed. thesis, UOFS, 1980. 406. MPHAHLELE, M.C.J. The development, role and influence of missionary teacher training institutions in the territory of Lebowa. D.Ed. thesis, UNIN, 1979. 3.1.14 MINISTRY: MISSION HOSPITALS, ORPHANAGES, ETC. 407. DIRECTORY of Protestant church-related hospitals: outside Europe and North America. New York: Missionary Research Library, 1963. 159p. 408. GELFAND, M. Christian doctor and nurse; the history of medical missions in South Africa from 1799-1976; by M. Gel- fand, with the assistance of material collected by the late R.D. Aitken and the late G.W. Gale; with a foreword by Mrs. R.D. Aitken. Sandton: Published by the Aitken family and friends, 1984. 346p. 409. MTALANE, L.J.T. The contribution of the Lutheran Mission Societies to the development of health services in Natal 1898- 1978. M. A. thesis, UNISA, 1984. 3.1.17 MISSIOLOCY: PROBLEMS PECULIAR TO MISSION WORK (e.g. polygamy), POLICY OF MISSIONARY SOCIETY 410. BOSCH, D.J. Heil vir die wereld: die Christelike sending in teologiese perspektief. Pretoria: N.G. Kerkboekhandel, [19797. 263p. 62 Roman Catholic Missions 411. BUYS, G.L. Die holistiese sendingbenadering in die ekume- niese diskussie met besondere verwysing na kerk en sending in Suidwes-Afrika/Namibia. D.Th. thesis, US, 1983. 412. KRITZINGER, J.J. , MEIRING, P.G.J. & SAAYMAN, W.A. You will be my witnesses: an introduction to methods of mission. Pretoria: N.G. Kerkboekhandel, 1984. 159p. 413. VAN DER MERWE, D.C.S. Die sendingtaak in die lig van die uitverkiesingsleer. M.Th. thesis, PU, 1960. 414. VAN DER MERWE, W.J. The witness of the church in Zimbab­ we. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, 1982. 62p. "An attempt to give some indication of the pastoral and evan­ gelistic task of the churches in Zimbabwe under the changing circumstances" . 415. VAN NIEKERK, A.S. jr. 'n Nuwe motivering vir sending? Sovenga: Studiegroep "Kerk en wereld", 1982. 53p. (Kerk en wereld; nr. 7) 416. WEINRICH, A.K.H. African marriage in Zimbabwe and the impact of Christianity. Gweru: Mambo Press, 1982. 212p. (Zambeziana; v.13) 3.2 ROMAN CATHOLIC 3.2.2 BIOGRAPHIES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, DIARIES, LETTERS, MISSIONARY TRAVELS 3. 2.2.1 Collected 417. COLOMBO, A. Gesuiti oggi ... anche cosi: testimonianze; presentazione di p. Pedro Arrupe. Bologna: E.M.I., 1978. 147p. (Collana Incontri; n.8) Includes Jesuit martyrs in Zimbabwe. 418. DISCHL, M. Two missionary bishops: Emmanuel Hanisch, Prefect and Vicar Apostolic of Umtata 1930-1940; and Joseph Grueter, Vicar Apostolic and Bishop of Umtata 1940-1968; their lives and deeds. fMariannhillJ: Mariannhill Mission Institute, 1983. 132p. Biographies 63 419. RUSSELL, H. Africa's twelve apostles. Boston: St. Paul Edns., 1981. 387p. Biographies of twelve founders of religious Institutes working in Africa. Includes F. Pfanner. 3. 2. 2. 2 Individual (arranged alphabetically by biographee) Bradburne, J. 420. DOVE, J. John Bradburne of Mutemwa, 1921-1979. Gweru: Mambo Press, 1985. 24p. (Makers of Zimbabwe; 2) De Mazenod, E. 421. DE MAZENOD, E. Letters to Ceylon and Africa, 1847-1860. Rome: General Postulation O .M .1. , 1980. 233p. (Collection
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